Editor Wannabe

Hey guys!!

So, AsianFanFics is one of the biggest things in my life, I think you would all agree too.

I can't imagine what I would be doing right now, if I hadn't known this website.

Anyways, I'm still young(#4evayoung) and I want to try different things and genres on AFF.

And now, I want to like be someone's editor.

Since, I was born and raised in Australia (with Taiwanese blood).

So, english is my first language. 

I really want to help edit someone's fanfic. 

Like, not edit the content, but I want to edit the grammar and spelling/typos.

So, this 'job' also includes, if you guys make typos, I can be the one fixing it for you guys.

I really hope someone can let me be their editor.

And if someone does let me edit their fanfic, just put me as a co-author, and in the foreword, explain that I am just editing....I feel like that's too complicated, but if you want me to be your editor, tell me!!!^^

Thanks guys!!!^^ <33



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Hi .. ill would love if you became my editor for my fanfic Unearthly is a SHINeee fanfic. Please reply if you are interested.
i might have a job for you :)