

(TW. Slight violence towards end of chapter)


                                       The way you speak, it has all became dark and scary
                                        Is it because of the memory that I want to kill
                                        I erase myself from my heart
                                        Cause a kind heart is useless
                                         It’s a flaw in this world


You walk along a quiet street, with only the click of the heels of your red stillettos breaking the silence. It’s that time of the evening, when the day is just about to end and the night is about to begin. It’s a transitory period where the defined taste of change is in the air and the city’s atmosphere transforms. It’s when your kind of people come out from their day long hangovers to enter the night to begin working, partying and everything in between. Tonight you’re wearing a tight black sleeved dress, that covers up everything but your legs and accentuates all your curves. Your lips are painted as red as blood and your hair cascades in ringlets around your face. You always have to dress up this much even though it can take up to two hours to get ready. Your job requires you always looking 100 percent perfect and nothing less. And tonight that matters more than ever.

Having to stop in the black swan is cutting into the time you would have spent eyeing up potential ‘customers’. To make up for lost time you’ll have to be fast and pick out only the most desperate. It’s not as fun when they’re easy to play around with but you told Byungho you’d do better and if you fail you’ll have to face the consequences. He doesn’t take kindly to people who can’t follow through on their word.

The black swan isn’t too far from your apartment so you had decided to walk. You’re in great need of clearing your head after thinking about Seunghyun this morning. Thinking about him puts you in a very bad place. You’re supposed to be forgetting him and moving on with your life. Remembering the good times only makes it harder.

You arrive at the Black Swan, which is a small black bar in the middle of Ironacre’s less troublesome area. The usual people you find here are those who don’t earn much money and just want a quiet drink. Which is why you’re kind of shocked you’re delivering drugs to it. Perhaps even this bar can’t escape the toxicity that is Ironacre, it spreads everywhere like a poison.

You go inside and there are a few men dotted around the place but there is only one guy sitting at the bar itself. You walk over and stand a few feet away from him just in case he tries to make conversation.

The bar man is younger than you expected. Probably in his thirties dressed in a red flannel shirt and jeans. He glances at you and smiles.

‘’What’s your poison baby?’’

You don’t reply and instead lift your hand to show your ring. He nods in understanding.

‘’Wait here, I’ll be back with the funds.’’

He waves a hand in front of the other guys face so he looks at him.

‘’Keep an eye on the bar will you?’’

The guy just grunts in reply and continues drinking.

You tap your foot in impatience as you wait. You don’t have all day for this, you have to get out as soon as possible or you’ll be forced to check out what the black swan has to offer, and based on what you’ve seen so far, it isn’t offering much.

‘’You seem a little young to be coming into a bar like this.’’

You look around to see who is talking to you and realise it’s the guy sitting there.

‘’I don’t think that’s your business’’ you respond tautly.

‘’All I’m saying is you could attract the wrong attention.’’

You look at him then. From where he’s sitting all you can see is the left side of his face so you have no idea if he’s some old creep trying it on or what. That’s when he lifts his hand to take a drink and you see a gold watch glinting in the light. If you were a cartoon character your eyes would be making dollar signs. It definitely looks expensive, fakes don’t shine as bright as that.

You plaster a meek smile on your face and sidle over to him.

‘’What kind of attention would that be?’’

Now that you’re closer he looks younger than expected. Too young to hang around here. But he is still worth looking at, if you manage to bag a guy here you’ll be able to bag another before the night even ends.

He smirks ‘’You’re really not subtle you know.’’

Your smile falters slightly at his attitude. This one is more difficult than expected.

‘’You don’t have to be so rude, I’m just making conversation.’’

‘’All I’m saying is, I know what your game is and it isn’t going to work on me.’’

You laugh dryly.

‘’As if I’d try anything on with an old guy like you.’’

‘’Old guy? Seriously?’’ he turns to look at you then ‘’I’m twenty freaking three lady.’’

He has a terrible scowl on his face but for some reason it looks so familiar to you.

Too familiar.

‘’Who…who are you?’’ you ask in a whisper.

He raises an eyebrow ‘’What? Why are you asking me that?’’

It can’t be him. There’s no way. This guy has short black hair, he’d never cut his hair that short.

