☇ Second Chance ✕ Han Daejin ✕ Nonchalance



han daejin

AlienFromMars • Mars • 9/10


the basics.

name » Han Daejin

nickname(s) »  
Jin/Friends and almost everyone he meets/ Simple shortening of his name
Waifu/Chanyeol/Meant as a joke from when others shipped them together back when they were humans

age » 16

ethnicity » Korean

language »

face claim » Yu Hamin

backup face claim » -


appearance »
Daejin is not someone who is very gifted in height as he barely stands past the shoulders of an average male. He wears his very light brown hair in a longish hairstyle, with a long fringe that he keeps having to flip out of his eyes.

For modifications, he has a large, bright red '13' marked on his right arm. This same arm is also now made of metal, though it is hard to tell unless one looks at the crook of his elbow, where the skin has been damaged, showing the mess of wires beneath. His eyes were also replaced, so now they are of a light blue colour, and glow electric blue in the dark. In addition, as a joke, the scientist working on him had replced all his teeth with sharpened ones, with his canines being slightly longer than the rest of his teeth.


" If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong "


i am who i am.

plotline » Nonchalance

personality » careless, dishonest, nonchalant, adventurous, understanding, enthusiastic

[CARELESS] As someone very careless, Daejin is often leaving a very obvious trail leading to him. He has no sense of caution and is always proceeding on without checking the place out or taking precauttions. He is also very careless with his words and often lets things slip out without meaning to. As such, others often have to pick up after him.


[DISHONEST] From when he was human, Daejin was often scolded for doing their his own way. Thus, he has a fear of getting into trouble from the others. Whenever he does something he knows his companions won't approve of, he resorts to lying his way out of trouble. No one knows when he is telling the truth of not, and that makes him a bit suspicious in the eyes of the others, especially when he sometimes uses information he found out to blackmail people.


[NONCHALANT] He doesn't care what impact his actions might have on the others. As someone who only wants to have the fun he felt he deserved, Daejin is prone to doing things his own way even though it might put his friends in danger. He also doesn't give a damn what others might think about him. If they want to think of him as an irresponsible idiot, then so be it.


[ADVENTUROUS] Curiousity killed the cat? Not in Daejin's eyes. Ever curious about the world around him, he loves running off to follow the aliens or to simply explore the surroundings. He doesn't care even if it's dangerous, in fact, it just adds to the fun.


[BRAVE] He who knows no fears, that's who Daejin is. He's someone who regards dangers as a source of adventure and fun, and he's not scared of anything. Trying new things? Daejin is more than willing to be tribute. Need someone to serve as a distraction for 48230493 aliens? You can count on Daejin. In fact, he's so brave that others call him stupid.

[ENTHUSIASTIC] It often irritates the others just how Daejin is up for just about anything and everything. He's always the first one to go running off in excitement bfore the details of the activity can be fully said. And when it comes to new or seemingly dangerous activities that no one else is keen to do, you can count on him to be waving his hand in the air and volunteering himself for the job. 

trivia » 
- Enjoys being in high places
- He likes to pick at the crook of his elbow when he's bored
- Makes lame jokes when he's nervous
- He has developed a taste for Malri food and swipes them whenever he can

- Knows how to pick locks

- He is fast and can easily climb any surface
- He has infared vision, thus enabling him to see in the dark

- Can think of weird solutions to get out of tricky situations

- His glowing eyes often give away his presence

- Gets bored easily


my past doesn't matter, does it.

background »
Growing up, Daejin was the typical perfect child. He brought home good grades, excelled in many areas and did his parents very proud. Truthfully though, he was only like this because of his parents. They forbade him to do anything fun, his whole life, he was expected to do nothing but study and take all those extra lessons in skills that had no use in his life. They were also very overprotective of him and did not allow him to do anything they deemed dangerous, which was almost everything. Needless to say, it was quite a boring life, and Daejin often found himself longing to be able to have as much fun as all of his peers.

His only source of fun was his best friend, his next door neighbour who used to come over all the time to 'study', Chanyeol. The two were always together, and during the rare times that Daejin's parents weren't watching, they would sneak off to cause havoc by being public nusiances.

Then, when he was 15, they invaded. Within several days, people started appearing at their doorstep, urging them to volunteer themselves to be modified. Horrified and unwilling for their son to be convinced into doing so, his parents decided to up and relocate to a 'safe zone'. But Daejin had had enough. He knew that they wanted to protect him, but he was sick of listening to their every order and being treated like he was 5. He wanted to make his own decisions. That very night, in an act of childish defience, he ran away to volunteer to be modified. 

