update 9/5


so, i created my playlist, wrote like 2k worth of words and decided, hey if I'm going to write about Jungkook, I should probably listen to the music he likes.


So I found his Spotify playlist (?) of songs he's listening too. and holy asdfamsdfok


it feels too personal.

he has very similar music tastes to someone else I know and this just got too real ('''':

like I kind of realized Jungkook was similar to this person but after listening to this music, it got too real.


yeah, so now i'm emotional and I'm missing this person so much now. Like I really shouldn't because this person has broken my heart so many times why am I like this but I can't stop missing them and thinking of them. I think it would've gotten more personal if Jungkook had Porter on this playlist LOLOLOLOL *cries for a billion years* 


LOL. insight on my personal life ('''': 



^ that's the playlist I found. idk if that's really it though LOL 




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