
I feel like I have no right talking about this subject but as an author, who, writes for the characters I use (mostly Baekhyun) and only my character himself, and to fulfill my imagination I think I have the right to. Warning: This is rant and will contain a harsh mod. You have been warned.

Reading and browsing stories, I see authors' notes which irk me. Some which says, "I will never update, not unless i get these number of karma and subscriptions. Woah, wait a minute, are you threathening us? For one, is your story good enough for us to actually stick around the next update. For two, So you write for comments and subscriptions (karma & fame) 

Sickening! Another is about cliches. We all know, we can't get away from cliches, dont we? But to the point the yur whole story is cliche, its backbone, charactrs, well, that is when all hell break loose for me (how cliche of me!)

This was just a rant and nothing else. DONT TAKE IT TOO SERIOUSLY


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i defs agree with you when you mention people writing stories and updating when they get a certain amount of comments etc. like it really irks me...i reckon people should write stories because its what they like to do and not because they want fame or anything like that ;~;