I'm sorry

You guys are probably irritated with all my blogs that contain of me complaining about life and my boy problems. 

Honestly, I feel at ease when I write these, to dot down my emotions and finally let free the frustration that builds up in me. 

I don't care if you guys read this, if you do I really appreciate. 

It feels like someone cares when they reply or read it. 

[My own imagination]

But recently, I've felt like .

The past few weeks were awful and I find myself being distant and not smiling like how I used to be.

Idk man, it's my own personal problem and I don't know how to fix them.

I'm thankful for the friends who've been with me and helping me out.

But sometimes I feel like I'm a bother.

Do I complain too much?

Do you care?

Do you think I'm immature for complaining about boys and not worrying about exams?

I have no idea you guys. 

But I'm finding myself holding up this facade. 

Pretending to smile when I'm actually hurting on the inside.

I know, it sounds like some typical ''emo'' tragic story.

Ugh and exams are coming up.

I have the need to talk to my counslor but honestly, I don't think she would be of any help.

These problems are my own personal ones and like what I've always told people before. 

Is that, you, yourself is the only that could overcome this.

No one but you.

But, how can you overcome this when everything on the inside is tearing apart?



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I kinda know how you feel and just keep fighting! If you need anyone to talk to or just rant to, I always welcome you to PM me