7KPOPLOVER7— MIKKI — 9.5/10

basic profile.


name — Kim Mikki

nickname(s)Mickey (It's simmilar to her real name and also because of her small height)

Sa-ja (사자) (Means lion. Her hair is really messy when she wakes up and her hair color matches the hair of a lion)

birthday & age — November 7, 1997, 17 years old.

birthplace U.S (Los Angeles, California)

HOMETOWN U.S (Los Angeles, California)

ethnicity — American-Korean

language(s)English (Her first language )

Korean (She learned korean because of her mother) slightly flawed.
Mandarin (She learned it because of her father bussines, He thinks is important for her daughter to be able to communicate so she can take over the bussines in a future. Most of his bussines partners are stablished in China thats why is so important to learn this language)

face claim  — Ulzzang:  Kim Da Hyun

back up  — Ulzzang: Jung Seong Ah


STAGE NAME: Mikki or lion (사자).


PLOTLINE: Sassy maknae

HEIGHT: 1.60m

WEIGHT: 46kg

PERSONA: Unruly lion

BACKUP POSITION: Dancing machine

FANCLUB NAME: SNOWFLAKES (Mikki loves winter so she thinks fo her fans as the most beautiful part of it, that for her is the snow and the snoflakes) 


SINGING TWIN: Jessica (Ex- GG)

RAPPING TWIN: Ji Yoon (4Minute)

DANCING TWIN:Hyuna (4Minute)

TALKING TWIN: Hyuna (4Minute)


TRAINEE YEARS:1 year and 1 month.


TRAINEE LIFE: She started to get into korean music and culture after listening to Big Bang's albums, that were sent to her from GD. She admired him so much that she auditioned in YG twice untill she was accepted a s a trainee. The first time she got an audition she got really nervous and wasn't able to show her talent, In her second audition she  poured her heart into her dance performance and was accepted immediately. She has been trainning for 1 year and 1 month. She can be found on th dance studio or in the YG cafeteria. She didn't went trew a diet because her body was already slim enough thanks to her dancing and to her genes. As a trainee she found the fact of being the one who looks the younger is really anoying, just because people would ask her to do aegyo and cute stuff anytime. Also, because people started ordering around and as an only child that lived most of her life in the U.S  so she found it weird and kind of rude.


PREDEBUT EXPERIENCES: She did a Colaboration in one of AKMU's music video, as well as some commercial ads with GD and Sandara Park.




me, me, and me. 


style — Mikki loves to use oversized fashionable clothing, such as overzised jackets or trench coats. She loves to wear comfortable clothes without leaving her sense of fashion out, so she would use comfortable clothing and fashionable shoes. She usually can be spotted in shorts, oversized hoodies and stylish tennis.

APPEARANCE —  Mikki has double eyelids and a cute little mole under her right eye. Her hair is dyed in dirty blond and is really long and wavy. She is slim and has a really small waist. Pale skin and cute lips. Doe brown eyes. Her height is 1.60m and her weight is 46kg. Has small and pretty hands. her hair is a mess when she just wakes up (another reason for her nickname).



Adaptable - Since she was born overseas she easily adapts to different styles of food, music, culture, customes,people, ideas and mostly everything. She is not afraid of trying new things or learning about different cultures, she is the type of girl to get used to get comfortable with a new group of people and make them feel comfortable also.

Sweet- She is sweet but only to those who are sweet to her. She is as sweet as honey but only if you are the same with her. The height and baby face also help. But don't be fooled with this sweetness because she can be the sassiest person ever if you mess up with her.

Fair -  Her parents always told her to be fair and to give everyone what they deserved. Even if the person deserving to be praised is her enemy she will recognize that. She is the type of girl who would actually play fair and to argue if someone is cheating.

Outgoing - Loves to hangout and make new friends. She usually is friendly but her sassy attitude can come anytime usually when she feels attacked or judged.She likes to go to theme parks and to the zoo, but she loves to go there with friend. She is friendly and doesn't hesitate to finish a dare in front of people.




Intelligent - Gifted with intelligece and artistic sensibility. She can team up with Donghyuk and start explaining complicated subjects and topics that the other just don't know about.

Lkes attention - Since a child she has like the attention her parents gave her. But she doesn't do things just to bring the attention to her. She just like the attention and enjoy it while she has it. When fans start shipping her with the twins or Mino she will use  the attention and start doing fanservice teasing them with doing skinship with the twins or Mino.

