V.O.X | Lee Suri | Great Gatsby


nickname, ri-ri — a shortened version of her name
nickname, eomma / unnie — sometimes by members when she is acting like their mother.
nickname, blue — her favourite colour is blue, and always tries to wear it with anything
nickname, sparkles / glitter — she loves sparkles and glitter. is particularly known to have a box full of sparkles, sequins and glitter hidden somewhere in her room.
nickname, magpie — because her obsession with shiny things. 

birthday — 29.08.1993
birth place — Busan, South Korea
hometown — Busan, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean
nationality — Korean

language spoken, korean — her native language (fluent)
Language Spoken, Mandarin — her aunt taught her as she often went to China to teach classes as an exchange of professors, but took advanced studies after beginning training to talk to Lay. (highly conversational, almost fluent)
language spoken, japanese — she took Japanese at school and did an exchange program with her schools partner school in Tokyo a few times. (highly conversational)

blood type — A

lee suri

by sharehappiness (mina)


— i am beautiful, i will always be beautiful, even if it is only to myself.

face claim — suna (x)
back up — do hwe ji

height — 165cm
weight — 50kg

Extra features (beauty marks/freckles ect.) — slight scar on her left thumb and pointer finger from cooking and a beauty mark on her right collar bone. she has her ears pieced once of each side and her helix on her right side. likes to keep her hair a reddish colour, but doesn't mind dying it from time to time, however is worried about permentally damaging it. has a dimple in her right cheek, often wishing she had one in her left cheek to match.

fashion style

— clothes on, clothes off. visable personality.

She dresses really feminine and elegant, however still has a dramatic flair for how she dresses, with bold statements or loud colours that work, but would clash if they were even in the slightest a different colour. She wears any colour, soft pinks and beiges, to dark blues and blacks, and doesn't care about what colours she wears, not finding any of them bad colours.
Though she always manages to fit some sort of blue into her outfit, which is coincidentally her favourite colour. She has the biggest collection of shoes, any style, type and fit, it can always be found somewhere in her wardrobe, however mostly she keeps them at her home if she isn't really going to wear them in the near future, opting for a family member to mail them up to her, or bringing them when they visit.


(+)/positive traits or qualities - clear headed, genuine, observant, methodical, confident, gentle
(-)/negative traits or qualities - blunt, excitable, flamboyant, possessive, paranoid, compulsive, obsessive
(/)/neutral traits or qualities - maternal, ascetic, smooth, humble

Suri is a maintained child, always managing everything in some sort of way, no matter if she was exhausted, hurt and ready to collapse where she was standing. She meditates and just sits cross-legged watching everyone in the room, or on the street. She is blunt, she doesn't mix her words, nor does she sugar-coat her words. She wishes sometimes that she was poetic, her words like a water dripping from her tongue, her eyes unhurt from how mean something sounded, although it was meant well. However her words are often smooth and well-spoken, so they aren't misinterpted, (*so smooth you could slip*) Though she lets most of the other members do the talking for her, so she is counted as a quieter member, knowing that they understand her well enough to speak for her most of the times.

But however on contray to her harsh tongue and constant will to do eveything on her list, she is a very easily excited person. She likes all sorts things and when she see them she can't but help lighting up and becoming as excited as a child getting their favourite lollies. She even has a dramatic flair for doing things, that you can't help but wonder what she does in her free time, how she acts so innocent when what she said was far from it. She could say something very erted and yet still act like an innocent baby in the next moment; however far and few these moments are, when they happen it is a pretty funny sight and situation.

Growing up around very maternal people, Suri has grown to become maternal herself, thinking it to be basically natural to do it and act like a mother. She likes to take care of people, of things and of anything that needs her help, because that's all she's seen. Everyone around her does something good. For the greater good, something like a miracle, something... beautiful. However while being raised by people like that, she is pretty babied and has remained very innocent, though not quite child-like wholly.

Suri also carries traits like being methodical, often doing things in a set way, always making sure everything got done. For example when she cleans she does it one way, and finds it hard to deviate from the way she has been taught and then done her whole life. She is confident with herself and her abilities to do things, and whenever the group is training she is always telling them what to do and how to do it like an instructor, but only in dance training, otherwise she's pretty mellow and doesn't feel the need to instruct unless she need to.
Though she is a keen observer and often watches her members if she thinks something is wrong and tries to mend it, though its not always effective. She would rather watch than interfere, but if she knows that interfering is needed then she will.

