我和你  /  范威湛。

should be 150x300
fan weizhan
june 13th 2000
taipei, taiwan
jinyoung's counterpart
his name in korean. pronounced as beom widam.
damsing machine
a rather clever pun, as it sounds like dancing machine. could also be seen as a sarcastic, ironic nickname fit for teasing weizhan to no ends (yes, he knows he's not the best in dancing, but at least he tries). the full form of the said nickname is supposed to be widam singing machine, but if you shorten it, it sounds like dancing machine. this nickname was made by me+u's fans, who teamed up with me+u themselves to tease weizhan whenever he's dancing (or compliment him whenever he's singing). for example : "ah, as expected of our damsing machine~!" (it can be a form of teasing or compliment, depending on the situation itself). in short, this nickname is rather flexible and can be used to either attacc or give some love to weizhan.
pretty much self-explanatory. fan weizhan is the group's resident dumb arse, number one prankster and self-proclaimed master of "jokes". you couldn't separate weizhan and the word dumb/stupid/fool in a sentence. whenever you smell something fishy and dumb in the air, weizhan's dolphin-like cackle is not that far behind. this nickname was made up by the english speakers of me+u, after witnessing the amount of dumb ideas weizhan conjured out of his sleeves.
jungkook's long lost twin
before you attack him, this nickname was made up by army(s) themselves. it was known around me+u's fandom that weizhan has a bright, characteristic eyesmile where his eyes turns into crescents until it disappears from view and his bunny-like teeth making it's appearance known to the world. it wasn't until an army pointed out the similarities between jungkook's and weizhan's eye smile. fellow army(s) couldn't help but agree that, though they don't look alike, their eye smile are somewhat similar to one another. thus, weizhan was called jungkook's long lost twin in bts' fandom (armys came to know and refer to him as that). this nickname itself was something that made weizhan blush furiously, as he takes this nickname as a form of the highest compliment (how could he not, being compared to a senior who inspires him and looks up to a lot).  whenever both armys and me+u fans comment that he looks like jungkook, weizhan turns into a sputtering mess and disagrees (in an almost comical way). it's probably the only time you see weizhan looking flushed and out of words.
taiwan fairy
what the fans endearingly calls him as. this nickname radiates the same energy as yixing's changsha prince. his eye-blinding smile reminds one of a fairy, graceful and has the potential to outshine the sun. other form of this nickname is taiwan's miracle, since weizhan seems too good to be true (outstanding vocals, came from a rich background, great personality, etc).
zhanzhan (what the chinese fans call him as), dammie, bunny, emperor wei (@ that one time he cosplayed as an emperor), taiwanese vocal god.
fluent. native tongue. tends to speak more faster, and his tone slightly changes to a tone that sounds rather fluid. 
advanced. can hold a conversation well, and even developed some sort of seoul dialect, if it wasn't for his distinctive pronounciation, serving as a hint that he's a foreigner.
basic. ranges from simple greetings to the international viewers such as hello, yo, wassup wassup ~ to slangs attained from the comment section on me+u's social medias.
Beautiful wonderful
face claim nine percent's chen linong
backup wayv's yangyang
fan weizhan was gifted a face that's forever destined to look young no matter what age he is at, evident at the amount of youth that blossomed whenever weizhan smiles one of his iconic soul-blinding eyesmiles that even outshines the sun. his larger-than-life eyes creates creases at the side, like imaginary little whiskers, whenever weizhan finds something amusing or endearing to the point his eyes turns to crescents. his strong eyebrows play a part in balancing out the amount of childlike quality his eyes exhibit, thus making him look like a half man half child. his full lips acts as a cherry on top in terms of his facial features, making him appear somewhat ethereal.
weizhan naturally gives off that soft cuddly vibe due to how his face seems a teeny bit round and bloated, his body not yet achieving the manly phase he wanted, making him look round and rather fuzzy. thus weizhan religiously goes on a diet everytime me+u has a comeback, and with that diet comes the price (or blessing?) of his disappearing baby fat around his cheeks. weizhan doesn't really have those killer jawlines, but when he puts his mind to it, he can achieve so through suffering himself by not eating hardwork. 
his matted black hair is usually seen tidily brushed to the front like a sleek shiny coconut. coupled with the fact that weizhan stands at a whopping 183 cm and weighs 65 kg, it's no wonder me+u members have no need to prepare themselves for an emergency in which weizhan gets lost. 
