
I don't celebrate Thanksgiving but that doesn't mean i shouldn't be thankful. 

I am thankful for the oportunity i have to meet amazing, talented and awesome people. I am also thankful for everyone that reads my work, that comments and subscribers and waits for updates. I am thankdful for the friends i made, for all the times we shared, through thick and thin and if you think that internet friendships are fake, you haven't met my friends :D They are amazing and always bring a smile on my face, sometimes a smile is all you need :D 

So thank you :





And thank you all who read my stories, no matter how freaky they are. Thanks for making me continue this crazy journey this fanfic writing was. When i began in 2012 i didn't think i would meet so many amazing people.

Love you all <3

Panda hugs! 

*y Ri picture coming*


So, if you are not dead from excessive nosebleeding and you can still read this, Thank you once again :D 

And for those in the US who celebrate Thanksgiving, i wish you the best :D 



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Awww :D I love you! And I too am thankful that we met and talk :D You are the best!!!
I love you too, Cass bear! You cheer me up and inspire me even in my lowest of times. Thank you so much for being my best panda pal :D
Taoris95 #3
Omo seungri! *dead