Suri is clear-headed and genuine, has a hard time lying, but when it is needed to and when it isn't harming anyone she pretty good at it, though she wouldn't say it was a hobby, just an aquired skill; knows her rights and wrongs like its going out of fashion But while she has such a beautiful personality, she is a little rough around the edges. She's paranoid about mostly little things, like being late, things going wrong, her microphone not working, or tripping over. Its often triggered by being left alone when something big is happening or a lot of people are going to be watching, when she doubts herself, so members often just try and distract her until they go on stage where she can't worry. Basically its [the stage] another place to keep her distracted, and not worry.

In addition to being paranoid, she is compulsive and obsessive over things, which can vary with her mood, likes and dislikes. During her trainee years, she spent most of her time obsessing over school and training, leaving almost no energy to obsess over little else. She can get really into obsessing over things, but does try to calm herself down and be level headed about things. Basically were her being ascetic comes into play. Being ascetic means that she is a really harshly self diciplined person, where she basically is like being the parent to her child she and taking aways its toys. Though she can get really possessive over things (and people), and become very easily jealous.


— likes

one — a clean area, or a clean house. a thing thats she grow up in sharing a house with her aunt, mother and grandmother, whom all of which like things to be tidy.
two — the colour blue, becuase it reminds her of how the ocean was reflecting the sky when her family went to the beach for the first time, and has since remained her favourite colour.
three — sparkles, glitter and all things shiny. Suri just likes how they sparkle, particularly reminded her yet again of the beach on her first time to the beach.
four — hot chocolate, its a nice feeling when your really cold and then you drink it and you can feel your insides just warm up. its a pleasant feeling.
five — the feeling of freedom, she gets a little claustrophobic with a ton of rules and would rather not have to listen to them.
six — in love with orange chocolate, it tastes fruity and competely unhealthy
seven — loves (basically in love with it) the ocean, especially because one day it can be so calm and the next almost angry
eight — the smell of the ocean or saltwater, because the ocean
nine — really disney movies, they are so childlike Suri loves them
ten — loves all sorts of boygroups and girlgroups, doesn't really have a preference
eleven — was an ulzzang, particularly well-known and new
twelve — salty chips/crackers, the taste like salt water
thirteen — floral perfume, because it smells like grandma's shop

— dislikes

one — horrible smells, because her house was always clean and so her nose is extra sensitive around really bad smells, but she doesn't mind the smell of sweat, but not for days on end.
two — dirty dishes, becuase of the bugs and horrible smells they bring when left not done.
three — mandarins, she likes oranges and tangerines better, but just doesn't like mandarins. Just never has liked them.
four — shellfish, her aunt is allergic to shellfish so she never really ate is and hasn't quite got a taste for it.
five — extreme cold or heat, she likes the happy median, where she can wear a jumper and not be too hot, but wear a singlet and not freeze.

— habits

one — when she is wearing earrings, to go and touch them or make sure they are still there. it was due to loosing one of her precious sapphire earrings as a child, which she was very upset over, despite the how many times her mother assured her it didn't matter and she could get a new pair, but was refused.
two — checking the time, her mother always was on time and their lives revolved around times and things to do with time, so she has a habit of checking it now.
three — walking around aimlessly, when she has nothing to do or is bored, and can't go out. 
four — waking up with the sun, she has been doing this since she was a child to go and bring in the new flowers for her grandma, now being a permantant early riser.
five — sitting crossed legged on chairs (at home), because it was found to be very comfortable and better for her posture. her mother is a doctor after all. though will refrain and look down at her legs, shifting uncomfortably, when she is in public.

— hobbies

one — drawing, she has creative freedom over what she wants to draw and has loved doing it since she was child.
two — painting her nails, it keeps her from biting them.
three — googling things (particularly random habits from the other members or questions), because when you live with five other girls (including the manager) you start to question them, alot.
four — checking tumblr/scrolling through her dashboard, tumblr is both a poltical and creative place. you can keep updated with world news and find out what the newest craze is.
five — stretching, it makes her muscles feel better and relaxed. she likes to get massages.

