
I'm trying to watch a football(american, not soccer) game and suddenly Pitbull is polluting the airwaves in my livingroom. Someone invited him to play at the halftime show. 

There are two reasons I don't enjoy the artist known as Pitbull. The first is that I don't like the way he sounds. His lyrics are...well they're stupid. Sorry, just my personal opinion.

The second reason is that I cannot take him seriously because when I look at him all I see is Mr. Magoo. 

Mr. Magoo. 

If you're too young to know who that is, here you go:


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I dn't know why he's sweping the charts in US, all his songs sound the same with stupid lyrics, though the music is catchy.
And so you had a good Thanksgiving I see? Full of appreciation for the talents and aspirations realized and actualized by others.

Can you detect the sarcasm?

Lol, never thought of comparing him with Mr. Magoo. I always called him a fancy . LMFAO