Creative - If someone needs a creative mind they can just call her and ideas will be said at the instant. She uses her creativity for good things,pranks and for revenge. She is usually the mastermind behind the big pranks, hidden cameras or just when escaping from the dorm. She usually convince the staff members to help her prank the members of the YG family (All of them, especially Ikon, Iris, Winner, the Kwon twins, Seungri and GD).


Moody -  A side that only some can control. She changes depending various factors so if you can avoid that factors it would be a miracle. She can be happy one second and then she can be trowing sassy comments into the air. This is usually a problem when she doesn't get what she wants.

Hates rejection - Since she is so sweet when meeting a person that she hates when they reject her. That usually gets her in her bad side. Since she is the only child of a wealthy famili she usually get what she wants, she always tries to ignores when this happens but if this happends more than twice in the same day she will either get moody or plain mad.

Explosive comebacks - She can be an angel or a devil. But if you get in her bad side she wouldn't hesitate to take you down. This girl is full of smart comebacks that will shut up everyone. She is used to have the last word in any fight she loves to be right and hates when she is being mocked. The explosive comebacks are usually generated because someone is making fun of her way to much than her limit.






Ice cream

Big Bang





People mocking her because of her height
Jealous people
Bugs and snakes
Closeminded people
Bright pink or neon pink




Learning boygroups dance routines





Seeing large amounts of blood

Frogs and snakes

To walk alone in the company during the night



She pouts a lot (unconsciously) but hates being called cute.

She love to tiptoe arond really tall people.

If she fall asleep she will hug whoever is closer to her and is really hard to make her release  the person.

She makes sassy coments when she feels threaten or annoyed.

She hits people when she get scared.


TRIVIAs—She is addicted to ice cream
She doesn't get cramps when she is on her time of the month but her mood gets more than crazy and usually she gets flirty with all the boys.
She is a good fighter, she knows self-defense.
Loves winter, snow and snowflakes
Loves dancing and spends her free time going to  the dance studio.
When she is scared she punchs whatever scared her. Even in the haunted house the people scaring her should be aware of her punchs and kicks,
She does whatever she is told when she is just awake, after one minute her mind is back.
Has a big dog called prince. A doberman that fits her personality he is really sweet but if you don't treat him right it would make your life miserable, he is living in GD's Villa.



INTERESTING FACTS —She adopted two lions in the zoo and they are called Alex and Buck. They are still cubs so she can pet them if a zookeeper is around.

The maknae comes from a really wealthy family, she buys a lot of stuff to relive stress. She usually buys really expensive gifts for the people she cares about but she only asks for real friends.

She isn't the youngest of the team but because she looks the youngest and because she was the one that join at last she was named the maknae of the group.

She and Junhoe like to team up against the older members of the groups, they usually team up against Seungri and GD. Just because.

She has a lot of male friends, she has always been more friendly to guys and feels more comfortable around them. She doesn't has more female friends  other than the IRIS members

home is where the heart is. 

background —Mikki started dancing in Canada since she was a little kid. She is really wealthy. She didn't study hard but got realy high grades. She got into music because during one of her parents meetings they introduce her to G-Dragon and since then they were really close friends and Mikki started loving music because of him. She like white - black and red. Her dad is a Korean/Candian CEO for one of the biggest cars company and her mom is a famous canadian/korean fashion photographer. She is an only child.


family — 

Father - Kim Injun - 45 years old - alive - CEO of one of the biggest car's company aroun the world. Full Korean. He is really openminded and loves Mikki and his wife. He is usually travelling. He supports Mikki's decision on becoming an idol. He trusts her daughter's decisions.
Mother - Samantha Prince. - 43 years old - alive - Fasion photogapher. Korean/Candian. She is a really loving and caring mother. She is usually in other countries taking shoots her and there. She loves Mikki and her husband. She is really supportive.




▪ G-Dragon | 27 | Singer-Songwiter-Producer | Best friends | GD was Mikki's inspiration to become an idol. They knew each other because they attended a meeting and they were introduced. They started talking and found a lot in common so when they had to say good bye they exchange numbers and kept talking all day long. Their friendly relationship grew a lot and the became best friends.


