please help me

Hi everyone !

I think i really need help with this !

I'm confused about this graphic and review shop thingy !

What is that ?

They said we can request a poster or review

By review does it mean they're going to check our story or something like that ?!

And by requesting graphic , is it for free or you have to pay for it ??

Gosh i'm really really and super confused.

And just like written in my profile ,


I'm indonesian..

So as much as I hate it , would someone please kindly explaun this to me ?

In bahasa if possible..


Thank you so much !


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if you wanted a review for your story, yes, the reviewers will help you correct your mistakes. Although I'd highly recommend you to take beta-reader instead since you said english aren't you main language. Beta-readers will help you correct your mistakes before publishing the chapters, while reviewers will only correct the mistakes you made with the number of chapters you've published (and it's not going to be all of it).

For graphics request, you just have to read the rules and fill in the form provided. It's for free XD so don't be afraid to request. I'm a graphic maker myself, want to request from me instead?