( * Fairytale | Jung Daelin | The Little Mermaid application


NIckname, Jazz — Her amazing jazz fingers dance that she does when she is nervous, or fidgety.
Nickname,  Turtle / grandma — Is really slow after waking up, like old grandma slow. Hence the name.
Nickname, SLeepy — Named like that because the amount of sleep she has. Or probably would do if she was a lonely person (*like my life*)
Nickname, Daeshine — She really likes the sun, relaxing in it the most. Probably because she hardly ever gets burnt until she looks like a tomato. (*which is the opposite of me. five minutes under the sun and i'm red. wtf?*)

birthday — 21.1.1994
birth place — Singapore, Singapore
hometown — UN Village-gil, Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Singaporean - Korean
nationality — Singapore and Korea

language spoken, English — One of the most common/ the most commn languages in Singapore (fluent)
language spoken, Korean — Her mothers native language (fluent)
Language Spoken, Standard Mandarin — Her fathers second language, used mainly for business deals / the second most common language in Singapore. Learnt in her international school. (almost fluent, definitely at conversational level)

blood type — O

Jung Daelin

by iamgodforreal (Keera)


— i'm y and you know it (*the whole world will one day know it. maybe if i leave my house for once..*)

face claim — park hye min
back up — park sora

height — 164 cm
weight — 50.2 kg

Has both ears pierced once, as well as her helix pierced on her right ear. Doesn't have any beauty marks, although does has almost unnoticable freckles on her nose and cheeks when she wears no makeup and is under bright light. Likes to dye her hair, but usually only goes between browns, blondes and occasionally black. (*though why would you go back to your natural colour/natural colours if you can have pink hair?*)

fashion style

— they love me cuz I'm hot

Daelin dresses very nicely. Her style is a mix between classical and playful. While she owns a lot of black and white, both being her standard colours in her wardrobe. She has a lot of bright colours hidden in her closet as well. She's very chic and fashionable when going out, but to lounge in its just sweatpants and plain black and white tops, occasionally with hoodies over them. Her most known part of her wardrobe is her range of glasses, odd and stylish, indoor and outdoor. She actually has a pair for every occasion. As well as glasses, she has a lot of coats, everything to normal brands to expensive designer. Link


— I promise i'm normal(*ish)

(+) positive - determined - funny - passionate - intelligent - well-spoken - attentive - outgoing
(--) negative - easily startled - forgetful - perfectionist - short-tempered - lazy(ish) - obsessive - self-indulgent - trips over anything, except air, most of the time.
(~) neutral - foodie - dramatic - sleepy 

Daelin is a very diverse person. She is so very easily startled, she could see you coming, and still jump, she is actually just a pretty jumpy person. Which makes her pretty dramatic when it happens, usually leading to either "heart-attack help, you scared me too much.... ahhh..." but playfully so they know she's joking, or a "oh my god... you're so mean... why am I friends/related to you... why don't you love me!!" which is also really playful.
"They laid down the terms. I'm going to have fun with them. I don't mean to hurt them, but they started it, right?"

Daelin also likes to sleep, like she could easily sleep for days if she didn't need to eat and stuff. One of the worst things is when you wake her up when she doesn't need to do anything, there is nothing planned, and their is nothing that needs to be done, and then she become cranky and like a whiny child. She literally has the shortest temper when its anything to do with food, sleep or doing things. She's really self indulgent, and lives, literally by the motto, 'its treat yoself day.' and likes to buy what she likes when ever she likes, usually food (which is lucky she has a great metabolism or she would be really overweight.) (*also another of my traits, damn I am not a good human being*)
"Call me when you have to wake up early and come back in the early hours of the morning. Wouldn't you be tired? I know I am. I really hope this is worth it..."

