meetup with Hara's friend.

The Endless Love

"SHINJA!?????? marriage? aigoooo Hara you're still not ready... i mean ofcourse you're ready to have a boyfriend because that won't last forever... but A HUSBAND?!!! he must've got kick by Hara everytime they went to sleep."and all of them laughed by what Hyeri just said. "Hara ah, i think u need to talk with Jackson and ask him to tell the truth to Mrs.Kim because you can't force yourself to love someone especially when it comes to marriage things. this is a serious thing you know" Hara just sat down while looking away. She don't know what to do. she's totally not Jackson's type. and she didn't even love Jackson so how can they marriage? "isnt Jackson is rich? if you marriage to him, you'll live happily with his money.. and u can treat us all eat everyday!!" teased BamBam. Mark and BamBam clap each other's hands.  "aish BamBam... this is serious okay? pls be serious.. we need to help Hara not add more trouble to her.. i see my little princess here so pity *hyeri pinch hara's cheek many times until Hara woke up from her dreaming"" "yah!!! it's painful! don't u know?!" "hahahahaha.. i saw u staring outside from just now. waeyo?" "im still thinking to accept or to tell the truth." "aigooo.. okay here... if you just accept him you will survive from your problem.. but if u revealed the truth there are more works you need to do and u have to face his whole family because you lied to all of them. so.. if u want to close the case.. just accept him.. it's better to be in love after marriage than before. trust me you'll love him later on... you just have to wait and see if you don't believe me" *everyone claps due to BamBam brilliant idea*  "yah bambam since when u turn so clever? u even beat Mark." "mark is loser im not so cheers to Bambam brilliant idea" *cheers* Hara just laughed even in her mind she still thinking about Mrs.Kim request. She then suddenly received a message from Jackson "i want to meet u now!! come to my house!!" She quickly left her friends without saying goodbye, because she was really rushing. So when Hara arrived at Jackson's place, jackson wanted to discuss about what Mrs.Kim requested. " yah Hara ah, i think we should just go with what my aunty want us to do. marriage. yes, we'll get marriage even you like or dislike it, we still have to pretend we like it.. i dont want to make it a long story then , we should get marriage. so, for the preparation for the wedding next month, whatever Mrs.Kim ask u to pick, the gown,  flowers, and blablabla just go with her choice because she know what's the best for us. so if she contact you to ask you accompany her to go to the wedding's shop, just go. arasso?" "*sigh* nae nae~ don't you feel tired talking a lot? i kno what to do better than your idea. so you dont have to teach me because im good at pretending too. heh im so sleepy. im going to bed. goodbye!" she bowed at Jackson just like how she met Jackson at first, she always bowed at jackson to proof that she's really a good girl. *so cute* Jackson sigh due to Hara's acting like a kiddo. *heh* jackson laughed. 



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