your character
Name : Kim Mikki
Stage name : Mikki or Mickey
Nickname + reason : Baby fox: Thanks to her height people think she is cute and innocent, when in reality she is really intelligent, naughty and mischevious
Birthday : Januray 14 1995
Age :18 (korean age)
ethnicity : Canadian and 1/4 korean
hometown: Toronto, Canada
languages + why : English  (native language, she usually speaks english) and French( basic conversational), Korean (slightly flawed)
height : 1,61 m
weight : 47 kg
plotline: Maknae of Etheral K - Unit
Personality : Mikki is a calm -  not so calm person, she looks cute but she is really strong and cool. She hates when people use her flaws against her suchs as her height. Some members think that when the devil inside her gets out nobody can control her. Her mood can be read on how she dresses or how she is acting. People thinks she is inocent, cute and delicate, when in reality is not true, so she tends to pretend to dislike cute stuff such as aegyo. Sometimes she over reacts and jumps to conclusions. She can give the cold shoulder to everyone and ignore them to the point they will regret making her upset. She is really intelligent almost a genius. She has a great memory. She doesn't likes to say sorry.
She is really naughty and she loves to use skinship with people round her, what can lead her to be in awkard situations. She doesn't get jealous easily BUT when she gets jealous its time to run. She is a prankster and always stands her point of view.
Background : Mikki started dancing in Canada since she was a little kid. She is really wealthy but prefers to gain money on her own. She doesn't study hard but get realy high grades. She got into music because duringn one of her parents meetings they introduce her to G-Dragon and since then they were really close friends and Mikki started loving music because of him. She like white - black and red. Her dad is a Korean CEO for one of the biggest cars company and her mom is a famous canadian fashion photographer. She is an only child.
She started to get into korean music and culture after listening to Big Bang's albums, that were sent to her from GD. She admired him so much that she auditioned in SM twice untill she was accepted a s a trainee. The first time she got an audition she got really nervous and wasn't able to show her talent, In her second audition she  poured her heart into her dance performance and was accepted immediately. She has been trainning for ten months. The company wants her to have a mysterious and cool image.
Likes :
— Ice cream (She thinks that heaven is made of ice cream)
—Zoo and amusement parks
—Coffee, specially hot cocoa with mini marshmallows and Bubble tea
Dislikes :
— Bugs
—Lies and hipocrit people
—Being left over
—Drinking or smoking
Hobbies :
— Taking pictures
— Going to the zoo, specially to the fox section (That is her favorite place to escape from problems and stress)
— Learning dance routines from different kpop BOY groups (She doesn't know a lot of girlgroup dances)
Fears :
—Large amounts of blood
Habits :
— She pouts a lot
— Takes a bag of mini marshmallows everywhere.
— When she is really tired and sleepy she will hug whoever is close to her and won't let go until she wakes up or untill someone gives her a marshmallow.

Trivia :

— She loves to use skinship and most of the time she does it unconsiously

— She likes to speak to others in english

— She wants a big dog for her birthday (maybe a Doberman)

— She is really good with kids

— When she is on her period she doesn't get cramps BUT she gets all flirty with guys (especially with her boyfriend). (Hormones attack)

— She doesn't get sick easily

— Loves to Dance and can be easily found in the dance studio

— Some people think that she is GD's girlfriend when in reality they are just really close friends. This usually makes Minho jealous because fans start shipping them, but then he calms down when Mikki starts using skinship to show him how much she loves him.