Though despite her massive admiration for sleep, she is a very determined person and is passionate about things she likes. Her life-long passion is singing, whether she sings in the shower or sings doing her homework, she likes to do it and she has a driving need to make herself better. To perfect herself in anyway possible to make her family and friends proud of her. That's her darkest secret, that she has to make them proud and what hurts her the most is her expectations because of it. They say that because of it, the only real downfall she will ever face is herself. She's obsessive, to a point. She does often ignore others around her to suceed, and blocks them out, however its very rare because she's pretty lazy.
"To be a perfectionist... I think is to be obsessive. I don't think you could describe it in any other way than that. It means to be patient with what you are doing, it means to focus on the small details until they are absolutely perfect and only from there can you improve. It means a lot more to me than you could imagine. Its the difference between being good and being truly great."
"My passions are what makes me strong. They are what makes me feel my strongest, even when I know I am at my weakest."
"My darkest secret... I know it. It could seem like many things, depending on how one takes it. Its the need to make perople proud, the unrealistic expectations I have put on my shoulders. I'm afraid of it myself... but I can't fight it. I'm stuck with it."

Daelin loves food almost as much as sleep, almost being the key word. (*don't we all*) And when she isn't doing anything else, has free time and isn't alseep for once. She'll go out and eat, only then probably to come back to go to sleep. Food, if she could marry it, she probably would. (*so would I Daelin, so would I*) Daelin, however hates cooking, she only does it when she's starving and can't order food because either the shops are shut or she doesn't want to find her phone.
"Food is important. No I will not cut back on it. Yes you can come with me to eat. Just leave my Pepero Sticks alone." (*Pepero sticks are really nice. But they cost a lot to buy in Korean food shops and take forever to ship if I order them...*)

Because of what her parents do, Daelin is pretty smart. She is definitely well-spoken, which is a characteristic from her father, whom speaks a lot and has to find the right words to match exactly what he means. She has learnt from him, and admires his language capabilities immensly. But her father isn't also the only source of her massive amounts of intellect. Her mother plays a huge part of how she does everything. Her mother being rather merticulous with how she has raised and taught her children she has tried hard to make sure they can hold a conversation with the best of them, always says what she really means and can make sure she can get the best out of everything.
Though Daelin thinks that her being forgetful is the downside of having this 'vast' knowledge. Which basically means that she will and can forget a lot of things, beginning with keys and ending with wallets. Though magically she has't forgotten any lyrics or dance steps, yet. (*yet. I see what I did. Go me!*) Given time and a lot of laziness, she'd probably forget that too though. Forgetfulness is like her kryptonite, just not as cool.
"Words. They mean so much if said right, but you stand to lose so much if you get them wrong. Its the balance of getting them right that is really satisfying."
"Didn't you know that being forgetful is the minds way of trying to set itself free. Its way of getting rid of rules and expectations."
"Being smart is my net, trapeze artists have their nets so that when they fall it will catch them. Being smart is my net, so that if this falls through, that one day I'm no longer a popular entertainer, I will be able to look after my family. Despite everything."


— likes

ONE — sleep
TWO — relaxing
THREE — sunlight
FOUR — eating kkul tteok and pepero sticks
FIVE — watching variety shows

— dislikes

ONE — most bugs
TWO — spiders
THREE — orange
FOUR — the number 34
FIVE — surprises

— habits

ONE — stretching like a cat
TWO — making loud noises when streching at home
THREE — flailing her wrists and cracking her knuckles before sleeping
FOUR — drinking a lot of anything really (usually soda and juice) (*legit my actual habit*)
FIVE — people watching (*its really a sport*)

— hobbies

ONE — doing simple gymnastic stunts
TWO — writing songs
THREE — sleeping/napping
FOUR — taking long () showers
FIVE — imitating people

