[name] Wang Jangjun (왕장준) 

[other names]

[Decker Black] - He created this name for himself once he left South Korea and ventured the world. He thinks the name is cool and stuck with it and actually prefers to be called this than Jangjun.

[Cosmic Devourer] - The almighty devourer of the sun and moon, Jangjun was given this nickname by his fellow monsters who know of what his kind is capable of.



[Slacker] - You already know who gave this to him. Mistah officer himself has caught Jangjun dozing off during patrols and has to wake him up and scold him for not doing his job properly. This has happened a number of times that Haneul had given him this nickname.

[Party Animal] - Given to him by his party friends back in America. He is an absoulte joy to have in parties since he knows how liven up the mood, knows the right music to get people up on their feet, and knows what to do to keep this energy going.


[monster/creature] Minokawa (reference)

[ethnicity] Korean 

[nationality] Korean 

[birthplace / hometown] Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do, South Korea

[birthdate] February 20 

[age] 430 years old

[human age] 31 years old 

[gender, identity, pronouns] male, cisgender, he/him 

[orientation] Heteroual 



[english] 100% fluency like you would believe that this was actually his native tongue. He was learning English before he left South Korea and practically mastered it over the hundreds of years he has been in America. The guy speaks it like he drinks water, effortlessly. 


[korean] 80%. He'd understand most of the words spoken but will have trouble understanding some that he doesn't frequently use or hear. He would even mix some English with his Korean either because he doesn't know the Korean word for it or he does know it but just uses English as a substitute.

[french] 90%. He has spent a good amount of his years in France, enjoying the scenery and exploring its wonders. With that, he had also learned the language they used in that country.


[faceclaim] Kim Beom

[backup] Yoon Shi Yoon  


[height] 181 cm 

[weight] 66 kg 



NORMIE FORM - Standing 181 cm tall and weighing 66 kg, this broad shouldered Minokawa, in the normie form, possess the characteristis humans have in order for him to blend in an socialize. Fair complexion, black styled hair, and a high sense of fashion, this man walks as if he is the baddest b*tch in the vicinity. He is naturally alluring facade that attracts those who spot him even if in the corner of their eye.

INHUMAN FORM - Took me a while to find a reference to show what I had in mind on how he would look like when with other monsters in his inhuman form. reference <----- with that in mind, his feather color scheme includes the following colors; Spring Roll (#c0a860), Silver (#c0c0c0), Steel (#787878), Kettleman (#606060), and Thamar Black (#181818). Spring roll being the dominant color having the darker colors fade at the edge and around his neck. He will flaunt his glorious wings as much as he could and would always try to make people notice them as much as possible aka literally flexing them until the person mentions it lmao.

SHIFTED FORM - Now onto the even more glorious and radiant form. reference <------ You think he couldn't get any more magnificent but here he is in his big bird from. He is 13,310 square kilometers big and glowing with the radiance of the friggin sun. This giant bird now shows how dangerous his stunning feathers really are as, upon closer inspection, they are actually swords. His color scheme changes drastically leaning more into the lighter colors as red, yellow, and orange are now more prominent in his feathers while white dominates the remaining parts of his body. His claws, that can basically pick up a whole city on its own, are sharp to the touch.


[fashion style] Enter the closet 


[WORK style] Whether or not a uniform is given, Jangjun would always wear his own clothes and roam the campus when he is working as a security guard. He will wear the uniform if he is forced to like, if establishment will literally fire him if he doesn't wear the uniform, he'll wear it. When it comes to the club he manages, he makes himself comfortable and changes into different variations of this clothing (link)



img one


username i would advise at least five lines


username this is going to scroll if you write more than five!


username @username this pretty much sums it up


(+)Fun-loving, Optimistic, Sincere, Forgive and forget
(+/-)Flaunts a lot, Blunt
(-)Greedy, Materialistic, Irresponsible, Impulsive


Jangjun pushes all the negativity and boringness of life cause he, and I quote "I've literally got no time for that." He is always there to look for a good time no matter what type of activities or conversations are to be had. The activities can range from something simple like completely annihalating your friends in UNO playing cards games like UNO to going on road trips and partying till the sunrises. This leads him to having the biggest brain when it comes to having fun. He literally has an activity in mind if you ask him about what your preferences are when it comes to not being bored lmao. You like going out and having fun? He'll take you to parties, barbecues, amusement parks, and even fun road trips across the country. If you want fun, just come to him. #400yearsain'tgotnothingonme


