Chapter 18 - Masquerade: Part 1

The Truth Cannot Be Hidden Forever

PLS READ A/N at the end too thank you~~ And enjoy! :D


“Hm? What’s this?”

Ji-eun was in the library. She had a free period and decided to do her maths assignments in a quiet area with larger tables (as the desk in her dorm was quite small).

She only just walked through the entrance of the library when she saw a stand next to her holding a stack of weekly bulletins.

Inquisitively, Ji-eun reached out to grasp one and flipped it open. It was full of the latest gossip around the school. As she kept flicking through most of the headings were mostly about EXO-K and what they did. She read one of them and her eyes widened, class 3-A’s Woojun to pick a fight with EXO-K’s Sehun. As she scanned the page, it seems the guy went to hospital and Sehun didn’t even need to lift a finger. 

Whoaa. Okay I think I just got myself in a deep whole for messing with Sehun. I hope he forgets about that incident at lunch last time.

Ji-eun flipped the page and there was another one where apparently Chanyeol burnt a whole forest because someone pissed him off for accidently stepping on his foot. Hm? This doesn’t quite seem right for some reason. Nah, Chanyeol is powerful but he couldn’t have enough energy and strength to destroy a whole forest…right?

She skimmed the next few pages, Suho almost drowning someone, Baekhyun blinds some junior, D.O splitting a classroom in half? And Kai nearly throws someone of a building? Is this a joke? Would EXO-K really do this? From what she’s seen of EXO-K so far, she didn’t think they were so bad. It was only the things she’s heard about them that made her fear EXO-K more than she should. Or maybe she really should fear them.

Is there even anything positive about EXO-K here? There was one page she flicked to that was just the fangirling page which she guessed are their admirers (or maybe stalkers) who talk about everything they know about EXO-K. Seems like they’ve found out about the member’s involvement in different clubs, what personality they perceive to have, what they usually do and not forgetting to mention EXO-K’s drop-dead gorgeous looks about a billion times.

Why am I even reading this. It’s not like I’m interested in their lives or anything… Ji-eun thought but reluctantly turned over the page. She was actually about to flip back when the next heading caught her eye.

New Student manages to catch EXO-K’s attention. As soon as she read the heading, dread flooded through her. Ji-eun frantically scanned the page, her eyes widening the more she read.

The new student is an abnormal angel who doesn’t have wings, nor the ability to sing. She is nothing special but somehow managed to grab all of the EXO-K member’s attention when they’ve never really associated with any of the students before. What is her relation with them? How did she manage to seduce them? What is it that she has that others don’t that EXO-K would pay attention to her? This is a question everyone is thinking about.

Who the heck even wrote this? To Ji-eun, this person didn’t seem to be writing an article. It was more of rant that was written on paper. Who would even publish this bulletin?? Maybe this school was filled with a lot more lunatics than she would’ve thought. This bulletin was like a joke. A booklet filled with false rumours. She could’ve laughed if all their deceitful words weren’t to that extent. But seduce??? Really? Don’t get her wrong, she knew what seduce meant even though flirting she didn’t. But after hearing it from Baekhyun she sort of had a hunch.

She shut the bulletin. This is just trash.  

Move it Wingless. You’re in my way.” Someone said harshly and pushed past her roughly.

She realised she was still standing in front of the entrance to the library so she decided it probably best that she go find a table and do her maths homework instead of reading things that would probably pollute her brain with no good.

Ji-eun turned away and surveyed the library for any empty tables or seats. She saw one at the back of the library where not many students were around. However, the table had a male student sitting there, his back faced to her. She very much hoped he was one of those quiet beings and thought maybe he wouldn’t mind her sitting there even though most of the school pretty much hated her.

As she crept closer as not to startle the male, she tried to get a glimpse of his face.

That was when out of the blue, thick green vines s around her ankles and waist, tightening upon her form. Out of instinct, Ji-eun tried to summon her shield but it didn’t work against the vines.

She opened to scream when a vine wrapped around her lips effectively cutting her off.

Ji-eun struggled as she was lifted off the ground and placed into the chair in front of the male whom she recognised was D.O.

He had his head down and was intently reading a novel as his vines trapped her in the chair opposite him.

