스파이스 ₴₱ICE🔥 𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙖, 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙖𝙛𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙣 𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙡𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙧 *✲゚*。⋆



NAME: Gook Minjin
The frost baby/kid/girl /
Minjin and her twin brother
are known as the frost twins,
so they often call Minjin
the frost baby, frost kid or
frost girl
- Elsa / another nickname
that comes from Minjin
being the embodiment of
winter. Minjae is Jack Frost,
and Minjin is Elsa. She also
often just says to let it go.
- Little bird / while Minjin is the embodiment of winter, she's cold quite easily so in the colder month, she'll always be dressed warmly and sit down like she's a little, puffy bird (which is adorable). Her signature head tilt also reminds many people of a little bird. The bird she is associated with the most is the
tufted titmouse.
- smol / Minjin is tiny, especially compared to her twin brother, so she's often just called smol.
- snowflake / she's small, she's tiny, she's adorable. It's mostly her brother who calls her his little snowflake, but the groupmates might take it from him.
- android / Minjin doesn't show much of her emotions, and often just stands completely still with a slight tilt of the head. There have been real conspiracy theories that she's an android, made specifically for her brother and to keep him company, but she's a human, no worries.
- ice princess / sometimes, Minjin really acts like a princess. She's not spoiled or anything, she just tends to act haughty and snobby towards people that she doesn't appreciate. She will refuse to talk to them and look at them like they're some peasants who have come to dirty her turf.

December 26th, 1999
HOMETOWN:  Pyeongchang, SK
BIRTHPLACE: Pyeongchang, SK
Korean / Their family is on the poorer side, so Minjin and Minjae have never been out of Korea. They only know Korean. While Minjae speaks with the local farmer's dialect, exposing their poor background, Minjin speaks very proper, polite and elegant Korean without any accent. She uses a lot of old-fashioned grammar and fancy words, making her sound like she either comes from an old royal family or a shakespeare play.

GENDER:  female, she/her
FACECLAIM:   Loona's Gowon
BACKUP:   Dreamcatcher's Gahyeon

APPEARANCE:   Minjin is like a little snowflake. She's small, she's skinny, she's light as a feather and sensitive like ice. She has beautiful, big enchanting eyes, a cute small nose and lovely lips, all put on a face that's rounded, almost an upside down triangle. She has a very tiny build in general, it's not like she's starving herself. A thin waist that needs custom clothes and short little munchkin legs. Just like her brother, Minjin has been bleaching her hair for a while now, because she likes it, and it's an ashy blonde, almost with a frosty blue sheen. She often wears it in a ponytail or just loose with a ribbon in it, but her ponytail look definitely brings out her youthful looks a bit more. She would love to be able to hit people she doesn't tolerate on the head with her ponytail as she turns around to strut away, but unfortunately, she is too small to do that to most people.
Both twins are fine with dyeing their hair and put a lot of care into their hair, because they love having it bleached. But if stylists do decide to give them a new color, they'd prefer to have it match. If one frostflake has to go black, the other one will want to do so as well. If one gets an unnatural bright color, the other one will of course want to go bright and wild as well. It doesn't have to be the exact same, just matching. They will feel weird if one is for example black haired and the other one has bright pink hair.

HEIGHT:   156 cm
WEIGHT:   43 kg

FASHION: Minjin generally dresses up warmer than others, because she's tiny and sensitive to the cold (yes, a frost queen that is sensitive to cold). Her style is very clean and preppy and she often tends to wear outfits that could almost pass as school uniforms, white socks and black loafers included. It's really adorable. In her free time, she wears oversized, more comfortable stuff. She just wants to be soft and warm, and don't stand out too much, so she stays away from the bright colors. She also loves fluffy, big coats in the winter.
PERSONALITY:  mbti type: INTP - hogwarts house: Ravenclaw

- (+): calm, clever, decisive, protective, hard-working
- (0): unsentimental
- (-): nihilistic, shy, cold, haughty, clumsy

