♕ Royales | Daehyun | The Evil

Lee daehyun

username — sharehappiness

nickname — Tyana.

activity rate — 9-10, I do check everyday at least once.


name — Lee Daehyun.

— Baby Fury : Daehyun doesn't lose her temper very often, in fact she can be considered rather calm and level headed. But beware of when she does get mad and lose the plot, it is usually very scary and intimidating. But she doesn't physically hurt anything, it's just her words that'll hurt you : Called this by the people closest to her and the members after seeing her lose her temper the first time.
— Baby Lee : She's the youngest of the Lee family, and last one to be born in the 1900's : She's only called this by her family.
— Tiny/Shorty : Its just a nickname because she is rather tall (172cm), which is unlike many female idols so if she gets called that its funny and just a little joke they have. She's called this by both the members and her family due to her height.
—  Daehyunnie / Hyunnie : Its just a cute / affectionate way to say her name. Its used by just about anyone, though the people close to her tend to use Hyunnie more.

birthdate — January 21st, 1994.

birthplace — Gwancheon, Gyeonggi-do.

hometown — Gwancheon, Gyeonggi-do.

ethnicity — Korean.

— Korean : Native language, she was born and raised in korea / Fluent.
— English : She learnt it throughout schooling as she was enrolled in the Seoul Foreign School (which English was a staple for the foreigners, thus she picked it up through them as well) and took many courses that allowed her to travel, which let her use English as a bridge to communicate (thus giving her time to practise) / Fluent (but has an accent).
— Mandarin : School trips and because sm tries to teach them in all the major languages so they can reach a wider audience / Basic conversation.
— Portuguese : Andrea has been teaching her as long as she can remember, its a language they use between them for private conversation / Advanced conversation.

a beautiful me.

face claim — Dasom (SISTAR)

gallery — {x}

backup face claim — Nana (Orange Caramel/After School)

gallery —{x}


appearance — She has a few freckles on her hands, on the palm side between the wrist and thumb and one on her index finger, which she thinks are her own personal stars embedded into her skin. And she has a beauty spot (a tear mole) under her right eye just before it finishes.
Her current hairstyle is brown and cut to her jawline, however she prefers it to be shorter (like it is in She Is Pretty). She doesn't really want to dye it any other colours, but with some persuasion she may go blonde.
She only has single piercings in each ear.
She is 172cm and 50kg, however her weight does fluctuate between 48-50kg most of the time.

fashion style
— Clothing Style: Basic styles, she isn't picky about where things come from as long as she can pull outfits together and make them look good. However while that said, she does have a certain style, which is fairly chic and based off Alexa Chung and Olivia Palermo. She definitely dresses for the weather, and will always bring a jacket 9/10 times just in case she gets cold. She likes wearing chokers, but only when her hair is extra short.
She prefers to wear flat shoes, and love oxford/loafer shoes in particular but can walk just as well in platforms and heels. She isn't fussy and likes wearing both skirts and pants, because she isn't a total tomboy.
Most visited clothing stores include: SSF shop, Moschino, who.a.u, Banila B, Jain Song, PartspARTs, The Studio K, uniqlo, Nike. {x}
She does always stop in boutiques, other big brand names, and other general clothing stores if she spots something thats her style. But she often visits the above store the most.

— Makeup Style: As for her makeup, Daehyun normally only wears BB cream, with some liquid liner and lip tint when she goes out casually, so be prepared for her to be bare-faced at the dorm when she doesn't have to go out, no one is coming over and the cameras aren't around. However when she is on stage, or has her idol work, she just goes along with how they do her makeup
Her favourite makeup brand is Etude House, The Face Shop and Nature Republic.

i overflow with confidence.

traits — 
positive: assertive, vivacious, hardworking, compassionate, charismatic, determined
neutral: giving, artful, dominating, health-freak, cautious, intelligent
negative: blunt, dissonant (self-indulgent), impatient, hedonistic, possessive, whimsical.

personality — 

Off Stage/Behind Cameras Personality:
Daehyun is what people would describe an 'alpha' female, so she can seem to be rather intimidating to others around her when she is angry, unhappy or bored, despite the fact she is adorable which seems to make people more cautious of her. She seems to have an aura of strength and power. But its not all too bad, most people say that its a little overwhelming and intimidating when you first meet her, but as you get close to Daehyun it becomes sort of like a comfort and protection. Then thats when people know she is definitely a nice, somewhat comforting teddy bear, but watch out if you anger her, she'll strike.
"You seem like you would bite someone if they come too close."
"I also know that I would if they were going to hurt me, or anyone I remotely care about."

