Finals are OVER! whew!!

My finals are over with! I seriously thought I was going to go insane from all the studying I did.

I know I've told some people that nursing school is hard, especially when it's a bachelors program. So in order for me to pass my 3 out of the 4 classes I had this semester, I needed to have an average of 73% just on my exams before they would factor in grades from assignments and quizzes, which then the total average had to be a 73% or higher to pass the class. That 4th class just needed a final of 73% or higher to pass (there was only one exam in the class).


Yeah....a few of us didn't realize that until midway through the semester and for a least 3 of us, not knowing that information bit us in the . I'm now part time at school because I failed one of the finals and therefore, failed the class and I know I'm not the only one who has to retake the class. But the good news is, I can still take some classes next semester and I'll have to retake the class I failed, but my graduation date has been set back a year. 

I'm hoping that the next incoming class in the fall of 2015 is a lot less clickish than the current class (I've been pretty much a loner unless I have a group project or had to do something with my clincal groupmates). 

More than likely I'll probaby end up hanging out with the ones who are in the same boat as I am though, which isn't a bad thing. 

But now that finals are over with, I can get back to writing!!


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bookworm83197 #1
\O/ Finals are over! Congrats! 8DDDD
Aww, that about having to repeat the class >:(
My college friends say that you should ambush people right when they enter a college and make friends that way >:3 Maybe you could try that? >:3 Just go up to random people, put on your 8DDD face, and talk :DDD
yep I have no idea what you're talking about even though I'm a sophomore in high school lol... I still have 1 more day of finals left AND THEN I'M FREE XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Awe~ that's a good news that it's over already =)