Heewon (51 heewon stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

One Shots
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By Moribunddawn Updated
Tags  heewon 
With 14 chapters, 1 subscribers, 390 views, 3 words
Status [M]

惜缘 没想好

By Bronnfaith Updated
Tags  heewon 
Characters Heeseung Jungwon
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 340 views, 1 comments, 3 words
Status [M]


By tyjjncdty Updated
Tags  heewon   enhypen 
With 3 chapters, 6 words
Status [M]

Marry the night

By Heewon_0104 Updated
Tags  heewon 
With 1 subscribers, 800 views, 4 words



By Karakul Updated
Tags  heewon   sehun   jakewon   jaywon   hoonwon   nikiwon   allwon   sunoowon 
With 3 chapters, 18 subscribers, 4780 views, 2 comments, 6 words
Status [M]


By savemyheartfree Updated
Tags  heewon 
With 700 views, 6 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

【allwon】be loved

By Bronnfaith Updated
Tags  heewon   sungwon   jakewon   enhypenjungwon   jaywon   allwon 
Characters Jake Heeseung Jongseong Sunghoon Sunoo Jungwon Niki
With 29 chapters, 21 subscribers, 10500 views, 7 comments, 47 words

ooc 古早原耽味很重,关键词:豪门 虐心 狗血 渣攻 慢更,目前涉及的cp有16 26 36 46    (第一次写这篇还是22年1月投的bdz,纯粹为了自己爽而写的。断更过许久又开始写,没想过会写这么多,自己也觉得写得一般有很多不足之处。如果看得开心的话就好了,不喜欢也很正常,轻点骂🙏) 最后,尽管看的人应该也换了一批又一批。我还是很想说,感谢每一位为这篇驻足过的宝宝💕


By xueluoyicunbai Updated
Tags  heewon 
With 210 views, 8 words



By swimandsleep Updated
Tags  heewon 
Characters 李羲承,梁桢元
With 2 chapters, 2 subscribers, 820 views, 1 comments, 2 words
Status Completed

伪骨,六岁年龄差 爱来自踩盆组

Sugar Daddy

By Karakul Updated
Tags  heewon 
With 1 chapters, 1280 views, 4 words
Status [M]


By Sa_kurand Updated
Tags  heewon 
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 1020 views, 5 words



By Moribunddawn Updated
Tags  heewon 
With 3 chapters, 3 subscribers, 440 views, 41 words
Status [M]

哥能不能只爱我 61惜缘

By heeaaa Updated
Characters ENHYPEN
With 2 chapters, 4 subscribers, 5660 views, 1 comments, 2 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Sa_kurand Updated
Tags  heewon 
With 380 views, 3 words
Status Members Only


《me or the ps5》

By yojiro Updated
Tags  heewon 
Characters 李羲承/梁祯元
With 1 subscribers, 1770 views, 9 words
Status [M], Members Only

礼物 / 惜缘

By tomatoast Updated
Tags  heewon 
With 3 subscribers, 2140 views, 1 comments, 28 words
Status Members Only

代发 wb@天下无贼披萨心肠


By west_highland Updated
Tags  heewon   enhypen   enhypenjungwon   enhypenheeseung   161 
Characters 李羲承,梁祯元
With 1 chapters, 270 views
Status Members Only

李羲承来的那天,梁祯元就知道他是个子。 但李羲承那个怂样他觉得在身边当狗也不错,就跟他哥要了李羲承。 梁祯元是李羲承计划里的意外,原计划是打入贩毒集团内部,怎么成了少爷的小跟班?!