She likes to be in control, and defintely get what she wants whenever she wants. Daehyun has a tendancy to get what she wants, but when thats not always the case, she'll seem a little put off and unhappy. But it's not often she'll put on a full temper tantrum and turn into a child to get it, she'll put it to the side and cool off, though she'll be unhappy about it. Daehyun is the product of her families spoiling, so she is someone who has trouble containing the need to indulge herself and doesn't see the end of it. Her wants and wishes are sometimes pretty normal, but she does occasionally just thinks of things she wants and tries to act on a whim. She can be very unpredictable about them. But she isn't unstoppable, she can be talked out of things that are idiotic.
"I don't understand. If you've gotten everything you've ever wanted, why don't you act like a child when you don't?"
"Because I'll probably get it later. And if I don't then I'll just have to live with it and move on. Won't I?"
"But will you want that later?"
"If I don't then it's okay, I'm sure I'll have my eyes set on something else later anyway. I'm sure of it."

Definitely knows how to keep her true intentions and feelings of distrust to herself, often having to just bite the bullet and jump into a situation head first to keep face. She rarely freezes in these kinds of situations because she feels like even the slightest bit of undetectable hesitation will have everyone on her case. She's alright and talking to people, but she'll only really open up to the people she is closest with. She isn't afraid to say a few snarky comments or mean observations, typically under her breath towards the other members. But don't take it like she completely hates them, theres a part of her that just can't be like that towards them no matter what selfish desires she has. She'll shut up and bite her tongue if she needs to, she knows when to be cautious and listens to her gut feeling when she shouldn't be saying comments. She can't read peoples loyalties very well, unless you are quite close to her so she is distrusting of most people.  But she is smart enough to know how to play her moves right and generally make everything more likely to go in her favour.
"I'm sure thats what you meant..."

But Daehyun isn't always spoilt and domineering, she is generally rather lively, 4D and laidback about things. It helps her maintain a cool, calm and collected image in front of everyone. If it doesn't involve her, then she probably won't or will actively try not to be involved, but she will listen in and eavesdrop to see if there is anything of use to her to find a way to push herself closer to her goal. However while she knows little secrets from other people, especially little tidbits from the other members she can't bring herself to use them against them or even mention them, something stopping her from doing so. She likes to charm people though with her charisma, making friends and acquaintences is a hobby and so she just trys to use her natural ability to be charismatic to the best of its ability. She's always on the look out for opportunities available to her. 
"I just can't. I want to so badly, I know something good is waiting for me on the other side, but I can't bring myself to use it..."

Though while she is very cautious most of the time, there are things to really get her going out and just letting her do what she wants. She is driven by sensuality, she likes it even if she is picky about whom and who it concerns and doesn't actively make a show of it. She likes skinship, touching is okay and almost conforting with the right people. She doesn't actively seek out intimate relations, and has to build up a deep emotional bond with someone before she even goes near that boundary.
"What about him? He's manly, why don't you just go for it one night?"
"Because I don't want to. At least not with him."

Another aspect of Daehyun is that she is wickedly possessive over the people she loves and especially over the one she has built up an extrodinaryly complex relationship with, or someone she has formed a deep bond with. She gets easily jealous of people whom are after the attention of these people, her partner and so she will make sure they know what is what and they can't have them. However when there are cameras, she'll be as subtle as she can and just try to make sure they have minimal contact. But the perk of being hers is that she'll looks after them well, and protects them as best she can.
"Who are you? I don't see you having a whole lot of business here? Bye-bye."

Stage Persona/On Stage Personality:
When Daehyun talks, she is polite and has a very strong sort of charisma always lacing her voice. While she may say things how they are normally or given snide remarks, here she tends to just shut up about them. So she knows what should be kept quiet (big secrets and personal things) and what she is able to speak leisurably about, and doesn't mind embarrassing the members at times. She is considered to be rather lively and 4D with the fans, and does seem happy.
"That's why she's not allowed to do that anymore."

