☾ behind the cameras ● Angeline Kim ☽

Angeline Kim




→ Angel Her family and relatives call her this as a shortened version of Angeline
→ Gee  her close trainee friends call her this as an even more shorter version of Angel. Angel > Angie (eyn-gee) > Gee.  
→ Midget She gets called this sometimes because of her height.
→ Piggy  her childhood nickname by her family. Because she was a healthy child back then. Often gets called that at home, but only occasionally.
→ Rae ⋮ Mark calls her this sometimes to

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ March 12, 1995
⟪ BIRTHPLACE ⟫ San Marino, California
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ San Marino, California


→ English ⋮ 100% fluent. Native language
→ Korean ⋮ 65% fluent. Her parents are both Korean, they only talk Korean occasionally


⟪ FACE-CLAIM ⟫ Kim Jungyeon

⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Eungyeong

⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 156 cm / 47 kg

⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ Her fashion style is streetwear. She wears chic, casual and comfortable pieces such as jeans, shorts, tshirts, sweaters, baseball caps, beanies, sneakers and such. She's the typical skater girl. 1 | 2 | 3



one major word to describe angeline is daredevil. a daredevil inside a petite body, no one would ever guess that. but yes, she is a daredevil. she loves taking risks, adventures and thrill. she likes challenging boundaries and restrictions. she'll never regret whatever she has done unless in some circumstances. she also has a dorky personality. she does things that are completely unnecessary but comes off as cute or adorable to others. she has a really unique way of thinking. and because of that difference in thinking with people, she also has a sarcastic trait. like when people say something that's not funny for her and start laughing, she'll get annoyed and will say that it was funny but she shows contrast at what she said and what she actually meant, hinting it with the tone of her voice. but even with those traits, she's still outgoing, being open and talkative. she gets along with a lot of people because of that but some not liking her because she says what she thinks without any second thoughts. with her being outgoing, it's no surprise that she can be loud as well, always smiling and laughing, brighting up some people's day. stubborn as a bull, she hates it when she doesn't get her way. she thinks that her ideas are better than others and she isn't willing to back out from it. she's also blunt, saying things straight from the point, she doesn't care if it comes off offensive because she thinks it's better to be straight forward than acting fake. she is one confident gal. she doesn't care what other people think of her because she's always carries herself with pride and dignity. she just let all those negative comments about her enter from one ear and exits from the other. this girl's most positive trait is her passionate heart. especially when it comes to dancing, she would go all out for it.


 Soomi Jang and Daehwan Kim met back in their college years. Daehwan was two years older than Soomi and they were from different worlds. Daehwan was part of the soccer team back then and Soomi was part of the newspaper club. She had to interview him for their college newspaper. Since then sparks grew between them. 2 years after Soomi's graduation, Daehwan asked for her marriage and she said yes. Later they were blessed to have a baby boy, Jett, Jaehwan in Korean. Then 2 years after than a baby girl. Angeline was born really healthy and lively. She also grew up to love eating. She got introduced to dance during her freshman year in middle school. She saw a dance crew having a dance off among themselves and got fascinated. So she started dancing with the help of Youtube Dancers. She would practice their dance and all. Then one day, she saw the crew again so she watched. One crew member asked if she wants to join them. So ever since then she was part of that dance crew. She's also fond of the guitar and photography and taught herself. She heard about the JYP Global Auditions in LA and auditioned. She got in and is currently a trainee.


↷ food ; she loves eating, any kind of food you give her, she will eat it. except tomatoes
↷ purple ; everything she practically owns is in the color purple, her favorite color, it's a must for her
↷ shoes ; she'll choose shoes like sneakers and combat boots over heels any day. love expanding her collection.
↷ photography ; she likes taking pictures of sceneries, people, and nature, it calms her down
↷ pepero ; her most favorite snack of all, she has to have a pack where ever she goes
↷ air conditioned places ; she loves the cool air brushing past her skin
↷ fashion ; she likes to be up to date, and it fascinates her
↷ sleep ; who doesn't love sleep?
↷ smell of bacon and cinammon ; who doesn't love the smell of bacon and cinammon?  
↷ tomatoes ; she just hates it, she doesn't know why
↷ hot places ; the feeling of beaing sweaty and sticky makes her eek.
↷ math ; she hates numbers, she hates number with letters more, she hates number with letters and symbols most.
↷ bugs ; pestly little critters ↷ overload brightness ; makes her head and eyes hurt and makes her feel dizzy
↷ talking to her after she just woke up ; she wakes up in a bad mood, always, never talk to her when she just woke up
↷ hunger ; the feeling of an empty stomach makes her cry
↷ fashion crisis ; she hates it when she's not dressed appropriately
↷ untidy places ; she's a perfectionist, that's why
↷ skateboards
↷ food tripping ; she buys diferent kinds of food and evaluates them
↷ daredevilling (lol)
↷ daydreaming
↷ playing her guitar
↷ watching anime, currently watching ace of diamond and fangirls on the catcher, miyuki kazuya
↷ reading manga, currently anticipating ao haru ride's updates. she literally throws her body everywhere because of it.
↷ dancing 
↷ brings pepero and snacks where ever she goes
↷ derp faces when she gets her point across
↷ she plays with a strand of her hair or someone's hair if she's thinking
↷ she knows how to skateboard
↷ she likes cooking then eating it (foodophile)
↷ she buys different kinds of food and evaluates them
↷ she knows how to play the guitar
↷ can imitate agnes and minions
↷ straight f student when it comes to aegyo
↷ a milktea freak
↷ she once jumped from her balcony to a dumpster out of curiousity
↷ she knows how to choreograph
↷ loves purple too much. her marker for labeling is purple, her mug, slippers, every household things she owns is purple
↷ has a collection of sneakers coz she loves them
↷ can easily cry when she reads something sad or watches it.
↷ she likes collecting bubble bath bombs, and likes taking bubble baths
↷ she doesn't mind skinships but as long as it's not disrespectful
↷ she wears circle lenses with grade (she has bad eye sight) and she uses the color purple and grey the most
↷ wears eye glasses, which is purple, whenever she's at home.
↷ She has three lobe piercings and two cartilage piercings on her right, and three lobe on her left and a belly piercing.
↷ currently sporting this haircolor
↷ Teen Top is her bias group and her favorite member is Chanhee
↷ owns a gold iPhone 5s with a hologram case
↷ needs to draw her eyebrows coz her eyebrow hairs are thin.
↷ Kinda explodes like this




