Authored (3 fanfics)

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Queen of Hearts

By deannarslvtt Updated
Characters King Kai of Silla, Queen Seyeon of Silla
With 13 chapters, 6 votes, 89 subscribers, 1700 views, 8 comments, 46952 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Story of Us

By deannarslvtt Updated
Tags  comedy   fluff   friendship   romance   romcom   originalcharacter   exo   kai   marriage   sehun   jongin   prequel   kyungsoo 
Characters Kim Jongin, Oh Sehun, Do Kyungsoo
With 33 chapters, 6 votes, 107 subscribers, 3110 views, 5 comments, 86341 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

Kim Jongin & Choi Seyeon He might be Prince Jongin to the rest of the world, however when he was with his friends he was able to only be Kim Jongin, mischievous guy who was helplessly in love with Choi Seyeon. They could not be separated from each other that the moment both became barely legal to fill out the marriage form, they litera

Bride For Oppa

By deannarslvtt Updated
Characters Park Luna(OC) - Park Jung Soo (Leeteuk) - Lee Eun Mi(OC)
With 24 chapters, 2 votes, 42 subscribers, 4870 views, 17 comments, 25466 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Hello, my name is Luna. Park Luna. I'm 17 years old. My parents didn't died or survive, they went missing on a plane accident when I was 12 years old. Leaving me and my 23 years old brother alone in this rude world. Park Jung Soo, or he referred to be called Leeteuk, is my brother, the only family I have in this world. After the accident, me and my brother were sent to two different orphanage. Why? Because I had brain cancer, so I was sent to orphanage for sick person and my brother s