Day 19: Disrespecting Your Parents

Ah, I've been awaiting this topic. I would firstly like to say that I am black and anyone else who is black may highly relate to this. Any and everything you do can be taken as disrespect with black parents, especially black mothers. It makes for a very toxic environment growing up and a draining one. My parents got divorced when I was young (I'm not sure when) but I would visit my Dad on the weekends. I don't recall him giving us many rules. Just like we were free range with him which made us (I'm referring to my brother and I) mad when our mom tried to give us rules and told us no. As a kid, I often found myself being mad at my mom for all the rules and boundaries she implemented especially since my Dad wasn't giving any. Anyway, my dad and his whole side of the family were pretty loose when it came to rules (my cousins are/were wild) they basically controlled the household and were really disrespectful (hitting my aunts, cussing, screaming, slamming things). Eventually mom stopped letting me go around my cousins because it was rubbing off on me and they used to bully me. 

I stopped seeing my Dad and that whole side of the family when I was like 9. I got really sick and yeah, my dad just kinda left my life and didn't want to be involved with me anymore. 

Anyway, life was very strict for me since my mom was basically a single parent and I was a sick kid with very important needs. I didn't really get to go to friends' houses or even hangout. I was basically kinda stuck up under my mother and it has been that way from my age of 9 until even today (I'm 20 now). I have to say her and I have this very deep bond and I tell her everything (I told her when I lost my ity and when I started having and my roleplaying and fanfic writing). It's things that regular teenage girls do not tell their moms but I do. We are so close, I know a lot of things about her that regular girls probably don't know about their mom. I think things were fine between us until around the age of 12/13. I started wanting to become more independent and express my emotions and feelings freely. Often if I got into trouble, my mom would never let me talk back or explain why I did what I did. It was considered back talk and I would get into even more trouble. 13 was a very turbulent time for me (my best friend had killed herself and I moved away from all my friends and I had to give my dog away). That was when I guess I started to become "disrespectful" with talking back and telling my mom what I didn't want to do and such.

At some point, I started screaming "I hate you" to her and such. Our relationship just turned toxic and got proceedingly toxic throughout high school. I wanted my independence and freedoms to just be me. I was still being treated like a child and I was still being told no when it came to hanging out with friends and such. I used to just ignore her calls and go off with friends when I wasn't supposed to which led to more trouble and fights. Eventually, our fights turned sometimes physical and we would say some really hurtful to each other. Those words still stick in my head and I'm sure my words still stick in her head. Honestly by the black community's standard, I am the most disrespectful child ever and my mom has done no wrong. It's a draining cycle truly. I admit somethings were down right mean and dirty that I said but she gave it back so idk.

I managed to move out and I was much happier. Our relationship got better because I wasn't living with her and I was free but I moved back in this year due to life threatening circumstances with my health. From the people who try to fix our relationship... They say my mom and I are so much alike, that we bump heads easily. She's been shadowing me and controlling my life since I was 9 so it's probably hard for her to let go especially since I deal with illnesses and such. I just want simple freedoms and she takes them away. It's a very stressful and frustrating way of life especially since my Dad just bailed. My mom has been dealing with my illness and taking care of me by herself since I was 9 so it is hard and rough on her. 


I try sometimes but it is really toxic. I really do love my mom to death and it makes me sad when she is mad at me or feels like I don't love her. I just think it is time for me to live on my own and for her to live on her own as well away from me. We have been very absorbed in each other's lives, it is suffocating and we just snap easily especially with COVID and us being home and around each other 24/7. I just hope that we can heal and I can eventually move out soon. 

But yeah... 

Day 19 of 30 down! I am still feeling pretty low and depressed, I am sorry.

Tomorrow's topic will be cool. 


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We did it my friend!!! Hugs and kisses to you, we made it to the end of this awesome journal experience! I'm really happy about the friends you made here on AFF it's good to have friends here to talk to. It's not easy talking to the people you have outside of the fandom world whichever one you're into. I'm in love with the new MAMAMOO music too and I'll definitely check out Kai's music (my fam and I like to check out new kpop vids together ^^) I'm happy for you regarding your subscribers for Kitty Dearest!!! It's on my to-do list to read I've just been lazy and writing blog entries of course XD I can relate to the writer's block I'm there with one story I'm writing on ao3. Nice word count and that was a good way to end your last blog entry for November. I'm proud of us, Kya, we did it and now we can do it again. Hopefully this will be something we'll continue ❤️❤️❤️ another good entry ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for shouting out at me ^^ these goals are good I love that you added the stories you wanted to complete that's a good goal that even I know I can work on. Going vegetarian is a good goal (not that I'm one or planning on becoming one) but I know you're making a good decision though. It's nice you want to lose weight that's definitely on my list too - I got a wardrobe of clothes I want to fit into comfortably. This was a good entry blog :)
It's crazy that you went through that at such a young age, no doubt some things you wouldn't remember due to the whole event happening. It's crazy. I get why you'd miss the Past You, I know I do sometimes too but I guess I don't miss my past self enough, but I think it's cool that you do. I can see there are definitely things I think you just need to figure out on your own and I really hope you're able to. You definitely deserve to not be so stressed all the time or feeling that way about yourself. I hope it gets better sooner than later, my friend. This was a good entry and this journey of our dear challenge is coming to it's end ❤️❤️❤️
I agree with you you have dealt with a whole ton of stuff for only being 20 that's definitely not an understatement. I definitely understand the time management and gaining weight - I get how that rejection would definitely f**k with your mind that really does (people really do ) I get that truly. I've definitely noticed that I've gone back to square one on the whole weight thing, I mean we try and we don't see results. I know I expect things too quick which I was why I'd overwork myself when it came to exercising but that doesn't help. I guess we just have to keep trying? I didn't know you shaved your hair! I'm gonna guess that was something you wanted to do? I could definitely feel the frustration in this blog and I really hope somehow these problems you've dealt with do go away you don't deserve them no one does. I'm rooting for you my friend. Another good entry ❤️❤️❤️
I liked this one yours was definitely more specified in some areas but I thought it was cool. I thought it was cool you mentioned what you would prefer regarding height either male or female or even when it comes to hair too. It's interesting at the thought of getting rejected for just being a certain ethnicity group, but I can see it being true - I'm Hispanic so I bet other people would feel the same (I bet some people would have an issue with it idk) but it was funny you mentioned the "if you're Asian I'm about 50% automatically attracted to you" (that's me with English accents XD) This was a good entry and we're so far my friend. Happy Thanksgiving!! ❤️❤️❤️
It was sweet that your mind instantly went to kpop idols (my mind took a whole different turn but that's okay ^^). I smiled when you mentioned Jonghyun. You bring up a good point up about him - no one expected it, he was always smiling. I think this is something people need to take from this tragedy - people who are always happy and smiling can be hiding something within them. I hear people always say "if someone is all alone and talking about death you should talk to them they might be depressed" - I feel like this is the only people everyone focuses on. What about the people who hide it? You'll never know because you never wondered to ask even the most happiest people how they were feeling (I don't this is my mom's and my opinion) good entry 😊
Lilo & Stitch is an awesome favorite movie I love it too my cousin used to play it for my sis and I during our car drives to Las Vegas 😊 and yes I love the family message behind it I think people would benefit from watching it - showing how important family is, blood related or not, is important and meaningful. I'm happy this movie provides comfort for you. Another good entry ☺️
I love your list. When I saw TOP and Changminnie I was like "omg omg omg" especially Changminnie because who doesn't love Changmin? I like how different yours was even though it said guys I liked that you added that it's because of your uality - I think it was a nice touch truly.

