Sungwon (42 sungwon stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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【allwon】be loved

By Bronnfaith Updated
Tags  heewon   sungwon   jakewon   enhypenjungwon   jaywon   allwon 
Characters Jake Heeseung Jongseong Sunghoon Sunoo Jungwon Niki
With 29 chapters, 21 subscribers, 10500 views, 7 comments, 47 words

ooc 古早原耽味很重,关键词:豪门 虐心 狗血 渣攻 慢更,目前涉及的cp有16 26 36 46    (第一次写这篇还是22年1月投的bdz,纯粹为了自己爽而写的。断更过许久又开始写,没想过会写这么多,自己也觉得写得一般有很多不足之处。如果看得开心的话就好了,不喜欢也很正常,轻点骂🙏) 最后,尽管看的人应该也换了一批又一批。我还是很想说,感谢每一位为这篇驻足过的宝宝💕


By Mochawithcream Updated
Tags  sungwon 
With 1 subscribers, 330 views, 4 words
Status [M]

Don't Flirt

By Karakul Updated
Tags  sungwon 
Characters Sunghoon Jungwon
With 1 chapters, 1300 views
Status [M], Completed


By eatingsheep Updated
Tags  sungwon   lightcomedy   sunghoon   enhypen   niki   jungwon   nikiwon   nonremediate 
With 5 chapters, 5 subscribers, 1610 views, 2 comments, 7 words

梁祯元有一个前男友,名叫西村力。 他们是一对令人羡慕的竹马情侣。 后来,梁祯元嫁给了朴成训。


By eatingsheep Updated
Tags  sungwon   sunghoon   badending   enhypen   jungwon 
With 8 chapters, 790 views, 31 words


【授权翻译】花元 | You're So Hypnotizing

By Irismoonnn Updated
Tags  sungwon 
Characters Jungwon Sunghoon
With 2 chapters, 2 subscribers, 2870 views, 117 words



By ironliny Updated
Tags  sungwon 
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 3530 views, 83 words
Status [M]

【授权翻译】He Looks Up Grinning Like A Devil

By Irismoonnn Updated
Tags  sungwon 
Characters Jungwon sunghoon
With 10 chapters, 7 subscribers, 4230 views, 415 words



By angry_gugu Updated
Tags  sungwon   sungbin   riize   sunjeongz 
With 5 chapters, 5 subscribers, 3440 views, 1 comments, 29 words

*契约+伪替身文学,破镜重圆(?),毫无科学道理的失忆梗 *财团继承人x不温不火小明星,回国准备继承家业的橙失去了高中的记忆,却发现一本日记上记载着那段时间跟一个叫“小黄鹂”的人交往过,工作场合中发现一个小明星和小黄鹂有点像,于是叫过来与自己做见不得光的资源交换。


By violet1217 Updated
Tags  sungwon   hoonjay 
Characters 朴成训 朴综星 梁祯元
With 2 subscribers, 4860 views, 5 words
Status [M]


By walnuttttt Updated
Tags  sungwon 
With 1 chapters, 520 views, 28 words
Status Completed

선물처럼 sweet dreams and good night


By yeayaeeay__ Updated
Tags  sungwon 
Characters 朴成训 梁祯元 朴综星
With 1 subscribers, 380 views, 3 words

我和朴程序是在戒所认识的。     事情的起因是有人对我说凉真圆根本不是小,你整天对着人类小小的称呼,那样不是疯子吗?我气的和那人争辩,却失手打死了他。失神的时候,来抓我的人已经赶到了。因为不知道要把我关押到哪里去,我偷偷听了他们交谈,其中一个对另一个说:是这个月第二个了。开始我还不理解“第二个”的含义,直到我在戒所见到朴程序。 我们俩的罪名都是“臆想人类变咪罪”没有严格标准的服刑期,只需要每个月末观看真圆的照片和视频并说出“他是人类而不是咪”类似的话,就可以离开这里。     一个月很快过去,我和程序依次被带到另一个房间。狱警抽出真圆照片贴在程序面前的板子上,照片还没贴牢固,程序就脱而出“고양이,아기 고양이”面前的这位阿sir和另一位交换了视线,犹豫了几秒还是把程序押了出去。轮到我坐在里面的时候,看着真圆的照片和视频,虽然非常想离开这里,但是认为真圆是小的想法完全没办法在脑海里消除。播放他用喵喵叫配音的视频时,我喃喃道:完全就是小咪啊… 一旁的阿sir立马关了视频,说:“带走!把他们两个分开关押,以免互相交流


By Moribunddawn Updated
Tags  sungwon 
With 2 chapters, 1 subscribers, 810 views
Status [M], Completed


By Irismoonnn Updated
Tags  sungwon 
Characters Jungwon sunghoon
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 3190 views, 1 comments, 4 words
Status [M]


By Norah_15 Updated
Tags  sungwon 
With 1 subscribers, 930 views, 1 comments
Status [M], Completed


By caiguagua Updated
Tags  sungwon 
Characters 朴成训 梁祯元
With 1 subscribers, 3250 views, 1 comments, 2 words
Status [M]


By Xingyun_garden Updated
Tags  sungwon 
With 1 subscribers, 2320 views, 20 words
Status [M], Members Only


By TianTosy Updated
Tags  sungwon 
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 710 views, 3 words
Status [M], Completed


By Phyllissssss Updated
Tags  sungwon 
With 6 chapters, 9 subscribers, 8160 views, 17 words



By HeeSungWon Updated
Tags  sungwon   enhypen   heeseungxjungwon   jaywon 
Characters Heeseung Jay Sunghoon Jungwon
With 1 subscribers, 2060 views, 1 words
Status Completed

符1246 李羲承/朴综星/朴成训/梁祯元 ooc都在我 未完结

Dreaming Of You (SungWon)

By Hope_WinterBear Updated
Tags  sungwon 
Characters sunghoon, jungwon
With 2 chapters, 230 views, 4161 words

Sunghoon's been getting vivid wet dreams where Jungwon does explicitly dirty things to him... Why, though?

