I know the departure of Wu Yi Fan/Kris from EXO hit the EXO-L community pretty hard. Some had predictions of a member who would leave, maybe even him in particular. I know some EXO-Ls call him a traitor and will never forgive him. And there are those who willingly support him, when he was in EXO or alone. I am one of the latter. I'm not hating on those who haven't forgiven Kris for leaving his brothers because I can understand where they are coming from. 

It's been half a year since it spread through the Internet that EXO-M's leader Kris wanted to terminate his contract with SM. My intial thoughts in the hours that followed were selfish thoughts. At that moment I was angry at SM for once again forcing one of their artists to hard. I was hurt by the fact that "We are one" would mean "We are 11 + 1". Then followed the public reactions of the EXO members on Instagram where I didn't know whether to see it as the members true reactions or if I was all a ploy. That aside I knew he cared for s even if they didn't. 

Two months after the announcement of his departure I REALLY FELT IT. (Now that I think about it EXO is one of my top bias groups, never was this invested in any group.) I looking at an article I would make my scrunched up sad face and place my hand on the screen wailing "I miss you".  

Not until two days ago I truly felt proud of Kris. It was his interview with Sina, there was a question about the different fashion trends and styles in all the major fashion cities. Reading the translation of his answer, although my interest in fashion was agreeing with everything he said, the part of me that supported him had a mind blowing revaluation. 

"Although his path is lonely he is doing what he wants. He gets the opportunity to be the artist he truly wants to be. (0.5% of me still wants an OT12 though, sorry I still love my 12 babies) Kris is attending fashion shows that HE is invited to, that he probably never go to as a part of EXO. As an artist, now he isn't just a rapper, independence from SM's influence he can whatever he wants. Opportunities in travel that helps him discover more of places around the world and himself more than he could have under SM. Sadly this path is one he can't share with his brothers, it is what he wanted to as an artist and meaning leaving SM and EXO." 

Our FanFan is hard working and talented, in my opinion his voice is gorgeous but his singing needs a little work, not a lot but some fine tuning. Is it wrong that I think SM just saw him as a rapper and decided to stick with that? I hope he releases more music, involves himself in acting and just to follow his heart while taking care of his health. Our lovely Yi Fan cares for others and strives not to bother them so he will push his own needs aside.

Through whatever I will support outr dragon Wu Yi Fan. 

And to all my love and a goodnight. 


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