— other facts

one — loves TVXQ and BoA, admires their abilities greatly
TWO — did rhythmic gymnastics for 8 years
THREE — can play the piano
FOUR — would do producing if she went to university
FIVE — favourite colour is black or really dark blue

six — likes to laugh, a lot
Seven — can cook, doesn't like cooking
eight — loves unicorns
nine — favorite food is kkul tteok (honey filled rice cakes) and almond pepero sticks
ten — easily startled
eleven — isn't really good at heavy lifting, or running
twelve — meditates for 30 minutes a day to try and clear her mind, though she forgets a lot of stuff at this point of her day
Thirteen — trys to workout (usually thinks she will but doesn't) for 30 minutes a day, but doesn't (*this is also my actual habit*)
fourteen — loves G-Dragon and CL
fifteen — would learn how to scuba dive professionally
sixteen — likes to lounge in the sun, and doesn't burn in the sun.
seventeen — often looks pretty dazed, and out of it, but always manages to react at the right times
eighteen — reacts perfectly half asleep, but they tend to be the wrong reactions. Like surprise is a frown and laughing is being surprised.
nineteen — does weird dances, mainly with her hands, that are very awkward/weird/silly/funny/bad
twenty — likes to watch her sister train
twenty-one — loves to ride rollarcoasters, but is scared of haunted houses (*so am I, so am I*)
twenty-two — crys when watching sad movies, and crys when she laughs really hard


— this is my story (and it took forever to write)

Daelin was born in Singapore, the eldest child of her family. She was supposedly a pretty cute child, mostly because she'd sit there and smile and laugh. Well at least according to her parents, who tend to be biased towards their own children, because hey they did make her. (*wink wink*) Anyway her family was always pretty tight-knit and they talked about everything together, trying to support each other in their personal endeavours.

At the age of five (1998) she was rewatching the 1996 Olympic Games on VCR (*old? I know*), and spotted the rhythmic gymnastic section, and naturally the pretty ribbons they were using. That's where her little obsession began, and so her parents signed her up for classes, essentially with the hopes she would become an Olympian, which didn't happen for her. During her school years, she attended an international school in Singapore where she studied, though she wasn't the best of students, usually receiving B's for most of her things. She was always particularly weak in physical strength sports and competitive running, due to the fact she was a training gymnast, who aren't know to be built to do those kinds of sports, their muscle being flexible, not hard and built to endure. 

In October 1999, her sister was born, named Hyelin. Daelin, like most first time siblings was a little jealous of the attention recieved, however quickly grew out of it when her parents assured her she couldn't do the things she could and then eventually grew quite close and protective over her, willingly boasting that she was the best sister ever at school. (Though she was still a baby) Her parents spent most of their time, when free of work with their children, her mother closer than her father due to him being a businessman, and often being away on work and at meetings. 

When Daelin turned 11 (2004), her family moved to Seoul, to their current residence. Her mother now returning to work as a professer, Daelin attended KIS or Korea International School (and later her sister) attended as students. She was a person who quickly made lots of friends, had that kind of aura that pulled people close and made them feel all nice inside, however she doesn't keep many of them close, they're more so close aquaintances. Daelin eventually quit rhythmic gymnastics in 2006, her sister joining them at the age of 3, to focus on her studies, having no intention of being an Olympic gymnast. She focused on trying to get her grades up and learning new things. During this time also learning how to play the piano and how to decently cook for herself.

At the age of 15 (2008), she was street-casted by SM scouts after she sung at a friends birthday outing. Eventually pushed into auditioning by the same group of friends, and her parents, despite being rather reluctant initially to do so. She was officially cast as at trainee in 2009 at the age of 16, where she trained until her debut. Though despite being cast, she still graduated with full honours.


— we are family

Mother — Jung Ye Won // 45 // professor // maternal - friendly - strict - protective - smart // Yewon is very maternal, and very nice. She likes to teach because she thinks of them as her own, as she can't have any more. Really soft and kind-hearted, hates seeing her children hurt and is they do get hurt, watch out, Typhoon Yewon is on her way. // very maternal. they are very close to each other.

Father — Jung Hyun Jin // 46 // businessman // strict - cunning - honest - witty - loving // Hyunjin is a very strict man, however thats just  mainly at work, when he's at home he very happy and likes to play and cook. Teases his children a lot, but only playfully. Is very protective. // close, however not as close as her mother. however she still loves him very much

Sister — Jung Hye Lin // 15 // rhythmic gymnast/student // people-pleaser - determined - snarky - passionate // Hyelin is a very diciplined child, though a little spoilt. She has a massive determination, and admiration for her elder sister, and seeks to be like her and make her proud. // very close sisters, best friend like. Daelin supports Hyelin's endeavour to become an Olympian.


