Wonyoungxyujin (115 wonyoungxyujin stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By Beta_001 Updated
Tags  wonyoungxyujin 
With 26 chapters, 6 votes, 381 subscribers, 54850 views, 63 comments, 142 words


locked [annyeongz ver.]

By Jinjoonatorsksk Updated
Tags  yujin   wonyoung   annyeongz   izone   yujinxwonyoung   wonyoungxyujin   ive 
Characters yujin wonyoung ahnyujin jangwonyoung
With 2 chapters, 4 votes, 60 subscribers, 930 views, 2 comments, 8806 words
Status Completed

annyeongz locked in a room. what could go wrong? 

scoring a potential date at a graduation ceremony [annyeongz oneshot]

By Jinjoonatorsksk Updated
Characters yujin wonyoung rei gaeul
With 2 chapters, 6 votes, 19 subscribers, 810 views, 7 comments, 4367 words
Status Completed

rei invites a friend at their graduation—who takes an interest in yujin


By EEMNAAL Updated
Tags  yujin   wonyoung   annyeongz   wonyoungxyujin 
With 20 chapters, 11 votes, 1774 subscribers, 107680 views, 224 comments, 35 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only


By fountainous Updated
Tags  annyeongz   wonyoungxyujin 
With 9 chapters, 2 votes, 145 subscribers, 15340 views, 39 comments, 90 words
Status [M], Completed


By simabt Updated
Tags  annyeongz   wonyoungxyujin 
With 1 votes, 56 subscribers, 6420 views, 17 comments, 10 words
Status Completed, Members Only

1.2w字 ooc  第一次写宥元 > ~ <! 芭女说想看全文所以就写了 请说 谢谢芭女 补充:是分团cgt的小偶像🥺具体是谁我就不说惹… 实在好奇可以来微博偷偷私信我 我微博名字叫司马冰天


By iamkeb_ Updated
Characters Kwon Eunbi, Miyawaki Sakura, Huh Yunjin, Kim Jinyoung, Kim Chaewon, Kim Minju, An Yujin, Jang Wonyoung
With 23 chapters, 7 votes, 294 subscribers, 4400 views, 6 comments, 70791 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

What happened when two childhood friends meet again in a circumstance where they find it difficult to cope up with? He has a girlfriend, and she is pregnant with another guy’s baby.    


By fountainous Updated
Tags  annyeongz   wonyoungxyujin 
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 129 subscribers, 9520 views, 23 comments, 11 words
Status [M]


By fountainous Updated
Tags  futa   annyeongz   wonyoungxyujin 
With 5 chapters, 7 votes, 277 subscribers, 30910 views, 73 comments, 6 words
Status [M]


By seukkumi Updated
Characters Giselle, Winter, Minju, Ningning, Chaewon, Yunjin, Somi, Wonyoung, Yujin, Minji, Hanni
With 1 chapters, 14 subscribers, 440 views, 1 comments, 781 words
Status Members Only

Join the chaotic school life of Miriam College Senior High School student Kim Minjeong as she copes with being a grade 12 HUMSS student and slowly gets involved with Atenean ABM heartthrob, Aeri Uchinaga.


By SkyWrites102 Updated
With 20 chapters, 4 votes, 194 subscribers, 1820 views, 68768 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded


By baekssu_0 Updated
With 1 chapters, 7 votes, 210 subscribers, 9320 views, 24 comments, 106 words

-翻自Noname老师的“러브 앤 피스”

As The Rainbow Shines

By mayosalad Updated
Characters Jang Wonyoung, An Yujin
With 6 chapters, 10 votes, 209 subscribers, 2030 views, 3 comments, 16523 words
Status Subscribers Only

To Wonyoung, Yujin is like the Sun, something that she can never reach and be. Yujin is bright and she shines. She might deny it but Yujin lights up something in her. Yujin makes her act different than usual. Different from what everyone else paints her as, because to them, Wonyoung is that Sun. Admirable, unreachable, and impeccable. They look up to her too much that it made her feel so lonely. That's why to Yujin, Wonyoung is like a rain.    


By fountainous Updated
Tags  annyeongz   wonyoungxyujin 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 67 subscribers, 11080 views, 4 comments, 1 words
Status [M]


By fountainous Updated
Tags  annyeongz   wonyoungxyujin 
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 76 subscribers, 9510 views, 7 comments, 1 words
Status [M]

Annyeongz Girls’ Fest Promptfills

By violetgreene Updated
Characters Ahn Yujin, Jang Wonyoung
With 3 chapters, 4 votes, 254 subscribers, 2130 views, 5368 words
Status Subscribers Only

cracked panes

By violetgreene Updated
Characters An Yujin, Jang Wonyoung
With 2 chapters, 8 votes, 481 subscribers, 3070 views, 2 comments, 9935 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

She fell in love

By violetgreene Updated
Characters An Yujin, Jang Wonyoung
With 2 chapters, 9 votes, 409 subscribers, 3130 views, 6171 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only


By violetgreene Updated
Characters An Yujin, Jang Wonyoung
With 1 chapters, 4 votes, 299 subscribers, 1920 views, 3307 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only


By violetgreene Updated
Tags  shortfic   fluffy   yujin   ahn   wonyoung   jang   annyeongz   yujinxwonyoung   wonyoungxyujin   ive   ivewonyoung   iveyujin 
With 1 chapters, 4 votes, 24 subscribers, 1830 views, 1939 words
Status Completed

Wonyoung has a crush on her chemistry professor.

