Argh, so i'm working on the second book of my Odd Flower series (AOFGAR) - finally - and oh my lord! Jongup's part right now is kind of making me bawl my eyes out! As you know, he is still looking for Junhong, who has ran away after the kidnapping incident in the first book and has been missing for two years, now. And aaaargh, Jongup's flashback of how he would visit the police department non-stop and how the officers would tell him that they haven't found anything and how he should just give up on Junhong makes me a bit emotional. I'm also getting to that part where I write about how he has to be dragged and kicked out of the police department for blowing up on an officer due to all the frustration - and OMG, CRYING! I NEED A BOX OF TISSUE ASAP! IK IK I AM SO WEIRD BBUT I CAN'T HELP BUT BE EMOTIONAAAAAAAAL!!!!

Anywho... GOT TO KEEP WRITING BECAUSE I CANNOT WAIT TO SHARE THIS AMAZING, EMOTIONAL CHAPTER (and sadly, it will probably be posted tomorrow since my mom is worried about how I have not been sleeping properly lately and she has asked me to sleep a bit early, today =~u~) )

And yeah, please look forward to the first chapter update of The Rare Flower Hidden in the Thorn Bush!

Nighters, guys~!!!!


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iamabaplover #1
It's ok Unnie. I also cry when I imagine stories about them
*hands you box of tissues* There there unnie. How can you cry at your own fics???