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“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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By kesooo Published
Tags  yeji   itzy   yejixyou 
With 1 chapters, 25 subscribers, 550 views, 3 comments, 1 words

我x眉,青梅竹马,有年龄差,我有恋姐综合征 眉右,有车,有点点强制      


By wobushuaguo Published
Tags  5114 
With 2 chapters, 55 subscribers, 19060 views, 18 comments
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背德/嫂子/🪝文学 归国小叔子🪝带娃小嫂子


By ruofeikaqiu Published
Tags  5114 
Characters wcq sys
With 1 subscribers, 1260 views, 19 words

“豆包,听说巴黎铁塔下有一个冠军花园。” “再过个几天,你陪我去看看吧。”   “好。一言为定。”     15 仲夏过去,北方的秋冬早早地就凉了下来。 训练馆里还是数十年如一日的火热。 是那种感觉不用再开空调但是运动起来又还会热的日子。  


By snobbyyminne Published
Tags  sungchen 
Characters chenle,jisung
With 2 chapters, 4 subscribers, 270 views, 1 comments, 24 words
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*破镜重圆 *末日au 开放式结局 有两个版本 不能接受坏结局的朋友们可以只看结局1   *试吃: 温暖的、带着微微薰衣草香气的志晟的怀抱,很熟悉又很陌生的怀抱。好像我们从来没有分开过。他试着用一个拥抱把我们分开的沟壑抚平,而我尽力也让他感受着,我的心真的能从这一个拥抱传递过去吗?在现在的吊桥效应下,一切看起来很美好。而以后,没有想过。只是当下,志晟说:“自私一点也没关系。把我当成用完就丢掉的工具也没有关系,辰乐啊。”像终于得见的月亮那样,一切都在今夜澄澈到变得透明,如梦似幻,仿佛从头到脚都漂浮了,得以升上想象中的救赎之国。


By ForAlltheThings Published
Tags  seventeen 
Characters 崔胜澈
With 12 chapters, 1 subscribers, 710 views, 59 words
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黑帮转财阀 攻有:金珉奎,尹净汉,车银优(我们三)


By loveflicker Published
Tags  sungsho   sungtaro   riize 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 150 views, 1 comments, 3 words
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哨向 包办婚姻 先爱后婚 上对花轿嫁对郎(

Blood Rose

By Zipit107 Published
Tags  minji   newjeans   hanni   minjixhanni   bbangsaz 
Characters minji hanni
With 5 subscribers, 1590 views, 2 comments, 6 words
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      🚗🚗🚗2 0s   反派大佬X地下拳手   搞点战损


By 2087873384 Published
Tags  haechanxyou 
With 2 subscribers, 1070 views, 1 comments, 2 words
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【李硕珉x我】 在爱和你之间

By yeoziv Published
Tags  seventeen   leeseokmin 
Characters leeseokmin
With 3 subscribers, 590 views, 1 words



By Yumoon Published
Tags  nct   haechan   haechanxyou 
With 4 subscribers, 1100 views, 1 words
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和李东赫是怎样的一对情侣呢——大概就是白天会因为鸡毛蒜皮的小事而吵架,晚上会因为缠绵滚烫的爱欲而和好。 短打 喜欢吵架也喜欢左爱的一对小情侣

it’s not fair to be your responsibility

By rocketpunchasaur Published
Tags  angst   happyending   hurtcomfort   winrina   jiminjeong 
With 1 chapters, 10 votes, 54 subscribers, 290 views, 4 comments, 2413 words
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Jimin finds herself trapped inside a black cat’s body. She tries to call for help when she hears footsteps, but all she could utter out is a mew. The footsteps come from a maltese pup, which looks just as scruffy as she is. [Angel - NewDad]

Beyond The Forbidden

By Virgil Published
Tags  yulsic 
Characters Karina, Jeno, Yul, Jessica
With 1 votes, 14 subscribers, 80 views, 31 words
Status Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

Karina is the only child in her family. Her dad dotts on her, so does her mom. Everything was fine until Karina found a diary about the family's secrets.