D.O didn’t even glance up as he spoke. “Creeping up on me is never a good idea. If you want something from me, say it now.” He says, his usual sweet voice having an intimidating edge to it, full of authority which sent shivers up Ji-eun’s spine. And she began to wonder that maybe the things she read from the bulletin were true.

What happened to the friendly and nice D.O?               

She made a small noise at the back of as the vine was still draped around making it hard to speak.

D.O abruptly looked up and his eyes conveyed utter shock as he met her gaze. “Ji-eun?”

Ji-eun just gaped at him with slight fear in her eyes. His gaze seemed to soften and he regained his composure. He waved a hand and the vines slowly freed her from its death grip.   

After being released, Ji-eun still sat there frozen as D.O regarded her with concern. “Ji-eun? Are you alright?”

She looked down at the table, “y-yeah.” She wasn’t sure how to react after being grabbed like that.  

“Hey look, I’m do apologize for that. I thought you were someone else.” He says, his eyes gentle and heart-shaped lips forming a little pout. Ji-eun’s heart melted, she never thought someone could look so unbelievably adorable that she just wanted to squish his cheeks together.

“That’s okay.” She says and he gives her a warm smile. She resisted the urge to blush by thinking about how freaky it was that he turned from being all threatening to a cute munchkin within a timespan of five seconds.

“What are you doing here anyway?” D.O asks. “Not that I mind, just curious.”

She replied with, “I was trying to find a spot to sit and do my maths assignment.”

D.O nodded and glanced down at her hand still holding the bulletin. He furrowed his eyebrows and scrunched up his nose. “You read that?” He questions with distaste, pointing towards the weekly bulletin.

Ji-eun lifted it up, “ah well. It was my first time reading it so…”

D.O shook his head, “I wouldn’t recommend you read it. It’s full of crap. Although I’m sure you’ve already seen some of the things written in there?”

She nods meekly and he continues, “exactly. Not sure who writes these things to be honest.” He then mumbles something about shutting down the press club or something and Ji-eun looks at him, eyes questioning, “did…Did you really split a classroom in half?”

D.O observes her for a few seconds and then glances to the side, “what do you think?” He asks quietly.

Ji-eun her head, face thoughtful. “Well I am not usually the one to believe everything I hear. So, reading this article, it sounds a bit too exaggerated so I guess I don’t believe that you actually split a classroom. I mean, how is that possible?”

D.O’s eyes locks with hers again and he holds her gaze evenly, “I can actually do it. If that’s what you’re asking.” He says slowly.

What? He actually can split a classroom???

Ji-eun blinked and breaks her eyes away from his gaze, “um, okay then. E-even if you can, that doesn’t necessarily mean you did what they claimed you did in this article.” She says pointing to the page and silently hopes that she was right and he proves that he really didn’t do such things.

His eyes briefly flickers to the article and then back to her. He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms.

“You’re wrong.”

Her heart lurched, the feeling of uneasiness and anxiety beginning to set in. “H-huh?”

Suddenly he chuckled, eyes turning into crescent moons, dang it. Even when he laughs it’s cute. But Ji-eun didn’t have much time to think about that because she was wondering why the heck he was laughing.

“Y-you’re face.” He continued to laugh, “it was priceless.”

Ji-eun stared at him with large round eyes, confused.

He smiled at her, “I was joking Ji-eun. I’m surprised you actually believed me.”

Her confused face instantly turned emotionless. Wow. Okay. Great. Everyone seems to love teasing me don’t they. “So you really didn’t do it? You can’t divide a classroom in two?”

“I didn’t do whatever the article said. That’s absolute rubbish. But I didn’t lie about being able to split a classroom in two.” D.O said calmly like that would ease her worries.

“Right…” It that her lie detector powers can’t even recognise a joke as a lie.

D.O leaned forward, he was looking at her sincerely this time. “I don’t hurt others without a valid reason Ji-eun. In fact, I don’t like violence much. I’d rather settle things in a civilised way. But sometimes it can’t be helped if I were to resort to fight.”

Ji-eun nodded in understanding. She could accept that. But the next words he uttered made her face heat up and heart beat faster.

“And… I don’t think I could ever hurt someone like you. Ji-eun.”


Ji-eun was just minding her own business before her next class when someone walks past her, bumping into her shoulder hard.

