♕ Royales | Hyemi | The Beauty

Ahn Hyemi

username — sharehappiness.

nickname — Tyana

activity rate — 9-10


— Ahn Hye Mi (안혜미 / 安暳美)
— Klara Ahn (her English/European name)

— Bubbles : Her favourite character in the Powerpuff Girls', and she is often said to have the same/a similar personality to her. She's called this by her parents, due to her watching it as a child (age 4)
— Twinkle Toes : Hyemi is known to walk very lightly in anything which means she often goes undectected when walking around the house silently, or when she's on her feet in general she doesn't make much/no sound at all when doing anything.
— Flower Child : She likes to grow flowers, she likes to buy flowers and she likes anything to do with flowers. She's fairly good at flower arranging too. It's used by most people.
— Apricus : Apricus literally translates to 'warmed by sunlight', and reflects how her personality is so warm and happy like sunlight on skin to the people who are around her. It was used primarily by her European friends, but after introducing it to her members they start to use it as well.

birthdate — December 25th, 1994 (21)

birthplace — Nam-gu, Incheon, South Korea

hometown — Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean

— Korean : Hyemi was only allowed to speak Korean to her parents as they wanted to teach her their culture and the only way they could do that was by speaking their native language at home only / fluent
— German : Zürich's main language is German, but she learnt it at school, due to the requirement of learning at least one language / advanced conversation
— English : Le Rosey is a bilingual English-French school and requires for students to master both in their time there / fluent
— French : Le Rosey is a bilingual school that requires the students to master the two languages, as well as Hyemi spending many years in Geneva which is a majority French speaking country / fluent

a beautiful me.

face claim — Sohee (I really like her unique visual, because I can't stop looking at her which its like its drawing me it)

gallery — {x}

backup face claim —  Suzy

gallery — {x}


appearance — Her current hairstyle is black, parted in the centre with waves and is down to about her brastrap. She prefers to keep it darker because the colour suits her face. She only has single piercings in each earlobe and two in both her helixes. 

fashion style — 
Clothing Style: Simplistic and minimalistic styles are where she finds the most style. She'll pull outfits together with a statement piece (perhaps its a piece of jewellery, or another time a loudly patterned item of clothing). She isn't picky about where things come from as long as she can pull outfits together and make them look good.  Her fashion icons include Alexa Chung, Taylor Swift and Olivia Palermo.
Most visited clothing stores in Korea include: SSF shop, Moschino, Banila B, uniqlo, Nike, BEAKER, Tom Greyhound Downstairs, Raum Edition, Koon, OHKOOS, Platform, Mue and Flow.
She is quite happy buying designer stuff, so long as it matches her style.
She likes to wear lots of dresses and skirts, but so long as she is fashionable she will wear anything.

Makeup Style: She takes great pride in making sure she looks good and presentable, and is fairly good with makeup due to her extended practise with it. She likes to wear eyeliner, some form of lip balm (that's either neitral, light pink/rosy red) and foundation whenever she goes out, and considers it her basic makeup look. Anything more or anything difficult or brightly coloured tends to be done of special occasions.

i overflow with confidence.

traits —
positive: compelling, good-natured, friendly, confident, sanguine, graceful, charming
neutral: observative, eloquent, intelligent, happy-go-lucky
negative: fatalistic, enigmatic, paranoid, cautious, fanciful, hidebound, stubborn

personality — 

Off Stage/Behind the Cameras Personality:
Hyemi is a very lovely person in reality, she is rarely seen by other people without a smile and not many, if any, can say they have seen her genuinely unhappy or upset by anything. Though the exception is serious photoshoots, but everyone knows inbetween shots she is laughing and smiling to her hearts content. She's one of the first people to comfort someone in a bad situation and she's always the first person to go out of her way to make a friend. Hyemi is willing to be just about anybodies friend, so long as they are nice to her. Though she dislikes being brushed off by aloofness and will always persist in trying to befriend them until they give in, which isn't that long after she starts trying. Her personality in that sense seems to almost captivate and compel those around her, often bring attention towards the girl just because of the aura of happiness and kindness that surrounds her. She's commonly associated with being very patient around people and just being the person everyone needs and deserves in their lives because she just loves. Hyemi loves to love.
"You're stubborn, I'll give you that."
"I just want to be your friend. Everybody needs a friend."

