Exotaeng (12 exotaeng fanfics)

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Taeyeon's OneShot Stories

By michthao1689 Updated
Tags  taeyeon   sehun   suho   sutae   seyeon   exotaeng 
Characters taeyeon, sehun, suho, exo, snsd
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 23 subscribers, 1130 views, 6 comments, 1248 words

Writing one shot stories of Taeyeon by listening to songs and basing it off of the lyrics. Enjoy. 

Destiny Calls

By michthao1689 Updated
Tags  sutae   chantae   seyeon   exotaeng 
Characters taeyeon, suho, chanyeol, sehun, tiffany, seohyun, kai, exotaeng, seyeon, sutae, chantae
With 3 chapters, 2 votes, 41 subscribers, 1260 views, 8 comments, 4422 words

She had everything going for her. A bright future, a loving father and a loving mother, a rich family background, friends who loved her dearly, and a boyfriend whom gave her his whole heart. Everything seemed so perfect and so surreal; there’s nothing that can take all of this good fortune away from her. Or so she thought so…

EXOTAENG one shots.

By michthao1689 Updated
Tags  taeyeon   exo   exoshidae   exotaeng 
Characters exo, taeyeon
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 57 subscribers, 1575 views, 20 comments, 2621 words
Status [M]

My job isn't to babysit!!!

By michthao1689 Updated
Tags  taeyeon   kai   chanyeol   kris   exoshidae   exotaeng   kaiyeon 
Characters exo, exo-k, exo-m, snsd, taeyeon, chanyeol, baekhyun, kyungsoo, kai, suho, sehun,
With 8 chapters, 1 votes, 71 subscribers, 2885 views, 73 comments, 16674 words

Kim Taeyeon got accepted to the most prestigious university in Seoul as a teacher assistant. Her dream as a child was to teach at the same school that her mother did and after getting her credentials in liberal studies, Taeyeon finally got the job she wanted. Excited about her job, Taeyeon goes to school on her first day of work and while enjoying her view of the university's campus ground, she runs into a scene that made her cringe... A boy simply rudely rejecting a girl's feeling

Choosing sides

By michthao1689 Updated
Tags  taeyeon   exo   bap   exoshidae   exotaeng 
Characters snsd, taeyeon, exo, b.a.p
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 30 subscribers, 370 views, 6 comments, 1171 words

Title: Choosing Sides Author: me duh Characters: SNSD, Taeyeon, EXO, B.A.P Genre: I have no clue...drama? Romance?  Rating: PG-13 Summary: Don't have one....it just goes with whatever comes to my mind. LOL.   Which other pairing should I add in this story?

EXOTaeng Song Oneshots.

By michthao1689 Updated
Tags  taeyeon   exo   exoshidae   exotaeng 
Characters exo, taeyeon
With 3 chapters, 6 votes, 36 subscribers, 900 views, 16 comments, 4798 words

oneshots based on songs I listen to.


By michthao1689 Updated
Tags  graphics   request   snsd   taeyeon   exo   exoshidae   exotaeng 
With 18 chapters, 8 votes, 34 subscribers, 1920 views, 49 comments, 728 words


EXOTAENG Oneshots.

By michthao1689 Updated
Tags  taeyeon   exo   exok   exom   exotaeng 
Characters exo, taeyeon,
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 47 subscribers, 1260 views, 20 comments, 6016 words

So I've discarded my other EXOTAENG Oneshots because I kind figure that I'll never get to the requests therefore I've opened up a new one for just my random exotaeng oneshots that I create along the way.   Sorry subbies and readers.

Switching Roles

By michthao1689 Updated
Tags  taeyeon   exo   exok   exom   exoshidae   exotaeng 
Characters taeyeon, suho, kai, sehun, chanyeol, baekhyun, kyungsoo, kris, tao, lay, luhan, xiumin, chen
With 5 chapters, 7 votes, 86 subscribers, 4655 views, 103 comments, 12553 words

"Please Taeyeon ah?" Kim Daeho begs while trying to make cute facial expressions. Taeyeon gives him a glance before turning away, "Oppa, it doesn't hurt to attend the academy? Who knows you might just end up finding cool friends there," Taeyeon answers. Daeho pouts then grabs both of Taeyeon's hands, "I'm begging you PLEASE!!!!" Taeyeon sighs and yanks her hands out from his, "Quit being such a baby oppa." "But...but...," Daeho looks straight into Taeyeon's eyes,

To Protect and Kill.

By michthao1689 Updated
Tags  taeyeon   exo   exok   exom   exoshidae   exotaeng 
Characters suho, kai, sehun, chanyeol, baekhyun, kyungsoo, kris, tao, lay, luhan, xiumin, chen, taeyeon
With 5 chapters, 4 votes, 87 subscribers, 2840 views, 70 comments, 8767 words

Taeyeon's parents are top notch business people in South Korea. They own businesses not only in their home country but all over the world. Being one of the richest people in Korea, the heads of the Kim family is heavily priced. Taeyeon's father knows of this therefore he has hired six men to protect his daughter after an incident occurred to the family recently. Taeyeon's parents are now on a run while they have their daughter kept under watch by six men. Six men who are trained in combat,

It Wasn't Suppose to Happen This way.

By michthao1689 Updated
Tags  snsd   taeyeon   smtown   exo   exoshidae   exotaeng 
Characters Taeyeon, EXO, EXO-K, EXO-M, SNSD, Super Junior, DBSK, SHINee, f(x), Boa, SMTOWN, others
With 1 votes, 67 subscribers, 2475 views, 14 comments, 1834 words

Being the leader of the biggest girl group in Korea, Taeyeon was given the role to promote and take care of SMEnt's newest boy group, EXO. At first Taeyeon didn't want to considering how hectic SNSD's schedules were, they're constantly in one country one day then another country the next. SNSD's hectic schedule was already taking a toll on her as the leader of SNSD. But being the leader of SNSD and a sunbae to EXO, the CEO of SMEnt refuses to hear what Taeyeon had to say therefore she was s

12 Times EXO tried stealing Taeyeon's first kiss. +1 time a member succeeds.

By michthao1689 Updated
Tags  taeyeon   exoshidae   exotaeng 
Characters exo, exo-m, exo-k, taeyeon
With 4 chapters, 3 votes, 101 subscribers, 5426 views, 84 comments, 7463 words

  “Guess what guys!!” Baekhyun shouted loudly as he hopped happily into EXO’s dorm. EXO-M had returned from China and they’re currently on a break with EXO-K before the recording of their 1st album. Chen plugged his ears with his pointer fingers and glared at the overly hyperactive Baekhyun, “Can you get any louder? Or would you prefer me to stick a plug down your vocal cord? I can do the latter option you know?” Chen shouted at Baekhyun.   Baekhyun qui