Chapter 5

The Truth Cannot Be Hidden Forever

“Sasa gave you this?” Sungha asked, monotone as she turned the leaf over to examine it.

“Yes. What is it Imo?”

Her aunt hummed and nodded, “this leaf comes from a plant called Naphenoric, a special herb that has magical healing qualities. Naphenoric are extremely rare and difficult to find.”

Ji-eun found it strange that her aunt didn’t seem at all suspicious that Sasa had given her a leaf from a herb. A very special rare one too. Her aunt was just being neutral and she made no comment about the silver letters spelling out her name on the leaf either.

“How does it work?” She asked curiously.

“One leaf of Naphenoric will heal all the internal or external physical injuries on one’s body no matter how severe the damage is and whether the wound was obtained by hand, weapon or magic. One leaf, can save a life but it must be eaten whole. It cannot be ripped into parts and eaten bit by bit therefore, it can only be used once. Although depending on the severity of the damage, this will also affect the time all injuries will take to heal.”  Sungha said, looking at the leaf thoughtfully.

Multiple questions swam around Ji-eun’s mind, why would Sasa give this to me? How did she get it? Could she have gotten it from someone?

“Can’t you duplicate it?”

Her aunt shook her head, “it’s a magic herb, believe it or not but the power the plant holds will deplete the more it is duplicated.”

Sungha held out the leaf to her niece, “anyway this is yours. I suggest you keep it in a safe place, it is very fortunate that you were given this leaf. Who knows you may need it one day. It would be best to only use it when there is actually an emergency. And no Ji-eun, cutting your finger with a knife is not an emergency.”

She slightly laughed remembering the first time Ji-eun cut her finger with a knife and panicked so much, she never touched a knife again for a very long time. “So use it wisely.” 

“But there is blood when you cut your finger and it stings! The sharp pain that goes through your finger–”   

“Which can be healed without herbs or magic.” Sungha stated firmly.

Ji-eun stuck out her bottom lip, took the leaf and placed it in a small jar. “I’ll keep it safe.” She finally said as she went up to her room.

Sungha furrowed her eyebrows in deep thought as she watched her niece disappear from the kitchen. Naphenoric huh? That’s unusual.


 Ji-eun put on her uniform, checked herself in the mirror and tied up her hair into a high ponytail.

Good thing changing her usual wavy hair into dead straight was a basic spell. It would help her hide her appearance a lot more if anyone had seen her already.

Unfortunately it only lasts for a day so she has to remember to cast the spell every time she woke up.

Ji-eun felt especially odd without her head band, bangles and usual clothing. The gold motif on her uniform glistened as she turned left and right. Satisfied, she walked into the kitchen to greet her aunt.

"That uniform looks lovely on you" Sungha complimented looking at Ji-eun up and down. “Your straight hair makes you look different too.”

"Thanks Imo" Ji-eun quickly stuffed her face with toast and jam, filling her empty glass with orange juice.

Someone's excited, Sungha noted.

Ji-eun downed her juice with a gulp. She lifted her wrist with the bracelet "I really can't take this off?"

Sungha rolled her eyes, "No you can't"

"But how can I be an angel without wings or having the ability to reflect powers? Everyone would think I'm weird!" She protested.

Sungha gave her a look, “Ji-eun-”

“And then I won’t be able to make any friends!” Ji-eun cried in despair. Then her head shot up, “oh my gosh, Supernaturals, I’m really going to see them?”

Sungha stared at the young witch hybrid with slight amusement in her eyes as her niece continued freaking out.

They stood at the front door of the house, "are you sure you don't want me to you to school?" Sungha asked, Ji-eun’s hair

"No I'm fine" Ji-eun breathed in and out slowly, "I'm ready."

Sungha kissed her cheek, "remember what I told you and Ji-eun, don't let your emotions get the best of you."

Ji-eun nodded, closed her eyes "bye Imo, I'll miss you" before Sungha used the teleportation spell to transport Ji-eun to school.

She looked around the house, it was so empty. Sungha felt a wave of sadness and loneliness hit her. 

Hopefully Ji-eun will be alright, was it wrong to lie to her about the bracelet? She asked herself. Surely she would try to take off the bracelet if she was in danger right? And I would know if she did.

Truth was, Sungha told Ji-eun that she couldn't take off the bracelet when she actually can, she only said that to stop Ji-eun from taking it off when it wasn't necessary. Good luck Ji-eun.


Ji-eun appeared behind a tree, she peered around it looking left and right. There was the side of a huge building that looked like a castle, looming over her.

Then she saw a supernatural walk into the building Ji-eun recognised to be a pixie from the book her aunt gave her.

Whoa. There are actually others out there like me! Ji-eun couldn’t believe her eyes. She felt excited and was about to step out from behind the tree when more different supernaturals came chattering and laughing as entered the school.

Suddenly, all the excitement drained out of her and she even felt a little bit sick.

Ji-eun wasn't used to being around so many beings and she felt strangely exposed because she wasn’t wearing her cloak so she gripped her arms nervously.

Maybe she should have let her aunt accompany her to school. Ji-eun wanted nothing more than to run wildly back into the forest to where her aunt would be, she almost did it too, though she didn't know the way.

No Ji-eun! You can't always depend on your aunt, you're an independent women! She fist pumped, fighting! She earned a few stares from behind. 