Due to this almost permanent state of perpetual happiness she can seem fanciful and enigmatic, because many people think her personality is so perfectly positive and happy that she can't be real and is like a living mystery. Her responses tend to be very happy and she'll try and brush off questions in the discreetest way she can as so to direct them to something else. She'll rarely get upset due to anything, and what she will get upset at will be done in private when she's alone so that people don't see her perfectly composed mask (hiding any and all little dark secrets she has. which in Korea is her uality) break down. It's a side effect of her constant paranoia of people discovering her secrets, and so whenever she feels like she will breakdown, her mask will crack or she thinks she'll twitch even slightly, Hyemi will try and redirect the conversation or she'll escape from it (yet again in the most positive and discreet way so that no one really notices it. when her mask begin to break, she tends to turn up the happiness even more in order to redirect any suspicions or thoughts about her).
"Why don't you ever get upset Hyemi?"
"Being happy is just me, I think I was born with a smile on my face. I don't think it'll change even with serious concepts like our new song."

Hyemi is the picture of social confidence. She doesn't mind walking up to strangers and asking them for help, she doesn't care about who she talks to either. She can take rejection outwardsly like a champ (though it hurts) and can turn people down with such professionalism that you'd think it was her day job. Anything in a social setting, she's your woman. Her way with words often aids her, everything just flows like an uninterruped river which many people think it luck that she got to be this almost perfect social butterfly. Hyemi, however, doesn't believe in luck. She thinks everything is already predestined to happen, that in the end it will just happen whether or not she wants it to happen and it's only a matter of when. But this isn't to say that she thinks it will always be the worst outcome, sometimes she thinks that it'll be all good, because she is so cautious and protective of things that she deems unworthy about her.
"Will you go on a date with me?"
"I apologise, but I can't. I need to focus on my career firstly, but thank you for being brave enough to ask me. I'm sure there is another girl who is a better match and much more ready than I am."

It's hard for anything to escape Hyemi's notice, even the stuff most people are trying to hide and thus she will almost always be the first one to discover or figure out a little secret. Though that doesn't mean she'll say anything about it, and will often keep things like that hidden away in case she needs to use them as a last resort in any situation. Hyemi knows when to keep shut and has an alomst sixth sense for knowing when to move on or when to stay when it comes to doing things (and has allowed her to listen in to many private conversations) Her gracefulness has come in handy quite often, due to her ability to walk around basically soundlessly, and she sometimes hears things not meant for others ears. And while she can't dance she will barely stumble (though it doesn't mean her moves are nearly as cool as the dance-lines' moves, it just looks like she's constantly floating. ***if you get what I mean.).
"Do you actually walk? Because it's like your floating whenever you take a step."
"I think I do?"

She often tries to live in the moment and enjoy everything as it is, often not thinking about the future and what she should be doing next and doing what she wants right then and there. However this also has it's limits, especially as she is very cautious to not let anything that could be damaging to her slip. She isn't willing in the slightest to even slightly show that she is anything less then happy to other people. She doesn't like to cry in front of other people unless it's tears of happiness. She's too stubborn to change anything about herself for the sake of tradition or of the opinions of the people around her. This is the reason for her constantly nagging voice in her head that stops any reckless actions that could possibly have her ostracised from society (which she thrives on, as a social creature). Hyemi isn't classically smart, yes she can do well studying if she really puts her mind to it, but what people really consider her smart is at talking and interacting with people. She knows, almost instinctively, what people like and what people do and do not want to talk about. She's good with people.
"I'm not that good at everything. I can't remember why that does that, but I know that he doesn't want to talk to anyone."
"Because look at him, look at how he moves and at his body language. It gives him away."

Stage Personality/On Stage Personality:
If anyone thinks Hyemi is happy off stage then when she's on stage she absolutely glows with happiness. Most people can say that when she's on stage she can't be sad, and so she is one of the most, if not the most lively and happy person on stage that it's almost unsettling if you weren't compelled towards her personality. It's hard to not like her, and that's why people aren't unsettled by her constant state of happiness. However it makes her seem a little enigmatic and often leaves people wondering why she is always so happy, though if they ask her she'll just say things like 'there are a lot of beautiful things in the world, what is there to be unhappy about?' or something that is so positive like she can only see the good things in life.
"You are positively glowing up there. What's your secret?"
"My fans. I like to sing to them. I love to sing, it makes me happy."