Calm and unsentimental: there have been rumors that this girl is some sort of futuristic android. If it goes that far, you know very well that she's not the type to show a lot of herself. She barely smiles, and other emotions like sadness or anger are even more rare to see on her face. Minjin's like a porcelain doll, always standing there with a straight face, looking at you with her haunting doll eyes, and a slight tilt of the head when she's curious. She is able to remain calm even in the most dangerous situations, and out of Spice, only her brother has seen her emotions more than once. Yes, she does smile sometimes, and when she does that, the whole room brightens up. Her smile is so beautiful that it almost feels justified that it's so rare. If you see it, you're probably blessed forever. Outside of slight smiles and the tiniest of giggles, Spice has never really seen any emotion from Minjin. Except for one occasion, which will be explained further.
Clever and decisive: Minjin might not be exceptionally smart or considered gifted, she is still a very clever girl with consistent good grades in high school and capable of attending seoul national university. Because of her eternally calm mind, she is capable of logical thinking and objective decision making. Her decisions are barely biased, except when it's towards her brother or closest friends. But the task is... how do you become such a close friend? Minjin is always able to think of a plan that will work and solves riddles and tricks in no time. Her clever mind also makes her able to see through people's plans, and she has learned to not react to people that are purposely provoking her or her brother just to get some reaction.
Nihilistic and cold: Again, Minjin doesn't seem to have any emotions. There have been jokes that she's like yandere-chan, and that she will only show emotions once she falls in love with someone. Minjin doesn't really care about what happens to her, as long as nothing hurts her brother anymore. Her brother used to be the one that made her open up towards others and be warmer, but now that he has become like winter himself, she can't help but freeze again as well. Don't misunderstand, she does really care about the others deep down, but she just doesn't want to show it yet. Hurt her and she will shrug, huff and walk away, but hurt her brother and she will puff up like an angry little bird, ready to fight.
shy and clumsy: This is her vulnerable side that makes her seem real. Minjin tries her hardest to hide it in front of the camera or in public, but in front of the groupmates and other friends, Minjin shows it. She's actually very shy, and this is why she has a hard time opening up to people. She is just not really a people person. All her friends used to be Minjae's friends, he used to drag her around. But after what happened... he is incapable of dragging her around. Now Minjin has to do the dragging and socializing, but she simply at that. She's also very clumsy, tripping a lot, constantly dropping stuff and flustering herself in front of the others. This puts her into a more endearing light, and it is often a way for others to be able to get closer to her. Take notes, Spice, take notes.
Protective: Minjin might be cold as ice, she can't let anyone hurt the people dear to her. But in the world she's in right now, the world of trainees and idols, the only one that she counts as dear to her at the moment is her twin brother. She might be the younger of the twins, she's the one who protects her brother and takes care of him. Towards her brother, she shows warmth. She protects the ones she cares about. Spice is like that as well, even though she might be cold towards them, she does care, and is extremely protective over the other members, especially the ones that have a hurtful past. She doesn't give a damn about the rotten spices though. No way, she doesn't even look at them. They can't come into a certain radius of Minjae and she is already puffing up, ready to pounce.
Hard-working: Minjin dedicates a lot of her time to the idol life, even though she never really had it as a dream. Actually, she never had a dream of her own. Becoming an idol was and still is Minjae's dream, so Minjin followed. She works very hard both to statisfy herself and to make her brother happy and proud. She's often seen with a slight, statisfied smile when her brother is whispering soft praises for her hard work. Those tiny, soft spoken compliments and praises from her twin empower her to work even harder. She wants to be the best, for his sake. Her hard-working nature also makes Minjae work harder and more confident about himself.
Haughty: she's nicknamed ice princess for a reason. Not only sounding like she's from royal family, sometimes she also acts like it. When Minjin doesn't tolerate someone, she will act very haughty towards them, look down on them, view them as some sort of dirt. They don't even deserve getting a look from her pretty eyes. Whenever one of those peasants approaches her, she just huffs and struts away. Minjin really doesn't give them any light of day and if she was tall enough, she'd step all over them. But she stays royal and polite at all times, not getting into arguments and never cussing someone out. If you get on her bad side, prepare to not hear any word of her again, unless it's necessary. And even then, she will speak to you like you're a disgrace. Some people think she looks absolutely stunning when she's acting haughty, ethereal and graceful, other people just think it's very annoying and immature of her to give someone this kind of treatment. But Minjin doesn't care about what others think of her. Those lowlifes should shut their mouths and stay away from her and her brother.
