Female antagonists

Every. Single. Time. A "insane" antagonist is revealed or shown, they'll laugh hysterically and have a drunken face. Cheeks flushes red and wide pupils. It's one thing for their pupils to contrast, but to throw in the cheesy blush effect,

It makes me sick.

Not seeing the insane person, but more of authors/directors continue to use it. I find it far too cliche and over used. It's even worse when it's a female. Examples would be like: Attack on Titan where Annie is found out and she turns into a lustful looking character,

don't even get me started on similar actions on male antagonist.

My point is, there's other ways authors can protray insanity, examples of this would be like Yuno Gasai in Future Diary.


Or you know, just Yuno in general.

Alright I'm done. Bye and have a good christmas or whatever you celebrate!


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Don't mind me but the more I watch the 'Smile' episode I personally think they to could've skipped on Annie's facial expression. They could've still made her creepy without the whole freakish laughter. It was more...disturbing if not anything else *cringes* there are other factors of pulling off an insane character. Subtle is the key sometimes.