— other facts

one — favourite number is 20
two — isn't allergic to anything, but she sneezes a lot when a cat with long/medium fur is malting, and feels horrible.
three — writes lyrics and lyrical pieces, but doesn't really mention them.
four — can play piano and violin
five — she's very good at doing emotional dances, and channels her emotions and thoughts into her performances.
six — gets really embarassed when she bcomes excitable
seven — likes chocolate
eight — likes skinship, however likes to hold hands and hug the most
nine — definitely a cuddler
ten — has a drivers liscence
eleven — despite being in a car accident she isn't afraid of cars or driving
twelve — hates her ears popping when shes on planes
thirteen — always has her phone and headphones on her
fourteen — draws and plays the piano in her freetime
fifteen — likes to go home and visit her family
sixteen — wants a pet dog, but it wouldn't get looked after
seventeen — easily embarrassed


— my background/past shaped me, it will always shape me. It created me.

Suri was born 29th of August, 1993 in Busan to Lee Hyo Min and Lee Sung Min. She was a fairly easily appeased baby, only few things that would bother her. However two years after she was born her father died in a fatal car accident on his way to the airport, due to heavy rain and slippy roads. Her mother mourned for a short period of time, throwing herself into work and leaving her under the care of her grandmother and aunt, whom didn't take the loss as hard. Three months after the death of her father, her mother eased up on work and stopped grieving, returning to take care of her child fulltime, determined to raise her right and give her everything that she could possibly want, all the opportunities and support a growing child could need.

Since the accident, her family (aunt, grandmother and mother) became almost one unit of people. They were all females and shared everything with one another, they shared wisdom and tricks with one another around warm fires in the cold winters. Most importantly taking care of the only child and heir to the Lee family name. Her life from there on was steady, and was comforting, costantly having maternal support and comfort, but strong dicipline, teaching right from wrong.

At the age of four she took up ballet and jazz classes, completely for fun with her friends at the time Kyung-Jin; also taking up piano and violin two years later, but quit both instruments a year and a half before auditioning, not haing mastered them, but fairly good in playing.  But while she took both dance classes and intrumental practise, her mother, in fear of her safety alone put her into martial arts, Suri particularly loving capoeira and wushu.
They continued on for five years after that, until she quit them for hip-hop and contemporary dance classes after her toes broke for the umpth time, finding ballet to hard and stiff, despite how beautiful it looked. Comtemporary and hip-hop going until two months prior to auditioning for SM after she was scouted on the streets with some classmates.

Apart from her recreational dance classes, she did fairly well, though not the best in school, looking up to her mother and aunt for guidance and help in her studies, and on weekends helped out her grandmother at the flower shop on the corner of the block, whenever it wasn't busy sneaking away to the rooftop garden to lie in the sun, cloud watching or having stolen 20 flowers and making a flower crown. (though afterwards meant a lecture about how stealing was wrong and she should have asked. and then getting praised on how neat her crown turned out.) At 12 she got her first (part-time job) (*more like just spending her free time helping out*) at the flower shop, for some extra pocket money to spend on whatever she wished.

When she turned 10 her family went on a vacation to Greece, cruising around the islands, where she went to the beach for the first time, never having gone back in Korea. And starting her love for the ocean, remembering how the cloudless sky and sea reflected on another, the waves were small and calm, the ocean tranquil.

She went to a private foreign languages school, taking Japanese and learning Chinese from her aunt at the time, going on exchange programs to Japan and their sister school in Tokyo. Eventually graduating with honours, and a ticket to a university of her choice. Though deciding to persue marine biology or botany, currently enrolled in Seoul National University taking tailored courses that she can do around her schedules.


— we will always be there, even if we are not there.

mother — Lee Hyo Min // 43 // doctor // intellectual - quiet - maternal - gentle - compassionate // Suri lost her father at a young age, and wasn't really around a predominate male figure in her life, however she was surrounded by her mother, grandmother and aunt, whom supported her and helped raise her. Suri is very close to her mother, and they often share wisdom and have long conversations that can last well into the night. Hyomin never feels like she has failed to raise Suri right, and thinks that she has done everything possible being a single mother, and would give Suri everything if she asked becuase she is incredible proud of her child, and supports her, rather than keeping her in a guilded cage.