contrary to what everyone believes, weizhan wasn't, and still isn't, really proud of how he looks. he believes there's nothing special about him. he looks like any other boy found roaming the busy streets of taiwan. at least, that's what the comments he spend hours digging out made him believe. though he tries his best to shake off these unwanted thoughts, it's hard to do so when there exists the fact that any brands or products me+u individually models for, the product that has his face on it sells the least. 
one might expect weizhan be draping himself in designer brands considering his family background, but no. it's not out of modesty, no. rather, weizhan finds expensive clothings as tacky. why would anyone buy a three thousand dollars sweatshirt only to sweat on it for the rest of your life? why do so, when other sweatshirts with much lower price can suffice just as well?
weizhan does own one or two designer brands, but they're reserved for special events me+u gets invited to. on a daily basis, you'll find weizhan alternating between slacks and denim jeans, turtlenecks on the winter season, big shirts during the summer, button ups for semi-formal wear, hoodies and graphic sweaters for casual wear, overcoats on windy days, sneakers, loafers, etc. he prefers being comfortable rather than being stylish, so it's no surprise to see weizhan rarely dressing himself up nicely for events other than special or important ones. his fashion style is somewhat similar to nct's jaehyun.
more beautiful than anyone else
POS! perceptive, thoughtful, individualistic, optimistic, sympathetic, animated
clumsy, observant, carefree NEU! nonsensical, wishy-washy
sensitive, reckless, meddlesome, scatterbrained, self-deprecating, headstrong NEG!
think kim jisoo, park woojin, wong yukhei, johnny seo, kim jaehwan!
if you encounter weizhan, the first thought that'll probably cross your mind is whether or not weizhan is on drugs. he is chaotic energy in capital letters, always making a mess wherever he goes. he's all over the place, literally and figuratively. he sees life through a looking glass, making him look like someone who's high all the time. he sees what others don't see, feels what others don't feel. his out-of-the-box approach to life often ends up in fans categorizing him as a 4d individual. he has a sense of humour that no one understands. he's the type of person that will say random things and suddenly do weird actions that makes you think whether he's lost his sanity or not.
weizhan is a rather spontaneous individual who leaps before he looks, resulting in a person who can be rather impulsive and careless. his actions are hard to predict, as his attention span is short. with weizhan, you never know what's coming next. his interests jump from one to another in a short period of time. he can become utterly obsessed with one thing, and completely uninterested a few minutes later.
fan weizhan is chaotic both on and off camera. he is a walking hazard. but fear not, for weizhan is pretty harmless. most of the time, that is. safety precautions are needed when weizhan's around, for you never know what's going to happen when he's present. he's rather clumsy to the point it can become a serious problem, for he destroys things accidentally at times. he's rather extra in things he says and does, seemingly having no sense of shame whatsoever. the questionable words that comes out of his mouth makes weizhan look like either an innocent child you can't help but laugh at or someone you'll slowly avoid. he's that nice kid your parents always talk about, but he's also the kid your parents warned you to stay away from. 
other members turns to weizhan for comic relief and awkward situations when doing vlives, as he's able to turn the situation around and liven up the mood. weizhan has a strong need in pleasing people. he feels a sense of accomplishment whenever he succeeds in making someone laugh, or smile. it makes him feel that he's not useless, that he's needed and his existence does create impact in other people's lives. it makes him content to think that he's the reason of someone's smile, or someone's hope.
beneath his cheery exterior and whimsical persona, weizhan is a caring individual. he often sympathizes with the members, having an understanding of what they're feeling without asking. he's that friend that will hold your hand in the dark and lend you his shoulder to cry on even when you didn't ask him to. he's attuned to other people's feelings, aware of their emotions. he's that supportive friend that's constantly cheering for you in the sidelines, the friend we all need for mental support. he brings out the best in people, able to make you feel good about yourself. he considers other people's feelings when making decisions, not wanting to upset and potentially hurt someone in the process. he truly values people's emotions, not wanting to hurt them in any way.
weizhan has this need of wanting to be the best, needing to be perfect in everyone's eyes. he shows his polished and well-liked side to other people, preferring to keep his raw side to himself where no one can see.  he's humble and down-to-earth, someone who's easily liked and approachable. he uses his heart as his shield, and in doing so he has to endure the times his heart gets shattered by the reality that not everyone can be as selfless as him. using his heart as a weapon when he himself is a sensitive individual is definitely a wrong move, but he's fan weizhan and he must stand tall no matter how many blows he experiences. he's optimistic, having a positive outlook in life, determined to reach for the stars. he's passionate when pursuing the things he loves, tirelessly working hard. he's someone who does a complete 180 change when serious.