Daehyun also has a strong stage presence, so she definitely looks like she belongs up there next to the rest of the group and admittingly does like to be up there in front of that crowd where they know who she is and love her for being her. First impressions of Daehyun on stage is slightly different to how people react to her in real life. As an idol she usually has to keep a smile on her face, so she rarely looks angry or unhappy, and isn't nearly as intimidating as she usually is. Though one things she can't get rid of is her aura and so she does seem like one of the strongest people.
"No matter how many time you bow and smile, you never seem to get rid of your inner strength."

She also likes to give back to the fans, whether that means making a 'shipped' couple have more skinship or just take photos of people biases, just little things that she knows the fans will like. She uses it so she can get more opportunities, and thus takes them as soon as they come. She is polite generally, but is otherwise very lively so that everything keeps on flowing so that the group only shows the good side to the world, making sure they become popular like their sunbaes. 
"Ah... Come and take a selca with me. Please? Its good fan service"


background —
When her parents found out that they were expecting Daehyun they thought she was a boy, and the ultrasound showed up that she was a 'boy'. However this was due to a few little complictions, which hide the fact she was a girl and therefore her parents planned for a boy instead, which is why she has a masculine name rather than a feminine one because when she was born they just stuck with it saying that she was their miracle daughter/un-son and hadn't prepared another name for her so it stuck. 

She grew up as the last child of the Lee family, born rather early to her parents, and was thus showered endlessly with love and affection like her brother and was well loved by everyone, with the attention constantly on her. Despite the four year between her and her eldest brother Hyuksoo, they maintained a very closeknit relationship due to their shy natures throughout childhood and a little bit into their early teen years, often relying on one another to help each other out and learn from. Another similarity noted between the two was how tiny and skinny they were, and despite eating a lot they couldn't ever put on weight like their parents hoped which often scared them that they'd be more likely to get sick, which wasn't the case. They were just really skinny.

Both children were admitted into English kindergartens so that they would learn English from a young age, and then placed into Seoul Foreign School, where they then took English for the rest of their schooling years. Daehyun however, was quite the prodigy in school when it came to academics and often learnt entire textbooks within her free time. This meant she became the pride of her family, and got more and more attention placed upon her which she really liked. But while she was considered to be a genius child, she never fully persued academics as her life work, after discovering the arts at the age of 13 when her brother entered the modelling world. Her idolisation and jealousy of her brother, and the close companionship that he'd provided her from a young age spurred her to follow in the footsteps of her brother and enter the fashion world herself, but instead of making it in fashion she found a whole new world in theatre and music. Daehyun hated the fact that him entering the fashion industry and becoming a 'natural', being the best child in the family stole her little spotlight which was the beginning of the realisation she was addicted to the attention of other people.

She was first cast that same year as a child actress in The Host (2006) as Hyunseo, which eventually set the record for highest box office seller in Korea for a while. However she eventually retreated back to a normal life through the insistence of finishing school before she gave her life up for entertainment, now knowing that their daughter had just as much potential as their son and continuously doted upon her to cultivate and explore her talents. (But remember at the time she was 13 and her brother 17, and just about finished school. Besides they thought that acting would affect her schooling much more than modelling.)
This eventually became her cocoon period, where she went through the change from an awkward child into a beautiful young adult. During this time she refocused on school, and spent almost all her waking hours either at school, practising her hobbies (singing or acting) or reading through textbooks and studying. It was also the time that her relationship with her brother became strained, with both of them now spending more time apart and only saw each other when he came back late from shows or photoshoots, or she wasn't learning or practising. she travelled during school for exchanges doing volunteer work in China for the pandas, cultural enrichment through London's theatre arts, and challenging herself physically scuba diving in Malaysia and in Hawaii's reefs and rainforests, which would be the highlight of her teen years besides being in the host, and often remembers her memories of them time and uses them to help her get lost in her mind. During the last years of her schooling life she immersed herself into friendships, and making connections for herself so that once permitted she could get to where she wanted exactly.

Finally at the end of her schooling life at Seoul Foreign School, she was given permission from her parents to audition at several entertainment companies deciding that all she wanted to do now was sing because it would give her oppertunities to do everything else she loved (act, model, and learn things). This is when she auditioned at both SM and JYP because YG wasn't known so much for their singing (at the time), and was accepted into both but declined a spot at JYP because SM was indefinitely more popular to her and had more assurance of giving her an opportunity to both debut and get successful. This choice was made due to the looming thought that it could all be a waste if she didn't debut right, or get popular and thus could affect her whole life. And definitely if she wanted to succeed by herself, without having to share the spotlight she'd need the best possible headstart and management to get here there.

