: Jai Saharat Kittidamrongchai




Full name : Jai Saharat Kittidamrongchai (ใจ สหรัถ กิตติดำรงชัย)

Alternate name(s) :
- Xiong Liangzi [熊亮字] - his chinese name that only his chinese fans ever call him
- Song Hyangjae [송향재] - his Korean name from his chinese name that no one says


- Kitti - fans call him this because its cute like him and apart of his last name
- Prince of Aegyo - fans will call him that because it’s true


D.O.B : 4/11/1999
Birthplace : bangkok, thailand
Hometown : bangkok, thailand
Ethnicity : chinese
Nationality : thai


Pronouns : he/him/his
Orientation : biual but not fully confident in it


- Thai - native speaker born and raised in thailand
- English - conversational speaker he learned it since he was little but has a heavy accent 
- Mandarin - conversational speaker because his mom can speak mandarin since he comes from chinese decent. but he can just have a basic conversation
- Korean - he is actively trying to learn but now he can onnly speak the basics


Faceclaim : into1 nine
Back-up : nct ten

Height : 175cm
Weight : 60kg

Appearance : He is a cute boy with brown hair and some chubby cheeks. He's not tall but slim and not very muscular either.


Fashion : He likes to wear comfortable things that are colorful too. He doesn’t like very tight clothes just loose pants with a variety of patterns and a graphic t-shirt with a bright color vest or a hoodie. That’s how he dresses. Since many clothes are oversized fans like to say it’s Wai’s clothes and many of the time it is because they live together.


getting to know

estj. aries. hufflepuff.


- (+) Outgoing, hardworking, cheerful, responsible, discipline
- (0) melodramatic, perfectionist, cute, introspective
- (-) passive, fake, sneaky, childish

Jai is so cute on camera, just his mannerisms is really adorable and charming. He is good at making others feel comfortable and happy too. He is not shy at all so he can talk to others very well. In Korea he can’t speak the language well but he will still try and take out his phone to help translate. He likes to make jokes and smile often and make others smile too. He shows a lot of affection right away because he is so comfortable touching people so maybe it can make others uncomfortable or get the wrong idea. But if it’s uncomfortable just tell him and he will be mindful of it.

He was in the entertainment industry since he was little so he knows how to play a character well and what goes into it. When he does aegyo things he tries in the mirror often first to make sure. His actions are not something he does without thought. Sometimes he has to force these things but then it feels natural to force so he’s used to going the extra mile and almost being cringe. His reactions on and off camera can be dramatic because he is so used to being so already.

To some Jai is childish because he doesn’t like to sleep alone and likes to be treated like a baby sometimes but he is far from a baby. He is very responsible and does not get distracted when he has to do something. When he is practicing he is more serious and puts all his effort, he is not the kind to mess around during those times because he is a perfectionist. But then when it’s a break he becomes happy-go-lucky again and messes around with others like it’s a character he is so used to playing. Jai is not the rebellious type, if any pranks he does it’s all small just fun things. Typically he is not rebellious because he does not like confrontation and doesn’t want to ruin his career. Instead of arguing he rather walk away, he doesn’t lose his temper easily either. He holds things in a lot because he doesn’t want others to worry. Sometimes he will bring up what’s bothering him but it’s so casual that you might miss that it’s actually a concern for him.

He likes stability but the only way for him to walk away from that is if it’s stopping him from his goal. Jai makes a great idol because he is obedient and cheerful but it’s important to watch him because he only gives little signs before doing something that seems unpredictable or impulsive when actually he was thinking about it for a long time and probably brought it up it’s just people don’t notice.


Jai was born in Bangkok Thailand in 1999 and is the oldest of 2 with a younger sister. He came from a thai family with chinese descent. He entered the entertainment industry at a young age because he a cute kid with a big personality. He was the only child for a few years before his sister was born so he was the one that captured his parents and strangers hearts with his cuteness. He went to many open call auditions and agency auditions. He got small roles in commericals and shows, did modeling, and got signed to an agency for kids. While he did that he practiced singing and dancing too. He wasn't very good at school but him making some money so young made up for it.