due to how often weizhan changes his interests, it's difficult for him to stick to a plan as he changes his mind 2983749693 times a day. he upholds his values and beliefs however, refusing to be swayed. once betrayed, it's hard to get weizhan's trust back as he will forever remember the betrayal. despite weizhan's easygoing nature, not a lot of people know that sometimes socializing exhausts him. weizhan is what one might categorize as an introverted extrovert.  he's a master of hiding his emotions behind an enthusiastic facade, preferring to let steam off and let his dam of tears break when he's alone.
the expression everyone and their mother, when it comes to weizhan, seems more fitting as everyone, their mother and weizhan. what everyone knows, weizhan will know as well. once he's curious, he'll do anything to satisfy his curiosity. he tries his best not to overstep boundaries in doing so, but sometimes he does forget that people don't like their privacy to be intruded. thus he comes off as nosey and meddlesome at times. curiosity kills the cat but in this case, what weizhan doesn't know will keep him up all night.
deep down weizhan is a mess of unfinished thoughts and a collection of what ifs. he sees the best in people, becoming disappointed when they don't meet his expectations, having the need to remind himself daily to not get his hopes up too high. weizhan is always trying to make good, everlasting impressions on people. he has this strong urge of wanting to please people, wanting to be liked by them, wanting to reach their expectations. he becomes sad when he doesn't. to weizhan, it's the end of the world when he fails or does one tiny mistake. he tends to overthink a lot, having lots of doubts about himself. he wants to be needed by people, wants his existence to be acknowledged. weizhan constantly seeks out acceptance from other people. thus he molds himself to match other people's ideals of him. he hides his low self-esteem beneath artificial confidence.
tl;dr : weizhan tries hard to fit in, but now he's slowly understanding that he was born to stand out.
JUST WEIZHAN THINGS aka sheets weizhan says
"hey are you awake? i know it's 2am but it's a perfect time to go and buy ramen!"
"no i didn't drink your precious chocolate milk, i swear!" *proceeds to wipe off chocolate stain near the chin*
"what do you mean i can't show up to practice in my rilakkuma onesie?"
[insert a bunch of incoherent sayings]
"i like falling flat on my face, it's like free massage"
"i think you'll do really well. you've constantly practiced, even when you're resting"
"oh my god! a butterfly!"
*a me+u member gets riled up* "hey, don't be angry. your hair might become bald"
"we will be the first kpop group in history that looks like an ant colony, with the amount of members we have"
"howwaaaa" (his iconic line)
"i sincerely think you look like a flamingo"
(in english) "yes yes, i am fantastic"
INCORRECT WEIZHAN QUOTES aka an unhelpful guide to weizhan
weizhan : *does a backflip followed by an aerial while balancing groceries, landing on his feet followed by a flawless high note*
also weizhan : hi ^o^
nobody :
absolutely nobody :
weizhan : did someone order an endless supply of support and love?
[me+u member xx narrating his day]
xx : alright, so today i will show you a day in my life
*dolphin screeches that sounds suspiciously like a mental hospital patient on the loose and is about to wreak havoc in the background*
xx : no worries, that's just weizhan
*lots of incoherent singing and howwaaas*
xx : this is what a normal day in our dorm looks like
girl #1 : weizhan, i like you
weizhan : thanks! i like me too
girl #2 : weizhan, will you date me?
weizhan : sorry, im already in a long-term relationship with myself
2000. fan weizhan was born to a couple that goes by the name fan zhangying and fan xiufei. weizhan's father is the ceo of an oil company, while his mother is an ex-flight attendant who now works as the chief editor of a well-known magazine. he was raised in a rather wealthy household, considering his parents' job and incomes.