She's the one that trys to keep little things, the most embarrassing secrets quiet. She's actually the one who monitors what is let out about their lives, especially to make sure it isn't negative. She's also the one, who unlike many of the other happy dork idols who can be absolutely stupid, she can do the same but not let anything go. No secret will pass her lips. She's polite about a lot of things, as she is the first to step up for anyone on stage, she'll be first to answer any question. But she'll usually drag someone along with her, she'll always try to do stuff with the other members but sometimes she can't.
"I can do any song, but only if one of the members dances it for me. "


background —
Christmas in her family is really the most wounderous time of year, due to the birth of the first and only child of Im Tae Hee and Ahn Hyeon. She was born in Incheon, the place that many of her family before her had bee born, raised and then passed there. However this was the end of the tradition, due to the nature of her families work where she was quickly shipped off to Geneva, Switzerland with her family.

Suna grew up with her parents attention on her for the first couple of year, until she was about three. Her time with just her family was a warm, happy time that if she tried, she couldn't really remember anything but the warmth. Then she joined her first daycare she made friends quicker than lightning, despite her not so good language skills at the time. This time at daycare for the first year helped her to quickly develop her French skills which eventually became essential to attend Le Rosey in Switzerland. She was admitted in the boarding school (Le Rosey) as a consulation for having her parents move so far from their home, and they of course accepted the very expensive present (it has been the best of best, a place where she could move up in life). This meant she was allowed to go to the school all fees getting paid for her entire schooling life, all the while she was enjoy it's multiple benefits. 

She was 'Everybody's Friend', everyone knew her and there was rarely anything negative said due to the way she was a ball of happiness. Teachers got along with her and one could even class her as the teacher's pet if she didn't treat everyone else like that. During her first years there she quickly learned what kinds of things she liked, she chose what she wanted to do and molded her study habits into perfection so that she'd be able to master academics and be able to balance out all the rest of the things she liked (singing and theatre). Due to the requirement to balance out the art and sport subjects, she took gymnastics, swimming, choir and theatre while at school.

However when she was 7, her parents relocated to Zürich and she was left at Le Rosey to be a full time boarder without being able to go home every weekend, meaning she became more reliant on the girls she shared the boarding dorm with. Initially she felt a little abandoned, but grew to warm up to the girls around her. She was smart, but not quite the smartest, though she was still admitted into the HA Honour Group which gave her the most privilages while at school (first pick of rooms, private study, one leave day, honour groups trips, special priority treatment). She spent any of her free time talking and going out with her friends when she was allowed, and during the holidays she went back to her parents house in Zürich where she used her German skills around the city and was then often taken around Europe on holidays. They'd drive to Belgium or down to Italy, wherever they wanted for two weeks before they'd have to come back up for her parent's work.

She spent a lot of time exploring the city she was in by herself during this time when she wasn't with them or at school, discovering all sorts of things. Hyemi visited many florists and went to the Botanical Gardens, anything to pass the time to go back to school. She met many foreigners, she crushed on many of the girls (though she always though it was because she though they were pretty) and she waited until she'd go back to school again in the fall. After she turned sixteen, she was introduced to wine which is given to students sixteen and older and Le Rosey (Switzerland's wine and beer drinking age is 16, anything other than that as well as buying it is 18)

However during the summer before her sixteenth birthday (2009), she was discovered by a modelling scout and into the world of high fashion. Her uniquely captivating looks had drawn attention to her by the scout and was equally loved by multiple high fashion labels, most notably Valentino, Chanel and Versace who used her as a catwalk model for their 2010 collections. After her few stints on the runway she did several photoshoots that landed her in Vogue for a month. It was her compelling image that got her there and made her a hot model for a little while, and it was thanks to that she figured herself out finally. She was in love with girls, and she couldn't bring herself to like the boys surrounding her. At first she was a little apprehensive, but grew to love herself due to knowing that no one could stop her from loving what she loved and most importantly loving herself. She stopped modelling before she went back to school for the year (2011-2012) to focus on her final year without any distractions so she could pass with flying colours.

However when she finished her final year at Le Rosey (18), she and her family finally moved back to South Korea and towards their home country. It was one of her darker memories, due to the many friends she had made there and she was leaving behind the only country she had ever lived in. When she got to South Korea she often felt like a fish out of water, but she had quickly befriended the daughter of her mother's best friend so she wasn't always alone. Kyungmi was the one that helped her out when she felt like she couldn't keep going, especially due to her finding out that lgtbq culture wasn't really accepted and was taboo. 