But Daejin never really did get a chance to be the soldier he signed up to be. His modification went perfectly, and no one foresaw anything wrong, until his first official mission. Rather than bravely and blinding following orders, Daejin seemed to be unable to do so. Instead, he seemed to stubbornly refuse to do so, always making a point of doing the exact opposite and doing things his own way. And no matter what they did, this major flaw seemed unable to be fixed. In the end, unwilling to let Daejin do as he wished and possibly jeopardize the mission, the government decided to freeze him and store him away with the other rejects.


family & Friends of the past» 
Han Yoonmi/Mother/The absolute terror of his life, Daejin was always cowering from her harsh glares, actions and even harsher words. To his mother, Daejin was never good enough and she was always pushing him to go further. To say the least, Daejin hated her guts.

relations OF THE now» 
Shika/Frenemy/Masquerading as a human, Shika led Daejin to believe that she was  human, when in fact she was not. The two don't interact otften, but when they do, they are usually running around together, often having petty arguments. Sometimes, Shika gives information to Daejin because she wants to go home and believes that they can only do so by having her kind being driven out. 



does love still exist.

love interest » Park Chanyeol (Exo)

backup love interest » -

Species» Cyborg (his right arm has metal plating covering it and the lines of his palm glow red)
age» 17

background» Back when he was still completely human, Chanyeol was already the best friend of Daejin. They were partners in crime and never left each other out in their fun. When he found out that Daejin had ran away to be modified, he was a bit miffed that Daejin did not tell him about this, and thus went after him so as to give him a piece of his mind, as well as to participate in the fun that Daejin would be having. 

But something had gone wrong during the modification, and he was left unable to tell the difference between the ones he was supposed ti be protecting and the ones he was supposed to be killing. After accidentally killing an entire party of humans he was helping to , he was pulled off the battlefield and frozen.


personality » 

[SENSIBLE] Chanyeol knows when something shoudln't be done. Unlike his friend, he can be serious when he needs to. He knows when to lie and when to not. He's also the one often picking up after Daejin and making sure he doesn't accidentally get himself killed.

[PROTECTIVE] Chanyeol hates watching those close to him get hurt. As such, to prevent this, he's often jumping in front of his friends to shiel them from danger. He's willing to sacrifice himself if it means that those he loves would be safe.

[WEAK-WILLED & FUN-LOVING] As much as Chaneyol knows that some of Daejin's antics rae wrong, he can't help but be pressured into following Daejin's lead. Blame it on his love of fun and the fact that Daejin is his weak spot. When it comes to peer pressure, Chanyeol often finds himself following the majority instead of his own reasoning.

[LAZY] Unless it's Daejin, asking him to do something would be similar to asking him to die. Ever the lazy-, he loves pushing responsibilty to others instead of having to do them himself. The world could collaspe around him and he'd still be sitting on his until someone forcibly pulls him up.


First meeting » 
It was when they were both humans. Chanyeol had been playing outside in his garden with his friends when he realised that they needed another player. Just then. he saw Daejin, who was just heading home after violin lessons. Immediately, he had practically forced the other to join them depsite his protests that he needed to go home and do his homework. During the game, Daejin found himself having actual fun for the first time and he made sure to sneak off to Chanyeol's house to play whenevr he could. Their friendship blossomed from there.

In 3078, Daejin had awoken up very confused. Soon, he found himself wandering around the facility, especially the basement where he had been stored in. Out of curiousity, he had been looking at all the other rejects, curious to know why they were still sleeping when he was awake, but he didn't bother trying to wake them up, until he saw a familiar sleeping face, Chanyeol.

The two are always running around together. Where Daejin goes, Chanyeol is bound to be near. Often, the two sneak off to be by themselves and they can usually be found being a nuisance to everyone through their loud antics and spying on others. The few times they're separated, they are often worrying about each otherto the point that anyone near them would do anything to get them to shut up. 
Together, they make a formidable team. Everyone knows not to anger or disturb them unless they want another cyborg flying at their face with a punch aimed at them. Together, they can win almost any battles and out talk anyone else. 


Truthfully, they seemed to have a telepathic connection as they are able to complete each other's sentences and seem to know what the other is thinking, much to the horror of others. They know everything there is to know about each other, and run to each other when they're in any form of trouble. In fact, when they're together,, these two always seem to be in their own world that involves no one else.


last words.

comments/suggestions » ...

scene requests » ...

password » Star Trek Online <3


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