Break it

Caramel Macchiato
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     The sun wasn't even up yet, but I was. I got less than the 5 hours of sleep I expected. The boys keep their dorm colder that I like and I didn't pack any warm clothes. I ended up getting a few of the large coats that were by the door and wrapping them around me. Even then it was hard for me to get comfortable due to the idea of 7 boys being just on the other side of the paper thin wall. Seven people I never met until a few hours prior. Lucky for me, my first official day on the job was a light one. Only practice and recording in the studio. Only one building we have to go to. Less driving for me, that's the best news I could ask for. 

     Getting up, I pilled the coats in the corner between the couch and wall. The cool air made contact with my bare skin and goose bumps covered it. I flicked on the light in the room and started to clean up some of the living room, folding the clothes that were laid out to dry. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something move. I turned around to see a sleepy Jin standing at the other end of the couch. His hair was sticking out in every direction and his clothes were disheveled. He just stood there staring at me. We stayed like tha for a good minute before he broke the silence. "We're out of coffee. Can we get some on the way to practice?" I nodded in approval, "We can if you wake up the others." He threw up an 'OK' symbol and made his way back to their room, shuffling his feet along the fake wooden floor. I followed him in to make sure he was doing as told, with my clothes in hand so I could get the bathroom befora anyone else. He kept the light off but I could here him openning the blinds and whispering soft 'yah's to the members to bring them back to life. I flipped the light on to give an extra boost of energy and was greeted with several groans. I quickly changed in the only private room in the house and apon exiting I found a line of boys waiting for their turn, Jin being the last. 

"Jin, I'm going to be right back. How long does it take all of you to get ready?"

"Uhm... Maybe half an hour? Why? Where are you going?"

"I'm going to run to starbucks, I saw one next door when I was moving in. Is black coffee good for all of you?"

     Again, he nodded and gave me the 'OK' sign. I slipped out the door without any of the others noticing and took the stairs to the main level. outside there was a swarm of girls and guys holding cameras and many boxes. They were divided into several groups a few signs popped up as I opened the door, along with a few screams out of excitement that the person they were waiting for might be coming out the door. The simmered down as quickly as they stirr

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mikikitten #1
Chapter 3: I love this story!
I hope you can update soon!
zikyungxoxo #2
great story!
Chapter 2: I adore Caramel Macchiato... I'm hooked!!! Memories are so powerful... Haewon never forgot him, but I bet he's never forgotten her either (I imagine they've both changed this they were 15 year olds).
Chapter 1: Call me Katniss because I totally volunteer to be squeezed into a tiny elevator with BTS/live in a tiny dorm with them(I know I'm so cheesy)!! I totally get her qualms with being a mom to seven boys/assistant manager when she really wants to be a star herself, but I have a feeling she’ll change her tune in upcoming chapters. Good start!!!
KayeYeo #5
Chapter 2: This is good! I really hope you can update soon!
pinkytoe220 #6
Chapter 1: I've liked this so far , hope you write the next chapter soon~!