After living there for over a month, discovering the ins and outs of kpop, she was scouted on the streets by one of SM's scouts. She accepted the chance, especially due to the little convincing on Kyungmi's part, and auditioned at the entertainment company.

likes — 
+ her favourite type of chocolate is dark chocolate
+ her favourite foods are pomegranates and pineapple
+ her favourite red wines are pinot noir & gamay
+ her favourite white wine is chardonnay
+ her favourite wine colour is red
+ her favourite colour is Crayola's Lavender Pink
+ her favourite thing she owns is
+ her favourite movie is Amelie (2001)
+ her favourite number is 12 & 20
+ her favourite english artist is coldplay
+ her favourite kpop artist is SISTAR
+ her favourite thing to do is lie in bed and drift in and out of sleep
+ her favourite season is winter
+ her favourite thing to listen to is rain on metal roofs and windows
+ her favourite song is atlas and fix you
+ her favourite music styles are alternative and r&b
+ she likes the smell of flowers (roses in particular), freshly mowed grass and clean linen
+ she likes sweet food like fruit more than any other type of food
+ she likes to have her hair pet
+ she likes to lie down in peoples laps
+ she likes spicy food
+ she likes the song 'Impossible' by James Arthur & 'Girl On Fire' by Alicia Keys and Nicki Minaj

dislikes — 
+ dislikes traffic
+ dislikes crickets
+ dislikes white chocolate because it's too sweet for her
+ dislikes sleeping with her hair down, usually has it in a plait when she goes to sleep
+ dislikes sleeping without a source of warmth, or a blanket
+ dislikes bad odors or smells (of anything)
+ dislikes sunburn
+ dislikes most other alcohols other than wine, though she'll put up with scotch or soju (but not a lot of it)
+ dislikes not being able to brush her teeth
+ dislikes not being able to have access to food
+ dislikes nosey people
+ she's afraid of being ostracised from society
+ she's afraid of being alone
+ dislikes drawing in crayon / using crayon in general

hobbies — 
+ drawing (mostly realism)
+ yoga
+ taking long showers
+ watching really sappy romance movies

habits — 
+ bouncing her legs when she is sitting down
+ touching her ear lobes when she has earrings in, but when she doesn't she'll touch her hair all the time
+ chewing pens/pencils (even if they aren't hers)
+ popping her wrist and hand joints in the morning

trivias — 
+ she doesn't have a driver's licence (but is working on it)
+ she likes girls
+ her blood type is A+
+ she sleeps on her side mostly, but falls asleep on her back
+ she has a ridiculously high alcohol tolerance
+ she likes to look after her skin 
+ she always applies sunscreen to her skin before she goes out, and periodically when in the sun
+ she would likes to go on 'King of the Masked Singer'
+ she wants to star in a musical one day
+ she'd like to go wine tasting
+ she wouldn't mind going to a wine bar on a date
+ her ideal type is a calm, soothing type of person
+ she doesn't like to drink a lot of alcohol, and rarely drinks more than two glasses in one evening
+ she likes the sound of the air between her joints popping
+ she likes to sit in the shower and relax
+ her showers are always really hot, almost to the point of burning
+ she has a half hour beauty regime every morning and night to take care of her skin, and another ten to fifteen minute teeth regime for her smile
+ she likes to drink tea first thing in the morning after waking up, but drinks coffee the rest of the day
+ her favourite wineries are in Burgundy, France. 
+ her instagram & twitter names are: @klara_ahn
+ her contact name for Taeyeon is: ma belle moitié (*it means 'my beautiful half')
+ she is very flexible
+ she is said to smell like freshly picked wildflowers, roses, sunshine with a hint of freshly grinded coffee.
+ she has matching plushies with Taeyeon as 'friendship' gifts (***Hyemi wishes they were a couple item) {x} (Hers is pink)
+ she is very girly
+ she is asked out very, very often.
+ ^ at least once a week, even by strangers.
+ her first kiss was with a boy when she was 13
+ she disliked her first kiss, it was loveless
+ she lives off socialisation and love
+ she is a creature who just loves

to my beloved family.

family — 

— Im Tae Hee | Mother | 55 | surgeon |
compassionate, quick-witted, loving, realistic, articulated, assertive, dignified