▪ 권영득 Kwon Young Deuk | 권영돈 Kwon Young Don| 25 | Backup YG dancers | Best Friends | The Kwon twins got attached to Mikki's natural aegyo and to her passion for dancing and singing. These three are always spotted by the fans eating some ice cream or drinking bubble tea or coffee Latte. They are pranksters and are inseparable. Mikki always look for them if she needs any help, she spends a lot buying stuff for the twins because she sees them as the older brothers that she doesn't have.They usually invite Mikki to celebrate Christmas and New Year with them. During the YG concerts fans ship Mikki with one ore another twin.  The twins also love to tease fans (and Mino) by using a lot of skinship with Mikki during the  YG concerts and when they are hanging out together.



friends — 


In general Mikki has a good relation with the artists of the YG family and other agencies.


▪ Lee Seung Hyun | 24 | Singer (Big Bang) | Friends | Mikki was training and forgot her cellphone in one of the dance rooms. The next day while she was looking for it she bumped into Seungri. He asked what was she looking for.She told him and he had it but before giving it back he make her give him her number. She used to thinks he was loud and annoying but she atarted to open to him and he was one of the first ones to learned about the sassy attitude of Mikki.



▪ Jin Ahra | 17 | Backup Dancer | Rivals | Minimun | Ahra thinks that Mikki isn't suited to be part of YG. She hates her and tries to make her feel  bad every time she encounters her. Mikki always has a sassy attitude towards her and never lets Ahra win.


the one and only.

love interest — Song Min Ho

AGE — 21

GROUP — Winner 

backup(s)  — Zico

personality — Mino wants to give the charismatic and chic image when in reality you can describe him as a major dork. Loves to tease others and joke around. Sometimes he doesn't know the limits of his teasing and hurts people without meaning it. His confidence is as tall as him. Really friendly, happy and protective over his property.


MEETING — Mikki was asked to practice her singing skill a bit more since she needed to be really good to be part of the group, so she was given a tutor. who turned to be Desung from Big Bang, while she was practicing the members of Winner came to the room and started giving tips to her. Since she was a little confused because of her flawed Korean she couldn't understand all of them talking at the same time so she didn't said anything back and Mino started to argue and started by saying how can she be so disrespectful towards her sunbaes and that he tought that she was more respectful and stuff. He said that if she was going to be like that it was better if she just quit because she was never going to make it as an artist. Mikki was just shocked, but the pressure of the trainee days, the lack of sleep, the long hours of practice and being far from her parents just explode and she got angry, she was giving him the coldest glare while explaining what really happend. When angry tears started to escape form her eyes, she just storm out of the room leaving the members of winner and Daesung shocked and a sad guilty Mino. He started looking for her and found her on a studio alone he didn't know how to approach her so he just started to rap an apology. Mikki had already cool down so she forgived him. Minho asked if there was something he could do so they could start with the right foot and Mikki asked for coffee ice cream. Thay started to became close after that.


INTERACTION —  Minho started to look for Mikki every time he could and he would always buy coffee ice cream just for her. He started to develope feelings for Mikki and started to get jealous if any guy was having too much skinship with her. He loves to about her height and says she has Taehyuns attitude when she starts to get a sassy attitude. He couldn't ignore his feeling any more and confess to Mikki in the same studio she found her after the incident and delcare his love for her with coffee ice cream. Mikki was already in love with him so she accepted his feelings.

relationship  — Mino and Mikki are dating, fans don't know about it but they ship them together they even gave them the shipping name of M&M Couple because both of them love sweets. They love to go and support each other. Mino gets a little jealous because even when fans ship them together they also ship Mikki with the Kwon twins. He loves Mikki and always tries to do and get her to do aegyo. Mikki gives sassy coments once in a while towards Mino and loves to make him jealous because when he is his cool, possesive and protective side just comes out. The couple loves to use skinship every time they can.

They are the couple that would be huging each other at one moment and at the other moment the would be teasing each other and playng hard to get. They fight for stupid things like all couples do but they can't be mad at each other for long. Mino is usually the one that starts sulking first so he would start bothering Mikki for forgiveness, and Mikki can't see Mino sad so she will forgive him. They end every argument with kisses, hugs, compliments and heavy skinship. They tease each other in a loving manner and they usually team up to tease the Winner and iKon members.

last messages.

comments/suggestions — I hope the story gets a lot of subscribers and upvotes because it is really good.

scene request — Jealous Mino. YG Concert and fans shipping her with Mino and with the Kwon twins. Iris and iKON colaboration. Dance battle inside the company. Going with Winner and iKON to the Zoo. Iris TV. Weekly idol and making the tipical ideal type questions (Of course they ask about Mino trying to get Mikki flustered BUT they can't handle Mikki's comebacks and overpowering answers.).

password — Light drops 

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