Oops. She stepped out from behind the tree trying her best to calm her trembling hands as she walked unsteadily towards the building. Inside was a corridor and in front of her was a door with a sign in big letters that read, FRONT OFFICE.

Ji-eun was relieved, it saved her from asking anyone near her where the office was because she didn't know her way around the school.

Inside was a middle aged women with glasses and neat tidied up hair was sitting at a desk writing some paperwork. She looked very focused in what she was writing and didn’t hear Ji-eun come in.

“H-hello?” Ji-eun greeted her uncertainly.

The receptionist paused and looked up at her. Ji-eun thought she saw a slight flash of red in the women’s eyes but maybe it was her imagination.

“Yes?” The receptionist said, her voice held slight elegance and grace.

 Ji-eun felt awkward and didn’t really know what to say. “I’m a new student here. I enrolled two days ago…”

The receptionist gave a small smile, “what’s your full name?”

“Lee Ji-eun.”

The receptionist flipped through some files in her draw and pulled one out after a few moments.

“Here is your folder with your enrolment forms and information sheets. Please spend a few minutes checking through your personal details to ensure everything is correct.”

Ji-eun took the folder, sat down on a couch nearby and scanned through the forms.

The door to the office opened and someone walked in. Almost immediately, Ji-eun felt that same aura again and it got harder to breathe.

“I got a detention slip again.”

Calming herself and breathing in and out slowly, Ji-eun peeked over the folder she was holding in front of her face to see the side view of a very good-looking male student slumped on a seat in front of the receptionist’s desk.

He didn’t acknowledge her presence as he stared at the receptionist, boredom clearly showing on his face.  

The receptionist sighed and rubbed her forehead. “What did you do this time.”

Ji-eun was confused, she knew what detention meant. It was kind of like time out. The kind of time out her aunt used to give her when she was being a naughty when she was a kid and got into lots of trouble.

This person must be in big trouble then. And she said this time, does that mean he always gets into trouble? Ji-eun thought.   

The student’s mouth curved up slightly, “I unleashed a tornado upon a freshman in class O-1.” He stated calmly. 

Ji-eun’s mouth fell open. What?

The receptionist closed her eyes and shook her head in disappointment. “Oh Sehun. I know this is not the first time you’ve done this but if it continues, I will have to report you to the head master. Understand?”

The student named Sehun, scoffed but nodded slightly. Ji-eun knew that she should stay away from this person. He was dangerous.

She held her folder closer to her face but some of the forms slipped out dropping onto the floor.

Ji-eun froze for a few seconds and then crouched down to pick them up. She knows that she now had their attention and she could feel their gazes on her.

After she had piled the papers back into the folder she looked up and inhaled sharply as Sehun’s dark curious eyes met hers. She quickly looked away.

Ji-eun’s heart beat fast as she nervously stood up and neared the desk, handing the folder back to the receptionist, trying hard not to look at the male student next to her.   

“I-I’m done reading through my information. Everything is c-correct.” Ji-eun stammered anxiously.

The receptionist took the folder and handed her some other items, “this is your schedule, a map and key to your dorm number 247 in the east wing. You are in class A-2. Your roommate will show you around the school.”

Ji-eun stuttered a word of thanks and scurried out of the room. Once she was out did her heart begin to slow its beat to normal speed again. Phew. I hope I don’t bump into that Sehun person again. I don’t want to be caught up in a tornado.


Annyeong again Supernaturals!

Here is another chappie for you! Hope you liked Sehun's appearance. :D

Stay tuned for the next chappieee. 


Lots of love, author-nim~ 

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Also thank you so much for all votes, views subscribers and most especially comments! They really motivate me a lot to update XD


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tmw i laughed with exo at jieun's condition mianhaee jieun-ahh

but ayee thank you random rock for making jieun tripped! it would've been bad if she didnt.
chenchen-fan #2
Chapter 26: I really like the part where ji-eun tried to get the vulture. I could feel the embarrassment huwaaa ?!!!! I’m excited to read the next chapter! Infinite will enroll to Mystical High!!!
Chapter 26: Hahaha I squealed when I saw that this fanfic had been updated. Keep up the good work! I can't wait for what's in store for Jieun next :)
Chapter 26: Chapter 25.5 : I was laughing so much from her fall... sorry jieun but it was worth it. Especially exo- k reaction to her, just made me blast from laughter. Her choice of nightware is cute! Little ducks.... * (snicker)*
Chapter 26: Yay,. And all the complications start to appear. Kinda thrilled yet worried that everyone is now interested in Jieun since she's holding the key. Can't wait for the upcoming encounters. Eunji knew everything that's why she helped Jieun in retrieving the key.
Thanks for another great update..:-D
Chapter 25: Honestly this is one of the best fanfics I have ever read hehehe. The plot's really interesting, Jieun's character development is quite good and each chapter just makes me want to read more! Pffttt I also like it when popular girls don't get what they want xD
chenchen-fan #8
Chapter 25: I'm so relieved that D.O didn't fall to Haewon's trick. But he has the power of earth and could sense ji-eun. Oohhh this is so interesting!
KimChi27Mochi #9
Chapter 25: Omg huhu ? I really love your story ?❤️
joyjesoh #10
Chapter 25: Just curious. Does any of them have the slightest hint that jieun is the witch they're looking for?
I think sehun knows a bit. D.O too if he connects the singing.