— i got all my sisters with me

Friend/Hyper Buddy — Park Min Ji // 21 // student // outgoing - confident - shameless - loud // She is the absolute queen of doing everything and absolutely nothing. She is the literally queen of energy and seemingly has unlimited amounts of it, often managing to drag Daelin around when she's not doing something. Which often disrupts her sleep, making her a cranky 21 year old. She is loud, like flipping wake the dead loud. If you don't hear her coming, you definitely need your hearing checked. // best friends, have known each other since Daelin arrived in Korea, her father is a business associate.

Best Friend/Her Strength — Song Yeon Jae // 21 // rhythmic gymnast // workaholic - determined - proud - funny - snarky // Yeonjae is an exceptional workaholic, but Daelin admires her strength, preseverance and determination to become the best in the world at what she does. They originally met each other at the gym they trained at when they were 11 and since have become close friends whom share everything with one another, and being each others strength in their hardest times. // very close, like siblings.

Best Friend/ Brother — Kim Soo Hyun // 26 // actor // funny - melodramatic - charismatic - aloof - protective // He's an , but a somewhat decent . They met through Changmin, and became close friend despite their age difference. He likes to about everything and anything, shes got a cold, shes tired, she just bought a coffee, you name it and he's probably already about it. He gets very possessive if anyone teases her other than him and pouts, and is very dramatic as if the world is ending on him and that him getting his way is the only way to stop it. He's very funny to watch. // mentor, oppa, friend/brother.


— they are important too

Sunbae (technically)/Food Buddy/Singing mentor — Shim Changmin // 26 // singer // food-loving - snarky - smart - quiet - hard-working - ambitious // He's pretty snarky, and he loves food, that being the key parts of his personality. He also has a pretty much non-existant brain to mouth filter, which means he's pretty impulsive and says random things that he thinks a lot of the time so most of the time no one really knows what the heck he's saying. Though he's still pretty quite, he really weird, but really smart. // close family friend through their parents. they share a brother and sister kind of relationship.

Sunbae (Technically)/Dance Mentor/Counselor — Jung Yunho // 28 // singer // determined - hard-working - passionate - workaholic - charismatic - blunt // He's really nice, like really really nice. But the problem with him is he absolutely loves work, he likes to do what he does and he is really good at it. The problem? How much time you get to have with him before he does something else. He's very busy, but he gives out great advice and is a pretty good teacher. While some other idol will say his lectures are boring, they are a rather insightful look on being the leader and how one should behave while doing it. They met originally when Yunho was invited to a dinner and Changmin's house and her parents were also invited. She likes to listen to him, doesn't matter really. She somehow finds it insightful. // he's also like her brother, through changmin (which is how she met two of her closest oppa's). he gives her advice and is always there to lean on. 

chosen plotline

— a quote that represents your character

PERSONA — Reaction Queen

DANCING TWIN — Krystal f(x)
RAPPING TWIN — (ain't a rapper) *starts beatboxing. moonwalks out.*

TRAINEE LIFE — Her trainee life was particularly normal, aside for the busy schedule and vigorous training, she aced singing naturally, and could decently dance only because she took gymnastics, however at rapping. Hell yeah she can talk fast. Hell yeah she can sing. But can she rap. Nope. Thats when she starts to mutter a blur of nonsense, and looks particularly like an idiot. Knew most of the other trainees, didn't really care about them, sort of became pretty friendly with all of them though thats about it.

Twisted her ankle, three times, twice over tripping.
Went to TVXQ concert.
Appeared in EXO's XOXO drama MV
Appeared SM The Ballad's MV for Breathe

FUTURE EXPERIENCES — (*awkwardly I don't know... acting maybe? MCing maybe? YOLO maybe?*)
-MCing on a TV show
-Acting and becoming an actress
-Doing musicals
-Going solo(?)

