Chapter 4

The Truth Cannot Be Hidden Forever
"Come on, let's go back to the others they're waiting for you." Chanyeol scowled at Baekhyun but then stiffened.

"What's wrong Chanyeol?" Baekhyun came closer and froze too.

"Do you feel that?" he asked still stiff. "Someone's close by," Baekhyun said. Chanyeol looked at his friend strangely.

"Let's go check it out" then they both transformed into wolves and ran towards the aura they sensed.

They bounded through the trees and bushes, their paws barely skidding the ground. They came to a stop about ten metres away from a wooden house and transformed back into their original form.

"I didn't know anyone lived here, did you?" Baekhyun shook his head.

There, they saw the backside of a hooded figure in a dark cloak sweeping the ground with an old but odd looking broom stick. The figure suddenly stopped and turned their head slightly to the side. The two werewolves couldn’t see their whole face but judging from the milky white skin, round face and long eyelashes from side view, they assumed the figure was a female. A pretty one at that. She wore a thin black head band across her forehead and many colourful bangles slung on her wrist.  

Her strange appearance intrigued both lads but paused as they smelt her scent. "I smell angel." Baekhyun stated.

Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows at him, "not quite. She’s a hybrid. But that's not possible, there's rarely been one for decades. Can you tell what her other half is?” Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol thinking hard. Sure she smelt like flowers and honey but something else too wood, leaves and rain. It was a strange combination of fragrance but not unpleasant. Abruptly, her scent became faint and when they looked back at her, she was gone.

“Huh? Where did she go? Did she go back in?”

Chanyeol shook his head, “not sure, but if she was still out here we would’ve been able to sense her.” He stared at the house in deep thought.


"They're gone," Sungha said relieved but both she and Ji-eun were still tense.

"Who were they?" Ji-eun asked. "Not sure, but they're werewolves and very powerful."

Sungha answered then asked, "did they see you?"

Ji-eun tilted her head "I think so. Well, they probably only saw the side of my face. That’s it."

"Hmm. Let's hope you don't run into them again but now I need to somehow block that witch scent of yours" Sungha said looking around for something.   

"My witch scent? Can’t you just teach me how to hide my scent?”   

Sungha paused, "it is quite a difficult spell to master. It will be too risky to do that right now because you need a lot of practice to fully control it and one slip up can lead to very deadly consequences. Particularly, since you are going to attend school soon. Werewolves can tell what type of supernatural someone is just by their scent and they would have smelt you but since you're only half witch, your smell isn't that strong so hopefully they wouldn't have really known what you are in a short amount of time.”

“Then can’t they smell me right now then? Even if it’s faint?” Ji-eun asked.

Without looking at her, Sungha answered, “not anymore since I placed a spell on this house when I made it.” She halted her movements and focused on Ji-eun, “why else do you think no one has broken down our house yet? Because they can’t pick up our scent in here.” 

Ji-eun nodded in understanding and was left to dwell over her thoughts while Sungha searched for something in a cupboard.

"Ah, here it is"

Ji-eun didn't hear her.

Sungha took out a dusty old box and placed it on the ground. The lock was already broken so she opened it without difficulty. The hinges of the lid creaked as it was opened. Sungha took out a bracelet with gold round beads. She murmured a spell on it and threw the bracelet directly at Ji-eun.  

The bracelet expanded, stretched wide and attached itself onto Ji-eun's wrist before turning back into normal size again.

Ji-eun snapped back into reality "huh?" she blinked and looked at her aunt with big eyes.

"This is a bracelet that will hide your witch qualities, therefore your witch scent is well hidden and it also disables you from using your powers to your full potential." Sungha explained.

"Wait what? Why?"

"Ji-eun, this is a serious matter, you going to school can be dangerous if they find out you are blood-related to a witch, this is why I have to block your witch scent and conceal your ability to do spells.” Sungha pursed her lips, “besides, at least I didn’t completely block off all your powers. You will only be able to use the simplest and most basic spells. Attack ones are definitely an absolute no no.”