By west_highland Updated
Characters 李羲承,梁祯元
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 400 views, 7 words
Status Members Only

警察李羲承✖️医生梁祯元,oo是学龄前儿童。 (孩子是羲承生的,所以羲承是妈妈。)

Sun or

By Karakul Updated
Tags  heewon 
Characters HeeSeung,JungWon
With 2 chapters, 2 subscribers, 880 views
Status [M]


By xueluoyicunbai Updated
Tags  heewon 
With 1010 views, 37 words

我流向哨 全文1.4w+


By tomatoast Updated
Tags  heewon 
With 2 subscribers, 2040 views
Status Members Only

*可以当殉情的番外看         有人端着高脚杯走过来。梁祯元以为自己挡道,往左让了一步,结果对方又跟着他向左。他没得避了,只好收回钉在宴厅门的视线,对面前人轻轻歪了下脑袋。女人霎时被可爱到,轻笑着碰了下他的酒杯,问:“弟弟你好生的面孔,是哪家新捡回来的小公子啊?” 很简单的搭讪话术,但还真难到了梁祯元。他一时不知道自己该不该提“李”这个姓。倒不是怕李羲承怪罪,是烦隔人有耳,明天花边新闻登他是李羲承儿子怎么办?他可没有这种情趣。 但梁祯元还是答,“李家的。” 对方愣了下,很快又笑开,只当他调笑。姓李的人家不少,会这般搬出来,大约真是点得上名的那几位,但不见得就是李羲承家的。毕竟还从未听过那位身旁近过什么人,总不能真是因为养着个小孩。“你家?原来我家的呀。”女人故意这样咬字,“姐姐可不舍得我家的小孩喝酒呢。” 梁祯元听得好笑,无意再继续同她搞无聊暧昧。他同李羲承都不说这种漂亮话呢。 李羲承不日前承诺他今夜会从邻市赶回


By tomatoast Updated
Tags  heewon 
With 3 subscribers, 700 views, 45 words
Status Members Only

*伪骨 元第一人称            1 我从主席办出来后才发现下雨了。而且是暴雨,细密的雨丝飞进廊道,我已经很小心地在贴着墙边走,但还是湿掉了半边袖子。教室已经空掉了。当然了,今天是周五,如果不是被老师喊去商讨成人礼事宜,我也很愿意一打铃就飞奔回家。好吧,也可能我不是那么愿意,所以这些接二连三冒出来的学生工作才留得下我,那个空荡的家反而不行。收拾完书包后,我走到窗边,伸出手,很快被雨淋湿了掌心。 我用这只湿漉漉的手给李羲承打去电话。 李羲承是我哥哥,他现在应该还在邻市出差,但是我准备叫他来接我回家。我想这是很合理的,雨太大了,我没有伞,回不了家。虽然放班级备用物品的储物间的钥匙就由我保管,要说回去办公室找老师搭车也未尝不可,再不济等到这场雨停了再回家就好。 但是我不愿意。 我有哥哥,我希望他在这个时候从天而降。 第一个电话响了很久,到自动挂断,李羲承没有接。我固执地盯着那红色的通话记录,直到他回拨过来。我已经有一


By Moribunddawn Updated
Tags  heewon 
Characters 李羲承梁祯元
With 3 chapters, 1 words
Status [M], Completed


By yxhuan Updated
Tags  heewon 
With 1260 views
Status [M]


By Doyouwantsomewater Updated
Tags  heewon   niki   heeniki 
With 2 subscribers, 3630 views, 3 words
Status [M]


By heeaaa Updated
Characters enhypen
With 5 subscribers, 3010 views, 1 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By heeaaa Updated
Tags  heewon   heeseungxjungwon   heeseung   jungwon 
Characters heewon
With 7 chapters, 4 subscribers, 2400 views, 1 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Ji25Syy_62 Updated
Tags  heewon 
Characters 李羲承 梁祯元
With 2 subscribers, 2680 views, 40 words
Status [M], Members Only

loona oneshots

By LassKicker03 Updated
Characters loona members
With 11 chapters, 26 votes, 440 subscribers, 18370 views, 25 comments, 23498 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only

Come Around Me(惜缘现背)

By connie_0123 Updated
Tags  heewon 
With 7 subscribers, 3750 views, 19 words
Status [M], Completed


