small dot


"G Dragon sunbaenim, I can't date with you. If you want ticket for our concert or buy something that you want, I will try to give you. I am sorry don't try to contact me again and lets pretend that we never meet. "

Her voice replay in my mind, after she leaves me. Last statement that make me shock when she said, "Please forget our meeting and don't fall in love with me". So she is still listen what I am said. Last night, I whispered to her that I already fall in love to her. I have on eyes to her when SNSD debut, she is so pure and pretty. 


6 Burlington Garden London

I am back again to gallery because Seunghyun hyung calls me that he needs my help to take care paintings that he bought it in this exhibition. " Jiyongie, please help me to take my babies", Seunghyun said this morning. I don't understand why hyung so fall in love to arts and painting so deeply.

"Small dot", "Lisamona", and "Rome" already done pack to fly to Korea. I just shock when one of employee in that gallery said that. "Small dot"? So hyung buys that painting. 


After long flight, I am back again to Korea. Back to Korea, it means back again using mask to everyone that I meet. After scandal, I hide on artist mask. Yups its hard but I am must deal it.

My mind still on Taeyeon and "small dot", if I buy it from hyung maybe I can have chance to meet her again. But I must tell to hyung that I interested to " small dot" painting and I don't know what kind reaction that hyung to me.

ding dong ding dong

"Jiyong, its me", I look Seunghyun hyung smile so brightly to me. " Oh my babies...thank you Jiyong bring my babies safely to Korea ", Seunghyun hyung said in happy tone.

"Small dot"....

Seunghyun admire " small dot " painting with glass of wine in his hand. "Jiyong do you want to know behind of "small dot" painting?", Seunghyun hyung takes deep breath before story tell. "I want to know hyung", I said in curious tone. "It's about separation, one of painter experience that separation. That painting full of black colour because its symbolize of separation and white colour like dot its symbolize his ex girlfriend shadow." Seunghyun hyung tries to control his expression when tell that. "Hyung its so sad story", I said while I am in deep thinking.


so that's why you fall in love to " small dot" painting, Tae.

I am sorry that I can't promise regularly and long update. I write this chapter when I wait in hospital. My mom must do surgery again and my laptop passed away. So for "Someone like you" subscribers must be wait long to update new story.


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fuchaoife #1
Chapter 4: Continue this story pleaseeeee
JiyongTheG2 #2
Chapter 4: Huwah, your update O_O
This is good, but too short <3
Thanks Author-nim, hope Tae will know that she is G live, and have a good day for you ^^
Next chapters, fighting!!!
firstblessing #3
Chapter 4: fighting...
lynn_yu #4
Chapter 3: get well soon for your mom..
hope everything get better..
Update soon
lynn_yu #6
Chapter 2: nice chapter jiyong & tae..but too short...
thanks for update & keep writting..^^
eordeth #7
Chapter 1: curious...keep updating!!