— She can be an Angel or a Devil

She has a lot of male friends, she has always been more friendly to guys and feels more comfortable around them. She doesn't has more female friends  other than the Etheral members

— She hates to act different around cameras so she acts normal and has a tint of a mysterious aura

Idol's name : Ailee (The young her)
Picture // gallery :
Backup idol : G.NA (The young her)
Picture // gallery :

love interest
Name : Choi Minho
Group : SHINee
Age :21
How you met : One day Mikki was practicing a boy groups dance routines at the dance practice room. She was so focused on the dance that she didn't realized that SHINee was abaout to practice. They entered the room and found Mikki dancing. Minho saw Mikki a couple of time before but he was to shy to introduce himself. When Mikki realized that people were staring at her she tripped and fall. Minho rush to her side asking if she was okay or if she needed to be taken to the infirmary. She says that she is okay but when she tries to get up she feel pain in her right foot so Minho carries her to the infirmary. When she fall sleep he exchange their celphone numbers. A few days later He starts calling to check up on her. They start to become really close and finally they start to have feeling for each other so they started to date. They have been dating for 3 months.
Back-up Love interest : Kim Myungsoo (L)
Friends and family
Family :
Father - Kim Injun - 45 years old - alive - CEO of one of the biggest car's company aroun the world. Half Korean half Canadian. He is really openminded and loves Mikki and his wife. He is usually travelling. He supports Mikki's decision on becoming an idol. He trusts her daughter's decisions.
Mother - Samantha Prince. - 43 years old - alive - Fasion photogapher. French-Canadian. She is a really loving and caring mother. She is usually in other countries taking shoots her and there. She loves Mikki and her husband. She is really supportive.
Best Friends;
Henry Lau: Both of them share the cute face joker attitude, so the momment the knew each other the grew close. They are jokers and they love to prank others. that's why if they are together people around them start to get suspicious. The love to hangout together. Henry is like a big brother to Mikki. Fans usually ship them together as a joke, because they know that they are just like siblings.He and Changmin are the first ones to know about Minho's feelings towards Mikki and they help him confess to her.
G-Dragon: GD was Mikki's inspiration to become an idol. They knew each other because they attended a meeting and they were introduced. They started talking and found a lot in common so when they had to say good bye they exchange numbers and kept talking all day long. Their friendly relationship grew a lot and the became best friends.
Yong junhyung and Beast members: She met him thanks to GD when he ask him to help Mikki out while she was auditioning since he is also a producer. The two of them started talking and discovered than both  shared the I DON'T LIKE THE GYM type of mind, the only difference was that Mikki's metabolism was fantastic and that she didn;t gained weigth no matter how much she ate, But Junghyung did gained weight easily. Thanks to him Mikki got close to the BEAST members, they love to buy ice cream and marshmallows for Mikki.
Shim Changmin (TVXQ): The biggest OTP that fans support. The two of them are dorks and the height diference just make it easily for him to grab Mikkis phone, raised it over her head and make her jump, whine and pout for it He is one of the only ones that loves to make Mikki do aegyo. He is a er for her Aegyo, She knows this and use it as an advantage over him. Fans usually spot them eating ice cream, drinking coffe o bubble tea together, thats why fans started shipping them. He loves to around and called her his Girlfriend and stuff just to make fans excited about them. They love each other as Best friends, nothing more than that. He and Henry are the first ones to know about Minho's feeling towards Mikki and they help him confess. Changmin also told (and kindda warned) Minho to not make her cry because if he does he will have to deal with Changmin, Henry and GD.
Kim Jongin, Oh Sehun and Kim Minseok: The three just grew atached to Mikki when they first saw her dance. Her love for coffee, dogs and bubble tea just make them know that they were very compatible. These three guys started developing some feeling towards her, but it was a one side crush and it vanished quickly. Fans new about thier friendship and were really hopeful about Mikki  NOT being in a relation with one of them, because they were shipping her already with Changmin, Henry and Minho. She sees them as big, reliable brothers. She usually ask them to show her the dance routines so she can learned them faster.
Song lines: taken from Big Bang's Bang Bang Bang
난 불을 질러
네 심장을 태워
널 미치게 하고 싶어
B.I.G Yea we bang like this 모두 다 같이
I’ll set this place on fire
To burn up your heart
I wanna make you go crazy
B.I.G Yea we bang like this, everyone together



comments : I hope this story gets a lot of subscribers and upvotes :D
suggestions :If you could make a scene of Minho Being jealous it would be amazing.
Or a scene of Minho revealing their relationship by accident and the fans being shocked but supportive.




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