Positive vibes is the way to go with Jangjun. He really doesn't like thinking about the negatives of a situation that much. He sees the positives instead and will keep on looking at the positive things as much as possible. This is connected to him being a fun-loving person as he doesn't look at the dull and boringess of consequences and just goes with the flow and rhythm of positivity. He is a self-motivator which is why he literally is always so glowing and radiating with his own positive vibes. #frowninggivesyouwrinkles


Sincerity is all about being real and who better than the baddest b*tch in town who'll say things straight up to your face, the one and only Mr. Jang to the Jun. He is real with people through his words and actions. He won't use fake flattery to win over your trust cause that's just not how people should socialize. He'll express his gratefulness towards you when you've done something for him no matter how big or small. It's quite rare to see people who actually express their feelings and make it seem sincere to the point that others just think that it's fake but, with Jangjun, you wouldn't have those thoughts cause he'll express it in a manner where you'd see his honesty and genuinity. #getthatfakesh*touttahere

Jangjun isn't the type to hold grudges as these bring a lot of negative emotions and, as discussed above, he doesn't like having those emotions. To further explain, if he holds a grudge against someone, whenever he sees that person, negative thoughts and feelings would erupt from him and that's just not worth his time and day. So, he would rather forgive the person for their wrong doings against him and let bygones be bygones. Not to say that he'll be dumb af and just keep forgiving people for comitting the same mistakes again and again, but, he will just keep an eye out for them and possible try to avoid interacting with them if ever they have wronged him numerous times. #forgivenesshasalimit

Riches, looks, and brilliance. Jangjun flaunts it all bruh. He isn't really arrogant about it like he won't say stuff like "Oh you don't own a designer bag? How poor of you." no nothing like that. He just likes showing off his stuff and what he's got, from his things and achievements, to his looks and style. Oh especially his feathers. Do not get me started on how much he'd swing around his wings just to show people how shiny and pretty they are.

He is literally this gif like "Yes, look at my beauty." The reason I put this as a neutral trait is because it inspires a lot of confidence in others to see how he loves his own features but it also annoys others that he keeps doing it. #beautyisme

Just because he is real doesn't mean he holds back all the time even when he should. There are times when he says things that people don't want to hear but he thinks they need to. Though this is great for giving people a reality check when they become unrealistic, it also dumbs down the mood of others when he does it. He isn't doing it to be mean or anything, he just does it to show people what he thinks about it. #keepinitreal

Greeedyyyyyyyyyy oooooooohhhhh you know that he's greedy for something. He is a complete bystander who does nothing while his co-workers work their off and panic to get the job done while he does everything he can to avoid working. When the administration finally comes and gives them a reward for their hard work, you bet your that Jangjun is first in line to accept that praise for the work his colleagues did. Jangjun  loosk for clever ways or loopholes to outsmart rules and regulations, designed to protect the system, for personal gain. Although his actions may be entirely legal, greedy Jangjun evades his responsibilities by offloading the costs to others. #mememememememememe


All the things that are shiny, expensive, and keep him glowing like the sun are the things he values above all. Family, friendships, romance? What are those? Lmao. He values his things over everything else and would most likely save his gucci bags from a burning building than you. Well, okay maybe not that far but you kinda get the point. He values his things a lot and is the type to actually want a christmas gift that is over 1000 dollars than something made from the heart. #hewantsfabulousthatishissimplerequest


This contradicts his Sincere trait hard like how the hell are you supposed to be sincere if you are irresponsible at the same time? Like what if you promise to go their birthday party, wouldn't the sincere thing to do is hold on to your promise and go? But if he has this trait wouldn't it make him miss out on that birthday party? Aaron, how are you gonna explain yourself with this one? Well, dear reader, nobody is 100% perfect. Just because I put in the sincere trait as one of his positive traits doesn't mean that he would be sincere 100% of the time. Now, how does he display irresponsibility? He literally doesn't do his job, forgets things like events and promises, and sometimes even puts the blame on someone else lmao. He is also terrible with money. There is a reason why Seojun cut him off from the family's money and that is because he just spends and spends not thinking about the amount he piles up. #dollabills


He isn't the type to think about the consequences of the things he does. He just does things on the fly and deals with all the consequences later on or just pin it on someone else. Despite being the happy-go-lucky person he is, the biggest downside to this is that he only focuses on the positive things that he wants to see and not the glaring red flags that his actions could bring. He lives on impulse. Everything he does is based on spontaneity without the thought of consequence.


