About the recent article on AllKpop about the netizen accused of assault for tying to help

So I’m sure many people on here read AllKpop, and if you do you may have seen the article the other day about a netizen who made a blog post about helping out a woman who was ually assaulted but got the blame for it. Well, looking at the comments of that article really shocked me; pretty much every single one I saw was calling her a .


Why? Do people not bother to stop to think about this? You read one little post by one random stranger you will never know. How do you know what he said is the truth? There are two sides to every story, and we never heard the woman’s.


  1. She really could have just been a .

  2. She was almost , she was scared, and in her panic she became confused and mistook him as her attacker.

  3. The netizen lied; he wants to look good, wants attention, or doesn’t like woman and is trying to make them look like lying, deceiving es.

  4. He did actually attack her. I mean, he was convicted. Do you think the case would have gone to court if there was no evidence? That he would have been charged?


I live in the UK, and over here around 85,000 women per year are victims of (I don’t know the figures for men). Recent figures showed that just 15,670 women reported to the police, only 2,910 cases got to court and of those there were only 1,070 convictions. That is 1,070 convictions out of 85,000. That’s shocking; the amount of rapists who get away with it is enough to leave you speechless. These sorts of figures aren’t just limited to the UK, it is a worldwide problem. Check your own countries statistics verse conviction statistics, and you’ll probably be very shocked.


Although I’m not saying for defiant that the netizen did something, but given the extreme lack of convictions for and ual assault, the woman must have had very strong evidence for it to even go to court.


Now, you might be wondering if he did do something, why did he then make a blog about it? Well actually, this is fairly common. It’s a way for rapists to make themselves look innocent, and the victim to look like a liar. Often times after , the will then send a text or write on social media something like ‘Hey, I had a great time last night, we should meet up again x’. They do this to cast doubt on the victim’s claim.


The reason I am taking the time to write this is because of how little rapists are punished. There will be people on this site, maybe even reading this, who have been . Most of them will never have gotten justice. Either they didn’t go to the police in fear they wouldn’t be believed or taken seriously, or they did go to the police but couldn’t provide enough evidence, so the case was just thrown out. This is an absolutely awful thing to happen, I imagine it would be like they are told that their doesn’t even matter, that they should just get over it and be fine with their walking around freely.


The main point I’m making with this blog is: don’t be so quick to judge. You don’t know both sides of the story. You can’t just blindly trust the words of a stranger. If the netizen really did assault that woman, how do you think she would feel if she saw all those comments calling her a ? and ual assault are very serious and emotionally damaging crimes, so please think these things through carefully and don’t just blindly cast judgment.


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