During the summer of 2012 her brother bought an apartment just down the road from their family home and offered for Daehyun to move into it to gain a little bit of indepenence away from their parents, but also to spend more time together as siblings. The location allowed them to be away from their parents, but if they felt homesick or wanted to visit their parents they need only walk a few houses down and go and see their parents. This also gave her more room for her to move, and allowed her to fully explore her need for attention and the plans she had to make sure she recieved what she wanted.

+ favourite foods are kkul tteok, lollies/candies (any) and strawberries.
+ favourite colour is rose red.
+ favourite song is a tie between Halo (Beyonce) and All of Me (John Legend), with Diamonds (Rihanna) in second.
+ favourite number is 27 & 31.
+ favourite thing she owns is her white gold and diamond cartier love bracelets with her brother.
+ second favourite thing she owns is matching Cloisonne Korean Leather Bracelet, which is her friendship bracelet with Chanyeol. {x} {x}
+ likes hugs and prefers them over kissing.
+ likes skinship with people she is comfortable with (family/friends/on occasion the other members)
+ likes ballads more than any other type of music, she lives for soul music.
+ likes the smell of clean linen.

dislikes — 
+ dislikes dirty dishes.
+ dislikes clothing everywhere, especially dirty laundry.
+ dislikes sleeping without a blanket.
+ dislikes moving houses.
+ dislikes not getting enough sleep.
+ dislikes not having a face mask on her person at all times.

hobbies — 
+ stealing oversized shirts.
+ reading textbooks, prefers scientific journals but will read just about anything.
+ looking after her body, skin and hair.
+ singing off-key, mostly in the shower.

habits — 
+ tapping and moving some part of her at all times.
+ playing with her hair (ruffling/rearranging it)
+ playing with her fingers.

+ she's allergic to cats, she'll get a rash (which swells and gets imflammed by touching them and will sneeze uncontrollably.)
+ she is said to smell like roses, strawberries and clean linen/clothes.
+ she can cook fairly well.
+ she has a drivers license.
+ can only play beginners piano, but wants to get better.
+ she will sleep through alarms if given the chance
+ she won't share her strawberries.
+ she can draw decently, but isn't picasso.
+ she has a collection of fairytale books, all of which are very mericulously collected (through rarity, price and design) {x}
+ she can't compose music, but she can write lyrics.
+ she's had one boyfriend before when she was 16. they dated for a month before it was mutually broken off. his name was kim dongjoon.
+ her first kiss was when she was 11, but she can't remember who is was with.
+ hasn't got many close friends, both due to the fact she lost contact with many during her trainee years and she just doesn't trust people in general.
+ she has an iphone 6s in rose gold. {x}{x}
+ wants to do a musical one day.
+ has an iq of 145.
+ her instagram is: @babydaehyunnie
+ her contact name for Chanyeol is: Apologetic Giant
+ Chanyeol's contact name for her is: Tiny & Blind
+ her contact name for Hyuksoo is: Hyukkie Oppa
+ their ship name (Chanyeol and Daehyun) is Daechan.
+ Often called "the BroTP that is also the OTP."
+ she calls people by pet names all the time, Chanyeol's been called all of them at least twice.
+ she likes to steal both Hyuksoo's and Chanyeol's shirts.
+ keeps her hair short to honor her masculine name, and because its really easy to look after. (Like Joon Hee's in She Is Pretty)

family — 

— Lee Chun Hwa | Mother | 47 | Kindergarten Teacher at Seoul Foreign School |
compassionate, hardworking, affectionate, protective, strong, realistic

Chunhwa had both of her children at a fairly young age of 20 and 24 respectfully, and this lead to her absolutely spoiling them with attention and love because she felt like they were her little miracles in life and would do anything for them. She also, because of this reason, believes that she is the cause from their issue of being underweight (because she thinks that maybe she should have been older and therefore they might have been bigger and not so underwight) so likes to make sure they are being cared for at all times and often makes sure they are eating enough through regular phone calls and text messages. Chunhwa especially supports their decisions in life, even if they are a little reckless, because she wants to see them happy. {x}{x}