“But that’s not fair! That is like having no magic. What can I do with just the simple spells?” It was true, the spells were so simple she probably didn’t even need them.

Her aunt shrugged, “well the less spells the better, we don’t want everyone to discover what you are now, do we?”

Ji-eun sighed I don't see any point in learning witch craft then she thought sadly.

Sungha continued, pretending she didn't feel the gloomy atmosphere, "No-one else including you, can't take it off besides me."

Quickly changing the subject she said "I have already enrolled you in as an angel at Mystical High, it is a boarding school so you are going to have to stay there for the year. Everyone gets to go home and visit their families every term. However, I think it would be too risky if you came back home, but don’t worry, I’ll try find a way to see how you’re going."

Ji-eun nodded, miserably. A uniform materialized in Sungha's hand. "Here is your uniform, you will attend school in two days. So I suggest you get familiar with most of the supernaturals from that book I gave you."

Ji-eun's heart sank to the souls of her shoes, she didn't want to go to school anymore. She stood up to take her uniform, thanked her aunt and dragged her feet to her room.

Sungha watched her go feeling sorry for the girl, I'm sorry Ji-eun, but this is the only way I can protect you from dangers out there, she thought.




Ji-eun slipped out of her cloak and slumped on her bed pouting, why? She thought to herself, why can't everyone just forgive each other and end this whole witch-must-die thing. I don’t even know why everyone is so against us witches. Ji-eun glanced at her uniform hung up with a hook on her closet handle. It was quite extraordinary, it looked like sports attire, black and white shorts, a grey top, white stripped collar completed with a motif printed on the shoulder arm. It said Angel in gold letters and link script writing.

She picked up her blue-ish black acoustic guitar and strummed it, softly humming. Ji-eun would always play her guitar whenever she felt down because it calmed her with its tender and melodic sound.

 Ji-eun lay down on her bed, sinking into the soft mattress. 

Maybe it'll be alright she thought just maybe she looked down at her bracelet enclosed around her wrist along with all her other bangles and let out a small smile, as the gold beads shone brightly in the light. 


Dinner was quiet, as usual. Sungha didn’t like to talk at the dinner table so they always ate in silence, without talking unless needed. Sungha once told Ji-eun that she was influence by her father who thought it was disrespectful to speak when eating and he would tell anyone who spoke when it was unnecessary, to leave the dinner table.

After the last spoon of rice, Ji-eun placed her chopsticks down and waited until her aunt finished eating. It was also respectful to wait for the older person to finish eating before you leave the table.

It wasn’t long until Sungha was done and she went to pack up the plates while Ji-eun took the utensils. They placed the items into the sink to wash.

Another thing Ji-eun’s aunt does not like is to use magic to complete a task when it can be done without magic. That’s why Sungha is washing the dishes by hand. No sorcery. Nothing. 

She would always tell Ji-eun, ‘you shouldn’t use magic for everything. It can’t solve all your problems.’

“Would you like any help Imo?”

Sungha smiled without looking at her niece, “no thank you hun. You can go have some free time.”

“Okay.” Ji-eun said heading to her room, taking a bowl of strawberries along with her.

She opened the large window in her room that was positioned quite low and close to the ground. She looked outside and enjoyed the breeze caressing her face.

Ji-eun sat on the window seat and closed her eyes.


A faint noise sounded. Her eyes opened and lit up in delight when she saw a familiar looking creature waddle towards the window sill.

“Sasa!” She exclaimed cheerfully.

‘Sasa,’ is a duck. A female domestic duck, that was what Ji-eun thought at least. However, she was no ordinary creature, Sasa wore a pretty red patterned cloth around her neck and had beautiful white feathers. She is highly intelligent and understands the things Ji-eun tells her.

Ji-eun found her a couple of years ago. She couldn’t quite remember how she found Sasa or why she named her ‘Sasa’ though. She vaguely remembered the duck following her home but that was pretty much it, everything else was a blur.

“Quack.” Sasa arrived at the window and stretched out her neck, laying her head down onto the windowsill in greeting.