Minjin was born on boxing day in the city of PyeongChang that would later become home to the winter olympics. It was the end of the year, and she was born 6 minutes after her brother. It was a hard labor on a cold night. It was snowing outside, it had been a white christmas. When the parents and the newborn twins arrived home, the house was cold, because the heating system broke. They had no money for preparations, because they had to spend all their leftover money on the unexpected second child, so the twins' first weeks were spent huddled up in many fluffy blankets. The family was not the poorest, but they were on the poor side. No fancy stuff, no travels, just the necessary stuff and some simple toys. But they could get by and live, if they kept up this lifestyle. Minjin was always the sibling who was just following her brother, often wrapped in a big blanket when it was winter. Minjae did everything, Minjin didn't know what to do herself. She just didn't have any interests, so she did what her brother did, because she liked him the most. It remained that way for a long time. 
Their mom is a very good singer, and would often sing the twins to sleep in their small twin bedroom. Minjin would then look at her mom, then at her brother, who would be staring at their mom with sparkly eyes. Minjae obviously enjoyed his mom's singing, Minjin loved to see her brother sparkle in awe, but this time, she got interested because she got tingles herself as well. Music would be the first time the twins voluntarily separated themselves from each other, because Minjae wanted to learn guitar, and Minjin preferred the piano. The twins were finally preparing themselves from the big world, where they would have to separate for sure. From a young age, Minjae wanted to be an idol. He loved kpop, thanks to the good old tvxq. Minjin obviously got dragged into it as well. But they were deemed too young by their clever parents. They also weren't ready to potentially pay the big expense of sending both of the twins to Seoul to train.
In middle school, Minjae had developed into a bright and social person, but also naive and way too trusting. Minjin always tagged along to keep him out of trouble. It usually worked, and Minjae's brightness made Minjin brighter as well, until something went wrong. Well, it started well, but ended wrongly... Minjae had decided that it was time to start training. First he got denied from his dream company, and then became a trainee at HO entertainment in 2013, being only 14 years old. Minjin auditioned in a hurry, just so she could be with and protect her brother, but they didn't accept female trainees... Minjae was on his own, without his sister. But Minjae was happy, and he encouraged his sister to go audition for another company. He wanted her to join YG, his dream company, so at least one Gook twin could become part of the YG family. Minjin was the more talented twin at that time. her vocals had always been better than Minjae's. So Minjin decided to give it a try, for her brother. And she actually got accepted. And there she was, the tiny, 14-year old girl, isolated from the rest, but behaving well and working extremely hard. She was a company favourite, she looked amazing after all, and she had a very interesting voice. That's how she got some cameos in music videos like iKON's WYD.
But YG is YG, and while Minjin was the more loved twin by her company, Minjae was the first to debut. HO's first boy group, 5 members. Minjae was the lead rapper and maknae. He was so happy to stand on stage, on top of that, they somehow went viral. Their debut song went viral. It was crazy. they were bombarded from nugu rookie to monster rookie in just a few weeks. They attracted lots of attention, and with that, new trainees. What was good, because the company only had five before, and always wanted the group to have 6 members. This will be further elaborated in Minjae's story.
A year after their debut, Minjae was announced to have left the group because of 'scheduling issues'. But Minjin knew it all. Her brother had returned a wreck. He was drained, scarred, even traumatised. It was terrible, and it tore Minjin apart that she wasn't able to protect her brother when he needed it the most. After Minjae rested up, Minjin told him that if he still wanted to be idol, he should join YG again. Having trained and being well-known already, Minjae was accepted this time, and joined YG in secrecy, going MIA from the fans. Minjin absolutely wanted to be with him and debut with him, and when YG announced the plans of a co-ed group, Minjin knew that she and her brother had to be in it together, it was their only chance.
Minjin used to be open towards other trainees because of her brother wanting her to be, but what happened to him brought great distress, and Minjae went from warm sunshine to ice cold blizzard. That made Minjin go from a nice fresh spring breeze, back to the old ice cold winter breeze she used to be. Minjin closed herself off again, not trusting anyone and just being too shy as well. The twins will need their time to open up to the other Spice members, but as long as they don't misbehave, once will be the time... Sooner or later...
- hot drinks
- fluffy blankets
- more fluffy and warm stuff
- tomato soup
- her twin brother
- tvxq
- oh my girl
- iKON
- candy that is sour and sweet in one
- lollipops that are sour inside
- salted caramel
- sushi, it's her favourite food
- the color blue, but she especially is fond of the light shades
- reading
- snow
- classical music
- cats
- cinnamon

