The Last Episode

This will be the last episode of this black and white show that bought me happiness.

So, umm....if you remember all the previous rambling posts of my one-sided love, well this is like "the final episode" of it now.

In previous posts, I mentioned that the guy which me and my friends call 'Chaddie', is on fact in Year 12. This is his last year of high school. Meaning that this will be the last time I ever see him, since he catches the bus after school. 

Here in Australia, throughout the whole year there are 4 terms with around 10-12 weeks of school in each term. In term 4, you are basically already learning the content for the next grade. 

So for me, I am in year 9 therefore in term 4 I would be learning content for a year 10 student. 

So, for year 12, they graduate at the end of term 3. Right now, today is the second-last day of term 3. Tomorrow it will be the very last day of high school for year 12. Tomorrow it will be the very last day I see the guy I spent 3 years of my feelings on. 

I just found out that my friend's brother goes to the same school and is in the same grade as him. So, I asked her when her brother is graduating, since every school is different. 

So, my in school they graduated on Wednesday and the graduation dinner was on the same night. Luckily, for Chaddie's school, they have the graduation dinner Thursday night and the actual graduation ceremony tomorrow (Friday) during school hours. 

I have also been catching the train to see him before school. So, tomorrow morning (if he even comes) it will be the last day I will ever see the guy that I spent 3 years of my feelings on.


I have known that this day would come from the moment I saw him in a year 12 jersey, but I just feel so lost, yet relieved. I now never have to be so nervous and always be on the look-out for him. 

I can now be a free soul.



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awwww D: yeahhh all them leavers are having their mocks here atm before their finals EMBRACE UR LAST MOMENTS DONGSAENGIEEEE~~~
ur post just reminded me that im graduating soon next yearrr TT^TT huuuuuuu but yeah who knows? maybe you two will meet sometime in the future properly? XD