Deep into my Depression


Well im here again and deep into my depression again. My friend who i so much loved called my 'Plastic' which means not being real to them. I never done that to her. I was being bullied and now that i have friends who accept me from me called me 'Plastic'. She thought I was that kind of person. I said to "Pretend i dont exist and never talk to me" I keep my promise and i never talk to them again. I thought that if you are being nice to others and they will be nice to you but i been nice and people always hate me. I always have this thought that i should killed myself to make their life more easier and then i thought of my parents but they never support me and always thinking about my two sisters. 

I shared everything to them and even my most secretive thing i have. She thinks im a bad person and im not even if i try. Maybe i do deserve to die because no one will ever miss me or even notice i die. If i ever die no one will go to my funeral and i wont even go to heaven because im a sinner. 

Im a that annoying. But i do my best not to be, but......

Dont read this anymore because its full of my crap

And i think its better for my depression to eat me up until the point i cant handle it and i will eventually die.

Its better and people will be happy for once. Did you know that ever since i was little i always feel unlucky and hate always follows me. 

Maybe hate suppose to follow me until my grave.















Aleast i have my unnie 


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Don't hate yourself i hope you and your friend will get along just explain it to her i think she would understand just be kind if does not listen just remember you did your best as a friend even the baddest person still can miss a friend ^_^ i also been in that state but don't do anything dangerous i'm sorry i'm just expressing my opinions cause me and my friend had also that kind of issues and i explained it to her and now were okay No matter what happens even it's your fault never get tired and say sorry 祝你今天愉快! BTW i like your stories ^_^
u shouldn't say things like that and u shouldn't end your life like that! :( i know how u feel,but don't let depression make u end ur life. We're all here for u <3
Don't talk about die anymore..
I'll sad..
I don't want to lost another family..
I'll remember..
You always play with always here..
Promise me you won't do anything dangerous..