- wild meat
- people breaking your trust
- clothes that are too tight
- brainless tv shows, she does like some variety shows, but not stuff like survival shows
- liars
- crying kids
- people that are too obnoxious
- horribly cold weather, since she is sensitive to it
- the color red
- pc gaming
- rain
- leather
- metal music
- crazy wayve fans that keep mentioning minjae's former group in his face
- Kyungjae
- anyone that leaves a bad first impression on her

- rubbing her lips
- playing with her hair
- holding minjae's hands and dragging him along
- tilting her head like a creepy doll
- staring
- yeah she's kinda creepy upon first impression
- talking in a really intellectual, old-fashioned and calm way like 'have you been waiting? so have I.' (totally not taken from gowon's teaser caption lmaooo)
- hiding her emotions and trying to keep a straight face at most times
- sleeping with a lion plushie

- piano, she's really good at it and dreams of going to the conservatory to study classical piano after retiring from the idol life
- reading, especially science fiction that takes place in space
- writing
- badminton
- jiu-jitsu, to protect her friends
- abuse
- drunk people
- spiders
- separation

she generally isnt very active on social media. If she does makes a rare post, it's almost never herself, it's either an aesthetic picture or a sweet pic of Minjae, accompanied by a vague, fancy quote.
- instagram: @frosty_jinn

- she can whistle like a parrot
- sometimes, she takes her android act to the max level and scares variety show hosts with it
- acting like she's in a shakespeare play
- diss raps, she has the most polite but hard hitting diss raps

- thou art a disgrace
- it is I, Aira
- truly unacceptable
- hmpf!
- out of my sights, now
- you're truly a piece of dirt
- oh apple sauce!
- hm?
- away from my brother.
- (to kyungjae) don't come near us, not even in a 10 mile radius, peasant.
- tsk tsk, how disgraceful

- never curses, uses apple sauce as curse word instead

- the twins have recently adopted two kittens together, Minjin has Serene, and Minjae has Yumi.
- Both of the twins have the habit of rubbing their lips
- the twins have a height difference of 30 cm
- Minjin loves snow and ice, but she is sensitive to cold weather so she always has to dress extra warmly
- she also has a sensitive skin and gets red easily, she has to do excessive skincare to keep it down
- if she is flustered, she will try her best to hide her emotions, but she will be bright red, so it's pretty obvious

- her favourite animal is actually a lion and she has a lion onesie and plushie to sleep with. She goes complete lion mode when sleeping
- gets goosebumps from cracking joints
- allergic to pollen, so the poor girl can't handle spring well
- she's left handed
- she often escapes to an empty practice room to dance and vibe to iKON songs, and then she sheds the coolness and completely goes loose and has a blast. She's sometimes accompanied by Minjae, Chanwoo. Later in the story she will also drag Sieun or Deshi along sometimes. She usually locks the door so no one sees that she is capable of this much excitement.
- an amazing cook that finds great enjoyment in cooking, and will usually hum happily while doing so. The problem is that she is terrified of doing it in front of others, so she usually only cooks when its her and Minjae or other people she trusts. If you have tasted Minjin's cooking, you're either trusted by her or you are a dirty food thief.
- Has never traveled out of the country and never been on a plane, both of the twins are very excited about traveling and the first time Spice goes abroad, no matter how comfortable the twins are with the group at that point, they will be beaming and sparkling from excitement, but also dying of nerves.
- the twins are very in sync, often doing the same movements simultaneously or saying the same exact thing (if they even say something). They can communicate through a single glance. Minjin often uses this 'telepathy' to speak for Minjae.