— Lee Jin Woo | Father | 50 | CFO at Samsung |
intelligent, determined, hardworking, patient, calm, optimistic

Jinwoo, despite being one of the more important members at Samsung, spent quite a bit of time with his family even taking both his children to work on days when Chunhwa or other family members couldn't look after them. He loves both of his children, and secretly wishes that they hadn't gone into the entertainment industry because he believes it to be too unstable and won't provide them a nice life. Jinwoo hasn't stopping looking after them from the moment they were born and still gives them an allowance as a little extra so that they have something in case they don't have enough to look after themselves. He's the one to intiate family game night one saturday a month when they are all free. {x}{x}

— Real Name: Lee Hyuk Soo | Stage Name: Lee Soo Hyuk | Brother | 27 | Model & Actor |
calm, shy, caring, chic, friendly, overprotective, laid-back, loving, loyal

Hyuksoo didn't originally plan to become a model, and later an actor, and was actually going to go and study architecture in university. but he was ultimately scouted on the street and became a model which after four years turned into an acting career as well. Hyuksoo has alwas been fairly quiet, but an overportective older brother to Daehyun and often can't remember a childhood without her, which is much like Daehyun who also can't remember her childhood without him by her side. after making enough money, he moved to an apartment down the street from their family home and took Daehyun in so they could spend more time together but also be able to just walk over and be with their parents. If he has free time, he likes to take out his family to go shopping and for lunch/dinner. he may also only take out Daehyun for some sibling bonding time where they could go to Lotte World, go shopping or do something together.

to my life support.

friends — 

— Andrea Avios Santa del Vern | best friend | 23 | university student / barista | assertive, patient, honest, reliable, messy, calm, laidback, know-it-all They have been friends since primary school and are as thick as thieves. They don't mind anything each other does, and are super comfortable with each other like the wierd level of comfort that they could walk around in each others presence and not care. Andrea is a smoker, but only two or three a day after stressful situations so Daehyun occasionally might have the lingering smell of tobacco on her if she spends enough time with Andrea. Andrea is studying to become a doctor, she is half German and half Native Brazilian and is a jack of all trades. She knows English, Korean, Portuguese and German. {x}{x}


in my life, I'm a pro and you're an amateur.

stage name — Daehyun

position — Triple Threat & Face of the Group

persona —  Charisma Princess

fanclub name — Candy / Candies. Because she loves lollies a lot and will work very hard to earn them, which goes hand in hand for her fans. She loves them a lot and will work hard for them.
Fanclub colorCandy Rose/Rose Bonbon #f9429e

vocal twin — Solar (MAMAMOO) 
dancing twin — Sunye (Ex-Wonder Girls)
rapping twin — Hwasa (MAMAMOO)

trainee Year(S) — 4 and a half years
trainee life
Daehyun found training to be actually very relaxed, SM only has a maximum of three classes a day and then the rest is completely up to the individual, of course the more work put into training the more likely they were going to debut.
However this was a nice thing for Daehyun because it allowed her to completely choose and develop the skills that she really wanted to focus upon in that moment, within an environment that encouraged it and helped her develop the correct skills in order for her to do well.
She got frustrated several times throughtout her training period, often when she felt she wasn't advancing or improving when she wanted to be. This lead to a sit down where she contemplated why she wanted to do this and then eventually realised how much she loved to sing, rap, dance and act, which gave her more drive to do better. These frustration periods usually had the biggest improvement periods following it (about a month or two of serious improving, then it simmered until she got frustrated again) but some of the best memories she had there was meeting other trainees and socialising with people (she even managed to meet some idols when they were walking around the building, notably taeyeon whom gave her some singing advice) (*all the training is based of what lay said in his book).
pre-debut experiences
— Appeared in a few episodes of Style Log with her brother
— Starred in the Host (2006) as Hyunseo
— Did some modelling while promoting the Host.

whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not.

plotline — The Evil

the issue — Trust Issues/Manipulative.

when did you first know about it — Daehyun's constantly had attention on her, and always been the one more so in the spotlight. So she's always exploited every chance to stay in the spotlight, because she secretly craves people knowing who she is and is willing to use other people to fulfil that desire. She's the perfect baby of her family, so she naturally wants to become Korea's Perfect Angel. But she doesn't want to share, and is afraid of someone taking anything from her so she tends to not trust people.