Taehee loves Hyemi very much, and often tells her that she is proud of what a beautiful, admirable young lady she grew up to be. They didn't spend much time together after the family moved to Zürich, so anytime they had together was very much cherished. Taehee longed for her daughter when she wasn't with them, and for the longest time wishes that she could just baby her for life. Taehee also wishes that Hyemi didn't go into the entertainment world, but hates to tell Hyemi anything bad or say no to her. She's too soft. Taehee knows she doesn't like boys, a mothers intuition, and tries to make sure that Hyemi doesn't get hurt by any harsh words about her uality.
{x} {x}


— Ahn Dong Chul | Father | 53 | cof at Glencore International |
patient, accepting, protective, cunning, smart, critical, agreeable

Dongchul was Hyemi's bestfriend as she grew up, 'daddy's little girl' and he was the one who encouraged her to be the little princess she really was. He always picked her up from boarding school on weekends so she could spend the weekends as family time. Dongchul never wants Hyemi to go to another man and would prefer her to stay his little girl for life. He knows she doesn't like girls and secretly supports it, despite not being able to get grandchildren.
{x} {x}  

to my life support.

friends — 

— Jung Kyungmi | Famly Friend | 22 | University Student & Waitress |
careless, imulsive, confident, trustworthy, friendly

Kyungmi is a tired, overworked student who is trying to make something out of herself. She studies at the Seoul National University, majoring in Law and dreams of becoming a renowned criminal lawyer. However she isn't rich, and works to make any extra money to go towards her school fees and her lifestyle, which is usually why she can be spotted with a temper shorter than Napleon and darker under eyes circles than the night sky. She looks out for Hyemi especially when she feels a little like a fish out of water due to moving to Korea after growing up in Europe. She's known to do things without thinking and it's usually Hyemi that's left trying to clean up her mistakes.
Kyungmi sees Hyemi as a companion, albeit naive. She can't see that Hyemi doesn't trust people due to her paranoia of them ostracising her due to her uality. She also doesn't know that Hyemi brushes off the truth and lies to get out of questions she doesn't want to answer. Kyungmi doesn't know Hyemi is a lesbian.
{x} {x}

***sidenote: I think she'd totally get along with Daehyun (given that she's chosen), because Daehyun would take advantage of any attention she can nick without being caught and Hyemi would use Daehyun to hide behind (like a rug to sweep dust under)
***And she'd also probably get along with 'The Foreigner' due to them not being a native, but she'd be much more comfortable her and they'd probs bond over it. And maybe the 'Rebel' due to her love of wine, but I could see Hyemi being the one to pull The Rebel out of stupid situations or covering for her when she isn't sober at a schedule (and playing dumb when she asks about it).
***But also a major one would be 'The Young' because they both have bright personalities, and their problems revolve around dating/romance. Though neither would kind of realise it at first how similar they are, until then they both become suspicious. (Like could you see them being the first to figure/question each other's secret out of all the group. I can see it.)


in my life, I'm a pro and you're an amateur.

stage name — Hyemi

position — Main Vocalist & Visual

persona — Vocal Sunshine

fanclub nameFairys / Fae / Pixies : Because she flitters around (it's a thing) like one of the three and so her fans have taken the name for herself as her personal faerie army.
Fanclub color— Lavender Pink #fbaed2

vocal twin — Apink's Eunji (with Kim Sohyung, but just her voice range and control)

dancing twin — High.D (SONAMOO)
rapping twin — N/A

trainee Year(S) — 1 and a half years
trainee life — She was one of the people everyone knew, and was friends with most of them (though not close friends). She met Taeyeon as a trainee, and asked about vocal technique because she was nervous and didn't want to look bad.
She found training to be a time of practise under scrutiny, with a thousand eyes watching her. However this is where she spent time refining her vocal skills and worked on her acting abilities. She never really felt overly pressured during this time and took everything as it came, so she was rarely stressed. Most of the time she could lock herself away in a practise room that she had booked and let herself become one with the music and one with her vocals, practising everything she had learnt at Le Rosey's Choir and at SM's vocal department.
pre-debut experiences
— She modelled during Paris Fashion Week (2009 & 2010)
— She's done several fashion shows and photoshoots for various fashion companies (Fashion Shows: Chanel (2009-2010), Valentino (2009-2010) & Versace (2009-2010)), and (Photoshoots: Vogue Italia (August, 2010)) 

whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not.