NAME: Gook Minjae
OCCUPATION: Member of Spice
RELATION: twin brother
DESCRIPTION:  while he's technically the older twin, Minjin is the more mature twin. Minjae used to be happy, but naive and vulnerable, now he's just a broken man. He's a ghost of himself, and the only one that can make him smile for now is Minjin, because the wound is still very fresh. He joined YG to be with his sister, and to continue working on his dreams that he thought were destroyed. While minjae is still very cold and untrusting towards anyone that is not Gook Minjin, he is showing improvement. Minjin would do anything for her brother and protects him as much as she can. She just wants him to smile again.
NAME:  Lee Jihae
OCCUPATION:  Student and barista at cafe place across to the YG building
RELATION:  childhood friend
DESCRIPTION:   being a college student and a part-time barista, Jihae has recently become busy. Jihae has been Minjin and Minjae's best friend for a long time now. She knows all their struggles, has known them since kindergarten when they were isolated, and has helped them out. She's the sunshine the twins need at the moment, the only one who can melt their frozen heart, at the moment. It's a surprise how a girl so happy and wild ended up with two cold people, but that's because Minjae used to be bright as her, and Minjin just tagged along. When the twins are with Jihae, they forget about their cold personality and lack of trust and completely brighten up. Maybe one day, this could be spice, but for now, spice just has to deal with the frost babies being their usual frosty selves. Recently Jihae has started working at the coffee shop close by, so the twins often volunteer to get coffee for the group so they could spend some time with their bestie. (fc: Elris' Sohee)
NAME:  Jung Chanwoo
OCCUPATION:  member of iKON
RELATION:  good friend & crush
DESCRIPTION:   In the first year, Chanwoo and Minjin trained together. Minjin was cold, but somehow Chanwoo got to her. He's so warm, so sweet and oh so cute, and he brings laughter. If there was one person in YG that is not Minjae who Minjin would actually hang out with, it is definitely Chanwoo. No one knows how they got so close, but they definitely are adorable. They actually get shipped, but it just makes both of them shy. Before Minjin starts to get the feels for a certain prick, she has a small crush on Chanwoo. She doesn't think that it is mutual but many people know that Chanwoo has a big crush on her. He always looks at her with such sparkles in his eyes, it's so cute.
NAME:  Jeon Sieun
OCCUPATION:  member of Spice
RELATION:  favourite spice member
DESCRIPTION:   Sieun is a sweetheart. She's the kind of girl that gives the twins the space they need to adjust to her presence, but she doesn't ignore them at all. She has treated Minjae very well and has earned his trust. that has established a growing friendship between her and both of the twins. Minjin really appreciates Sieun and how well she cares for Minjae. Minjin doesnt often dare to leave Minjae with other Spice members, but she knows she can leave him with Sieun. That her crush is crushing on Sieun doesn't really matter at all, he's filth anyway.
NAME:  Zhao Bolin
OCCUPATION:  Member of haven
RELATION:  Weird old man
DESCRIPTION:   Minjin didn't really know about Bolin for a long time. He is just that weird guy that is even taller than her twin brother. While Bolin has always found minjin absolutely adorable (but also a bit creepy), she never really cared. That all suddenly changed when the little zhao barged into minjin's life (and the spice dorm... and their snack stash too). Of course bolin had to stick his nose into things because oh? A potential crush for his little didi? His sudden appearance gave Minjin a weird feeling, and she still finds him a weirdo. But at least she tolerates him and is willing to spare him some of her words.
NAME:  Jung Haein
OCCUPATION:  leader of Wayve
RELATION:  they're currently stuck in a weird informant situation
CLOSENESS:  5,5/10
DESCRIPTION:   Haein is the leader of Minjae's former group, Wayve. He's always been very sweet and caring towards maknae Minjae. Even when the story got released and Minjae got painted as the bad guy to the rest of the group, Haein knew that something was wrong. His thoughts got confirmed when he saw Minjae on stage again, his vibe having completely changed. It didn't take long before Haein came to the YG building to talk to Minjae about the situation out of concern. Minjae ran away from the confrontation at the beginning, but Minjin was up to have conversations with Haein. (the spice leader probably meddled in at one point too) Minjin will start to gradually drop hints and will also convince Minjae to face Haein. He will bring justice for Minjae and expose the evil deeds that Yongdoo has done. (fc: A.C.E's wow)
NAME:  This was supposed to be your girlie but she's gon so uh you'll have to wait sowwy
OCCUPATION:  날 매혹시켜 더 빠져들어
RELATION:  삼켜낸 독
DESCRIPTION:   이제는 더 이상 물러설 곳 없어
PLOTLINE + BACKUP: Saffron (Anise + clove)
STAGENAME: Aira (아이라), both of the twins wanted a stagename that had to do with snow, and they chose the Welsh name Eira for Minjin, which means snow. But because it's a weird pronounciation, both twins decided to spell their stagenames a bit differently so it's pronounced correctly.

PERSONA: the frost queen

Rap: Yunwhay (N/A + Loona's Gowon)
vocal: Yunwhay (Loona's Gowon for both backups)
Loona's Gowon (Lightsum's Juhyun + Tri.be's Jinha)
While Minjin speaks very softly, it's part of her shyness. She has more power in her voice that you might think. She really likes rapping because of the contrast with her image, and also because her brother did it first. She can go quite hard when she's rapping, but no cursing!

TRAINEE YEARS: 7 Years under YG (2013-present)

Minjin, as next generation visual, has made a few cameo's in music videos. If they had a crowd or something, Minjin was always there (ex: iKON's what's wrong and B-day). She had two very notable features that people still recognise her from:
- she was Chanwoo's girl in iKON's #WYD music video in 2016
- appeared in Jungkook's Love youself teaser in 2017

I can see her doing some acting work and becoming an idol actress in the future?
Oh my god please let her on show me the money?? Imagine how fun it would be, this cute smol shy girl between all those badass people. They don't expect her to do much but then she starts spitting polite bars and everyone is shook?? Since her rap twin got to round 9 in smtm8, I expect minjin to be able to do the same. That means she will do a diss battle. Minjin is very good at dissing... please it would be so funny to see this badass rapper getting obliterated by this tiny birb?? And YG likes to send their rappers to SMTM, Minjin can definitely learn the ropes from Bobby and Mino.

