so sorry

Caramel Macchiato
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Hey guys! I'm so so sorry that there have not been any updates in a long time. I am working on stuff right now. 

With Suga's recent mix tape that was dropped, I had found some inspiration and I'm half way through another chapter, but I will not be posting it until I have the chapter after finished. My goal is to make this a 10 chapter story, packed full of good fangirl worthy stuff. Thank you all for your patience, I promise it will be worth the wait!



Monica Lynn

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mikikitten #1
Chapter 3: I love this story!
I hope you can update soon!
zikyungxoxo #2
great story!
Chapter 2: I adore Caramel Macchiato... I'm hooked!!! Memories are so powerful... Haewon never forgot him, but I bet he's never forgotten her either (I imagine they've both changed this they were 15 year olds).
Chapter 1: Call me Katniss because I totally volunteer to be squeezed into a tiny elevator with BTS/live in a tiny dorm with them(I know I'm so cheesy)!! I totally get her qualms with being a mom to seven boys/assistant manager when she really wants to be a star herself, but I have a feeling she’ll change her tune in upcoming chapters. Good start!!!
KayeYeo #5
Chapter 2: This is good! I really hope you can update soon!
pinkytoe220 #6
Chapter 1: I've liked this so far , hope you write the next chapter soon~!