✂ student application; 12-Aphrodite's Small Lion

-`연세전문학교 || Yonsei Academy´-

Kim Mikki



USERNAME » 7kpoplover7 
NAME » Kim Mikki
NICKNAME » Mickey (It's simmilar to her real name and also because of her small height)
Sa-ja (사자) (Means lion. Her hair is really messy when she wakes up and her hair color matches the hair of a lion)
BIRTHDAY »  July 23rd, 1998
LOCATION »She lives in her own house, close to the university.
She lives in Cheongdam-dong, (A ward of Gangnam District.)
LANGUAGE(S) » English (Her first language )
Korean (She learned korean because of her mother)
Mandarin (She learned it because of her father bussines, He thinks is important for her daughter to be able to communicate so she can take over the bussines in a future. Most of his bussines partners are stablished in China thats why is so important to learn this language)
GALLERY » 1  2  3  4  5
APPEARANCE » Her height is 1.60 cm. Her hair is wavy, long and light brown. Hazel, big, round eyes with natural double eyelids and long eyelashes. Her weigth is 45 kg, slim body. Small hands. Cute nose and fair skin. Has a small waist that makes people says she looks like a doll. Her hair is really messy when she wakes up. Doesn't like to hide her features with makeup, all makeup-free. People usually says she is a doll like model. Her collarbones are one of her y features. Her height makes people think she is very cute. 
FASHION STYLE » It depends on her mood. If she feels sweet then she would use cute dresses, skirts and pastel colors.  She uses cute accesories and her shoes are usually flats or cute high heels. BUT, if she is feeling crazy and cool then she will use denim shorts, rippend jeans, baggy shirts , cool jackest, tennis, sneakers, cool high heels , she usually uses white, black and red with this style. Her uniform is usually used with a cute short skirt that makes her look sweet and cool. Feel uncomfortable using ties so loses her necktie every time. She prefers to use varsity jackes over her uniform than normal blazers or cardigans, she oppose to the idea of using bowties and vests.
Sweet style:
Crazy - Cool style:
Favorite jackets to wear with her uniform:
Max Kim - 40 years old - owner of several five star hotels around the world. FATHER
He is half korean and half american. He stablished his biggest hotel in America that's why Mikki was borned in The U.S. He loves his only daughter and he gives her everything she wants, he agreed to gave Mikki her own house if she learned Mandarin so that she could learn about his job. He loves his wife. He is usually traveling around the world. He is extremely wealthy. He got Mikki a house because if they come visiting (since they are usually travelling) they would have a place to stay and relax. He also gave it to Mikki as a present becase at the begining she didn't wanted to learn Mandarin, so he was only able to convince her with the house.

Choi Jimin - 39 years old - Famous fashion photographer. MOTHER. She  is korean. She loves Mikki and makes sure she is healthy even when she is traveling from one country to another for the photoshoots. She gives Mikki a lot of advice for controlling her moody side but always fails. She loves Max.

Choi Minho - 23 years old - Model. COUSIN. He is Mikki's favorite cousin because is the only that knows when her mood changes and knows how to react in front of her. He is like a big brother for her. Loves to for her height. They love to hang around together.