What’s with everyone bumping into my shoulder? Ji-eun swivelled around and saw it was Jiwoo, her friends standing behind her. Dahee wasn’t present though.

Jiwoo smirks at her.

Ji-eun narrowed her eyes, “what is your problem?”

“Excuse me? My problem? Simple. It’s you. You don’t belong here.”

“And who are you to decide whether I belong or not?” Ji-eun responds, raising her eyebrow.

Jiwoo sneers at her, “ohh. I see. Just because EXO-K noticed you a little, it means you could get all high and mighty with me?”

There were whispers of agreement from her friends and some other nearby students.

“What’s that got to do with anything?” Ji-eun says, throwing her hands up. She didn’t understand, it wasn’t like the world revolved around EXO-K.

“Everything. Just get of our school you low-life. How dare you hang around our EXO-K kings. You aren’t worth their time.” Another female fairy standing next to Jiwoo says.

Ji-eun blew a loose strand of hair out of her face, scoffing “well thanks for telling me that. Because you know who ain’t worth MY time right now? I’ve got much better things to do then dilly dally with you guys so, I shall bid you adieu now. Adios.” She says sarcastically, giving them a fake smile and spun on her heel to leave.  

Jiwoo and her friend’s face went livid. “Stop right there!” A high-pitched voice shrieks. 

Ji-eun felt her lower body freeze and she couldn’t move her feet.

“You should think twice before talking to us like that, Wingless. We ought to teach you a lesson.” She heard Jiwoo say from behind.

Another voice intercepted, the voice smooth and sultry but menacing, “I will do the honours.”

Ji-eun had an idea of what was to come and she tried to escape from her restraints that held her down.

It proved useless and soon, she felt something invisible wrap around , cutting off her air supply. It was like a piece of string was tied around her neck and someone was pulling on it making it constrict even more.    

She clawed at her neck but couldn’t see or feel anything. All she heard was the sinister laughter of the culprits behind her. About time a teacher come by now! Ji-eun thought desperately. At this rate she wouldn’t last long. She clutched onto her necklace but was unable to release her staff without her voice.

“Jiwoo. That’s enough.” A feminine voice suddenly spoke directly from behind her. Unexpectedly, the tight hold on fell away and oxygen rushed into her lungs as she coughed. She was also able to move again. 

Ji-eun twisted around. It was Dahee. And she was defending her?

Glaring, Jiwoo scoffed. “What. You’re on this loser’s side now?”

Dahee’s face was passive. “I believe you are going too far with your taunting. Aren’t you getting tired of it?”

“What do you mean? I’m not the only one who’s gone too far.” Jiwoo spat.

Dahee’s eyes hardened and she glanced at Ji-eun, her eyes reflecting a hint of guilt. “I know. And that was a mistake I’ve made. A mistake that turned me into a disgrace within my Taekwondo team. Martial Arts is to teach self defense, awareness and discipline. The way I behaved at the blind matches was no way of a black belt or a leader to act.”

Ji-eun stared at Dahee in awe.   

“So you side with her? The worthless low-life??”

“Her life is definitely worth more than yours at the way you’re acting at the moment.” Dahee states coolly.

Jiwoo growls in agitation, “ugh! You better watch you’re back Dahee. Miyeon and Haewon will not forgive you for this.”

Dahee didn’t miss a beat, “just in case your brain is too small to realise that we are taught to never turn our backs on our opponents. You should watch your back. And fight your own fights next time. No need to call out your queens to protect you.”

Jiwoo gave out a frustrated scream and stormed off, her friends glaring at Dahee and Ji-eun as they left.

Dahee turned to face Ji-eun and smiled. “I’m really sorry about that.”

“Hm? Oh! No worries! It’s not your fault, and thank you for saving me.” She says, gratefully.

Dahee giggled a bit, “you’re welcome but that’s not what I meant, I really am sorry about the injuries I caused you last week at the blind matches.”

Ji-eun nodded in realisation, “that’s okay. I’m fine now.”

“You fight really well do you know that? It takes a lot to be able to land a hit on a black belt like me. And to say you pretty much slayed my .” Dahee jokes.

Ji-eun laughed along, “what can I say? I’m a natural.”

Dahee chuckles, “hey why don’t you join the taekwondo club? We need more members like you in our team. Everyone else are such slackers. You could even be at a black belt level with the skills you’ve got.” She says punching Ji-eun on the shoulder in a friendly way.

