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jung kanalia

Courage cannot erase our fears, courage is when we face our fears.

— Newsies.


FULL NAME Jung Kanalia
NICKNAMES Lia/Nalia - since her name is long people call her these instead
Dumbo - Joobin calls her dumbo because she believes everything she sees except in herself
Nana - a nickname some her friends can say
Nalina - Joobin calls her that because she drives her crazy half the time. It’s a Block B song and whenever Joobin doesn’t want to be bothered she starts singing it and Kanalia knows to leave her alone.

DOB 6/27/2003 (19)
BIRTHPLACE Daejeon, South Korea
HOMETOWN Daejeon, South Korea 

LANGUAGES Korean - she is from Seoul - 100%
English - she studied since she was young - 60%  

FACECLAIM Purple Kiss's Swan
BACKUP Kim Hyang Gi

HEIGHT 165cm

APPEARANCE Kanalia is pretty with long brown hair but many people don't think she's pretty because she is chubbier than the ideal type.

STYLE Kanalia follows the latest trends with fashion. She likes the cutesy makeup and clothes that are trending. She is guilty of buying many things she sees on Tiktok that she doesn't need. At the dorm she wears random shorts and a big shirt, often they don't match.


Kanalia was born in Daejeon to musical theatre loving parents. They named her Kanalia because they wanted her to have a beautiful voice like a Canary. When she was still little and too young to join them they will drop her off to her grandparents home just to go see a play. As soon as Kanalia was old enough to sit still and not make a fuss for a few hours straight she went to the theatre. Just like her parents she loved it too so it was like watching a cartoon to her. She knew some songs with her parents already too. During the Phantom of the Opera world tour she went with her parents in 2009 and fell in love with it. She really loved the opera style singing. Her parents saw she had a talent so they put her in opera lessons. Her voice was very powerful for her age. She participated in many performances growing up and was always in her theatre club at school. Her family would travel to New York once a year to see Broadway show and a show at the Metropolitan Opera. It has always been her dream to go to New York and be the main character in one of those plays. Actually she got into The Juilliard School for voice and opera but the tuition was too expensive so she chose Jeju University instead.


Melodramatic, talkative, self loathing, friendly, airheaded, moody, open minded, resilient

Kanalia is a friendly person. She can talk to people and make friends easily. Maybe all the performing made her not a shy person at all. It also made her melodramatic because she exaggerates her stories and whenever something happens she thinks the world is ending. Like if she trips on stage then she feels the whole world is against her and it’s the worst day ever. Joobin has to remind her that all her problem are first world issues and she’ll live. Then she perks up easily again so she can go and try something else or feel suddenly encouraged. She can be hot and cold easy but then maybe her frustrations are never that serious because it doesn’t last long. Singing makes her happy so any frustrations go away when she sings. She talks a lot especially when she’s nervous or it’s awkward she tries to find things to say to fill the silence. She is open minded and understanding towards others so it’s easy to talk to her about anything. She doesn’t judge others but will judge herself for not looking as good as others and thinks others are better singers even though she’s talented herself. She doesn’t have many strong opinions unless it’s about musicals and dramas. Maybe a bit airheaded because she believes things easily that other people say. She will see something on Tiktok and instantly believe even if it doesn’t make sense. But even though she feels many downs and insecure she still pushes forward and tries to lift her friends up too.


Jung Soohyuk & Ma Haegu

  • Relationship: Parents.
  • DOB: 1975s (47).
  • Occupation: Office workers.
  • Orientation: Straight.
  • Faceclaim: Ra Mi Ran, I don't know the man.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
They support Kanalia very much and are happy she is interested in theatre but feel bad that they don'thave enough money to support her. That's why they try to give emotional support whenever they can. They will be happy to see her plays at school.

Lee Joobin

  • Relationship: Bff and Roommate.
  • DOB: 4/9/2003 (19).
  • Occupation: Student.
  • Orientation: Straight.
  • Faceclaim: Ive's Liz.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Funny enough Kanalia's best friend is someone who has no interest in singing but she loves her anyways. Since she's known Joobin so long she understands her easily so she is always the one in between her and Sara to calm them down. Kanalia is supportive to Joobin and asks her for help often though she wishes Joobin will confide in her more. Joobin brings her back down to earth with her honesty a lot.

