What should I do?

Hello everyone...

My life has been a living hell. Lately at work I've been feeling like I don't think I'm doing a good job because I never been promoted. I have asked my boss three times if I could get a promotion but nothing happened. Also, our assisstant manager is a freakin ! She treats me like I'm still a newbie at my job when I've been working at Subway for over a year! She thinks she's the best worker there when clearly she's not!! 

I have a friend of mine who I work with and she considers me as her best friend. But she told me her parents won't allow her to hang out with me. They think I'm a bad influence and that she shouldn't go down to my level. I mean what the hell!! They don't even know me!!

And a couple days ago, I went to hang out with my older sisters and my mother but while we were hanging out, they treated me like I didn't exist. They barely spoked to me! 

Lately, I have been so stressed out and angry at work and myself. I mean what have I been doing with my life? Nothing! I feel like a failure and that I'm a horrible person. People are talking behind my back! I can't handle it anymore!

I really couldn't handle it anymore because last night I took a hair clip and I cut myself! And I can't believe i did that. 

I did it again today! Someone please help me!! I don't want to start a horrible thing to myself. I mean I do hate myself but not like this.

What should I do?


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kpopluvr27 #1
You should just talk and vent to people.
Oh my god, Lexxxxxx. oAo
Seriously woman, any time you need to rant, text me or message me on FB. I will literally always reply to you. And I usually can talk after midnight or and time on Tuesday and Thursday. PLEASE don't cut yourself. Please don't. T^T
Hey please don't do that. If ever you have that feeling that you want to cut yourself just pm me or someone else on here and talk about it, but please don't do it. We'll respond and have a nice chat and you'll let your feelings out and it'll feel much better and you'll feel much better afterwards and if no one replies than just make another blog. I'm always reading them even if I don't respond most of the time. Keep in mind that I care for you so please don't do this. So please just blogging will help release stress and make you feel better so do that instead whenever you feel like hurting yourself and remember someone is always reading and listening to you even if no one or they don't respond and we care about you. So please we don't want to see you this way, at least I don't because I want to see you happy and trust me just writing about it or keeping a journal will feel so much better so do that instead and remember someone is always reading and listening to you and someone always cares for you.
I think you need someone to talk..
talk to your mom, best friends, or whoever you willing to trust
about your problem, i think you should try to see everything in a positive way
you just have 24 hours a day
don't let anyone ruin it..
And please don't hurt yourself..
maybe we don't know each other, but you can talk to me anytime if you want.. :)
Unnie, I am sorry.
I wish I could help you so much
You can talk to me anytime.
What you need is a good nights rest and talk to your mother if possible and sisters whenever you can and tell them how you feel.
It's always better to tell them and all.
For work, if they keep on treating you like nothing and they don't give you what you deserve, look for another job then get that job and quit the current one.
For your co-workers parents, I don't know how to help on that.