아픈. 왜는 몰라요

i thoughg this was going to be a good day because we have no classes today. and i saw my crush, well im just attracted to him, at the convenience store. he works there and sometimes he's gone because he's a student. but im burning with fever now. i was very cold moments ago and i didn't know why. my family is not cold and im the only one. i was so cold that i wore myself with jacket and was wrapped in a thick blanket. there was tears in my eyes suddenly and my mind wanted to sleep. then my grandma checked my temperature and said i have a fever. gosh. i have stories to write and there's a p.e practical exam tomorrow of volleyball.


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Aww, in December last month, or last year, we played volleyball.

I hope you're ode to getting to your crush. Never give up! :)

Make sure to get lots of rest and remember I'm here to support you!! :)