[background] format as you wish, the rules for student background pretty much apply here, but also please explain when they came to daeghoul fright, why they're working there, etc. you can just do bullet points or brief year overviews if you'd like. 


Being born as a Minokawa and a twin to a Bakunawa, things heated up between Jangjun and his brother Seojun immediately at such a young age. Their parents always favored the one who did better, the one who brought most honor to the family, and the one who had the best attitude. Unfortunately, try as Jangjun might, he would always be second place in the eyes of his parents. Compared and constantly berated for not being as good, Jangjun became a stranger to his own family and found happiness in other things.

He found the happiness he was yearning for in the comfort of everyone else. He would always be MIA in the house cause he'd be spending his time playing around with his friends, going places, eating out, and all the fun things party people do. Since he was basically ignored in the family, he was able to just live his own life with the money his family keeps earning from the company they own. Basically a leech. His parents did not care enough to cut him off and just let him be.

Jangjun moved all the way to America and resided in California for the majority of his life. He partied all day and night, met friends, celebrities, and even established worked there as a model for the time being. While he did earn his own money from the modelling job, he still spends so much that he still takes money from his own family.


That is until Seojun, who had recently become the new CEO, found out. He immediately cut off all the cards Jangjun had and waited for him to inevitably come storming into his office, which he did. The argument was loud and so aggressive that both of them nearly shifted into their full forms which could've destroyed the city. Luckily, this was not the case. Seojun managed to tell him that he needed to learn how to take responsibility for the amount of money he spends to which Jangjun responds saying that if he was talking about a job, he already had one. Jangjun sighed saying that even with that job, he still takes money from the family which clearly means he has no sense of responsibility with money.

Seojun gave him a choice, he heard that their alma mater, Daeghoul Fright Academy, had been hiring more staff for the school. Seojun proposed that if Jangjun works their for an entire year and properly budgets the money he earns from the job, then he would give him back access to the account. Jangjun, left with literally no other choice, cause beating his brother into submission was never gonna work, begrudgingly accepted the terms and was scheduled a flight back to South Korea the following day.

He arrived back at South Korea and was driven to his alma mater where he meets old and new faces. He spends some time chatting up his fellow colleagues and professors before heading to the headmaster's office where he meets Jinhwa to apply for the job as Security and possibly another position cause in his words "I don't want to spend the whole day patrolling. If I'm gonna be back here, I might as well be a facilitator for one of more fun and exciting clubs." to which Jinhwa tells him that Walpurgis Committee would be a great choice for him. He accepts and is hired. 

He'll begin his work on August 2019 where he'd meet the other members of the Security Team as well as the other professors and staff members that he has yet to encounter.


[monster/creature] Minokawa


In his fully shifted Minokawa form, he has the following attributes:

Vacuum Adaptation - Jangjun can survive and adapt to the vacuum of space unaided and is able to withstand atmospheres (heat intensity and any poisonous chemical elements), cosmic media (radiation), strange gravity (even sometimes that of a black hole), and lack of air.

Natural Glow - His form glows with a radiant mixture of yellow and orange that would most likely blind those who stare too long. He has the ability to control the brightness of this glow to the point that he can even turn it off if he needs to.


Massive Appetite - Contrary to popular belief, this isn't an attribute that Minokawas naturally have. He inherited this attribute from his Bakunawa father thus making it so that he has to eat large amounts of food to satisfy his cravings and keep his bodily functions at peak condition.

Eyes - Bright yellow eyes that have a sort of gleam to them.

Wings - His wings span to the point that flapping it produces so much wind to topple buildings over.


Beak - His beak is colored white and can sometimes glow the color of his feathers when manipulating fire. Also it can open up big enough to eat the sun.