Father, Kim Daehwan ⋮ 47 ⋮ Lawyer ⋮ dorky, loud⋮ her baseball buddy, they would always watch baseball together
Mother, Jang Soomi ⋮ 45 ⋮ Pastry Chef⋮ humble, sweet ⋮ they would try out new recipes together
Brother, Kim Jaehwan ⋮ 21 ⋮ Law Student ⋮ protective, reliable ⋮ tells each other everything


Close Friend, Jung Nari ⋮ 22 ⋮ JYP Trainee ⋮ hardworking, understanding ⋮ her roomate ever since she became a trainee
Friend, Jackson Wang ⋮ 20 ⋮ Idol ⋮ loud, perky ⋮ Jackson's just really friendly with everyone




I was all settled in with my training schedules. One of the choices I made was to train Acrobatics. And one time during that class, Mark and Jackson arrived and started to train with us. I wasn't the only girl but I was the only foreigner and I had a hard time understanding the mentor. Jackson and Mark helped me get through the language barrier and we just started to get to know each other. 


I think idols going public with their relationship is okay. It is their choice and right. But I would rather keep those kind of relationships private since an idol is famous and has lots of fans. They would try to barge in my relationship if that happens.


In between a friend and a crush. Mark would stop by her acrobatics class and chat with her. Mark thinks she's a really cool girl and is attracted to her because of her guts and wants to get to know her more. Angeline is also attracted to his attitude towards her and wants to spend time with him more. But they're confused if it's only fondness to the other or if it's puppy love.

Mark Yi En Tuan

⟪ GROUP ⟫ GOT7 ⟪ AGE ⟫ 21
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Chunji of Teen Top 


⟪ PERSONALITY ⟫ your first impression of him is that it seems like he doesn't care due to his lack of expressions and lack of words, but he does, really does. he has a very quiet personality. he has a hard time expressing his feelings to the people who he isn't too familiar with. he cares alot about his friends and family. he's hardworking and reliable. he is very considerate of others and considers their feelings. he rarely loses his composure, he's a type of guy who is always calm and poised. but once you get to know him, you can totally say that "first impressions last" is rubbish. he'll have these million expressions that even you thought won't ever exist on his face. he has this high pitched manly laugh even when you thought wasn't possible for someone who has a very deep voice. and you'll be able to see the twinkle in his eyes when he talks about his passion and his hometown, los angeles. he'll always think that he's right and is very stubborn if people don't think so. he'll just stay quiet with a frown on his face if ever people don't agree with him.


↷ angeline starts laughing out of nowhere because she remembered something from the past
↷ when someone cracks a joke she'll laugh like a seal. and when everyone calmed down, she'll suddenly remember and laugh again.
↷ mark teasing her by holding up a slice of fresh tomato infront of her face
↷ Angeline recommending Mark a bath bomb.
↷ They do the Titanic pose with Angeline as Jack and Mark as Rose, but Angeline was like 19 cm shorter so..




Awkward skinships, awkward eye contacts, awkward smiles and laughs. That isn't really surprising at first. But the person Angeline is, she would never settle their relationship like that. She would teach him how to play the guitar. And he in return would teach her how to dance GOT7's dances and sometimes teaches her his rap parts but she would end up like this. They gradually got closer and Mark became really comfortable with her and started teasing her with her second name, Rae, which she despises and hates when he pronounces emphasizing the 'ei'. Makes her feel like a boy. In revenge, she calls him Tuna. Despite being older then Angeline, she doesn't call him oppa. It weirdens her out since his name is in English. When Mark starts to become hyper, Angeline would just sit down and tell him to calm down and when he doesn't listen, she'll start talking in English like "Dude you gotta calm down. But in reality, they both just like each other.



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