Female of Beauty and Kindness - Mikki is usually who persuades her to do things when she is being craycray. When Mikki is being sweet, she can relate to her. She likes to see Mikki being sleepy because of all the cute faces that Mikki does.
Female of Power and Practicality - These two share the agressiveness that Mikki uses when she is being moody. She loves to see Mikki argue and like to help her when she does.  
Park mina - 22 years old- cousin
She is Mikki's cousin but hates her. She is jealous of Mikki's life.
BACKGROUND » Mikki was born in the U.S she studied there and thats why when she is in her sweet mood she uses a lot of skinship to show that side of her.  She came back to Korea when she was in her second year of high school. She is a lot of fun to be with, when she is mad she starts speaking in english. She loves to have her own place but usually ask the girls to hang out with her. She is moody and hates being made fun of. She learned mandarin so that her dad would gave her a house near university. She loves to be with her cousin Minho and sometimes people thinks they are a couple because they are really close. As a kid her parents gave her all her attention so she likes to have some attention.  Minho was the one that gave her the nickname saja (lion) because of her wake up hair and  hair color. When she came back from the U.S she got into Yeonseong Lyceum for two reasons her wealth and her brain. Her parents also wanted to gave her the best education so they enrolled her there.
PLOTLINE » Female of Oscillation & Balance. (Female of Rebellion & Intensity)
PERSONALITY TRAITS » She has two sides, the sweet her and the craycray-cool side. She loves to be with people. But hates when people mock her. She isn't shy when expressing her opinions. Loves to hang out in cool places. 
positive; Adaptable, sweet, fair, outgoing, intelligent.
neutral; likes attention, creative for good projects or comic revenges.
negative; Moody, hates being rejected, has explosive comebacks when pissed.
Adaptable - Since she was born overseas she easily adapts to different styles of food, music, culture, customes,people, ideas and mostly everything.
Sweet- She is sweet but not shy. She thinks that people have two sides just like her. but preffers to be in their sweet side.
Fair -  Her parents always told her to be fair and to give everyone what they deserved.
Outgoing - Loves to hangout and make new friends.
Intelligent - Gifted with intelligece and artistic sensibility, she likes to ask Yeoreum for advice.
Lkes attention - Since a child she has like the attention her parents gave her. But she doesn't do things just to bring the attention to her. She just like the attention and enjoy it while she has it.
Creative - If someone needs a creative mind they can just call her and ideas will be said at the instant. She uses her creativity for good things and for revenge.
Moody -  A side that only some can control. She changes depending various factors so if you can avoid that factors it would be a miracle.
Hates rejection - Since she is so sweet when meeting a person she hates when they reject her.
Explosive comebacks - She can be an angel or a devil. But if you get in her bad side she wouldn't hesitate to take you down. This girl is full of smart comebacks that will shut up everyone.
Dogs and lions - Mikki thinks that thay are cute. If she goes to a zoo she will run to the lion section an sit there for hours. She has adopted some lions in the zoo and monthly goes to check on them in the ZOO.
Rollercoaster - Is the most amazing thing that was invented in her opinion.
Strawberries - Best fruit ever
Ice cream - If is ice cream then is heaven. "I'm sure that heaven is made of ice cream"
Skinship - Skinship is a way to show her affection
People mocking her
Bugs and snakes
Closeminded people
Bright pink or neon pink
Going to the zoo or to an amusement park
Taking photos (her mom gave her some tips)
Listening to music (kpop and classis music)
Drinking hot cocoa with tiny marsmallows
She makes cute faces when she is really tired
She hugs people easily or grab their hands unconsciously.
She speaks english when she is really pissed off
She winks when saying okay
If she sees ice cream she will ask for it or buy one herself
Snakes and big bugs
Being ignored for more than a week by her friends
Large amounts of blood
walking alone inside school by night
Gangs and stuff like that
Villanova school (2003-2008)
La JOLLA highschool (2008 - 2010)
Yeonsaeng lyceum (2010 - 2015)
Yonsei Academy (2015 - 2016)
Her blood type is AB-
She is addicted to ice cream
She doesn't get cramps when she is on her time of the month but her mood gets more than crazy
She is a good fighter, she knows self-defense
Loves winter
The lions she adopted in the zoo are called Alex and Buck. They are still cubs so she can pet them if a zookeeper is around.
Loves dancing and spends her free time going to the tennis court or the dance studio.
When she is scared she punchs whatever scared her.
She does whatever she is told when she is just awake, after one minute her mind is back.
Has a big dog called prince. A doberman that fits her personality he is really sweet but if you don't treat him right it would make your life miserable.
This is how her bedroom looks like.
Her house is really minimalist.
» secretary (Mikki is really a good listener and she absorbs information really easilly. She has a great memory so she can easily remember everything that was said during a meeting.)
» lawn tennis (She is a sportsgirls ,she needs to play so that she can release tension and make her mood bet. Since Tennis is so common in America she started learning since she was a little girl. She has won several competitions and has a lot of trophies)
» Music club (Music is a way how Mikki relaxes so if she can be in any club that can help her relax then she will be there. She loves music and is great composing melodies and beats.)
BACKGROUND » Mikki was gifted with intelligence and a great memory. So, even if she is talking with someone else if she is in the calss her brain will pick up all the information. She doesn't needs to study and even like that she gets high grades. She has this hate - love relation with Chanyeol because they obviously like each other but none of them would admmit it first. She is loved by most of the students. Deeply cares about people and likes to be friendly.

HOW THEY MET/MEET » Mikki was grocery shooping with her cousin Minho and they divided their tasks by looking for different stuff, so Mikki ran to the ice cream section and her favorite flavor (straberry) was to high for her to grab, she really wanted it but there was only one box left, suddenly a hand grab the ice cream, Mikki turned around thinking that someone was helping her. When she looked at the guy's face he was smirkimg at her and said "bad luck minion", Mikki stompped her feet and said "Hey, give it back flag pole" The guy just smirked, turned around and left saying "maybe next time I will give the box to you cutie pie". That was the first time hey saw each other.
OUTCOME » They see each other at Yonsei Academy and Mikki starts asking about her ice cream. So Chanyeol starts mocking her height and Mikki starts calling him "high tower" they start bickering about small things until a guy offers Mikki to take her out in an ice cream date, to this Chanyeol get jealous but ignores it, he somehow feels relieved when Mikki declines the invitation. Since this moment they start falling  slowly for each other , of course they still bicker  and argue every time they are together, but they take care of each other. They have a love - hate relation, but they like each other.
SCENE REQUESTS » Can you make a scene of Mikki and Chanyeol fighting but at the end showing concern about each other and making small cute gestures to each other and a scene when they still haven't confesed their feelings for each other  and they try to make the other jelaous and when Mikki sees him being all flirty with a girl she just runs to him, hugs him and tells the girl to get lost, and then when Mikki tries to make him jelous he just picks her up from the floor and takes her to their secret place and there they confess their feeling for each other
PASSWORD »  Block-B - Her + 2PM-Go crazy 



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-baymax #1
i hope i don't get you mad or something
but you forgot to put the idol faceclaim + gallery