Reflection of Life

By renjoy347 Updated
Characters Ahn Yujin & Jang Wonyoung + IVE & IZ*ONE Members
With 9 chapters, 19 votes, 735 subscribers, 5230 views, 4 comments, 17604 words
Status Subscribers Only

A One-shot series about Annyeongz


By Hydrargyrum80 Updated
Characters JangWonyoung AnYujin
With 1 votes, 67 subscribers, 7060 views, 10 comments, 5 words
Status [M]

All Too Well (Lizrei)

By lemonsjuice4 Updated
Tags  drama   gaeul   kpop   romance   girlxgirl   yujin   rei   wonyoung   liz   annyeongz   wonyoungxyujin   itzy   ryujinxyeji   ryeji   aespa   winrina   jiminjeong   winterxkarina   ive   lizrei   lizxrei 
Characters Liz, Rei, Wonyoung, Yujin
With 15 chapters, 8 votes, 202 subscribers, 2830 views, 8 comments, 20955 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Liz knew what love was when she met Rei. But how would their story turn out?   Love. Pain. Regret.


By Beta_001 Updated
Tags  wonyoungxyujin 
With 1 votes, 11 subscribers, 2050 views, 1 comments, 31 words

安宥真运气不好,从大田开往首尔的巴士一到站闪电就劈亮了天空,雨兜头落下。她没有伞,还背着大包,浑身湿透了,衣服贴在身上非常难受。   来接安宥真的亲戚堵在半路,说是要晚半个小时才能到。安宥真坐了四五个小时车,站在客运站门头昏脑胀还想吐,肚子却又叫了起来。她摸着袋里的钞票,了唇,还是没有迈向利店。   安宥真在车站门等了四十多分钟,亲戚来了,开着辆骚气的蓝色宝马,撑着一把透明雨伞。   亲戚名叫姜惠元,是个长得清秀又有点帅气的女人,穿着米其色的长款风衣,走路生风。   “你就是宥真吧。”她找得很精准,明明之前只看过照片。   “是,您是惠元姐?”安宥真声音小小的,弓着背,上了车还很瑟缩。   “是,你还没吃饭吧?”姜惠元说话间打开了车内暖风。   “嗯。”   “想吃什么?”   “额


By Beta_001 Updated
Tags  wonyoungxyujin 
With 5 subscribers, 1280 views, 7 words



By Beta_001 Updated
Tags  wonyoungxyujin 
With 3 chapters, 16 subscribers, 2940 views, 1 comments, 3 words



By Beta_001 Updated
Tags  wonyoungxyujin 
With 2 chapters, 2 votes, 17 subscribers, 1970 views, 3 comments, 24 words



By Beta_001 Updated
Tags  wonyoungxyujin 
Characters 宥真视角
With 1 chapters, 7 subscribers, 1590 views, 2 comments, 23 words



By Beta_001 Updated
Tags  wonyoungxyujin 
With 5 subscribers, 2000 views, 1 comments, 8 words



By Beta_001 Updated
Tags  wonyoungxyujin 
With 27 subscribers, 5220 views, 4 comments, 4 words

安宥真和张元英第一次做爱是在秋天。那时安宥真从家里搬了出来,辞掉了利店的工作,每天晚上无所事事地在家附近散步,就这样遇到了归国不久没有地方住的张元英。   她们俩是高中同学,安宥真高一年级,在学生会里认识的,没有很多交集,但都对对方印象深刻。因为张元英一进校就被评为校花,安宥真总是从朋友的中听到她的名字。也因为安宥真是校体育队的,为人大方又热情,张元英总能从同学中听见关于安宥真的事情。   距离高中已经过去五六年了,但两个人都没什么变化,所以才能在街上一眼就认出彼此。安宥真甚至觉得张元英要是穿上高中校服说她是高中生也不为过。   安宥真把无处可去的张元英带回了自己家,家里只有一个房间,连床也没有,只有一块劣质床垫。   张元英就和安宥真一起睡在那床垫上,两个人都不怎么睡得着,半夜的时候张元英说自己好冷,于是抱住了安宥真。安宥真也不知道自己的手怎么就从张元英的衣服下摆处滑进去了,反应过来时张元英的唇已经和她的贴合在一起了。  


By ElaineJk Updated
Tags  wonyoungxyujin 
Characters Yujin Wonyoung
With 14 subscribers, 9270 views, 1 comments, 7 words
Status Members Only

bad girl;bad love 引诱黑暗,蚕食光明

The Right Feeling

By renjoy347 Updated
Characters An Yujin, Jang Wonyoung
With 1 chapters, 19 votes, 1068 subscribers, 5360 views, 5 comments, 6182 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only