Am I Over-thinking This???.....

Hey guys!!

So, I'm back in Australia~~^^

So, I have two incidents. I'll start with the one that happened a few days ago.

So, when a good-looking guy appears or just walk on the road or something, am I the only one who will look at whoever it is, and like admire them???

I'm not alone right?

Okay, since I'm in Australia, there are like Asians including Koreans~~ And, as all of us are k-pop fans, we look towards them and admire them, and see if they might be like a unknown idol, right?

Well, I do.

Now you know how lonely I am.......):

So, it always me gawking at random hot guys, and its always me taking secret glances.

Anyways, let's get into my story.


On Friday 30th, it was our school's 2nd day, and for some reason, our grade and other grades, got to arrive at school later than usual.

So, my friend told me to catch  the train with her, since usually I don't cause, I don't like waking up early.

So, I agreed and I also suggested that we should go buy a drink from a near-by coffee shop.

And so, we did.

When we went into the coffee shop, the cash regristrator (the guy who takes the orders) was Asian, I think Korean, since he had dyed hair, was quite good-looking, and I didn't notice at first, when I saw him I was 'yes plis' jokes~~

My friends and I came in as a 3, and so we were waiting in line, while my Asian friend was looking at the menu, standing kinda away from us. And mmy white friend was just standing kinda next to me, and kinda behind me.

So, the menu is like on the wall, and I was just looking at it, but you know how sometimes, you can see what's going on, like from the side of your vision?

Well, when I was looking up, from the bottom of my vision(?) I saw the guy look up and towards me really quickly, for a few times.

But, it wasn't like one of those cute, shy ones. It was like he looked at me, looked back, and at me again, since he was still serving another customer.

But, oh my god, I was like "he looked at me!!!" Because like I said, it was always me glancing at the good-looking guys~~


So, when I was in Taiwan, my mum was meeting up with one of her old teacher, and since I had no one to stay with, I decided to tag along.

So, we caught the MRT (which is basically like an under-ground train) and we got off at the stop we were supposed to and stuff.

But since we arrived earlier, we had to wait for her teacher. And so we sat down on one of the benches that were there.

My mum and I sat down on the benches, and because the benches were like those square benches


So it's not the exact one, but you get the idea. Basically you can kinda sit facing any way.

We sat facing the road, and there was another (square) bench near the one we were on.

And on it, sat this (good-looking) school boy around my age.

So he sat like facing us, so he had a side-view of me.

Anyways, it was at night, and school ends late in Taiwan (which explains why he was in uniform)

I would (as usual) steal glances at him and see if he went already or not.

I kinda think he was too, but I always over-think things, so probably not....

So he didn't leave before us.

But after a while, my mum's teacher arrived, and since they haven't seen each other for a year (since we live in Australia) we were kinda loud.

So they hugged, and I forgot if we hugged (me and the teacher, not the guy)

But before we walked away, I looked at the guy, and he was already looking, and so our eyes met.

And when normal strangers' eyes meet, they just calmly look away.

But when that happened, he looked alarmed and immediately turned his head and looked away.

So, yeah.....but I might be over-thinking all of this (as usual)

Anyways, thanks to reading my annoying and desperate-for-guys-to-love-me rambles~~~^^


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omgahhhh haha that asian guy in the cafe incident sounds like a kdrama scene! nawwww~ but yeah ur not alone, sometimes i come across this kinda think accidentally too going "Oh damn.. that boy ka-yuteeehhhh" (Itz in our nature) XD
haha i remember the taiwan boy story ^^