Mini-hiatus until Mid Dec (and good news!)

My finals for college are coming up starting this next week. I've got 2 group presentations, 2 practicums (demonstrations of skills) and then 4 finals that I really need to fully concentrate on, so I'm not going to be updating The Druid and the Wolf, and Adaptation until Dec 17 (the last day of my finals).

I'll still be working on editing Adaptation, and trying to write on it, as well as editing The Druid and the Wolf getting it more polished since most of it is still in a non-edited form. Chapter 1 had been an exception, I'd written it initally as a 4th story after Adaptation but realized that I needed to finish Adaptation before I did any more stories in that universe. 

And the GOOD NEWS is that I've started the initial works for YET ANOTHER story based off SJ's MV's for This is Love and Evanesce. This story will probably be a short story, IDK maybe 10 chapters in total? Not sure on that at all. 

I'll put a placeholder up for the story in a little bit. It'll be called This is Love, Evanesce so please subscribe :D

So tootles for 3 weeks! I'll be lurking around on the site, and on Twitter, and I'm always on FB so yeah...Wish me luck! 


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FIGHTING!!!!!!! :D
and don't worry about it... authors have life's, too... ^~^
i got my own crap to deal with... science fair, high school applications, and other ... T.T
bookworm83197 #2
Ooh, good luck on your finals! \O\ \O/ /O/
I have finals coming up too... but I'm only in high school lol so it's not nearly as stressful as yours sound O.o
good luck to us both XD