2005. growing up, the maids were the one who raised him up, as his parents were busy with their work. he was rather close with his maids, as they were the ones who taught valuable lessons such as being independent, and the importance of being humble. he was a rather shy wallflower, and spends most of his childhood by himself. little weizhan's interest gravitates towards music at an early age. his grandmother was a respected and well-beloved singer back in the 80s, while his grandfather was skilled in several chinese musical instruments. he was often dropped off in his grandparents' house whenever his parents couldn't take care of him and the maids were on temporary leave / break. this was the start of his love for music. his grandfather taught him how to play the instruments, while little weizhan sings along to some of his grandmother's greatest hits. among the instruments that his grandfather taught him, weizhan found his skill in playing the pipa and guzheng. he grew up forming a close bond with his grandparents rather than with his own parents. when weizhan's mother and father found out about his growing passion in music, they were surprised but nonetheless supported him. it's the least they could do, to make up for the absence of their presence in weizhan's life.
2008. weizhan starts participating in local singing competitions, battling against other kids. he won some, and he lost some too. though his parents were absent for most of his competitions, he had his grandparents by his side. they cheered for him, holding his hand when he came up to the stage to sing in front of everyone. but that's okay, for his grandparents mean the world to him. but even so, weizhan wished his parents could hear his hidden desire of wanting his parents to see him sing, even if it's just for once. despite the bright smiles he puts on whenever his grandparents treated him food when he won, weizhan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that his parents weren't there to see him proudly waving his trophy in the air. he wanted his parents to be the one treating him instead, but that was selfish of him to ask so. his grandparents always told him that his parents were away because they needed to work to ensure weizhan has a good future. so weizhan tries his best to it up and be content with his grandparents by his side.
2012. by now weizhan has made a name for himself. throughout the years he aimed bigger and joined tougher singing competitions who's participants are not only kids his age. weizhan even joined reality shows, a small part of him hoping for his parents to see him on tv. one of reality shows weizhan joined is sing my song (the first season). weizhan built his passion for singing through the years, enjoying the feeling of serenading people with his voice. this is also the year he started to show interest in kpop. the first kpop mv weizhan watched was miss a's hush.
2015. after years of singing countless kpop and cpop songs (and annoying his poor parents' rest every night), weizhan's parents suggested him to try and audition for kpop entertainments. weizhan was shocked to say, for the idea of becoming a trainee and pursuing a singing career in a foreign country never occured to him. what shocks him even more than that is the very fact that his own parents suggested it. in the eyes of weizhan's mama and baba, they want weizhan to purse his passion, to dream bigger. through the watchful eyes of weizhan's grandparents (who reported weizhan's growth daily to his parents), they feel guilty of not being able to personally see how singing brings so much joy to their son. they knew they were absent for most of weizhan's life. weizhan's parents weren't the type to force their life plan on their kid and expect them to follow through. weizhan's very own father got to where he is through years of hard work, while his mother changed occupation after realizing where her passion truly lies at. wanting to make up for lost time, weizhan's parents started to support weizhan's dreams. after several heart-to-heart conversations with his parents about what he wants to do in life, weizhan finally realized that he wanted to be a singer after all. but he wanted to aim higher. being a singer in his hometown did appeal to him, but becoming a singer in a foreign country and having them enjoy his singing despite the language barrier, that sold him. why not try, for he doesn't have anything to lose, right? kpop already became a part of his life one way or another, as not only does it heal him but it genuinely brought a smile to his lips whenever he listens to his favourite kpop singers. that's how powerful kpop was. weizhan was somehow able to connect with kpop music, despite not understanding the language. with his firm decision in his path of becoming a kpop singer, weizhan, together with his parents, flew all the way to korea to audition. weizhan first auditioned at jyp (it was home to his all time favourite girgroup, miss a and he also enjoys wonder girls' music) and cube (home to his second favourite girlgroup, apink), but he wasn't accepted. weizhan being the stubborn weizhan he is, tried to audition to other entertainments. he auditioned at pledis (home of his third favourite girlgroup, hello venus) and was miraculously accepted.
2016. weizhan's parents allowed him to move to korea completely to train once he finishes middle school. and so he does. weizhan clearly remembers how his parents were holding their tears back, wanting to be around their son more but having to let go to support his dreams. his parents even joked that they couldn't wait for him to go so he could stop bothering them at 3am with his off-key singing, to lift up the mood. his parents only request was for weizhan to continue to pursue his education, which weizhan promised. weizhan did well in school and generally has no problem with it, so it wasn't a hard request for him to fulfill. with that, his parents "shipped him off" to korea. he attended a korean high school and started his training, staying true to his words. it was rough to live by himself in a foreign country, but weizhan doesn't have any plans of giving up. this was his choice, and he has his family counting on him to chase his dreams. when things do get too difficult, he comes back home to china on holidays. his parents also visited him on their free limited time. 