grandmother — Kim Kyung Hye // 66 // florist // maternal - caring - genuine - blunt - clear headed // Suri never met her grandfather, however was always around her grandmother who was a large influence in her life. They like to arrange flowers and do the gardens together. Kyunghye spent a lot of her life teaching Suri how to look after herself naturally with plants, herbs and nature. Suri likes to listen to her grandmother read her stories, its soothing to her. Her grandmother smells like fresh handpicked flowers, morning dew, sunshine and soil. So whenever Suri smells these things she gets really nostaligic and happy, because they remind her of her grandmother.

aunt — Jung Min Ah // 40 // professor // maternal - intellectual - strict - diciplined - caring // Minah is extremely motherly to Suri, seeing her as a daughter she cannot have. So she spends a lot of time with Suri. Suri listens to Minah talk about her day, listens to her lectures from her classes and laughs at the things students do. Minah has been married once to a man named Jung Min Hyun, however they got divorced after he wanted lots of children, but wouldn't adopt them. He them started verbally abusing Minah of being useless because eher inability to have children.


— we are a family, but we will never be your true family.

ulzzang bestfriend/surrogant brother — Lee Chi Hoon // 26 // ulzzang/model // funny - confident - responsible - determined - sweet // Chihoon is very sweet towards Suri, and treats her like a little sister all the time. Whenever they see eachother, they like to just talk and chill. They don't really fight, unless its actually really serious. They are very touchy, and like skinship, so they hug, hold hands and kiss each others cheeks platonically. Chihoon thinks Suri blushing is beautiful and likes to tell her whenever he can. He's a massive sweet talker, but only really around her and the girlfriends he's massively serious with. Whereas Suri thinks he's beautiful, she thinks he's very beautiful and tells it to him in small whispers.
They have been mistaken for lovers multiple times, however are very platonically close, not romantically. Together they go out for coffee a lot. Chihoon also have met her family multiple times, like she has met his. They met on the streets, where he knocked her over, spilling her school books. Which Chihoon responded by picking them up and walking her home, eventually meeting again and establishing a friendship with him. 

honey lips/big sister — Kang Sun Ji // 24 // university student // gentle - comical - bright - peaceful - responisble // Sunji is a university student studying to become a teacher, particularly a kindergarten teacher. Sunji and Suri are very close, as Suri is more comfortable around females rather than men at first glance due to the fact she basically grew up with three women. While she likes to be independent on her own, she doesn't mind getting slightly babied around unnies and ajummas, which is what Sunji does to her. They met at a pretty young age, being neighbours that often played together and talked. Sunji always buys Suri something whenever she goes on vacation with her family to exotic locations.
They have been mistaken for sisters once or twice, due to their closeness, but always go along with it, they like to pretend they are related. The somethimes wish they were related, but always laugh about it saying if they really were then they would have never been like this before.

Hyper athlete/child-like baby brother — Kim Dong Jun // 22 / idol // athletic - friendly - vigorous - manly - determined // Dongjun is an idol like Suri, however debuted earlier. He's very popular on athletic variety shoes, and has a bright and usually cheerful attitude, but worries a lot about his close friends and family. Suri and Dongjun are also very close, due to their mothers knowing one another, also partically growing up around one another. Suri treats him as if she is older, and is the unnie, rather than dongsaeng in their relationship. They aren't as touchy and close skinship wise as Suri and Chihoon, however share a deeper bond and are more likely to share secrets, troubles and worries with one another.
He often tries to take her out to play sport with him, however she originally found it really tiring to keep up, but over time just got better and has since nearly keep up because he does things she likes, so she thinks its to be fair that she goes with him, though she isn't the biggest fan of sports.


— without us, who is there to do anything else?

grandma's favourite customer — Kim Jin Hyun // 34 // linguistics teacher // quiet - submissive - jumpy - kind - unselfish // Jinhyun always goes and visits Suri's grandmothers flower shop, always buying 20 white daisies and 3 red roses, occasionally getting a few other flowers along with his usual. Its for his wife that is sick with cancer in the hospital. He barely speaks, but Suri likes to see him and waves, muttering a greeting and such,


Great Gatsby

— i will spend forever trying to succeed, i will spend my entire life becoming better

stage name — Suri
persona — Captivating and Emotional Dancer

fanclub Name — Spark(s)
fanclub color — #EDDA74

SINGING TWIN — Krystal f(x)
DANCING TWIN — A mix between Hyoyeon (SNSD), Stephanie (CSJH) and BoA