26.12.2014 // Kim Soo Hyun's mystery girlfriend? // They were seen out together on Boxing Day at a local restaurant, however a clear photograph wasn't taken and no relationship was confirmed // False 
18.05.2015 // Verge of death? // She was supposedly seen being rushed into a hospital for treatment of something, persumed deadly. // False (it was someone else who looked like her)



last comment — Choose me? Question, for a friend. Do you like unicorns or pegasi better? Sorry I was really lazy and just added the links to things, I didn't really want to risk messing with the code and getting it wrong. I'm way too tired.

Pfft, of course she'd eventually introduce Juyeong to Yunho, thats what a good groupmate does for one another (of course f she gets picked). And Juyeong needs to totally give Daelin pocky, then she'll go nuts.

I ship them so much, and I was totally unsure who to pick to ship her with, they both were like my top personality picks... ahh writing is so hard... Gosh you sound so much like one of my friends it isn't funny// ^.^

scene requests 
// Variety Shows 
// Group Bonding

password — 
f(x)'s Airplanes
After School's Dressing Room
Apink's Crystal

Park Chanyeol

— Hyoyeon (snsd)

personality —  He's a very bright and happy person, that often being the first thing you would notice, after his ridiculously deep voice. He has an amazing ability to guide his friends out of awkward situations and keep and nice atmosphere up. He's like the backbone of EXO and tries to lead them out of things that could turn sour or bad. He's funny, sweet, and kind, but also definitely very gentle, knows to think things out, though does on occasion act impulsively with close friends and family.

He's known to try very hard, especially to keep up his 'happy virus' image so that he bring someone else happiness, even if he has to mask his own pain. He's the kind of person who if he loves something, he doesn't ever want anyone to hurt it, he'll protect it from anything. Eager to please, but sometimes lacks a sense of maturity and sensitivity. Though he's known to be a very positive person, and a romantic guy.

relationship — They are very close and they definitely like each other, however choose not to do anything in fear of EXOs vast amounts of saesangs that threaten their safety. (*because they are freaking scary. Daelin has the right idea not getting publically involved*)
If they didn't like each other, they would be close friends like brother and sister. The spend time together, particularly in studios and recording booths where they like to compose music and work together to make new music. While he can compose, she does all the lyric writing. Another thing they like to do is turn music up and sing really loudly to it, usually accompanied by dancing and laughing. They eat a lot when they are together, and often order a lot of food to the practise rooms.

history — They originally met at the rehearsal room, where they eventaully started to meet everytime they would come there. They got to bond over laughing at each others failures and mutual interests and their naturally playful personalities. They don't fight often because they are both pretty easy going/carefree, however when they do it doesn't last a long time because one usually caves and feels bad. 

other — Her nicknames for him include:
Sir Park
Tall Human
Gentle Giant


— back up LOVE rival

PERSONALITY — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 

RELATIONSHIP — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 

HISTORY — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 

OTHER — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 

Byun Baekhyun

— Lee Taemin

PERSONALITY — cocky - ambitious - funny - happy - witty

RELATIONSHIP — Crack relationship. They are legit the kings of a love/hate relationship. They aren't really enemies, but act like it trying to win Chanyeol's affection. Both rather dramatic and make a rediculously good team when they team up. They aren't really rivals either, they just love to mess with each other, annoy each other, and are very melodramatic around each other that you could film them and release it and you would swear it was a drama. The most dramatic points they have gotten to is where one is bowing on the floor chanting leader, leader, and a bunch of praises about how 'great the person is' while the other one stands there and looks off into the distance. Or where they start crying, ruining their eyeliner about how Chanyeol won't accept either of them and they should just run away together, but then laugh and say never would they do that.

HISTORY — They met as trainees as well, originally in the vocal room where the first thing they did, besides introducing themselves was have a singing contest. More so she won having the longest (and highest) note, he won the deepest note and have been since competing to see who was better.

OTHER — Her nicknames for him include:
Lady Bacon
Man Stealer
Byun Byun




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