PRESENT. weizhan couldn't stop crying when he announced to his parents that he made it to me+u, his arms shaking so bad that it took him a few tries to speak clearly. mother, father, my beloved grandparents, i made it! weizhan shouts aloud in his mind, the most brightest smile etched in his mouth. finally.
01. likes chinese ballads (his favourite, the one he listens to when he's feeling down or emotionally tired, is eric chou's what's wrong), girl groups (*coughsjiacoughschorongcoughslime*), when people laugh at his jokes, the combination of yogurt with cereal as topping, detox drinks, acceptance, acknowledgement, bulgogi, sunsets etc
02. dislikes being singled out, mean people, spicy food, dieting, chow mein, not being able to hit a certain note, the dark, butterflies, having his love / affections rejected, getting flu shots, etc
03. fears of being disregarded as nothing / tossed aside as if he doesn't matter at all, disappointing the ones he treasures close to his heart
04. hopes for me+u to be succesful, to grow as a better singer and better person, becoming more closer to his parents
05. he dreams of becoming a singer that's well respected and looked up to, both on national and international scale
06. he's inspired to pursue music due to his grandparents. aspirations, so on and so forth. he also looks up to several chinese singers and kpop artists, such as eric chou, shinee's jonghyun, han donggeun etc
07. he has problems with his weight and look in the past, as he was rather chubby. this greatly affects his self esteem, as he constantly puts himself down for it (think of bts' jimin)
08. can imitate the sound of a kettle boiling
09. he has several compilation videos of "haden being extra for xx minutes", courtesy of fans
10. likes girlgroups more than boygroups, but one boygroup he admires a lot is bts. he feels inspired by their struggles and overall growth as, not only an idol, but human beings too
11. he's what the fans would say rich in predebut pics (there's a bunch of his pictures out in the open aka the internet, courtesy of weizhan's own reckless young self). there's also a bunch of videos of him singing in youtube, long ago uploaded by his grandmother. weizhan is now regretting his dark past, it haunts him (in a comical way, since his predebut pictures and videos all scream meme material)
12. his name in chinese is 范威湛
13. has a perfect pitch, which only worsens his perfectionist side
14. says the word "howwaaa" a lot. he usually says it in a high pitch tone. it's like his go to phrase whenever he's surprised, angry, etc. honestly he says it all the time regardless of how he feels (think of park woojin's aiyak)
15. weizhan will probably be a singer-songwriter if he wasn't an idol 
16. is going to graduate from lila art high school this year, and plans to apply to hanyang university as an applied music major
17. a champion in the hello cleopatra game (exhibit a)
18. can play the pipa and the guzheng, which are traditional chinese musical instruments. excels in playing the piano as well, for he learned to play it at the young age of 5. he can play beethoven, chopin and all that by the time he turns 12 years old. also learned how to make his own piano songs
Wherever, always, I’m all yours
MAMA AND BABA! fan zhangying, fan xiufei. 
young weizhan dislikes them for not being present throughout his life, but present weizhan understands that they did so because he matters a lot to them and tries to see them in a different light. the feeling of hurt over his parents past actions is still present, but weizhan is working on minimalizing it. his parents harbour immense guilt and regret for being absent throughout their son's life, but they're thankful that weizhan grew up to become such a fine and overall good boy. they know they made a mistake and they're trying their best to make up for it, to make up for lost time. they're supportive of weizhan's goals, and eventhough they weren't there to witness his growth as not only a singer but also an individual, they're proud of their son. weizhan's communication with his parents are still rather awkward, after years of not having proper conversations. but it's a start, at least. 
BELOVED GRANDPARENTS! zhao jielin, fan chengmo. 
the loves of his life, his main support system when his supposed support system wasn't there to support him. he loves his grandparents with his whole heart. if it weren't for them, weizhan wouldn't have discovered his love and passion for music. if it weren't for them, weizhan would still be singing to himself in his bedroom instead of singing out there, on a stage, serenading the audience.
CHINGUDEULS SLASH SENIOR!  zhou jieqiong, xu minghao, wen junhui. 
weizhan is more closer to junhui and minghao, since he spends more time with the two, but he's thankful to have jieqiong as an older sister figure. mighao was more like a strict older brother to weizhan, while junhui acts like he's the same age as weizhan. minghao keeps weizhan in check, while junhui coaxes weizhan out of his shell. the four of them went out to eat together in chinese restaurants at times during their trainee years. as of now, weizhan still keeps close contact with minghao and junhui, and he keeps jieqiong updated on pledis and himself.