AUDITIONING — She did dancing and sung Indestructible by SNSD
Suri was a very quiet, a very determined trainee. She was known to have a routine everyday that she came in and wouldn't deter from it in the slightest, finding and thinking it more effective to improve her skills. She was beautiful, many saying she was only scouted out because she was beautiful, which was true, as thats what SM originally scouted her for, though she possessed a strong ability to sing, but not quite main worthy, and a pretty good sense of coordination and natural ability to dance. However she was a pretty quiet child, her movements outside of singing and dancing very gentle like she was walking on eggshells, because she has always been like that because she spent a lot of time in gardens and always looked where she stepped and on garden beds walked very lightly.

Cameoed in SHINee's 'Why So Serious?' and 'Sherlock'
Went to hospital due to a very high fever after she was walking home to her apartment in the rain
Broke her rib and fractured her skull in a car accident on the way to training
MCing various shows
Cherographing for other groups
Going on to do acting (appearing in dramas and movies)

// Chihoon's new girlfriend? // V.O.X's Suri, was reportedly spotted openly holding hands with ulzzang legend Lee Chihoon, going out for some coffee late this morning. Bypassers have stated that they seemed really close and were whispering things to each other? Maybe some sweet nothings? // They are just close friends and it was false.


last comment — Here is my application author-nim~~ It's my first time doing this so I hope I followed the cheatsheet correctly~~ Tell me if there are any mistakes. Hwaiting!!

scene requests —
// just some cute bonding scenes
// some time with chihoon and lay
// cute romance scenes
// going to the movies together
// variety shows
// running man
// winning a first award

password —
airplanes by f(x)
wild by 9muses
i feel good by EXID
i swear by sistar


— luhan (ex-exo member)

personality — sweet - humble - gentle - respectful - warm - determined - honest - forgetful - bit of a perfectionist

Lay is one if not the most humble guys in EXO. He just radiants happiness and pureness, though there is a lot of shyness in his body language. He's just forgetful when he has all the eyes on him, and its just out of nervousness. He always strives for perfection, particularly because he wants to continue recieving the support EXO does so he tries his hardest to give them the best performances and in that way has giving himself extra pressure.
He's very humble and respectful, known to bow at least five times to his audience, or bow whenever he sees someone or a camera. And he does know that people think he is handsome, but always tries to deflect it from himself. (*happy camp the video suho filmed and he was meditating* /died).
He vary rarely loses his temper and trys to always give the benefit of the doubt.

relationship — Suri and Lay are a particularly cute pair. Both a pretty gentle and fairly quiet people, don't like drawing a lot of attention to themselves and tend to be counted as wallflowers if not for their beauty which draws the attention. It took awhile for them to actually become a pair, staying as close friends for a long time, both being pretty hard to get really close to, taking time to be let in. 
But after they got close, Lay started to treat Suri really specially, like his princess, and gives her more love than she has ever had before. He often checks if shes alright and trys to be the best boyfriend he can despite EXO's hectic schedules. He's insanely romantic, a giver rather than a taker. Whereas Suri did basically the same, still a little shy around him, compared to her normal cofidence. She likes to take care of him and make sure he's alright, that evil saesangs haven't hurt him. They are the sweetest couple to one another, but both get pretty possessive over one another and love deeply, making it hard for them to fall out of love, and are insanely loyal to one another.

history — They met as trainees in the dance room. Lay wasn't insanely fluent in Korean and was wary of other trainees due to the bullying of Chinese trainees. Suri spoke to him, despite not being fluent, just conversational in Chinese and tried to befriend him, succeeding through the language barrier. Throughout the next while, when he went to fill in Jonghyun's places for SHINee's tour, Suri took it upon herself to become even better at dancing and learning more Mandarin to become fluent so she could fully talk to Lay without trouble.
After he can back for the remaining few months before his debut they slowly got closer together, and built a friendship together over the months until his debut. By the time of his debut they had become closer, but still were not comepletly open to one another, spending the MAMA era furthuring their friendship, which by the end of it they finally became boyfriend and girlfriend. They've been keeping it secret, apart from their members and families, due to fans and saesangs, that threaten their safety.

other — Suri often just calls him Yixing, rather than his stage name, finding it much more comfortable to say. They like to spend their freetime together. She thinks his lips are the most recognisable feature.




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