"Empire's Aira doesn't want to be an idol?" / false / somewhere after debut, knetizens complained about her emotionless attitude on broadcast, thinking she was bored, but they didn't know that Minjin is always like that, and that she tends to not show emotions. Well, there will always be some netizens that will call her .
"Empire's Aira and iKON's Chanwoo rumored to be dating." / false / even though they used to have a mutual crush on each other, this rumor appeared after the dating ban of Spice lifted. By that time, Minjin had already moved past Chanwoo towards another boy... and another as well. There might be more rumors around Aira and dating later on, between her and Deshi, which... might be true?

CONCEPT(S): While Minjin might look adorable, she really isn't the type to act cute. She fits better in cool concepts... well, also the cold kind of cool but like... the sleek stuff? The 'we are badass women looking fabulous in suits' kind of stuff. Her rapping fits many genres but she just cannot act cute for the life of it. She might be naturally cute, aegyo is awkwaaard.

 THE LOVE hate 

NAME:   Jong Kyungjae
Member of Spice
The boyz' Q
:  see below

hate, much hate

You know this guy lol

Minjin was already training under YG for a while when Kyungjae came. While she didn't know him personally and didn't see him around often, she had heard things, and how he had shaken up the whole trainee group with his attitude. Her first impression of him was terrible, and therefor, every time they bumped into each other in corridors or in training rooms, Minjin didn't even say a word to him. Not even a friendly good day, no, he didn't deserve that. She saw him as filth before even properly knowing him, it fascinated Kyungjae. The damn masochist? Your kink is showing bro.

DEVELOPMENT/LOVE STORY: When Spice was put together, Kyungjae and Minjin were forced to begin training together, to Minjin's dismay and Kyungjae's amusement. Great, now Minjin actually had to waste words on this guy. She only said the necessary and still didn't give Kyungjae any light of day, and he really didn't mind it at all. No matter how much Kyungjae tried to get to Minjin, to fool with her, or even flirt, it was all met with a huff and a fancy strut away, occasionally accompanied by the 'thou art a disgrace'. Being seen as filth by such a cute girl, while he could simply not get to her at all was very entertaining to Kyungjae.

The more they were forced to interact, the more Minjin saw that Kyungjae is actually a very cute guy... No no no, she couldn't give in to this filthy lowlife, it would be so low of her. First of all, Kyungjae was being rude towards someone Minjin liked, and second and most important of all, Minjae didn't trust him. While Kyungjae generally treated Minjae much more gently, his behavior towards other members, mostly Sieun, certainly wasn't helping the case. Sometimes, when Minjae sees Kyungjae, he is reminded of Yongdoo. And even remembering Yongdoo terrifies him.

INTERACTIONS: Snake snake bite Snake snake bite (im leaving these lyrics here cause THEY FIT THIS GUY SO MUCH?? I laughed so hard when I saw this idk why)

While they really don't talk much, they have a surprising lot of interactions. The thing is that Kyungjae usually tries to talk, with emphasis on trying, because he gets nothing back from Minjin. She always just gives him this cold look, huffs or mumbles one of her haughty quotes and struts away. She has made multiple attempts at hitting him with her ponytail, but she's just too short. She's extremely cold towards him, but sometimes it really is obvious that deep inside she has the hots for this guy. She might have no expression on her face, her cheeks are still blushing bright red whenever Kyungjae makes another flirting attempt. Minjin herself doesn't realise this, but Kyungjae is smart, he knows what's up. So he has doubled down on the playing and flirting, both because he likes to see her blush, and because her ice cold rejection awakes his masochism. Honestly, if Minjin stepped on Kyungjae with high heels, both would probably be happy.

While Kyungjae is loving it, all this is for Minjin is suffering. She can't help but steal glances whenever Kyungjae isn't looking, because he's just so handsome. But when she sees Minjae so scared of him and Sieun being bullied for something that she can't do anything about, it angers Minjin. Not only is she angry at Kyungjae, she is also mad at herself. Why would she ever like such a guy? Minjin feels terribly guilty that she even finds him hot, while he is behaving so terribly towards the one spice member she got a friendship with outside of Minjae. During the time of this crush, Minjin will often cry herself to sleep out of pure guilt.

This story can end in many ways. Minjin could put him into place and he could start softening up, which could end in them together because once Minjae is fine with it, Minjin is too.

Another possibility is that Minjin just doesn't act upon it and tries to move on asap because of Kyungjae's behavior.

And there is a third scenario, a scenario where a savior is on the way. A prince on a white horse that will carry Minjin away, away from the angry villain that will be screaming and kicking because his princess got taken away?