how do you feel about it — She feels as if shes constantly being watched maliciously by people who know her secret and want to blackmail her (despite the fact no one knows about her little secret), and strives to keep her little secret just that, a secret. She will act innocent and is a good actress, so she will put all her skills in maintaining the perfect mask in the face of the public. She doesn't trust people's promises very often and is always wary of other peoples intents, she feels like she's going to be lied to or betrayed at every corner.

do you plan to tell anyone or the groupShe would rather die than admit anything, and would absolutely breakdown if someone figured her out. Only a few people know she has trust issues (Andrea, her parents and her brother), but no one knows about her manipulativeness.
(***But eventually I'd like Daehyun to be figured out for at least the trust issues and the whole attention thing, where she just starts to mellow out and become less needy for it but still kind of desires it in her heart. She will come to trust the members in time, so long as they are nothing but good to her.) 

take my heart and please don't break it. love is made for me & you.

love interest — Park Chanyeol

backup love interest — Kim Jongdae (Chen)


personality — 
positive : optimistic, energetic, charismatic, friendly, loyal
neutral : jack of all trades, passionate
negative : meddlesome, stubborn, impulsive, insensitive, flamboyant

If there is one word to describe Chanyeol it would be happiness. There isn't much else to why most people see why the word fits him so well, as he's always seen to be a constant source of happiness and positivity even when it seems like the darkest of times he always finds a way to be happy somehow, whether or not its hope to make a better outcome or its just telling a joke to make someone smile. He has energy that makes him someone that would never bore anyone, and he's the go to person to take out just because you want to do something.

But even with all the energy and happiness in the world, sometimes he gets it wrong too. Sometimes Chanyeol does go a little far, and will say something insensitive without realising it and hurt someone elses feeling which leads to misunderstandings and unhappiness. Until someone of course it up and apologises, usually if not always it will be Chanyeol after he realises why they were upset with him. He feels a little guilty about what he said and constantly reminds himself that he'll do better and try not to say or think anything like that but sometimes it slights out and people get hurt. But overtime he has slowly gotten better and holding his tongues in certain situations so that these misunderstandings don't occur. Sometimes he meddles with others peoples business to see if he can make them feel better, and sometimes meddles doing stupid things which end up more people hurt than helped. The guilt from them tends to teach him a lesson, but he has a habit of meddling that its hard for him to stop right away and so occasionally falls prey to meddling in others affairs without their consent.
another of Chanyeol's good points would be his open and well-received nature. He can get along with just about anyone and similar personalities always click the best with him. He is someone that draws the attention to him, which is one of the main reasons he is so well loved in EXO, but he is also loyal like a dog. He doesn't give up much unless they betray him first and then he become wary of them and is hesitant to trust them again.

Chanyeol sticks to what he believes in and is committed to learning at every waking moment to learn something new or gain a new skill so that he can do just that little bit more. He stubbornly make sure that he can do the basics before even attempting to learn something new and then when he finds something he loves so much then he sticks with it and improves until there is no room left to improve. He looks for his passions in life and has been constantly help with doing them and following his dreams than with a superficial dream pushed onto him by someone else. Chanyeol's decisions aren't always thought through and often need to be look at in depth by a third party, just in case he does sometime entirely stupid that could get him or someone else hurt. His impulsive nature often can catch him which is why he has to always second guess himself and reason as to why he has chosen something or is doing something. He's pretty stubborn however, and usually his decisions don't often change unless there is some serious thinking going on and he knows that the other option is better but often ends up by paying the price for not changing his mind.

First MeetingChanyeol and Daehyun first met when the giant bumped into her when she was walking down to the training room that she had booked for the rest of the day to practise her vocal skills. He knocked her down onto her (for lack of better word) and then proceeded to apologise numerously, help her up and make sure she was okay. Daehyun of course brush it off and said it was fine after making sure there were no grazes or scraps, then introduced herself to the giant followed by her little honest truth,
"Truthfully it kind of hurt knocking into you... but it was probably my fault for not seeing you. You are a giant." Her honest words had him stunned for a little bit before he just laughed and grinned it off, ruffling his hair a little bit. He then asked her a few questions, and invited her out for tea to make up for bumping into her so hard. She naturally accepted after a moments hesitation (because hey he could be the next DBSK and a chance for the attention on her) as well as because it was free food and she is willing to give just about anyone a chance at being friends for her own personal reasons. They pair then parted ways, exchanging phone numbers and she went off into her booked practise room and he went off else where.
Their first meeting was two years before EXO's debut, 2nd of April 2010.

relationship status:
Good friends with 'weird, romantic, ual(?) tension' and a lot of chemistry according to other people interactions.