By navayagc Updated
Tags  eunseo   heewon   hyunjin   hyunwon   heejin   2jin   jinseul   loona   haseul   kimlip   jinsoul   yves   gowon   00line   yvesoul   yveseul   2jinwon 
With 4 chapters, 3 votes, 56 subscribers, 820 views, 1 comments, 17495 words
Status Subscribers Only

Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along. - Rumi -  

Our Little Rendezvous

By sxlmate Updated
Tags  fluff   heewon   shortfic   hyunjin   shortoneshot   hyunwon   yeojin   hyeju   heejin   2jin   vivi   kimjiwoo   jinseul   loona   haseul   kimhyunjin   kimlip   jinsoul   choerry   yves   chuu   gowon   yvesoul   hasooyoung   chuulip   oliviahye   sonhyejoo   kimjungeun   jeonheejin   choiyerim   parkchaewon   girlofthemonth   imyeojin   jungjinsol   johaseul   heelip   hyunsoul   heesoul   chuusoul   heehye   2jinwon   hyunhye   wongvivi   sonhyeju   hyesoul   hyechuu   jeongjinsol   jeongjinsoul 
Characters Wong Viian/ViVi, Ha Sooyoung/Yves, Jeong Jinsol/Jinsoul, Cho Haseul, Kim Jungeun/Kim Lip, Kim Jiwoo/Chuu, Jeon Heejin, Kim Hyunjin, Park Chaewon/Gowon, Choi Yerim/Choerry, Son Hyeju/Olivia Hye, Im Yeojin
With 17 chapters, 7 votes, 70 subscribers, 3640 views, 7 comments, 18376 words

Love Me,Hate Me,Save Me

By dira0002 Updated
Tags  heewon   hyerim   hyewon   hyunjin   yeojin   heejin   olivia   vivi   loona   haseul   kimlip   jinsoul   choerry   lipsoul   yves   chuu   gowon   lipves   hyunsoul 
Characters Jeon Heejin Ha Sooyoung Park Chaewon Kim Jungeun Son Hyejoo Jung Jinsoul
With 5 chapters, 2 votes, 115 subscribers, 1830 views, 3 comments, 4638 words
Status Subscribers Only

Jeon Heejin and Ha Sooyoung are two bestfriend who come from the same hometown,Mokpo and continue their live as a college student.   Park Chaewon,the girl that caught Heejin eyes but sadly she is Son Hyejoo girlfriend aka one of the most popular girl in the college and they are one of the popular couple.Chaewon also a bully which is why Heejin don't understand why out all of people,it's has to be her?    Kim

Lips Of An Angel

By heenimxxx Updated
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 5 subscribers, 490 views, 2 comments, 2834 words
Status Completed

        Jungsoo and Heechul ended everything between the two of them. They thought, if they would end everything, everything would be fine. Years passed, their lives were still going on as they planned.  Not until something happened that night. Guess they never really moved on from their past.  

Lucky One

By keepitshrimpie Updated
Characters heejin, chaewon, hyunjin, jinsoul, hyejoo, jiwoo
With 1 chapters, 5 votes, 182 subscribers, 1770 views, 1 comments, 4967 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Heejin and Chaewon meet each other.

We'll Be Alright

By dira0002 Updated
Tags  heewon   hyerim   yeohyun   loona   kimlip   yves   viseul   lipves   chuusoul 
Characters Kim Jungeun,Ha Sooyoung,other member
With 9 chapters, 4 votes, 119 subscribers, 1350 views, 3 comments, 6539 words
Status Subscribers Only

They say if it is truly love,you will know it at once They say you will know it without doubt or hesitation       I think I know who that person is now   OH MY GIRL-SSFWL      

Extra Ordinary You LOONA Version

By dira0002 Updated
Tags  heewon   hyunjin   yeojin   heejin   vivi   loona   haseul   kimlip   jinsoul   choerry   lipsoul   yves   chuu   gowon   oliviahye   lipves   wonrim 
Characters Jung Jinsol Kim Jungeun Ha Sooyoung Jeon Heejin Park Chaewon Choi Yerim
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 127 subscribers, 1640 views, 1 comments, 3931 words
Status Subscribers Only

"I will protect you from her." -Jung Jinsol   "I can't even understand my own feelings.How am I going to choose then?." -Kim Jungeun   "I hate the way she smiles everytime she with her.I never like her in the first place." -Ha Sooyoung   "I like her but I don't want anyone to know about it."