- Minjin literally hates this guy, but goddamn why is he so hot
- She feels incredibly guilty and angry about her feelings for Kyungjae, because his presence only already triggers Minjae, and he bullies Sieun
- she often calls him filth, dirt or disgrace
- because Kyungjae is a masochist, he's very fascinated by Minjin and loves toying with her, and getting the cold shoulder.
- Minjin comes from a poor family, Kyungjae is a chaebol. This is drama material. Minjin desperately tries to hide her poor upbringing so it doesn't become a way for Kyungjae to laugh at her.
- "I literally had a good guy like Chanwoo and I moved on from him for this lowlife??"
- the lion, the witch and the masochism of this



NAME:   Zhao Deshi
Member of Haven
Fu Sichao
:  N/A, she already got
three lmao

he's tolerated

NOTE: This Minjin is not
the Minjin that was Deshi's
original love interest! She just shared the same name and fc because I thought Gowon was a good fit and was lazy with names at the time of Deshi's creation. His love story will now be disregarded and he's now into actual Spice Gook Minjin ;w;

check out his app

The savior, prince on the white horse, first appeared in Minjin's life when he was new to the YG building in 2017. The brand new wild band kid from a foreign country. He barged into Minjin's life when he bumped into her in a YG trainee halls corridor. His Korean was absolute e, so Deshi attempted to start conversing in English.

"Hello... My name is Deshi, I'm new here." He said nonchalantly, having a smug look on his face to try and appear cool. Minjin responded with her usual little tilt of the head befpre actually bothering to open and say some words.

"Me no English," she said, cold as ever, before walking past Deshi and leaving him behind. She really wasn't up to talk, but his behavior did actually put an ever so slight smile on Minjin's face. What a silly boy. She watched him from afar ever since that first meeting. Her interest was piqued.

DEVELOPMENT/LOVE STORY: Ever since that first meeting, they had only talked briefly a few times. That all changed when Haven and Spice both were picked and had moved into their dorms. One day, when many Spice members had left the dorm to enjoy their day off, Minjin was cooking a dish for a hungry, underfed Minjae. They were finally on their own so Minjin hoped that she could finally make Minjae eat a full plate of healthy food. It was all good and well until Deshi just crashed into the Spice dorm, shocking both of them.

"Why have you come here, Deshi?" Minjin gave him one of her signature dirty looks, which sent shivers down Deshi's spine. But he adjusted himself quickly and boldly walked towards Minjin, and the stove where she was cooking food on.

"We ran out of snacks and I got hungry, so I came to see if you guys had any snacks left. Oh hey- this smells good, can I taste it?" Deshi rambled. While Minjin shook no, this rascal was already on the food, tasting it. Despite the smack he got from tiny Minjin, his face completely brightened up. In the back, Minjae broke into a rare, tiny chuckle. It sounded like music to Minjin's ears. But Deshi's voice was ruining the symphony.

"This is so good, wow! You're a great cook, Minjin. Can I have a plate? Please? I'm so hungry..." Deshi practically begged, pulling a pouty face. Minjin found it obnoxious, really. But she was not impolite, so she looked at Minjae as to ask him if he was fine with Deshi getting a plate. To her surprise, Minjae gave a little nod in approval. Minjin couldn't believe that he had taken a liking to this kid. But then she remembered their first meeting, and that she also had taken a liking to him and his energy immediately. He was so calm, yet so silly. After a loud sigh, Minjin told Deshi that he could get a plate of her food, which was responded to with a lot of joy.

Deshi sat down across Minjae and started a chat while waiting for Minjin to finish cooking. There was a moment of silence before Deshi started chatting calmly. He himself didn't say much in Haven, but he felt like he really wanted to talk to these twins. During the whole dinner time, Deshi was mostly the one doing the talking, both of the twins only nodding or saying a few sentences as response. But Deshi really didn't mind the lack of response from the two. He had heard stories of how quiet they are, and was already happy to hear their voices. He wanted to be their friend.

After that, Deshi would frequent the Spice dorm, and he'd sometimes take the twins to the Haven dorm to show it off, but only if there was no other member present asides from Bolin. Deshi's visits would usually consist of them chilling in one of the twins' bedrooms, Deshi talking about things while the twins listened. They started to respond more and more, and even smiled from time to time. They also often played videogames, quietly, but they were very competitive. Minjin really liked this silly guy, and she saw that Minjae liked him too, so she felt at ease with Deshi around. He reminded her of Jihae. Yes, he is way more annoying than Jihae, but he also just barged into their lives, talking to befriend them while also giving them the time to adjust to his presence. He really didn't see them as weird because they were quiet and suffering the consequences from something dark, for him they were just friends. A lot of people treat the twins differently because of their behavior, and Deshi just acting like he normally does was very refreshing.

