↳  P A R A D O X ↰  ↳  MITSU IS ON THE VOCAL TEAM  ↰ (open for collabs)

. #8bd18e is the green color

BBVIP21BlackJack • Chris •  paradox


橘 昭光

remplace with face claim 120*120

birthnametachibana akimitsu
other names

mitsu : the stage name he chose for himself. it's a shortened version of his name that means light or honey. he has been told he has a honey like voice and thought it would work. 


aki-chan : his twin, haneul, has called him aki-chan for as long as he can remember. even though they are older now, it's still a name just for them that shows affection.

itachibana or itachi ; a name he got due to his last name being tachibana, a lot like itachi or weasel in japanese. he got this name in school and his brother will use it to at times when he is being more of a weasel or prankster.

birthday june 15th, 1995
birthplace kyoto, japan
hometown seoul, korea
ethnicity korean/japanese
languages spoken

korean : 100% | he moved to korea with his mother and brother when he was 2 years old. he attended school and mainly spent time in korea.

japanese : 90% | he was born in japan and visited his father every year until he was 15. he kept up the language with his twin brother, but neither of them can write it.

english : 30% | he can say simple or basic sentences due to tv, schooling, and songs.

face claim taka of one ok rock
back up face claim taewoong of snuper
height & weight 167 cm & 74 kg

— akimitsu matches his face claim fairly well. while training he had a small goatee and long, dark hair. right before debut he went and got his hair shorter. he has a bulky build and a pale complexion that makes his tattoos stand out more. he also has guages in his ears.

his fashion is full of dark or neutral colors. he likes to wear skinny jeans and longer sleeves in an effort to keep his tattos from constant view. he also will ad random splashes of color to his clothes to break up the dark.


entp | gemini | gryffindor | chaotic good

personality traits 

[POS] charismatic, energetic, caring, protective, gentle, loyal.

[NEG] argumentive, simple minded, brash, loud, insecure, reckless.


charismatic + brash : mitsu has a boyish smile and a charm unlike most other idols. he is good looking and always willing to chat with others. he is a natural at complimenting others, unless they have hurt him or those he cares about in some way. once he doesn't like a person he becomes rude, standoffish, and naggy. he gets this air of being better or just not caring.

energetic + loud : he is anything but quiet. he is almost always in motion and talking about something. he was asked when he was younger is he had adhd by an american teacher, but didn't know how to reply. he has always had energy and struggled with sitting still for long periods of time.

caring + reckless : he has a soft heart despite his words at times. he cares easily and goes well out of his way to help others, to the point of being reckless or self sacrificing at times. he often runs into situations half cocked, not considering the outcome or consequences. 

protective + argumentive : 

gentle + insecure : 

loyal + simple-minded : 


— akimitsu was born to a japanese man and a korean woman who met in college. his father worked for a large company, and his mother worked as a nurse. both were very busy until the birth of their twin sons. just his father worked for a while as his mother healed and cared for her children. it was then that his mother began to notice his father's odd habits and schedules. it took her two years and a lot of careful planning, but she eventually learned of her husband's infidelity and moved back to korea with her family, taking her toddler boys with her. shared custody and yearly visits were agreed upon, ensuring that the boys were able to see and know their father as well as their mother.

when he was three, his mother met a man who would later become her new husband. akimitsu can't remember what it was like when he was very young, but he can remember that when his younger sister was born it became just him and his brother in their own world. their mother cared for them but had moved on to her new husband and baby while their father married the woman he had cheated with and had his own children. there was no room for akimitsu or haneul in their lives, and they saw that. 

akimitsu was the older twin and took it upon himself to look out for both haneul and their younger sister as best as he could. he would try to cook when their parents were gone, helping the sitter or cooking on his own once he was old enough. he got into fights against those who tried to bully his siblings, earning the title "punk" from a young age. his grades slipped a bit as he worried about others more than himself, but he had haneul there to kick him back into shape. together, they made their world a happy place.

for both haneul and akimitsu music was an escape from their lonely world. no one understood them like each other. adults thought they were troublemakers. their parents claimed it was the other parent's fault. no one wanted to look past the pranks or brash words. all they saw were two young boys with passable grades and a bad record. music saw none of that and offered them peace together. they would sing, they would dance, and they would laugh. music became a passin they never expected, but they knew they had to do it together. 