In 2013 he auditioned for The Voice Kids Thailand and came in 3rd place. Even though he didn't win he had the chance to join Starship Entertainment but his parents didn't want him to move abroad so he rejected their offer. Instead he signed with GMMTV and made his major acting debut the same year.

- try new foods and go on adventures
- stuffed animals so fans get him them a lot
- sitting on peoples laps
- skinship
- meeting with fans
- snacking


- being stuck just as an actor
- veggies
- when wai clings to him sometimes
- breaking out from makeup
- when he is too slow to learn a dance


- biting his nails when hes nervous
- ruffling his hair when hes annoyed
- wearing insoles since hes tiny
- falling asleep anywhere


- He can play the guitar, electric guitar, ukulele and drums
- playing genshin
- jogging in the morning


- oranges since he is allergic
- the dark
- bugs


Notable talents
- acting
- cuteness
- anything cringe
- cover dancing


- He does so much skinship with s especially on camera. Even off he is just very comfortable with it especially between boys
- He's the aegyo master
- His love language is touch
- He can learn dances quickly
- He struggles with pronounciation sometimes but he's good at learning languages and correcting mistakes
- He is Thai so he loves spicy food and has really good tolerance. Many jokes that he has a numb tongue because even when the food is spicy he will add more
- He was a BL actor previously
- He has a younger sister 4 years his Junior named Fern
- When he is excited he mixes Thai and Korean and talks fast
- He has small feet and hands
- Actually he is more muscular than people think because he works out often to maintain slim but still not very muscular either it can only be seen when he flexes
- Someday he wants to be known as handsome instead of cute
- He says his ideal type is Lisa because he thinks she’s an amazing dancer and wants to be like her but fans think he doesn’t understand what an ideal type is because it seems he admires her more
- He likes to eat a lot so he is active a lot too to balance it out. That’s why he dances often and likes to go to the gym or jog in the morning
- He can sleep anywhere because he is so used to being busy and sleeping on set. So fans like to make compilation of him sleeping in random places
- He has a soft voice
- He never kissed someone that wasn't his love interest in a drama
- He graduated highschool and started college as a business major but he dropped out to become a trainee. He isn’t interested in business but he wants to learn how to manage his money better because he spends a lot on things he doesn’t need but is practical and can make life easier
- On Instagram and tiktok he had over 1 million followers each
- He can’t handle the cold well and gets cold easily so during the winter he has to be extra extra bundled and careful so he doesn’t get sick
- He doesn’t like to sleep alone so when he has a nightmare he will go to another contestants beds


Quotes : 
- here
- Optional but much appreciated!

Hello, please introduce yourself : hi, i'm jai. i'm an actor and singer from thailand.


What is your reason for joining the show? : i want to try being a singer, it was my original dream actually.


What do you consider your strengths? : my cuteness and my dancing is my biggest strengths.


Is there anything new you want to try on the show? : i want to try a y concept, i'm always known for being cute so i never got to try that side in public.


What is your view on Genesis88? : i love it! thank you for giving me this opportunity!


Would you ever try to compete for the center or leader role? : i would try for both, i hope people will take me seriously as a leader despite my height and soft voice haha.

And finally, what advice would you have for your younger self that's about to audition for the first time? : *whispers* go to starship.

Relationships :


- family : Somchai Kittidamrongchai, Pailin Thepnakorn, Fern Tubtim Kittidamronghai / office workers & student / 7/10
Jai has a good relationship with his family but not very close because he is away working often. Sometimes he'll tell his parents his struggles but not for the uality things. He doesn't complain often actually. He still gives his parents some money and bought them a better place to live. His parents support his career as a BL actor because they understand its just film but they don't watch. His sister Fern [2003] thinks its the most cringe and makes fun of him but she watches because she thinks Wai is cute. 