plotline — The Beauty

the issue — I Like Girls

when did you first know about it — She's kind of always known about it, at first she thought it was just because she was a girl and she was naturally more comfortable around them. Slowly as she grew up she realised she was more draw to them and had no feelings towards any of the boys, despite many of her friends liking the boys at school. However the realisation only truely impacted on her when she started modelling, and had a crush on several of the girls (because she thought they were pretty).


how do you feel about it — She was comfortable with herself for a long time when she lived in Switzerland because no one was against it or cared. However after she moved back to South Korea and learnt about their homophobia she because increasingly paranoid about everyone, because even though it seems like it doesn't affect her, it really does hurt her when people say malicious things. But she believes that this was always destined to be a lesbian, and so has come to accept she likes girls.
She needs time for herself, especially due to conflicting thoughts about how she feels pressured to marry a boy rather than follow her heart and find the girl of her dreams. Hyemi has thought about moving back, but her parents are constantly holding her down in Seoul due to her loyalty to them. Everytime she nearly convinces herself to move, something keeps her in Seoul.

do you plan to tell anyone or the group — She's wary of anyone she doesn't know really well. She needs time for herself, especially due to conflicting thoughts about how she feels pressured to marry a boy rather than follow her heart and find the girl of her dreams. She may in time, but probably only if she has something to use against them in case they threaten to spill her secret.

take my heart and please don't break it. love is made for me & you.

love interest — Kim Taeyeon

backup love interest — Bae Suzy


personality — 
positive: friendly, loving, funny, caring
neutral: bipolar, dorky, emotional
negative: selfish, soft-spoken, obsessive, introverted

Taeyeon isn't a straight-forward person. Every last thing about her is complicated, she goes from moods like nobodies business. She is completely unpredictable when it comes down to trying to determine whether or not she'll react a certain way to something. She easily slides in and out of moods, which are very much real and in full force. She could be unhappy in a second and be crying within even less time, her emotions are always intense and they are always very much present and controlling her actions. In order for many people to understand her, they have to have patience and a huge drive to figure her out and even then its really hard.

However while she can be emotionally unpredictable, she is also very caring toward her members even though it may nout outwardly seem like it. She knows they have to put up with her moods and so this is her way of trying to make up for it. She'll do the little things everyone takes for granted, she does laundry and cleans. She doesn't mind helping out in the kitchen, though her cooking skills aren't the greatest. She is selfish from time to time, but it usually comes in the form of only looking after herself or locking her mind away to brood in peace (in the corner with a mound of blankets and sad music), and she'll won't want to share something (but this is only when it is super important to her).

Taeyeon easily makes friends with people, and is loved for her dorky behaviour which is rather comical to see when the occasion calls for it. People fall in love with her strange laugh, and weird facial expressions as well as general adorableness, which is why she is quite loved as an idol. But there is another side to that, she is rather soft-spoken and doesn't often speak freely when on air or around other people nearly as much as her other members and she is a little introverted. Though that's usually present when there is a hge crowd of people to hide away in or when she's at home because she doesn't really want to be included in everything and would rather live in her own world for a while.

First Meeting — The pair first met as Hyemi was led into the SM building and shown the training rooms for the first time. This is when they came across SNSD practising in their training room.
Hyemi's guide practically led her in and interrupted their training session to introduce her to her sunbaes, though lets be honest they didn't mind the little break from dancing their asses off. She was immediatley drawn to Taeyeon due to her ethereal appearance, despite the fact she was a little sweaty and exhausted from practising.
The first thing she did after introducing herself was ask about Taeyeon's vocal techniques, despite really wanted to tell her how beautiful Hyemi thought she was like an angel that was from heaven. From the moment she laid eyes on Taeyeon she was absolutely smitten and in love.

relationship  —

relationship status: love at first sight for Hyemi & confused, loving feelings for Taeyeon
After they met up a few times in several vocal practise rooms, often running into each other when going to see the vocal trainer for their opinions or some advice. Both ever endevouring to improve their vocals. They were often put in the same room and told to practise together in these instances so that he could pay attention to both of them, which led them to becoming close. This was when they exchanged numbers and started to go out for little fun 'girl' days, though Hyemi always pined and wished for more (but never pressed for it, due to her never-ending fear that Taeyeon would push her away).

