Make It

Caramel Macchiato
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-this is not what I worked so hard for. All those years of training put to waste.- I thought to myself with a sigh as I pushed the up button for the elevator.

     Today is my first day as assistant manager of a group I've heard about but never bothered to research or listen to, BTS. This means I'm going to be living with them from now until their manager gets out of the hospital, which is an unknow circumstance since he was in a motorcycle accident and broke several bones and is on a resporator at the moment. a monotone 'ding' signaled that the lift had arrived and I picked up my modest sized bag and stepped into the small box. As the doors began to close I could hear a smooth voice calling out, "Hey! Hold it for us please!"

     A slender arm pushed its way between the doors to stop it. I quickly pressed the open button to prevent any chance of the stranger getting injured. As they retracted, they revealed a slender body to match the mysterious arm. He was tall and slightly tanned like he spent a weekend at the beach. He flashed as smile as a thank you, "Yah! Hurry up, someone else is on here too!" Though smooth, his voice had a loudness that you wouldn't expect. Soon, several more popped up and joined me in the tiny box. Did I mention it was tiny? Well, it is. It could comfortably fit five but there were now 7 of us in it. My anxiety began to kick in as I started to think about the weight limit and how if one more person got in we might all fall to our deaths. 

"Sorry, to make you wait, but we have one more person." smiling again, he kept his arm in the door. "Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you here before."

"Yeah, I'm moving in with a few people I work with. But I don't remember where I'm going actually. I just know I'm on the 5th floor."

     Another one spoke up this time, he had wide eyes and a big mouth, he kind of reminded me of the cheshire cat, "Oh! We live on that floor too! We have to wait for Suga hyung though since he has our house key. I'm Taehyung by the way," he smiled. In the distance I could hear footsteeps on the marble floor. Another young man made his way to the elevator and stepped in. My guess is my anxiety began to show since all of them were now intensly looking at me. The doors slid shut with a soft thud as the new person, I'm betting this is Suga, harshly pressed the 5 button, making it glow brightly. He slightly nodded his head at me as the once calm atmosphere became awkward. I was squished into a corner with my suitcase behind me. a few of the boys i couldnt see well were messing around and shoving, causing me to fall onto my suitcase and bump my head. -aish, this REALLY isn't what I asked for. Why can't I just be isolated and alone?- I rubbed the back of my head as suga helped pull me back up. "Thank you." He just nodded again. -Why does this one look familiar?-

     With each passing floor a tiny beep was made to notify us. It felt like forever to get to the 5th floor when in realit it was probably only seconds. They all filed out before me, except the cheshire looking one who grabbed my bag for me and pulled it out of the elevator. Slowly, he walked along

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mikikitten #1
Chapter 3: I love this story!
I hope you can update soon!
zikyungxoxo #2
great story!
Chapter 2: I adore Caramel Macchiato... I'm hooked!!! Memories are so powerful... Haewon never forgot him, but I bet he's never forgotten her either (I imagine they've both changed this they were 15 year olds).
Chapter 1: Call me Katniss because I totally volunteer to be squeezed into a tiny elevator with BTS/live in a tiny dorm with them(I know I'm so cheesy)!! I totally get her qualms with being a mom to seven boys/assistant manager when she really wants to be a star herself, but I have a feeling she’ll change her tune in upcoming chapters. Good start!!!
KayeYeo #5
Chapter 2: This is good! I really hope you can update soon!
pinkytoe220 #6
Chapter 1: I've liked this so far , hope you write the next chapter soon~!