Ahn Sara

  • Relationship: Roommate.
  • DOB: 5/20/yyyy (19).
  • Occupation: Student.
  • Orientation: Straight.
  • Faceclaim: Weeekly’s Jihan.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
They get alone easily after meeting and spend more time together since Joobin is busy a lot. Many things she doesn’t agree with, she just nods but will drag her along to parties and place so she can get closer to her crush. She always says that when she gets a boyfriend they can go on a double date. They burst out in song a lot together and Joobin hates it.


- Musicals
- Singing
- Fresh fruits
- Match flavor
- Copying recipes she sees on Tiktok
- Doing Tiktok dances with her friends
- Performing
- Juicy kdramas
- Cup noodles
- Math
- Smoking and vaping, even being around it
- When hurts
- When stores say one size and it doesn't fit her
- Singing
- Performing
- Reading plays
- Shopping
- Drinking at least six glass of water
- Honey tea in the morning
- Biting her nails when nervous
- Singing everywhere
- Covering her face when she cries because she’s an ugly crier
- Snacks when she's stressed
- Never being able to sing again
- Dying alone
- Losing her parents
- Her favorite movie and play is the Phantom of the Opera
- She will have a humidifying in her room for her voice
- She posts on social media often and cares about likes and views
- She can’t flirt at all
- She can do make up well and likes doing others makeup
- She drank with her parents after finding out she got into JJU and it was the first time she drank. She has a low tolerance and sings and goes crazy when she’s drunk
- She is a and never had a kiss beside a stage one


MAJOR Voice.        MINOR Theatre.
ROOM PREFERENCES She lives in a triple room with her roommates Sara and Joobin. 

SCHEDULE She will have morning classes then work. She will have rehearsals throughout the week but not everyday usually. Mostly her weekends are free.

DIRECTION Kanalia will be in the schools theatre production, have opera recitals and find a part time job. But then gets distracted by a boy that she likes. She will still focus on theatre and singing but its like she is living two worlds. During this she struggles with low self esteem because of her weight. 


hello! welcome to the jeju university family! can you tell me a bit about yourself?

Hi! I'm Kanalia, its a weird name, I know. But i'm named after the Canary bird, maybe my parents knew I would have a beautiful voice. So you can call me Daejeon's Canary bird.

out of all the colleges in korea, why did you pick jeju university and why your major?

Actually my first pick was The Juilliard School but it turned out to be too expensive so I came here instead. As long as I can study music I will be happy either way.

where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I see myself performing the Phantom of the Opera as Christine on a big stage like The Metropolitan Opera. Wouldn't that be amazing? 

what would you say are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?

My strength is my strong singing voice but then my weakness is maybe my weight? It might not seem to matter but in theatre it does.

as a freshman you will reside in chungsam hall, what do you look for in a roommate? any lifestyle habits that you find intolerable?

I am so excited to meet my other roommate. I know my friend Joobin will be one of them, we are different but get along well so it'll be easy. I think the only intolerable thing is smoking, it's gross in my opinion.

what are you looking forward to the most as an incoming freshman?

Being in the school play! Jeju University as a few major productions right? I know I'm just a freshman but it'll be an honor to be apart of the cast. Please wish for me to break a leg so I can get in the cast!

my beloved

you can choose

IDEA Kanalia will like a boy that is way out of her league (maybe older) and she tries to change herself to impress him based on what he likes even if it means lying to him and pretending. Since she liked a boy before that didn’t like her back she doesn’t want that to happen again. So her friends help her discover more things about him, specific Joobin helps her by using her coding skills too. This is just my broad idea so you can choose the ending.


COMMENTS My 2nd girl.

SCENE REQUESTS Many scenes of Kanalia fangirling over cute boys and her crush.
- She try to be y and wear heels to impress her crush but instead she falls on her face

PASSWORD Ha Haerim because she wants a reading.


Liked by berrygoodchae and 86 others


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