After a short time they became exceedingly close, due to the nature of Hyemi's personality drawing Taeyeon to her and allowing her to get close very easily. They've slept over each others dorms, gone out for food and shopping as well as stayed home watching sad movies.
Hyemi quickly catches onto Taeyeon's bi-polar mood swings. She learnt how to keep her happy, cheer her up when she starts feeling really down and keeps Taeyeon busy looking after Hyemi by taking her out or concerning her with her problems.

They like to stay at home a lot, so long as Hyemi is kept happy through talk or through entertainment. Hyemi likes to lie down long ways on the couch, with her head in Taeyeons lap when they are watching movies, because Taeyeon pets and her hair. Taeyeon is a homebody, which means that most of the time they end up just staying home rather than going out. But if they are on tour with the SMTown concerts, then I'd like to think that then perhaps they'd go out privately for some sightseeing or dinner in one of those overly romantic and beautiful spots (though when they aren't together it'd just be for the scenery and not for the romantic air (**though Hyemi would wish it was a proper date), and they'd act like very close friends, laugh at the couples around them quietly.).

Hyemi would also be indefinitely envious that Baekhyun is dating Taeyeon and whenever she'd tell Hyemi about it, she smile through the fact her heart is breaking a little bit on the inside at every mentions of their 'love'. She wants what he has so badly, but can't because she wants to be close to Taeyeon even if it means being constantly friendzoned for the rest of her life by Taeyeon.

The pair would definitely sing to all the songs on the radio, probably loudly and off key. They are the pair of bestfriends on TV that you wish you were apart of, but in this case they are totally pining after one another. 

Okay instead of a healthy relationship that Daehyun has, I definitely believe that this one wouldn't be healthy. (***just because I think she is too good by herself. I want to corrupt her a little. Same with Taeyeon.)
I think that while it'd start out rather innocent, friendship like it would eventually really develop into a very tense relationship. Taeyeon would have these underlying feelings for Hyemi, and can't quite figure out what they mean, while at the same time Hyemi would be silently pining after Taeyeon (basically becoming a lovesick puppy).

Eventually (just after the Taeyeon + Baekhyun split/or just before) Taeyeon actually [privately] confronts Hyemi about these feels; **something like this
"Hyemi. Tell me why I care for you. Not like a sister, how I should care for you, but like I should've cared about Baekhyun. Why don't I love Baekhyun the way I should as his girlfriend? Why do I imagine your face instead of his? All I want to do is lock you away with me, so only I can see you..." 
Then Hyemi would be super shocked, basically frozen to the spot before she grabs Taeyeon for a tight hug (+goofy , lovestruck smile);
"I don't know, but let me love you. I want to be honest, but I'm scared. But I think it's really time to tell you Taeyeon... I think you are beautiful, so beautiful that all I can see is you.
I think that I want to spend my life with you. I have from the moment I saw you.
You don't know how heartbreaking it is to see you with someone else. Without me. Give me a chance... Please.
Give these feelings a chance."

Hyemi would definitely be constantly a lovesick puppy around Taeyeon, like unbelievably infatuated (though we are talking about the long run) with the mere thought of Taeyeon. Like any spare minute she didn't need to keep up pretences with friends or family, go to work or schedules, or practise I could see Hyemi spending that time with Taeyeon. In return Taeyeon would be a little obsessive and possessive of Hyemi, like she would be a little on edge, get grumpy when she is asked out. Like I even think that Hyemi would be so blinded by her love/obsession/infatuation with Taeyeon that she'd kind of lose any sense of knowing where to stop when it comes to it, though she'd keep her mask (to strangers and the public) very well protected. 

In the end, after her and Taeyeon's career is over they'd probably run away from Korea to a place they can be alone and accepted, where they aren't famous. And live out their days obsessed by one another.
OR ***I don't know how I feel
They have to fight, like seriously. Then they both kind of get knocked back to normality and end their relationship. But either way Hyemi would exhaust her career and then leave back to Europe where she'd be accepted for liking whoever she wants.

i'll see you around.

comments/suggestions — It's like magic how I've created multiple people in the last week (or two), though I have kept a few of my personal favourite things in both (you may or may not notice)
Thought you might like the messed up -ness of this one. It makes a change from the picture perfect ;)

scene requestsRelaxing scenes. Taemi scenes. 

password f(x) : Amber

turn in — back to the story


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