These two dorks originally before Chanyeol debuted spent quite a bit of time outside the training building at little cafes with other trainees, sometimes he'd invite her to his parents restaurant for dinner and she'd indulge him in ice cream another day. Though it took much convincing for her to make it on the first outing, and then so more for each little outing until she started to get slightly comfortable around him. All they did was just normal friends stuff. However after he debuted, most of their interactions were kept inside the training building or in deserted streets and cafes at night for obvious reasons (despite her brain nagging her to just pull him out in broad daylight and bask in the attention), and they [the outings] became more spread apart. However they are both like moths to flame, the flame in this case being one another, their personalities continuously attracting back to one another.

The pair are really relaxed around each other, and everyone they are friends with say they are too cosy, and too relaxed to be just friends. Both tend to snort and laugh whenever the subject is breached and shrug knowing it wasn't the case, always arguing why couldn't a boy and girl be close like this as friends. Daehyun is known for sitting on him, or draping her legs over his when they relax on the couch to watch a cheesy movie and in return Chanyeol will hog the popcorn (despite there being two bowls), and eat it all.

They talk about everything, and there isn't really anything hidden between the two even Daehyun's little secret (*because I feel as if Chanyeol would realise pretty quickly but would keep quiet because its completely personal to her, he understands if she can't share everything). Although in saying that, it means that she can get absolutely frustrated with him and know whats up but can't do anything when its about a secret between them. He has taken her to meet all the EXO members and while she does know them like best friends, she doesn't push to become best friends if case they get suspicious on her intentions (though Chanyeol kind of already knows, but hasn't told anyone and none of EXO knows). So she's stuck with Chanyeol because he was the only one of them she'd managed to befriend before their debut.

Shes the one he goes to for advice about girls he likes, and he's the one that she looks to for extra unbiased advice aside from her brothers (the overprotective other dork). And when he was promoting she would occasionally send him a 'hwaiting' text saying he was the first one of them to make it as an idol. She also tends to be the one to give him the most realistic criticism about any and everything so to push him to improve, and he'll tell her everything about his life in the spotlight and give her criticism if she asks for it.

Chanyeol has tried to teach her piano, but they always manage to get interrupted or side-tracked before they manage to do anything. She is always the one to drag him along when she wants to take him somewhere or show him something, mostly dragged by the wrist, but sometimes it'll be the upper forearm or hand, all depending on where she grips and how urgent it is.

She's not embarrassed holding peoples hands, and she'll hug him goodbye always like she does with all her friends. He'll take her out and do things, it's like the ideal friendship between them. They are the couple that seems like friends to the outside world which makes them strong, and then when you find out they are dating it dowsn't really change the way you see them. They act like its a friendship, but they love one another and they kiss, hug and all sorts, but still manage to have fun together like friends. Their fights are usually only playful, and only the serious ones are caused by getting on their pet-peeves or lack/miscommunication.

relationship conclusion
I'd like for them to eventually start dating, and like, relieve the apparent tension between them. Even then I think due to busy schedules it'll be like on-off dating (though after the first time they date most people, besides fans and the public, can't really tell if they are dating or not because they act as if they are but sometimes when asked will say they aren't), they have the romantic investment and are above all friends so it makes them a great match but because of schedules its never too certain so they are on one period and then off during promotions (Daehyun hates distance relationships). But they won't really go for anyone else because they already have a match in their hearts. When they finally stop being uber busy idols and start settling down then I think they'll get together permantally and stay together.
But I don't want them going public unless they have too (or you want drama, you never know) because I feel like Chanyeol prefers his life to be rather private, and Daehyun wouldn't mind because she kind of wants the attention but is persuaded by Chanyeol due to how brutal the fans can be.

i'll see you around.

comments/suggestions — I really haven't done this in ages, its the second one in like months. So I apologize for any mistakes in advance.

scene requests — Variety shows with all the members. Awkward bonding times with the members. Life in the dorm together. Who gets along with who.

password — All time bias? TVXQ's Yunho.

turn in — back to the story


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