Feathers - His feathers are able to shift themselves into the form of sharp swords that he can use at his disposal. They remain the same color as the feather they were previously. He grows them back at high speeds to avoid balding.

Fiery body - This acts the same way his natural glow does. He is able to constantly surround his body with flames for reasons up to him. It could be for aesthetics, to intimidate someone, or merely to protect himself from others.



Fire Immunity - Jangjun is immune to fire, being completely invulnerable to direct and indirect effects.


Fire Generation and Manipulation - Jangjun is capable of producing fire from his body and manipulate them to do what he pleases. Usually he just uses it to look fancy by surrounding him with flames in an aesthetically pleasing manner.


Sword Creation and Manipulation - In his inhuman/creature form, Jangjun can use his feathers to create, shape and manipulate swords, that are of the color of his feather, shaping and combining them as needed, or moving them with telekinesis.

Flight - With his massive wingspan, he is able to flap his wings and take flight, zooming across the world at heightened speeds.

Shapeshifting - Minokawas are able to change into different forms, in this case, Jangjun can transform into a normie, his creature form, and his fully shifted Minokawa form.


[weaknesses and strengths] 



Water - He is unable to do much against creatures who possess the ability to wield water as their weapon. His fire may counter their water but he would have a difficult time in doing so. To be clear, he is fine with water in its natural use like drinking, getting wet in the rain, showering, and etc. It's just when it is used to fight against him or as a weakness, that is when it becomes a problem. He would have difficulty in surrounding himself with fire when he is completely drenched.

Big appetite - To remain functioning at his prime, he needs to consume the required amount for his body to gain the nutrients it needs.


Beacon of Light
- As he can literally shine brighter than the sun, one of his greatest strengths is being feared among creatures who dislike or are afraid of the light. He basically dispels them away with his light.

Fire Adept - He is a complete master at using his fire abilities. For the past hundreds of years he has been alive, he had encountered some not so savory creatures that either wanted to fight him or kill him. Either way, he was able to develop his expertise with his fire capabilities and use it to his maximum potential. He is not really known for this as a combat ability but more so on the using it for aesthetics purpose.


[elaboration] Since not a lot of people are familiar with the Minokawa, aside from the info above, that is pretty much it with this creature. 
-They're big.
-They're fast flying.
-They can cover themselves with fire.
-They can use fire.
-They are big enough to consume both the moon and the sun.
-They can fly to space without any consequence.
-Big fire chicken go skrrrrrttttt


5+ here



5+ here



5+ here



5+ here



3+ here


[ name says/does] 

optional here



optional here



-He'll physically cringe if you call him by his birth name.















img one


username i would advise at least five lines


username this is going to scroll if you write more than five!


username @username this pretty much sums it up

[job] teacher? coach? receptionist? what's their job on-campus? 


[schedule] their weekly schedule. include when they grade work, when/if they do tutoring, when they're with extrafurriculars / sports teams, etc. 


[extrafurriculars & sports] any sports and extrafurriculars they oversee / coach / sponsor, etc. 


[clubs] any clubs they oversee or sponsor, if any. 


[the incident of 2019] their initial reaction, response, current feelings etc. 


[living situation] staff housing? off-campus? where do they live? most staff live in the staff housing on campus, but others are free to live in daeghoul itself!

[name] completely optional, feel free to delete

[nicknames] format as you please

[faceclaim] here

[birthdate, age] include equivalent age

[birthplace & hometown] here

[monster/creature] here

[ethnicity] here

[nationality] here

[languages] format as you please


[height & weight] here


[appearance & style] include uniform style


[personality] here


[brief background] here


[trivia/additional details]



[job] and schedule, and clubs they sponsor or oversee or whatever 


[first meeting] here


[development] here


[interactions] here


[status] here

[ending] here


[relationship trivia]




img one


username i would advise at least five lines


username this is going to scroll if you write more than five!


username @username this pretty much sums it up

aaron says

KezMer. 6/10.

[comments] here


[scene requests] here


[password] here


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so uhh since he's a senior he's not rlly connected to my kids when it comes to years but I have noticed that he shares some clubs with some of my bubs ;w; he follows PE and is in googi's dance club so he probably knows this teacher quite well, he is in the student disembody council with serene and the academic team with minhee, which is coached by tourmaline e u e so we got a lot of possible collabs here.