Jealous, Much? (SungWon)

By Hope_WinterBear Updated
Characters sunghoon, jungwon
With 1 subscribers, 630 views, 2570 words
Status [M]

Playboy (SungWon)

By Hope_WinterBear Updated
Tags  sungwon   cuteandfluffy   enhypen 
Characters sunghoon jungwon
With 5 chapters, 1130 views, 12208 words
Status [M], Completed


By shootthemoon27 Updated
Tags  sungwon 
Characters Sunghoon;Jungwon
With 4 subscribers, 3020 views, 32 words
Status [M]


By overheadthealbatross Updated
Tags  sungwon 
With 2 subscribers, 890 views


A Penguin's Travel Diary

By Soyeondle Updated
Tags  seunghwan   sungwon   junseo   jinsung   taewoo   yongha   1the9   doyum   parksungwon   yechan   taekhyeon 
Characters Pengoo Sungwon, Bullchick Taewoo, Farmer Taekkie, Carrot Seunghwan, Sponge Jinsung, Crab-Chan, SuperYoung, Skull Junseo, Princess Yummy, Little Hyun
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 200 views, 1 comments, 1105 words

A penguin in love? A chick with an identity crisis? A traveler farmer married to a carrot? And more??? What is going on?!


By Phoenix_Soar Updated
Tags  drama   romance   sungwon   sunghoon   sechskies   suwon 
Characters Jang Suwon & Kang Sunghoon & Sechskies
With 4 chapters, 4 votes, 32 subscribers, 2760 views, 30 comments, 27369 words

The first time they met, Suwon took one look at Sunghoon's eyes and knew he meant trouble. When they meet again twenty years later, Sunghoon looks at him with the same eyes and Suwon wishes he were blind - blind to Sunghoon and his feelings for which he has no answer.

How I Accidentally Named Your Mother, Yehana

By oobleck Updated
Tags  minkyung   yewon   sungwon   sungyeon   pledisgirlz   pristin   yehana 
Characters Yewon, Sungyeon
With 1 chapters, 7 votes, 16 subscribers, 1490 views, 6 comments, 676 words
Status Completed

Kidx, I'm going to tell you an incredible xtory. The xtory of how I accidentally named your mother, Yehana. (HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER AU)


By Findyourdestiny Updated
Tags     aoora   sungwon   aprince   doubleaa 
Characters A-Prince Sungwon, Double AA Aoora
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 200 views, 1108 words
Status Completed

Sungwon writes over Double AA's name will a cutie named Aoora make him regret it.

Second Star to the Right

By ThereWasA-Prince Updated
Tags  minhyuk   woobin   you   sungwon   siyoon   aprince   seungjun 
Characters You, Sungwon, Minhyuk, Seungjun, Siyoon, Woobin
With 2 chapters, 2046 words

A short series based on the current album concept of Peter Pan.


By queenofsins Updated
Tags  minhyuk      sungwon   aprince 
With 1 chapters, 3 votes, 5 subscribers, 1 comments, 875 words
Status [M], Completed

The Bus Ride

By ThereWasA-Prince Updated
Tags  sungwon   aprince   seungjun 
Characters Sungwon, Seungjun, Siyoon, Minhyuk, Woobin
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 2 comments, 959 words
Status Completed

Short Sungwon/Seungjun -- mention of Minhyuk/Woobin

Siyoon's Life

By strawberrymoon Updated
Tags  boyxboy   minhyuk   woobin   sungwon   siyoon   aprince   seungjun 
Characters Siyoon, Woobin, Sungwoon, Minhyuk, Seungjun
With 2 chapters, 2953 words

What if Siyoon gets to know that Woobin, the maknae, fell in love with Sungwon, A-Prince's Leader??  This is Siyoon's Story~~

~~Mysterious Rider~~

By JaeRin143Cat Updated
Tags  you   leeminhyuk   sungwon   ren   nuest   btob   aprince 
Characters You(Sung Jin)/Sung Jiyon, (Sung Won)/Sung Changyong, A-PRINCE, Ren, NU'EST, Lee Minhyuk, BTOB
With 3 chapters, 15 subscribers, 450 views, 9 comments, 6231 words
Status [M]


By ThereWasA-Prince Updated
Tags  woobin   you   sungwon   siyoon   aprince   seungjun 
Characters You, Sungwon, Minhyuk, Seungjun, Siyoon, Woobin
With 4 chapters, 7 subscribers, 320 views, 2 comments, 4537 words

Inspired by A-Prince Talk Time episode 6, where the boys talk about what they would do if their girlfriend was crying in front of them

I want you to be mine, but you're his.

By Seoblove Updated
Tags  ulzzang   takenband   sungwon   seungwon   aprince 
Characters Seongwon, Hae Jung(OC)
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 850 views, 3 comments, 3120 words

I'm back again with a oneshot :))) This one shot is for my one and only Taken leader, SEONGWON!! I love him soooo much! To my Ulzzang Leader, this oneshot is for you :) I love you so very much!!! <333333

Cat Sitting;

By TheHighLife Updated
Characters Sungyeol & Dongwoon
With 1 comments, 4734 words
Status [M]