Am I Special

By dira0002 Updated
Tags  heewon   hyerim   hyunjin   yeojin   heejin   vivi   loona   haseul   kimlip   jinsoul   choerry   yves   chuu   gowon   viseul   oliviahye   lipves   chuusoul   hyunyeo 
Characters Choi Yerim,Son Hyejoo,Jeon Heejin,Park Chaewon,other member
With 20 chapters, 2 votes, 507 subscribers, 4230 views, 7 comments, 14295 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Son Hyejoo knows she made a mistake when she said she will change her pick to Chaewon instead of Yerim after she ruined the lunchbox she made in the morning because her girlfriend started ignored her presence and didn't even want to talk to her or sit next to her anymore.So will Hyejoo plan to get Yerim heart back go well or become worst.

Big Mistake

By snsdtwinkle Updated
Tags  heewon   hyerim   girlxgirl   heejin   loona   choerry   gowon   oliviahye 
Characters Chaewon, Heejin, Hyejoo, Yerim, Loona
With 1 chapters, 42 votes, 647 subscribers, 3940 views, 19 comments, 8090 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Hyejoo gets a girlfriend and Chaewon gets impossibly jealous.   Choi Yerim had no right to waltz in and steal Hyejoo from her like that! Who did she think she was?   As Chaewon's best friend, Heejin is obligated to go with her on her spy missions to try to sabotage the new couple and listen to all her hate rants about Yerim.  

new world

By godjihoe Updated
Tags  heewon   heejin   loona   gowon   heejinxgowon 
With 1 chapters, 11 votes, 34 subscribers, 1100 views, 5 comments, 5591 words
Status Completed

Heejin's world was dull before Chaewon entered her life.  or  the soulmate au where you don't see colour until you meet them. 


By godjihoe Updated
Tags  heewon   heejin   heechae   loona   gowon   heejinxgowon 
With 1 chapters, 11 votes, 24 subscribers, 970 views, 2 comments, 971 words
Status Completed

heejin finds some unexpected comfort


By baizee Updated
Characters Siwon, Heechul
With 2 chapters, 15 votes, 17 comments, 15861 words
Status [M], Completed

Traveling is No Fun Alone

By OreoSavages Updated
Tags  comedy   heesica   heewon   sichul   sliceoflife   superjunior 
Characters Choi Siwon, Kim Heechul and some Background Characters
With 5 chapters, 5 comments, 6404 words

Life's taking a turn for Kim Heechul. After the world's hardest week ever, Heechul decide it's time to take a break from life and go traveling. On his journey, he meets Choi Siwon, a writer and a singer, who is also headed in the same direction, but for other reasons. The two beomes friends traveling from Korea to Russia. Which is like a 28 hour trip. Would you like to see some love? Something funny? A growth between frienship, tigh

He is perfect

By Kanpop Updated
Tags  heechul   heewon   sichul   siwon 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 550 views, 3 comments, 597 words
Status Completed

Just a little one shot i wrote for all you sichul/heewon shippers out there! ;D

Pay Back

By pardonmygrammar Updated
Tags  heewon   superjunior 
Characters Heechul x Siwon, Hangeng, SuJu, Heechul, Siwon
With 1 chapters, 5 subscribers, 182 views, 2 comments, 4485 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only, Invite Only


By StrawberryClan Updated
Tags  changmin   heewon      yoosu   yunjae 
Characters Yoosu, YunJae, SiChul, Changmin
With 1 chapters, 40 subscribers, 1080 views, 13 comments, 1735 words
Status [M]