That’s when you see it and your world stops. Everything around you disappears and all you can focus on is one thing. The scar on his right eyebrow. The scar he had always hid away from everyone and himself.

‘’Hello? Lady?’’

The barman’s voice pulls you out of your stupor and you turn to him. You pull the package out and slip it quickly across the table which he exchanges with a wad of cash tied with a rubber band.

‘’You look awfully pale, maybe your boss should send someone else next time if you’re not up for it.’’

You shake your head ‘’No I’m fine, sorry, I’ll go now.’’

You turn to leave but a hand wraps around your wrist and holds you in place. Your heart palpitates. The feeling is so familiar you feel like you’ve been transported back in time to five years ago. But you haven’t. This is the present. He is gone. It can’t be him, coincidences like this don’t happen in real life.

‘’Do I know you?’’

You look at him. His eyes are squinted in suspicion. You both just stare at each other for what feels like forever and it’s as if time has stopped. Suddenly you have an image of the Seunghyun you knew in your head, with his floppy black hair and cheeky grin. This guy is completely different. But that scar. You’d know that scar anywhere.

His eyes widen and his mouth drops open slightly.

‘’Ja…jagiya?’’ his says in shock and it shoots through your heart like an arrow.

‘’I have to go’’ you say and tear your wrist from his grip.

You spin around and practically sprint out of the bar. You can hear his chair scrape back as he jumps up to follow you.

‘’WAIT A SECOND’’ he shouts but you’re already out on the street.

You eye a taxi coming up the road and wave your arm till it skids to a stop beside you. You hop inside and turn to see him running over with a look of pure desperation on his face. You slam the door shut and lock it.

He presses himself against the door and pounds on the window with his fist, shouting your name. Yet all you can do is watch him as the taxi drives off and leaves him behind.

You put your head between your legs and try to calm down.

‘’That guy giving you trouble?’’ the taxi driver asks sympathetically ‘’it’s a shame when nice girls like you get involved with men like that.’’

‘’Just…take me to club Euphoria please.’’

You need to get on with business. It’s expected that you check in with Byungho and give him his money as soon possible, as an insurance policy on the off chance you were mugged or tried to spend any of it.

You pay the driver with your own cash and climb shakily from the taxi. You still haven’t calmed down from the shock. Was that really Seunghyun back there? And if it was why did you run away? Why were you so scared?

Probably because you don’t want him to see what you’ve become.

You shake away the bad thoughts and hurry down the alley and into the club. It’s only 9pm but the place is already packed and pounding with music. You push your way through the crowds till you spy Byungho in a booth talking with another man.

You go over and like always he looks pleased to see you.

‘’I see you got the job done then!’’

He beckons you forth to sit squeezed between him and the other man who you don’t recognise. He looks a little older but is kind of handsome, in a refined sophisticated way.

You pull out the money and pass it to Byungho. His smile widens and he kisses the money in delight.

‘’I do love a thick wad of cash.’’

He kisses you next.

‘’And I do love when my women pull through.’’

You smile weakly at him.

‘’Thank you sir, but I still have more to do so I better go…’’

You try to stand but he pulls you back down and wraps an arm tightly around your waist.

‘’Actually, forget about that tonight. I just want you to stay here.’’

You look at him in confusion.

‘’But I have to-‘’

He gives you a death stare and it shuts you up. You shouldn’t dare question him, ever. That is his number one rule.

‘’Just have a drink.’’

He reaches out to grab a bottle of white wine sitting in an ice bucket and pours you a glass. You take it and drink it very quickly. Alcohol is the only thing that can calm you down.

‘’She’s a fast drinker’’ says the man next to you ‘’I like it.’’

Byungho laughs ‘’That she is. But I haven’t introduced you both yet.’’

‘’__________’’ he says your name ‘’This is Jaehyuk, he owns club Ero and we are going to be working together in the future.’’

You shake his hand politely and smile.

‘’It’s nice to meet you.’’

‘’And you’’ he responds but the way he is eyeing you up makes you feel nervous.

Club Ero is an up and coming strip/ dance club. Of course Ironacre has its fair share of such places but this one has grown in popularity recently. It’s no surprise that Byungho wants to sink his teeth in.