INTERACTIONS: Most of their interactions consist of Deshi talking and Minjin listening, reacting and having a tiny giggle from time to time. She will start to talk more and more as time comes, and it will make Deshi so happy because he really likes her voice. But most of all, he wants to make her smile. Deshi often tries to crack jokes to see that pretty smile, but most of the time the jokes won't work on Minjin and she will just give him a weird look, head tilt included. Well, that's cute too.

They also often play games together or spend time with the cats. Deshi also happens to love cats so he's absolutely in love with Serene and Yumi. When they play games, it can turn very competitive, but in a quiet way. Death glares, dirty looks, muffled curses when it comes to Deshi. Upon hearing him curse under his breath, Minjin always acts dramatically shocked to make fun of Deshi. He is in general very good at bringing out the twins' brighter sides that are hidden so deep inside them. Since Deshi has witnessed trauma develop in front of him before, al be it in a very different way, he can feel that it's present inside Minjae, and it is affecting Minjin as well. He might be an immature little , he does know how to treat the twins and make them feel comfortable. He has come over so much by now that the twins find it weird when he isn't around to chill with them.

This depends on how it ends with Kyungjae, of course, but Deshi will definitely be here to mess things up and stand in the way of Kyungjae, and he wouldn't hestitate to fight for Minjin (or Minjae... no homo). Deshi really isn't intimidated by Kyungjae's presence at all and once he knows that Kyungjae could be interested in Minjin, he won't hestitate to actively provoke Kyungjae with the fact that Minjin actually talks and smiles to him.

- Deshi could help Minjin move on from Kyungjae and then they would end up dating
- Kyungjae could sweep Minjin away once he starts behaving better, leaving Deshi angry and jealous
- Both could actually happen, she could date one, it doesn't work out, and then move on to the other.
- In the end, Deshi would be better for Minjin's future but sometimes love is blind. This is all up to you and whichever dynamic you like better.

- Deshi has promised the twins to take them to Beijing and Qingdao, and to take them on a boat trip.
- while he never really got consent from the two, he has just started to call minjin snowdrop, and minjae frosty.
- Deshi is almost as tall as Minjae, so much taller than tiny borb
- Their favourite game to play together is super mario 3D world on Minjin's switch
- When they are hanging out together, they often make pillow forts
- Spice members are still surprised upon how Deshi got to the twins so easily. They often ask him what they should do to also get the twins to talk to them, Deshi's response is always the same. He shrugs and says "Simple, just be me." before walking away
- There is only one person that Deshi finds better looking than himself, and that is of course our tiny little borb here
- the lion, the witch and the narcissism of this
- seriously Minjin, pick better MEN


COMMENTS: hi hi hi :D so here she is, the long overdue first half of the frost twins :D I always do Minjin first because she can act as a way to prepare for what's coming... (I'm sorry). I really hope you like this borb (why am I calling her borb at the end of the app, my exhaustion is showing). She is so cute, one of my favourite characters ever. Also, the love story got very interesting and has a lot of potential endings so I hope you like it!

- the twins slowly but surely warming up to Spice
- interesting Minjin and Kyungjae dynamic
- Bolin starting to act suspicious around Minjin cause even that can feel that his little brother is into her
- louder spice members attempting to crack a joke but being met with absolute silence (and a slight tilt of the head) from the twins
- love drama, give me the drama, you know you want to, come on
- I mean Deshi is definitely up to fight sdmlfkjslmkf
- Minjin coming on show me the money and wreaking havock as she politely disses everybody
- The twins traveling for the first time and everyone being shocked at how excited they are, Kyungjae would probably mock them for it but they do not care, they are flying for the first time. They are having their moment kyungjae, off >:c

- I love
Omega X, they are so cool
- Actually I dont have many suggestions cause I know a lot of the debut song suggestions (yet I dont know the boy one that is winning by a mile?? oh god)
- I feel like Nature's songs would be fun to do!
- A rap unit, they're so cool and badass and then you have tiny borb (I actually dont rlly have songs oops)
- a small 3-girl unit doing 3YE songs (mostly
Stalker), Minjin would rock that concept

PASSWORD: I feel like she would love
this just because it plays into her creepy android vibe


°°°·.kamihimechi codes.·°°°


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*takes a big breath*
YOU'RE SO FAST, HOW- collab? uwu