Taekwondo? Sounds pretty good. “Hmmm I’ll think about it.” Ji-eun decides.

Dahee grins, “sure. Whenever you want to join just come hit me up and I’ll get you in. Even if you want to just come by to watch and see what its’s like is fine too.”

Ji-eun smiles back and agrees. She was glad she had made another friend.



“Hey there.”

Ji-eun jumped and spun around to see Kai behind her, grinning mischievously. She breathed out trying to calm her racing heart.

“Can you stop doing that?” She tells him and he chuckles.

“Doing what?” He jokes.

Ji-eun rolled her eyes, “popping up out of nowhere?”

“Sorry. Can’t help it.” He ruffled her hair.

“Yah yah yah, not the hair please.” She groaned, pushing his arm away from her head. Ever since that lunch, Kai would not leave her alone. He would teleport around, scaring the wits out of her and then greeting her like nothing happened.

“Come on, we’ll be late for Mystic Training.” He said, prodding her forward gently.

They had been getting closer and Ji-eun did enjoy his company. He was funny and lively, even though his teasing annoyed her sometimes.

However, she always wondered why he was even hanging around with her. He’s from EXO-K wasn’t he? They don’t usually associate themselves with others much. Then why was Kai even taking the time to come talk to her every day?



“Why are you being nice to me? Why are you even talking to me?”

Kai halted in his tracks and turned around, scrutinising her. “What’s wrong with that?”

“Uh, nothing. It’s just weird that’s all. I thought EXO-K all kept to themselves. I mean I’ve heard you guys don’t really associate with any of the students so why me? What…What’s your motive?”

Kai held a hand to his chest, “ah! I am hurt, Sweetpea. How could you think of me like that?”

Ji-eun visibly flinched at the pet name and turned to him grimacing, “please don’t call me that. I’d much rather you call me Hiccups.”

Laughing, he replied “remember, you said it Hiccups.”

She sighed and shook her head.

“Ji-eun.” Kai said a bit more softly and she faced him curiously. “We’re friends right?”

Friends? She was taken a back.  She never really thought about what her relationship between them were.

“…Yes?” She said uncertainly.

Kai smiled at her, “I have no motive. It’s because we’re friends. This is what friends do, no?”

Ji-eun looked at him for a while and then smiled back. Friends. She could deal with that.

They stopped before the gym doors and she gave Kai an apologetic face.

Kai exhaled loudly and looked up at the ceiling, “I know I know, wouldn’t want fangirls to kill my favourite buddy now.” He says, his eyes twinkling playfully.  

He bid her goodbye and disappeared. Ji-eun just shrugs and enters the gym.


“Everyone, we are going to have to cut this two hour lesson short an hour because of the Masquerade so we are going to do something easier.” Jongsuk declares and the class cheered.

“Nuh ah ah~ I haven’t said what we were going to do yet though. Because this is one of the most important components of this subject, we are going to focus on Energy Control today and probably for the next few weeks.”

The class groans while Ji-eun stood there wondering why.

In the next 45 minutes, turns out Ji-eun had trouble in particular in this department because energy control is linked to your powers. And because part of her powers were restricted, her energy seemed to be affected too.

Jongsuk told Ji-eun to meet him in his office next to the gym when he saw how much she was struggling to follow instructions.

“I see you are having some problems in this aspect, Ji-eun.” Jongsuk comments and she looked down at her feet awkwardly.

“Hmm. Maybe I can have someone personally mentor you.” He turns and waves his arm at someone. “Sehun! Get over here.”

Ji-eun’s head shot up and she stared at Jongsuk, opening in revelation. She was not going to like this, not one bit.

“You called.” Sehun says to Jongsuk in a bored tone, though his gaze sharpened when he spotted Ji-eun next him.

“Yes.” Jongsuk answers, giving them both a cute eye smile. He gestured towards her,“Ji-eun here is having difficulty in finding her inner energy.” He explains to Sehun. “You will be her mentor.”

Both their eyes widened simultaneously. “What?!” “No.”

Jongsuk shrugged, “you heard me. And Sehun don’t be like that. You will have to go through all the basics with Ji-eun so she can get a stronger foundation of what this element is about. You both can meet in your own time to do this.”