Byungho and Jaehyuk continue talking and you continue drinking and speak only when spoken to. After a while you feel that familiar haze you always get when you’re starting to become drunk. You let yourself fall into it until you’re completely relaxed.

‘’Ah our girl seems to be enjoying herself’’ Byungho says ‘’Maybe now is a good time to talk business.’’

You’re not sure what he’s talking about but you don’t care.

‘’Jaehyuk here is looking for new recruits and I’ve agreed to lend him some of my ladies.’’

You nod ‘’Alright.’’

‘’And, seeing as you’re so talented in appealing to men and the male gaze, I thought you’d be the perfect candidate for Jaehyuk  to try out.’’

You stiffen at his words. What does ‘try out ’mean?

‘’So you’ll be going with Jaehyuk tonight. Give him the VIP treatment and show him what you’re made of.’’ He smirks ‘’It’s your time to shine.’’

‘’Sir…I’m not…quite sure..’’

Suddenly Byungho pops something in his mouth before pulling you roughly towards him for a kiss. As he kisses you, you feel a small pill being forced into your mouth by his tongue. He pulls away and shoves the wine glass to your mouth.

‘’Drink up sweetheart.’’

You try to pull away but he’s forcing it into your mouth and you can’t help but swallow.

‘’It’s just an upper, to get you in the mood.’’

‘’Byungho’’ you splutter ‘’please I never agreed to this kind of thing.’’

Byungho grins wickedly.

‘’You agreed to work for me and that means doing what I tell you to do when I want you to do it. Or you’ll face the consequences.’’

He stands and pulls you up with him. The room around you spins and you almost topple over till Jaehyuk grabs your other arm.

‘’I’ll even you out to Mister Jaehyuks car, that’s how much I care about you, Jagiya.’’

The way he says Jagiya is almost sinister and it makes your stomach turn. Why is this happening? Everything had been going fine until today. Why has everything changed yet again?

They both pull you out of the club and up the alley towards a car. You don’t want to do this. Yes you’ve done stuff to please Byungho’s ‘associates’ before but nothing like this. This isn’t your choice and this isn’t okay, he can’t force you into a situation like this, it doesn’t matter who he is.

You gather all your strength and start twisting frantically in their arms.

‘’Jesus christ’’ Byungho grunts ‘’Calm down you .’’

Their hold on you loosens and you manage to pull away and fall out of your heels and onto your knees. You try to scramble onto your feet to run away but Byungho grabs a handful of your hair and pulls you back towards him.

It’s so painful that you can’t fight back.

‘’Mister Jaehyuk, I’m afraid you’ll have to give us a moment, please wait in your car.’’

‘’Alright, but don’t mess her up too much.’’

He leaves and it’s just you and Byungho.

‘’I don’t want to hurt you, you know.’’ Byungho says maliciously ‘’But you know what happens when you cross me.’’

You do know. You know all too well.

He smacks you across the face and sends you tumbling sideways. Then he lifts you by your hair and hits you again. And again. And again.

‘’STOP’’ you scream ‘’Let me go.’’

You want to fight back but you’re so weak. The alcohol and the drugs are mixing up in your system like a deathly cocktail and you just flail around helplessly.

‘’I’m sorry it has to be this way.’’

He pulls his hand back again for another smack. You close your eyes so you can’t see it coming. But then, it doesn’t.

You open your eyes and find that his arm is being held back by someone behind him.

‘’Who the hell…’’

Byungho swings his other fist around to hit this stranger but he grabs his other fist too.

‘’I’m sorry it has to be this way’’ he says mocking him ‘’But no one hurts my family and gets away with it.’’

Your heart pounds. It’s Seunghyun.

He shoves Byungho backwards against the wall and deals him a bone shattering uppercut strike to his chin. Byungho staggers for a second and tries to regain his balance, till Seunghyun’s foot flies against his side and sends him flying to the ground. The kicking continues till he is no longer moving. And everything is quiet again.

The bouncer is watching from the doorway but doesn’t dare get involved. If someone is strong enough to beat down a gang boss then he isn’t to be messed with.

 ‘’Why the are you here?’’

You look up at Seunghyun whose face is contorted in rage. He doesn’t look at you, he just stares at the ground.