- roommate : Wai Kanaphan Thawornwong / actor / enfp / 10/10 (Kanawut Traipipattanapong) 
Wai's original nickname is Bank from childhood but GMMTV wanted to use the stage name Wai so it could match his love interest Jai for his debut drama. Waijai means to have trust in someone. They first met when filming Love Sick and became good friends. They always had a good friendship so acting like a couple was easy. Cringe at first then it became like second nature. After Make It Right 2 they moved in together because they had the same schedule so it was easier. It became so real that while at home they acted similar to the dramas. They were only around each other so it was really comfortable and they're best friends. Wai cares for Jai a lot and treats him like a real boyfriend. He supports his all and supports him well. Being shipped together so much and always being together made them question their feelings for each other because sometimes it feels really real. Wai really likes Jai and wants to protect him all the time, he is happy that he is in the show so he can protect Jai. Jai likes Wai too but he hates how their careers have intertwined. He wants to get away from him but doesnt know how.

- labelmates : out of all besides wai he is closest to jack. he wants to be in the group with him so he will help him as much as he can. even if he doesnt have much talent. jack can see that he loves wai a lot even though he wont admit it. boom gets on his nerves because he tries to flirt a lot and wai gets jealous whenever boom gets too close. ken is just like a dad that he goes to for help and advice.

Stagename : Jai


Position : vocals & dance
Talent twin : ten


Trainee and/or idol life : Jai expected to become a singer but since he didn't win his fanbase was smaller so GMMTV wanted to build it up so they let him have a supporting role in Hormones as Phao, a main characters little brother. Since he wasn't on the show very much it didn't do much for popularity so they gave him the lead role in Love Sick thats a BL drama the next year. The first one is only 12 episodes but it did so well that the second season got 36 episodes. His popularity went up a lot. He was excited to make his debut as a singer then but didn't have much time because he had to promote Love Sick and the second season.

Actually fans didn't only love him, they loved him and his co-star Wai together because of their great chemistry. So to soothe sad fans that Love Sick ended they became the main characters and side couple of Make It Right. They kept being in dramas together and made many appearances together like fanmeetings and commercials.

His first big movie role was Bad Genius and it allowed for him to get out of the BL world a bit. He got lead role in another big drama The Gifted and but he still did fanmeetings with Wai on the side and had merch with them because it made a lot of money for the company. He won awards for his performances in Bad Genius and The Gifted but fans showed up with WaiJai merch and reporters asked if Wai congratulated him. He can't get away from that. Fans upset that he didn't do a BL in a year and begged for a new drama so in 2019 WaiJai appeared in Hotel Stars. Jai got a role as the lead in another BL without Wai as his co-star and fans lost their minds and got many bad reviews so after GMMTV casted WaiJai as a couple on The Stranded and Until We Meet Again that did very well domestically and internationally.

WaiJai did their usual promotions but Jai was tired of it all because he didn't have his own identity. His dream was still to be a singer but it never happened besides singing the OST for his dramas. Thats why Genesis88 is such a big opportunity for him, when he said he wanted to come on the company included Wai because they knew it was what the fans want. But its not what he wants.


Life on Genesis88
WaiJai will be together like glue and promoted together for the fans. Probably even gets fans in Korea too but Jai wants to distance himself from him and make new friends and his own identity. It'll be hard though because Wai doesnt feel that way and clings to him. Even harder when fans just keep making edits of jealous wai moments or saying they were glancing at each other when they weren't.


The audition : Performing So Hot was a piece of cake for Jai. He was used to the cringiness of it all and did the best acting cutely like a girl. The judges complimented him for dancing so well in high heels as a boy.


Seat number(s) : 21


Predicted grade : B


Flexibility level : 70%


The intro video : He introduces himself with his soft voice and shows some fierce dancing skills to baby shark dudududu  in a shark onesie.


Second mission song of choice : Beautiful Beautiful


Genre of choice : Jazz


Berrygoodchae : Jeri


Closing words : hi i finished another one!


Questions or concerns : here

Suggestions : here

Scene requests, plot ideas :
- Jai try to get out of his cute image and does a y song but waijai shippers just pay attention to how wai reacts instead.

Password : GENE-X


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Btw if you need an extension for more characters (idk if you're still making some) just lmk!! (edit: forgot you already asked for one lmfao)
Hello, please change Boom's seat since #2 has already been claimed. Also, I'm really sorry for this but could you please change his talent twin and fc as well? Lucas is a controversial figure and i'd rather not spark a discussion by having him in the story, I hope you can understand 🙏