YINGHAO GEGE!  ahn youngho.
it's unknown why weizhan prefers to call youngho by his chinese name, but yeah. youngho is like weizhan's pacifier (not in a weid way). meaning that he diffuses weizhan's doubts and joins him in his jokes. like, if weizhan says he can cut a wood with his , youngho will join along and jokes that he too can do that. the two weren't that close at first, since they're both on the opposite sides when it comes to their personalities. but along the way the two manages to work things out and creates a healthy bond.
i promise you
birth name
birth date
faceclaim (if oc)
back up
current status
should be 115x115
do you feel the same?
once upon a time how they met
love story how they fell in love, how they act around each other etc
end game how does their story end?
forever, stay gold, and never let go
stagename haden 헤이든 (it was originally supposed to be heaven, since his voice sounds like heaven, but weizhan couldn't pronounce it clearly and ends up saying something like hayden. the company thought that it was better that way so they changed it to haden)
counterpart jinyoung
back up jaehwan
training period 3 years, since february 2016
training history
training was okay for weizhan. he did generally well in monthly evaluations, since he was already experienced in the vocal department. he initially struggled a lot with dancing, since he never danced before in his life. it was also difficult at times, balancing school and training, but weizhan manages to pull it off in the end. when weizhan becomes stressed and homesick, a long phonecall with his parents or a long skype with his grandparents acts as a healing medicine.
he made friends with some trainees, but he was more closer to the chinese line aka wen junhui, xu minghao and zhou jieqiong. they were there before him, teaching him on how to improve his korean and helping him in becoming more familiar with a trainee's environment. 
he was known as the musical genius to the other trainees. they knew of his experience in the singing department, and how weizhan was already known in his homeland. not to mention his ability in playing musical instruments. he was, however, often scolded by his dance instructors due to his slow improving in the dance department. he often seeks help from junhui, minghao and jieqiong, as the three of them are all notable dancers.
in pledis, weizhan hones his skill in producing songs, from writing lyrics to arranging the harmonies. he tries his best in training, putting all of his efforts. he did initially didn't improve much due to the language barrier and how he hasn't completely adapted to korea. but after a few years, weizhan gets the hang of it. 
future scandals tba
should be 115x115
skill twins
wayv's kun
exo's lay
❝ please introduce yourself. ❞
"hi! i'm haden of me+u, please take awesome care of me ~" weizhan's eyes sparkles, an easy smile at his lips. laughters of the staffs could be heard around the room, finding the foreigner's accent and choice of words endearing.
❝ how do you feel about becoming a
member of me+u? ❞
"ecstatic! i am really happy to be given the chance to become a me+u member," weizhan starts. he takes a deep breath, feeling slightly emotional as he gets flashbacks of his struggles, "i never thought i would make it. there are several brilliant trainees out there, everyone has an equal chance," weizhan smiles shyly, "i'm just...really grateful." weizhan ends his inner ramblings with a genuine smile.
❝ what do you think of being the
10TH member to be revealed? ❞
"at first i thought the numbers were simply numbers and not turns. i didn't really understand the concept back then so i believed that the order of revelation was from the bottom, going up," weizhan rambled on. he realized this, a comical look of guilt spreading across his face. "sorry, um, i was rather nervous about it. eventhough i was second to last, i  prepared as if i were the first member to be revealed." weizhan laughs, thinking back of his wrecked-with-nervousness state in preparing for his debut. "but then it was suddenly my turn. it felt so quick! but overall i can't wait to show what i've prepared." weizhan does one of his characteristic eyesmiles, thinking back to how his family reacted when he announced his debut.
