My iPod Problems

So today my iPod just decided to be ghetto and I don't even know what.

I went to make hot chocolate and then go to the bathroom and I had left my iPod on my bed.

I came back and it wouldn't turn on. I tried to unlock it and nothing would happen.

I asked my sister (Kady_S . Maybe some of you know her lol) and she said to plug it in. I did but it was almost fully charged because all I do with it all day is listen to music.

I plugged it in and nothing happened. Usually it would say like dead for a low battery.

I tried the hard reset, but it didn't work.

I just tried again for about one minute and it works fine but I was so scared. I thought I was gonna cry


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EXO-Girlfriend-is-me #1
That happened to me too and i was so worried I'll never see my wallpaper anymore after contemplating on whether its lowbat or not I tried to recharge it but nothing happened and it still won't open. After that I went to school feeling miserable, I asked my friends about the situation they said its an ipod sickness.
I went home after that and found my ipod open with 2% battery. Good lord helped much relieved hahaha
This happened to me a couple of days ago. Nothing has happened since so I kind of just forgot about it. I don't think worrying about it now will help anymore though so just be thankful it's still working