“Sehun is one of the best at Energy Control so he’ll be a great teacher. You’ll get along just fine.” Jongsuk tells her.

I highly doubt that. Ji-eun thinks, her eyes flittering nervously between Jongsuk and Sehun.

“Ji-eun should know at least the basics of Energy Control by the end of the month. Are we clear?”

Sehun nodded silently, his stony gaze fixed upon her as she muttered a solemn, “yes, ssem.”

Jongsuk grins, “I’m expecting great things guys. Don’t disappoint me.” He leaves them alone and Ji-eun immediately tensed up as Sehun stepped closer.

“You always seem to cause me trouble.” He says, pinching the bridge of his nose. Ji-eun just stood wordlessly.

“I’ll tell you what time and place soon. But I’ll tell you now, this is not to be said to anyone. Not even my brothers. Not a single word.” He says gruffly. “Otherwise you’ll regret it.” With that, he turns and walks away not bothering to hear her response.

Ji-eun stared after him a little miffed. Life, why you do this to me.


“Eunji, where are we going?”

“You’ll see.” Ji-eun raises an eyebrow at Eunji’s bright smile directed at her as she pulled her along to the back of the school. It was actually quite a long walk as the academy was so big.

Finally they arrived at the back entrance where they got out to a lawn filling her view and long grey road further ahead.

On the road stood a large white carriage with wings. There was a man around his early 30’s who was dressed in a suit. He would’ve been quite good-looking if not for his serious face. When he saw them approach, he bowed down low “Miss Eunji, the carriage is ready. Your grandfather is waiting.”

Eunji nods and turns to Ji-eun, “this is Jordon. He is our family’s butler. He is very close to my grandfather. He’s here to give us a ride to Bavyilon.”

“Jordon, this is Ji-eun. She is my friend.”

Jordon bowed to Ji-eun who quickly returned the action. “Thank you Miss Ji-eun for taking care of Miss Eunji at school.”

“Ahh no it’s no problem really. She seems to be taking care of me more like.”

Jordon nods again, his face still serious as he asks them if they were ready to aboard the carriage in a polite manner.

They hopped onto the carriage which instantly set off towards its destination. “First, we are going to head to my place and get ready there.”

Eunji handed Ji-eun some pieces of paper with lyrics on them. “Here are the songs that we’re going to sing.”

They had already discussed and practiced singing the songs. Altogether they were going to sing six songs.

 Four as a duet and two as a solo each. They took turns in choosing the songs so it would be fair.

Ji-eun glanced over at Eunji and remembered when they were rehearsing for their music assignment with Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

It was the first time she heard Eunji sing and it was amazing. Eunji have a very clear strong melodic voice which was a perfect match to Baekhyun’s light but masculine toned voice. Both of their voices synchronised in harmony beautifully.

She thought about Baekhyun’s expression when Eunji began to sing and snickered.

“Eh? Why are you laughing?” Eunji probes and Ji-eun gave her a knowing look, “you should’ve seen Baekhyun’s voice when he heard you sing. He was so dazed!”

Baekhyun definitely had a love struck face from what she could remember.

Eunji’s cheeks pinked, “w-what are you talking about? No he wasn’t. Why would he l-look at me anyway? Y-you’re just saying that.”

“Ayy don’t deny it Eunji. Besides, you were looking at him in the exact same way when he sang.” Ji-eun teased and Eunji nudged her, “h-hey that’s not fair, Chanyeol kept glancing over at you when you weren’t looking.” She retorts.

“Er why would he do that?” Ji-eun questions unconvinced and the shy angel shrugs, “that’s what I observed anyway. He kept looking in your direction. Maybe there was something on your face?”

“Seriously??” Ji-eun exclaims touching her lips and cheeks.  

Eunji laughs, “I’m joking, silly. That’s for teasing me.”

“Touche.” Ji-eun says and bumps her shoulder light-heartedly.

Eunji giggled and then started to flush, fidgeting with her fingers. Ji-eun studied her, why is she acting all shy suddenly?

“….Baekhyun asked me if I was going to the Masquerade.” Eunji says quietly and Ji-eun raised her brows.

“And what did you say?”

“I said no.”


“I told him I wasn’t going.”

Ji-eun looked at her quiet friend curiously, “why?”