‘’I’m sorry.’’

He squeezes his eyes shut and takes in a deep breath.

‘’You shouldn’t be in this city, this is exactly what I didn’t want.’’

He sounds furious and the anger in his expression makes him look so different from the boy you used to know. He looks rougher now, his face lacks the softness it used to have. You don’t like it at all and you don’t like how he’s speaking to you considering how it’s the first time you’ve seen him in five years. It’s not exactly the reunion you dreamed of.

You push yourself up off the ground and press your back against the wall for support. But everything feels hazy and dreamlike, nothing that’s happening feels real.

‘’I don’t need to hear this from you’’ you mumble ‘’You just beat the out of my boss…what will I do now?’’

He looks at you incredulously.

‘’Your boss? You work for him of all people? So he pimps you out is that right?’’

You glare at him ‘’No he doesn’t.’’

‘’So where was he taking you just now? And don’t say he was taking you home I’ve been in this game long enough to know what was happening.’’

‘’Shut up Seunghyun.’’

‘’You should be grateful. If I hadn’t followed you here you’d be long gone.’’

You know he’s right but you don’t want to admit it. You don’t want to be saved by him, you’re doing just fine by yourself.

Byungho groans painfully and coughs out your name.

‘’Go…go get help.’’ He hisses.

You go to bend down beside him to check how bad his injuries are but Seunghyun steps in front of you. You bang your head against his chest which is as hard as a rock. Is he a body builder now too or something?


‘’Not a chance. You’re coming with me so I can sort you out.’’

He grabs your arm and starts dragging you off. But you struggle against him.

‘’I have to stay here with Byungho’’ you slur ‘’He needs me.’’

Seunghyun stops then and holds your face in his large hands. He doesn’t look angry anymore, he just looks sad. You can see the Seunghyun you knew five years ago, when he’d hold you after something bad happened and promised you that everything would be okay. Because he would look after you, always and forever.

‘’You don’t need him. I’m here now, it’s going to be okay.’’

Something inside you snaps because of his words. For the past five years you’ve been the only one looking out for yourself. You’ve been so alone and so afraid with no one watching over you. You never thought you’d find Seunghyun again and hear him say those words. It must be fate.

You feel tears drip down your eyes and onto his hands.

‘’Seunghyun’’ you cry ‘’I was so scared.’’

 ‘’I know’’ he replies and he pulls you against him ‘’That’s why you need to leave him.’’

He wraps his arms tightly around you.

‘’But first.. just…let me hold you for a minute.’’

You’re so overwhelmed by everything that’s happened, you can’t quite believe you’re standing here in Seunghyun’s arms again. Is it the drugs? Are you hallucinating? The pain in your cheeks reminds you that you’re not, that this is real, and there is going to be hell to pay when Byungho wakes up.

‘’You’re coming back with me.’’


‘’No buts’’ he says sharply ‘’That er has you doped up on drugs you’re not going anywhere alone tonight.’’

He keeps an arm around you to steady you, and you stagger out of the alley while holding onto him for dear life. As you walk around front you notice that Jaehyuks car is gone and you breathe a sigh of relief.

Seunghyun leads you to a long black car down the street and eases you into the backseat before getting in next to you.

‘’We need to go to my place Jiyong.’’

A guy with bright blonde hair turns back from the driver’s seat to look at you suspiciously.

‘’Who is she?’’

‘’I’ll explain later, just go.’’

Jiyong shrugs and starts the car.

Now that you’re finally sitting down you lose all of your remaining strength and your head hangs in exhaustion.

‘’It’s okay, you can lie down.’’

You feel Seunghyun ease your head down on his lap and you stretch your legs out. His hand your hair gently.

‘’You’ll be okay, just sleep now.’’

You fall asleep and wake up only briefly when Seunghyun scoops you out of the car and carries you away like a baby.

It’s just like old times and yet things couldn’t be more different.


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angelnini #1
Chapter 4: Wow this is great story already,can't wait to read more of it
please update soon fighting
xxkwonji #2
Chapter 3: update please! the beginning is already so good *__*
Popkorn17 #3
Chapter 2: This sounds promising, please update since I would definitely like to know what happens next... Or more specifically when she next sees 'him'...