a day after they turned 14, they agreed that they would go and tryout for companies together. they tried for sm first, hoping that they could get in with their vocals first and looks second. they weren't so lucky however. they were told their vocals are lacking a bit, but that they would do well in modeling with their fair features and cute eyes. the boys agreed on the grounds that they were at least getting in the company. once they had parted from the recruter, akimitsu asked haneul to promise him that they would debut with a group instead of as models. haneul agreed and they began to work together to get better. it took them a year to be placed within a group's training program, but they made it together.




— akimitsu joined sm as an official trainee in 2011, missing exo's debut by a couple of months. he was a bit disppointed, having the thought that if he had been just a bit better the year before he could have possibly been a part of the group. he didn't let it get him down however and threw himself fully into his training. he kept up his schooling just enough to pass his classes, but otherwise all of his free time went into becoming an idol. his premary focus went into his vocals, believing his voice was pretty good naturally and if he had a bit of training and pratice that it would only get better. he learned he was pretty terrible at rap along the way, but wasn't half bad at dancing and had a skill in writing he never really put much thought into before. a teacher gave him the tools for writing by teaching him poetry and showing him the proper skills. from there it became a hobby he loved and worked on as much as he practiced singing.

in 2013 he was able to become a part of the sm rookies program. he was apart of the first group introduced, but didn't have anything showcased for him. he was merely a face who modeled once in a while. he was finally featured as a backup dancer for exo's overdose, but his face was hidden and he was never featured again. he took this as a failure and forced himself to work even harder. for a while he only got 4 hours of sleep with how hard he worked himself. he got to a point that he collapsed and had to take a week long brake. he feared not being allowed to return, but was welcomed with open arms and complimented for his vocals. it was explained that they just hadn't found a way to showcase his skillset, not that he had failed as a trainee. from then on he took better care fo himself in hopes of proving he could handle the pressure as well as become a greay singer.

in 2016, akimitsu was approached by madam kang. she didn't play coy or mince words with him. she told him he had talent but he was unpolished and pushing himself in the wrong direction. she promised to work him well beyond what he had been worked so far, but within healthy means if he swore to give his all to her. he of course eagerly jumped on the chance to become something great. he had already set high standards for himself and joined the program with a clear goal and steady drive. having his brother right beside him only helped to push him farther. he struggled a bit at first with the strict schedules, but he didn't have a lot to sacrifice to begin with and adapted quickly.

the years he put into working on his vocal talents and his passion for writing put him within the vocal group. he had always thought himself not good enough or in need of work, but he excelled as a vocalist naturally and was able to debut in the end.

talent twins

[ POSITION ]  vocal team captain or sub captain as a backup.

VOCAL : hwesung of n.flying. x x      DANCE & VOCAL : onew of shinee. x x


follwers of the sm rookies took photos of him on his days off with a young girl hugging her or having her close. the girl was his younger sister when she was 14 and the rumors were quickly cleared up by both haneul and akimitsu themselves by posting images of their sibling on their social media.

he had been away from the group for a family emergency. haneul had stayed inside the hospital while akimitsu had stepped out to get some fresh air. being emotionally charged and rushed by a couple of saesang, he had reacted badly and tried to push them out of his way as he went back inside. curses and words were shared during the altercation, but no one was injured. he issued a formal apology 2 weeks later but refused to do as the fans asked of him such as shaving his head or stepping down from the group.

akimitsu had been tried to hide his uality since 2014. he knew how the public viewed homouality and didn't want to sacrifice his dreams just for the views of others. he had made a mistake however and ended up caught and outed by a fan. 



— cats, spicy foods, snowboarding, writing, poetry, exercise, coffee, snow, manga/manhwa, anime, skateboarding.