“Do you know that EXO-K’s grandfather also works for the council? I’m not quite sure who he is but I heard that they call him Ryeowook. Let’s just say that my grandfather and Baekhyun’s don’t get along very well. They never did share the same views. If Baekhyun finds out who my grandfather is, I don’t think he would want to associate himself with me anymore.”

“I’m sure Baekhyun isn’t that type of person? Just because both your grandfather’s don’t get along…”

Eunji shook her head, “I don’t want to risk it. I don’t want our friendship to be ruined like this. I- I think I like him Ji-eun.”


Ji-eun’s eyes travelled up towards the large two-story house looming over her. She gawked at Eunji, whoa. I didn’t know she was this rich.

The butler opened the door for them and Eunji dragged her inside.

It really was a grand place, with a great swirl staircase and about a lot of rooms. Eunji closed Ji-eun’s open jaw, “if it makes you feel better, EXO-K’s house is probably three times larger than mine.”

How is that even possible. That’s too large for my brain to even imagine it.

“Welcome home Miss Eunji.” The maids greeted.

“Thank you.” Eunji answers, gracefully. “I will send my greetings to grandfather, could you please show Ji-eun the way to my room?”

The maids’ curtesy and Eunji faces her, “I won’t be long. It is fine to look around too if you like, just take one of the maids with you so you don’t get lost.“

“Okay.” Ji-eun nods.

“Jordon could you take the dresses up to my room?”

“Yes. Miss.”

“Thank you.” Eunji says kindly left to go up a set of stairs.

“This way, miss.” A maid tells Ji-eun and led the way.


“This is Miss Eunji’s bedroom, Miss.”

Ji-eun smiled at the maid, “thank you um what’s your name?”

The maid smiled back, “its Dami.”

“Nice to meet you Dami. Please call me Ji-eun.” She says cheerfully. She was used to people being so formal and calling her miss. It made her somewhat uncomfortable.

“If that is what you prefer Ji-eun.” Dami replies easily. “I shall take my leave now. Miss Eunji should be here soon.”

“Okay, thank you Dami.”


A moment later, Eunji enters the room but she is followed by someone else. An old smiley looking man who grinned as soon as he saw her but something appeared off. “Ah! You must be Ji-eun! Lovely to meet you.”

Ji-eun hesitantly shook his hand, “yes it is great to meet you too Mr…”

“My name is Kim Yesung. I am Eunji’s grandfather.” Grandfather? Hmm he definitely doesn’t act like a grandfather though…

“Uh, yes Mr. Kim. Thank you for having me here.”

“You are welcome! I am glad Eunji has made a friend at school to keep her company. She has always been the lonely quiet one.”

“Haraboji!” Eunji gasps and he laughed, “I am only teasing dear.”

Yesung smiled at Ji-eun, “I guess I’ll be taking my leave now as we have a masquerade to prepare for. But before that I have a welcome gift for you, Ji-eun.”  

“A gift?” Ji-eun asks unsurely.

Eunji nods reassuringly, “yes. We give all our guests gifts. But this one is a very important gift in our household but I want to give it to you Ji-eun.”

Yesung handed her a pouch with a silver key inside. “Oh thank you, it’s beautiful but why would you give me something important of your household?”

“Because only you are the rightful person to hold this key. We trust you.” He responds and leaves.

Ji-eun watched him disappear from Eunji’s room confused. She turned to her friend hoping for some enlightenment on the situation.

“Do keep it safe Ji-eun!” Eunji tells her, beaming and Ji-eun was still left extremely puzzled.

There was a knock on the door and two professional looking women stood at the entrance.

Eunji turned to Ji-eun with almost creepy grin, “time to get our hair and makeup done. We’ve got two hours.”


 “Hyung, are we going to the masquerade too?”

Of course.”

He wants to see his precious little princess that’s why.”

Well she ain’t little anymore, she’s gotten stronger the last time I saw her when hyung pretended to run into her and she didn’t even budge. That must take a lot of skill, since… you know hyung.”

Are you calling me fat, you little ?!

No no! I meant like hyung is full of muscle…

That’s more like it.”

“……..She is strong, but she has a tonne of a lot of other problems to deal with if she wants to survive in this world.”


Ji-eun looked at herself in the mirror and was shocked. She couldn’t even recognise her face and body. The makeup and styled hair felt foreign on her but in a way she felt nice.