Ji-eun chuckled a bit and reached out, carefully the duck’s head.

“Would you like some strawberries?” She asked her.

“Quack, quack.” Sasa replied happily.

Ji-eun took out three strawberries from the bowl, picking off the stems and held them out for Sasa to eat. That was another strange quality Sasa possessed, the fact that she can eat a lot of different foods that animals do not normally eat. Especially fruit, she absolutely loves to eat strawberries and whole as well.

Ji-eun tried to feed her something else but she particularly liked eating strawberries most of the time.

After eating the strawberries, Sasa tilted her head at the young witch.

“Quack!” She said, shaking her feathers a little.

Ji-eun laughed, “of course you may come in.”

The creature proceeded to flap her feathery white wings and hopped onto the low windowsill and entered the room. Sasa waddled around a bit and then came up right next to Ji-eun. Stretching out her neck, she nudged Ji-eun’s arm with her head.

“Hm? What is it Sasa?”

Ji-eun held out her hand and watched as the duck adorably tried to pry her fisted hand open with her beak.

She smiled, “is there something you would like to give me?”

Sasa bobbed her head and plucked something out that was tucked in the red cloth around her neck. She then placed it gently onto Ji-eun’s palm and backed away slowly.

It was a single freshly green leaf.

Confused, Ji-eun touched the surprisingly soft leaf and turned it over. She was shocked to see written in little silver cursive letters, was her name.


 A mysterious figure stood behind a large tree a few meters away from the house, watching.


His handsome face hidden behind the shadows of the tree branches, gave a smile as he looked down at the pretty white duck standing at his feet.

“Well done, Sardonyx.” 


Whoaaa who was that dude? Is he evil??

So, Annyeong Supernaturals!

It's me again! I hope you didn't forget me. Your all time favourite author!! AHAHAH jksss but you are all my favourite readers! (Omg I'm turning into a greasy Nam Woohyun. Deary, this is not good.)

Anyway, really sorry for not updating for so long, I was quite busy and I had exams but THEY ARE OVER NOW. WHOO!!!

So yeah, hopefully I can update again real soon. And if anyone is disappointed that she hasn't met anyone yet dont worry cuz I promise she will attend school in the next chappie!!


Love Author-nim~


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tmw i laughed with exo at jieun's condition mianhaee jieun-ahh

but ayee thank you random rock for making jieun tripped! it would've been bad if she didnt.
chenchen-fan #2
Chapter 26: I really like the part where ji-eun tried to get the vulture. I could feel the embarrassment huwaaa ?!!!! I’m excited to read the next chapter! Infinite will enroll to Mystical High!!!
Chapter 26: Hahaha I squealed when I saw that this fanfic had been updated. Keep up the good work! I can't wait for what's in store for Jieun next :)
Chapter 26: Chapter 25.5 : I was laughing so much from her fall... sorry jieun but it was worth it. Especially exo- k reaction to her, just made me blast from laughter. Her choice of nightware is cute! Little ducks.... * (snicker)*
Chapter 26: Yay,. And all the complications start to appear. Kinda thrilled yet worried that everyone is now interested in Jieun since she's holding the key. Can't wait for the upcoming encounters. Eunji knew everything that's why she helped Jieun in retrieving the key.
Thanks for another great update..:-D
Chapter 25: Honestly this is one of the best fanfics I have ever read hehehe. The plot's really interesting, Jieun's character development is quite good and each chapter just makes me want to read more! Pffttt I also like it when popular girls don't get what they want xD
chenchen-fan #8
Chapter 25: I'm so relieved that D.O didn't fall to Haewon's trick. But he has the power of earth and could sense ji-eun. Oohhh this is so interesting!
KimChi27Mochi #9
Chapter 25: Omg huhu ? I really love your story ?❤️
joyjesoh #10
Chapter 25: Just curious. Does any of them have the slightest hint that jieun is the witch they're looking for?
I think sehun knows a bit. D.O too if he connects the singing.