— being hot, hiking, early mornings, math, birds, sour foods, horror, snakes, spiders, dramas, heights



— has a cat allergy
— if something is broken or gone wrong it's probably his fault
— he is scared of heights
— he is the guy who would be in the middle of a conversation and will yell "CAT!!" before running to pet the animal that will make him swell and miserable
— his flirting consists of cheesy pickup lines, smirks, and if the person is close skinship
— is 100% gay for all of the members. or proud dad status. mostly gay crushing on all of them in some way though.
— will randomly scream song lyrics that match the conversation, the mood, or the person just because he thought of them at that time.
— he doesn't do well in the mornings. don't talk to him before he has coffee unless you want to be his prank victim for the week.
— 10/10 an actual child but will fight anyone who calls him one or picks at his height
— is actually very fiery but in a good natured way
— he hates dramas because he cries easily and they always have something sad
— is actually the pushover doting dad type for the youngest members because they are his babies and he will die for them unless they wake him before the sun. then they will die for him.
— has the filthiest mouth. he tries not to curse in front of cameras but sometimes he messes up
— is the older twin by 7 minutes


— "i am going to get a ING RICE CRISY TREAT"
— hops around the dorm like a kangaroo
— sits on member's laps when they are free even if there is a chair
— "don't lie "
— "baekhyun hyung is my soul creature"
— "you're as pretty as the moon tonight!"
— "roses couldn't compare to you"
— makes cheesy puns from anything said by members
— he says whatever is on his mind honestly


family • tachibana daichi | kim bora | kim yuri / 55 | 54 | 19 / company manager | nurse | jyp trainee / he is closest to his sister while being cordial to his parents / his family is broken up due to his father's infidelity and his mother's remarriage. he loves his parents but he has always been closer to his siblings who has yet to start their lives and thus wanted him in their's.

twin brother • tachibana haneul / 24 / paradox / easy going + mature / haneul is his closest friend and family member / they have always been there for each other and always will be. if there is trouble, it is likely the twins did it together. haneul is the voice of reason when akimitsu gets out of control. he is the one that akimitsu can always count on, until he couldn't.

mentor & senpai • kim heechul / idol & mentor / sassy + honest / 7 of 10 / akimitsu respects and looks up to heechul. he's been with the company for quite a while and knows that despite heechul's persona he is serious about his craft and knows what he's talking about. they can be loud together and mitsu has argued with heechul when frustrated, but he always apologized and takes what the older man says very seriously.


— relation • name / age / occupation / personality traits / closeness
interactions briefly



what would you add to the paradox team?

mitsu paused, taking a moment to ponder the question. despite his goofiness and loudness, he catually cared about the group and s. he didn't want to give anyone a half assed answer when it came to the group. "i would add more variety in concepts. i think something for everyone but in a single promotion would be interesting. it would showcase each person's skills individually for the fans to appreciate."

what are you confident in? what do you lack?

he grinned at the interviewer before looking over her shoulder at his members. he could see the looks they sent him telling him to behave, but he couldn't help himself. "i am confident in my pleasure skills. i'm good at bringing others pleasure." he said with a wink before laughing. "nah, i'm good at bringing smiles to other's faces and frustrating people with my energy. i'm also not to bad at singing, but my dance and rap could use some work!"

which seniors do you look up to? why?

"i look up to heechul for being the variety star that he is. i also look up to tvxq and boa, but who doesn't? they are some of the founders for my generation when it comes to being an idol. i can only dream of being as great as them!"

where do you see yourself in ten years?

he couldn't help but to snort, knowing that he's about to feed the interview bull. "i would like to hope that i'd be settled down and married. at 34 or 35 i want to continue preforming for the fans, but i'd like to have a family waiting for me when i'm done for the day. hopefully i'm premoting in japan by then and am seen as an acomplished idol!"


love interest here
back up love interest here


— here

love story

— gimme all da feels


— make me cry and i'll give you a cookie

remplace with love interest 120*120


last comment hiya! i hope that i completed him correctly. i was kinda thinking of a bunch of characters while creating this boyo so he may be a bit off. hopefully his brother will be a bit more stable lol

solo projects / songs

• I would like to see him try a cover of the sound of silence by disturbed. he doesn't speak good English but the vocals of the songs are so good it would be interesting.

• he has already entered the modeling scene so it would be cool to see him do more with that. maybe stuff with vogue or for a new designer?


password oh boy this will be a hard one. on by bts probably. or callin' by ace. any songs about moving forward or not giving in despite being knocked down really fits him lol



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