Moonbyul and Wheein are definitely beautiful queens they're definitely attractive based on physical appearances and personalities. Wheein is super sweet and I love how charming Moonbyul is.

Btw I like Shawn Mendes with his long hair, I'm not a fan but I think he looks handsome with the longer hair than the short hair ^^

This was a good entry I think it definitely brought something out of you and I - something more personal. Whether these 5 or ten we mention are our true types or not there's a reason we find them attractive you know? I enjoyed doing mine and I'm happy you enjoyed doing yours.
Another good entry ❤️❤️
It was cool that you mentioned what you were doing at the time. I was a bit drained so I couldn't even think about it specifically when it came to typing out mine. I know what it's like to change maturity wise and it's nice that you grew out of that "I don't care" mindset - we all make impulsive decisions but it's best to be careful when it comes to making choices. I'm sorry you're still going through things but I'm happy you're trying to reach out and make connections and that you've tried to be more positive 😊
It was cool that you mentioned other tv shows that you were considering, but your pick was a good one. I've never seen or heard of The Pack but it seems like a cool show especially since it has dogs 😊 the show sounds cute and cool that they go to different parts of the world ☺️
I like how you brought up how important education is at this very moment which I agree. I don't agree with adults pressuring for the best schools either. You can learn what you need to learn in an elite school or not. It puts too much pressure on these poor kids who might not actually not want to go to those schools. And yes you should take care of your mental health and definitely not sacrifice it. This was a good entry I liked it. It went into further deep it was nice seeing your view on how important you believed education was 😊
I think it's cool that you mentioned how your race is. I have Mexican roots and me and the "bad Mexican roots" mostly live within my dad's family because they're full Mexican (my mom's family are Hispanic). I can see where it would be hard for you mom to let you go because she has had you in her for life for so long and it's been just her since your dad didn't do much - sorry about that I know what that's like. You know, I mentioned this I think the other time you mentioned your toxic relationship with your mom. I think it's good that you know the relationship you have with your mom isn't what you need therefore you left and know it's best for you and your mom to kind of have separate lives, you know? I think it's better that way because there so much toxicity there - it kind of prevents anything bad happening or being sad (hopefully that makes sense). This was a good entry ❤️❤️❤️
I love the fact you brought up aliens and mermaids because I believe in them too I love that you added that!! Trophy hunting definitely should be banned poor animals being hunted just because idiots want to show off what they killed. It pisses me off because trophy hunters go and kill lions but they have weapons with them - they'd never try to do it if they didn't have their weapons which makes them an excuse of men for one thing but still no matter what it's unnecessary that was a good point to bring up. This was another good entry ❤️❤️
Sorry for the late response I literally passed out 😅 I'm happy you were able to move out when it came to the toxic relationship with your mom - sometimes people stay in toxicity because that's someone they love bit I'm happy you went back when you needed to however I'm sorry the toxicity is back. I'm happy you got Lilo and your first tattoo which is a good choice because it's Stitch and he's so cute 😍 I'm sorry about your driver's licence my sis was hoping to get hers earlier before her birthday but it's gonna happen after and she's pretty bummed out that. Sorry you caught the flu I've never before but I know that's a hard one to beat. Thank you for mentioning me I'm happy that I was able to give you support and love you need. Thank you for being there for me too. And yes! Try to be positive, but it's understandable when it feels like I'm some situations you can't ❤️❤️❤️
Yours was definitely better out than mine 😂 I agree about what you have to say about the music you were hearing on the radio and then you have kpop - there are so many songs back then and even now that are all just about , drugs and alcohol - it gets worst since people throw other things into their trashy music. We both don't follow with the trends 🙂 it was cool you brought up not listening much to BTS and BLACKPINK anymore since it's heavily pushed onto you. Both of them have good music, but there are other kpop groups out there that are also good too. This was a good entry ❤️❤️❤️