❝ what can you tell us about your
debut song? ❞
"oh, yes! it's called stay here," weizhan jokingly puts his hands out, as if reaching for the viewers' hands. "it's about regretting letting go of someone dear to you. of wanting to have a second chance to fix things up." that was what the company told him to say, but weizhan proceeds to add his own thoughts, wanting to polish off the half-baked explanation. "it's like the life story of someone's mistake  and, not wanting to repeat that mistake, that someone will not let go of the person they did the mistake to." weizhan straightens up, his head slightly tilting to one side as he collects his afterthoughts. "this song, in simple words, is about needing someone and asking them to stay by their side, because without that someone, they will become a mess." weizhan, satisfied with his explanation and how he didn't stutter or stopped to think of other words to say, nodded his head. "oh, don't forget that there's another surprise in store!" weizhan perks up, suddenly remembering his duet song. "i collabed with, hmm, someone and had a fun time recording the song. i am sorry everyone but i have to censore who i collabed with hehe ~ it will spoil the surprise if you guys know" weizhan cheekily tease the fans, grinning lightly from ear to ear. "all i have to say is that the song is amazing! please look forward to it, everyone!" weizhan lightly bows.
(solo song : stay by gaho. backup : photograph by offonoff, meaningless by woodz. duet song : make up by sam kim feat crush. backup : mesmerized by sanchez feat yong junhyung)
❝ do you have any message for the
fans anticipating your debut? ❞
"yes, i have many things to say!" weizhan excitedly grins, his eyes looking at the camera in a sincere manner, as if he were talking face to face with the fans. "thank you for taking interest in me+u. i will work hard so you can continue to take interest in us. i hope you're all doing well! please look forward to my debut as well as me+u's debut." weizhan poured his heart out, genuinely expressing his gratefulness. "oh, and have a nice day! ~" weizhan waves goodbye in a puppy-like manner, no doubt making the fans explode at his innocent cuteness.
we'll meet again
message i was inspired to make a character who has reversal charms, like they're goofy off stage but changes 360 degrees on stage. im not sure to what extent does a jinyoun'g counterpart's vocal skills reach to, so i hope the song fits :"D when i heard minhyun's solo, i thought that stay here seems a little undermining for someone with minhyun as a counterpart so i changed it to jinyoung. i searched and scrolled through youtube for hours to find underrated songs i can use, and once i found stay here, i became really attached akjhdjdkd. if the song doesn't fit jinyoung's position, pls do tell me which position suits him best. also the shipping weizhan away part is 100% inspired by blackpink's rose's story on how she became an idol xD #i_am_unoriginal. anyhoo thankuu astrid for granting me an extension and im sorry i cannot be punctual ;_; gudlucc with me+u ehehe ouo
scene requests tba i,,,am currently out of ideas :"D
fandom name we (because me plus is like,,,we? ajajajj im sorry im so uncreative)
NOW PLAYING :  ME+U (我和你)_HADEN (헤이든) - STAY HERE (있어줘)


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hello ayiev! i can't even begin to thank you for putting in time and effort for my story. ♡(*>ω<) also, i put guanlin as sub rapper because i took into account his appalling lack of lines, i feel he would have been able to show much growth and talent if he were given more opportunities. alas, swing didn’t think to give him a chance. i'm terribly sorry for this late review but as they say better late than never. i’m also very sorry for being retentive regarding details, you’ve work so hard and i feel so bad. with my sincere apologies established, let's dive into the nitpicking.

pros (these were recurring so i thought, i’d just generalized this section):
✓ great personality sections with solid flaws
✓ background sections include the beginning of characters’ interest in music

◌ youtube account: does he continue posting through his trainee years? trainees are usually barred from owning a social media account, having one is essentially a determiner that they’ve left the company. i don’t think it is stated anywhere if he had stop posting or if he discontinued when he became a trainee.

✗ faceclaim is a cpop idol when i’ve stated it specifically in the cheatsheet to “please choose ONLY among the many men in the kpop industry” – would have easily let this slide but i’m not familiar with chen linong sooo i’m sorry bout this
✗ continuous emphasis on character as a “vocal god” throughout the application when counterpart is a sub vocal – pledis is not known to assign vocally superior members as sub vocals, they’re always main vocals maybe you originally planned to make this as a jaehwan/sungwoon counterpart and forgot to change these parts when you changed it into a jinyoung counterpart?

✧ very chenle-esque background, idk why but i was thinking of him when i was reading this section, maybe because i adore lele with every fiber of my being xD

✧ hyunbin as faceclaim! idk if you can tell but i am whipped for justice league xD

again, thanks so much for applying and best of luck! ♡‧₊˚
thank u in advance :")
i cant code aksjhhs rip ;;; can anyone pls help me how to make the names align side by side and how to make the music player be exactly on the left bottom corner,,,and how do you make the white triangle in the music player be in the middle ;_;