Her hair was curled and set to one side, decorated with little pieces of clear gems in a flowery pattern.

Although mascara and light lip gloss was the only makeup that she was wearing, it felt weird on her face.

Eunji had her hair half up into a nice flowery bun decorated with some red gems to match her dress. She too had little makeup on with eyeliner around the eyes and pink lipstick.

They thanked the two professional stylists and we’re ready to go as it was time.

During the ride to the Masquerade, Ji-eun kept trying to pry information about the sliver key she kept in her dress pocket but Eunji kept dodging the question and eventually she gave up.

The carriage ride there didn’t take long and soon they arrived in front of the Bavyilon Mansion.

There were a few teachers standing outside to welcome students. There were multiple couples but most students came in with their own friendship groups and such. Everyone looks so nice.

Ji-eun and Eunji put their masks on as the carriage came to a halt. The students standing around the entrance turned to look as they both stepped out onto the pavement.

‘Whoa who are they?’

‘Do they go to this school? Their dresses are gorgeous.’

‘I bet they’re goddesses under those masks.’

Eunji and Ji-eun shared a small secret smile as they began making their way towards the large double doors.

As they got closer an uneasy feeling started to arise from within Ji-eun’s chest and became unsure if she had made the right decision to come here. Her aunt definitely would’ve been against it but there was no going back now.

A gust of wind blew past them and Ji-eun shivered, she felt a chill run up her spine and it was not because of the weather.  


Hey Supernaturals! How are we all??

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! It is extra long this time XD Pls don't flip tables at me for taking so long to update. To be honest, I am beginning to become quite busy now due to studies and I will give you guys a heads up now that  I won't be updating very often anymore because of this reason. So sorry!! Please be patient and anticipate the next chapters still!!

Thank you so so so much for subs, votes and comments!!!! <333

In reply to chapter 17 comments:

pavang: Here is the next chappiee. Thanks for waiting patiently!! 

kxtrxnx: I am glad you found it funny! :D

Airafina: Thank youuu you're great too <3

mimi_00: Kamsamnida~~~ XD

UaenaExoticInspirit: AAHAHAH I know righhht. I ship them both too. And Eunji confessed to Ji-eun about her feelings! :oooo They are all cute.

Jade_Flower: Yeah yeah yeah!!~~

Mbazaa: Well here's your chappieee hope you liked it :L

erunino09: Yes! :P 


Well thats it for now guys! Until next timee

Bye~, author-nim. 

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Also thank you so much for all votes, views subscribers and most especially comments! They really motivate me a lot to update XD


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tmw i laughed with exo at jieun's condition mianhaee jieun-ahh

but ayee thank you random rock for making jieun tripped! it would've been bad if she didnt.
chenchen-fan #2
Chapter 26: I really like the part where ji-eun tried to get the vulture. I could feel the embarrassment huwaaa ?!!!! I’m excited to read the next chapter! Infinite will enroll to Mystical High!!!
Chapter 26: Hahaha I squealed when I saw that this fanfic had been updated. Keep up the good work! I can't wait for what's in store for Jieun next :)
Chapter 26: Chapter 25.5 : I was laughing so much from her fall... sorry jieun but it was worth it. Especially exo- k reaction to her, just made me blast from laughter. Her choice of nightware is cute! Little ducks.... * (snicker)*
Chapter 26: Yay,. And all the complications start to appear. Kinda thrilled yet worried that everyone is now interested in Jieun since she's holding the key. Can't wait for the upcoming encounters. Eunji knew everything that's why she helped Jieun in retrieving the key.
Thanks for another great update..:-D
Chapter 25: Honestly this is one of the best fanfics I have ever read hehehe. The plot's really interesting, Jieun's character development is quite good and each chapter just makes me want to read more! Pffttt I also like it when popular girls don't get what they want xD
chenchen-fan #8
Chapter 25: I'm so relieved that D.O didn't fall to Haewon's trick. But he has the power of earth and could sense ji-eun. Oohhh this is so interesting!
KimChi27Mochi #9
Chapter 25: Omg huhu ? I really love your story ?❤️
joyjesoh #10
Chapter 25: Just curious. Does any of them have the slightest hint that jieun is the witch they're looking for?
I think sehun knows a bit. D.O too if he connects the singing.